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Corte Bella Events
ASSOCIATION Corte Bella Events
HOA Sponsored Events:
“First Friday - Coffee with Pam”
Dates: (1st Friday of every month) Friday, September 3 Upcoming First Friday Chats: Friday, October 1 Friday, November 5 Bacara Room Time: 10:00 AM Cost: Free Event
Corte Bella’s Lifestyle Manager, Pam Lawrence invites you to exchange ideas, ask questions and get firsthand knowledge of what is happening in Corte Bella. Come have a coffee, a pastry and meet interesting people.
HOA Sponsored Events:
Food Truck Mondays
(Every Other Monday) Dates: Monday, September 13, 27 Monday, October 4, 25 Anacapa Parking Lot Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
If you’re looking for a dinner time treat on a Monday, come on down to the Anacapa parking lot and partake of offerings that will feature street food concepts of Asian fusion, Cajun, and Creole, Korean, Mediterranean, Mexican, Southern Soul food, Thai and, of course, pizza. A community eblast will alert the residents to which truck will be in attendance. Many trucks will allow preorder of menu items. Credit cards are accepted
Labor Day Dinner & Dance with Faded Jeans
Date: Monday, September 6 Santa Barbara Room Time: 6:30 PM Cost: $35 per person
It’s the end of summer celebration. Come celebrate the resilience and importance of the American worker and our economy. You’ll love the live music of the ever-popular Faded Jeans band – Corte Bella is so happy they will be with us again. Chef Dan and his staff will prepare Pan-Roasted Chicken with Garlic-Herb Butter, Beer -Braised Sausages with Slow Cooked Peppers and Onions, Macaroni and Cheese, Corn on the Cob, a variety of salads plus desserts. Plan to book your table for you and your friends. Tickets are on sale at the Fitness Center; no refunds.
Jason Love’s Comedy Night
Date: Friday, September 10 Santa Barbara Room Time: 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) Cost: $24 per person
Comedy Night comes again to bring you summer fun. Come enjoy three of LA’s best comedians for some good, clean, laughout-loud fun. Join Jason Love along with Tom Clark and Bryan Kellen – these guys are really funny! Tickets on sale at the Fitness Center Front desk; no refunds.
Cooking with Chef Dan “Taste of the Anacapa”
Join Executive Chef Day Haywood as he demonstrates favorite recipes from the Anacapa - Fresh Goat Cheese and Citrus Salad, Pan Seared Salmon, and Peanut Butter Pie. Seating is limited.
Tickets on sale in the Fitness Center; no refunds Sunday Cabaret with Thaddeus Rose Duo
Date: Sunday, September 19 Anacapa Time: 6:00 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM) Cost: $13 (entertainment only)
It’s a Corte Bella tradition that all are happy to welcome back. Plan to attend and dance to some great live music. The Anacapa will have a limited menu for purchase. Tickets on sale at the
Fitness Center; no refunds. Flu Shot Clinic (Walgreens)
Date: Saturday, September 25 Fitness Center Movement Room Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Protect yourself and get the recommended yearly influenza vaccination. Up to 20% of the country comes down with the flu every year. A flu shot protects you and your family members by creating a stronger immune system. Bring your insurance card and a valid ID card with you. Pneumonia shot available. Most insurances accepted (not Blue Cross Blue Shield Advantage). Pick up consent form at the Fitness Desk in advance. First come,
first serve; no signups required. September Wine Tasting to Cottonwood and Alcantara Vineyards
Date: Thursday, September 30 Bus trip to Cottonwood and vineyard Time: Depart Anacapa Parking Lot at 8:30 AM, return to Corte Bella at 4:30 PM Cost: $145 per person (includes bus transportation, cost of lunch, and wine tasting at vineyard)
the wine tasting rooms there and the community’s quaint shops. After visiting Cottonwood, our group will travel to Alcantara Vineyards for lunch and to enjoy a special wine tasting. This trip is a great way to get to know some of the wonderful wineries and vineyards in this area. Tickets are available at the Fitness
Center; no refunds. Corte Bella Blood Donation Drive
with Vitalant Blood Services Date: Thursday, October 7 Anacapa Parking Lot Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Free Event
Be a hero and donate blood so that others may live. All interested residents should register and make an appointment prior to the date of the blood-collection drive. If you’ve any eligibility questions, call 877-258-4825 (vitalant.org). You can also learn if you have antibodies that could help patients that are battling COVID-19. Contact Pam Lawrence at 623-328-5068 ext.224 or visit Bloodhero.com (Sponsor code: CorteBella). All donors
must bring and wear a mask. Corte Bella’s Annual Fall Festival with Thaddeus Rose Trio
Date: Monday, October 11 Anacapa Breezeway and Patio Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Cost: $35 per person
This is it! Make plans now for this annual event that is “the” Corte Bella landmark party. Celebrate the wonderful beginning of the great social events that are held through the end of the year. Anacapa Chef Dan Haywood and his crew will have food stations to serve delicious selections for your dining pleasure. You’ll enjoy dancing to Thaddeus Rose Duo on the patio under the stars in the wonderful Arizona night. Tickets on sale at the Fitness
Center; no refunds Farmer’s Market – 1st of the Season
Date: Wednesday, October 13 Anacapa Breezeway and Patio Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Cost: Free Event
Here it is – the first of the season for our market. Come check it out and support small businesses. There will be a variety of vendors and a great selection of products to chose from. Come and check it out!
Wine and Dine Dinner
Date: Monday, October 18 Santa Barbara Room Time: 6:00 PM Cost: to be announced
Plan to attend this wonderful evening of fine dining paired to wonderful wines. The menu and the wines are carefully selected for your enjoyment. Here’s a chance for you to experience all of this right here in Corte Bella. Seating is limited. Tickets on sale
at the Fitness Center on Sunday, September 5 at 2:00 PM; no refunds.
Day Trip to Algodones, Mexico
Date: Wednesday, October 20 Bus trip to the border town Time: 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Depart from the Anacapa parking lot Cost: $45 per person
Travel by bus to the border with Mexico and shop for art, pottery, tequila, prescription medication, and enjoy authentic Mexican food. This trip requires a valid passport. Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes. Tickets on sale in the Fitness
Center on Sunday, September 5 after 2:00 PM; no refunds Corte Bella’s Annual Health Fair
Date: Sunday, October 24 Santa Barbara Room and Patio Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Cost: Free Event
This event will bring health professional and their services right to our social hall. You’ll be able to talk to various health-related companies and take a look at what they offer. Plan to attend and check out what’s new in the health field.
Anacapa Special Event:
Anacapa’s Annual Octoberfest Buffet
Date: Wednesday, October 27 Anacapa and Santa Barbara Room Cost: to be announced Time: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Roll out the Barrel … and plan to be at the Anacapa to enjoy traditional German foods prepared just for this event. There will be live entertainment with Dale Mathis on the accordion. Wear your lederhosen and dirndl while you enjoy really good food, and have lots of fun with your friends and neighbors. Reserve your
table now. Call 623-455-9045 for reservations.
HOA Sponsored Events:
Cooking with Chef Dan
Join Executive Chef Danial Haywood for his second of the Fall cooking classes. You’ll learn techniques and experience new recipes. Seating is limited. Watch for an announcement on the menu theme. Tickets on sale at the Fitness Center on Sunday,