Project: SDG To Architecture

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Sustainable Development Goal to Architecture GROUP 9 | Ms. Tamil Salvi Alyssa Nasrina Faizal.


Angelina Wong Yun Hui.


Elmyra Farisha Abdillah.


Kok Zi Yan.


Sandra Lee May Ee.


Rayyan Shirhan Mahir.


Lee Peng Yuan.


Ng Jiin Li.


Samerjit Singh Sidhu.


Yap Eon Sheng.


Copyright © 2021 Group No 9 All rights reserved. ISBN:

DEDICATION To our most respectful lecturers, Ms Tamil Salvi Mari & Ms Sujatavani A/P Gunasagaran alongside with Mr. Axxu Hoi who helped us throughout this assignment by giving us feedback and guidance during every tutorial in order to assist us in improving our work.

CONTENTS 1. Introduction

Pg 1

2. SDG 07 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Pg 2

3. SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

Pg 3-4

4. Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)

Pg 5

5. Target 7.1 Universal Access to Modern Energy

Pg 6-8

6. Target 7.1.2: Universal Access to Modern Energy

Pg 7-10

7. Target 7.2.1: Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy

Pg 11-12

8. Target 7.3.1: Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy

Pg 13-16

9. Target 7.A: Promote Access to Research, Technology and Investments in Clean Energy

Pg 17-18

10. Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus

Pg 19-20

11. Target 12.2: Material Footprint

Pg 21-24

12. Target 12.4: Hazardous Waste Generation

Pg 25-26

13. Target 12.5 Recycling Rate

Pg 27-28

14. Target 12.8: Understanding of Sustainable Lifestyle

Pg 29

15. References

Pg 30

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Foreword, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation towards our excellent team members, Samerjit Sidhu, Alyssa Nasrina, Sandra Lee, Kok Zi Yan, Elmyra Farisha, Rayyan Shirhan Mahir, Ng Jiin Li, Angelina Wong, Lee Peng Yuan and Yap Eon sheng. Everyone did a handful of excellent job and have given their utmost contribution and collaboration towards the success of this report. We would also like to extend our appreciation to our tutor, Dr Salvi, for the endless guidance, encouragement and support throughout this entire module and semester. We have learned and applied these sustainable design policies into our daily practices


Under the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an international plan for all countries to eradicate poverty, protect the environment, and promote prosperity for everyone. They acknowledge that reducing poverty and other deprivations must be coupled with initiatives that promote health and education, reduce inequality, and drive economic growth through their 17 objectives. The 17 Sustainable Progress Goals are based on the environment, and they recognize that actions in one area will have an impact on others, and that development must strike a balance between social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Dealing with the threat of climate change has an impact on how we manage our finite natural resources, develop gender equality, enhance health, aid in poverty eradication, promote peace, and assist economies in growing. Countries have agreed to priorities progress for the poorest countries as part of the pledge to "Leave No One Behind." Overall, the SDGs aim to achieve a number of life-changing "zeroes," such as zero poverty, hunger, AIDS, and gender discrimination. The role of architecture in the development agenda necessitates a deeper dive by focusing not only on urbanisation and migration, but also on overlapping issues such as land use, living space, mass housing, and design, all of which can be operationalized, as well as climate change, which poses a unique set of challenges related to global health. Environment and development are inextricably linked, and they must be carefully integrated into the design process in order to produce ecologically friendly designs and achieve long-term development.



SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy

"Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all."


By 2030 ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. This requires universal access to electricity by 2030. 7.2

By 2030 ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. This requires universal to clean fuels and technologies for cooking by 2030. 7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. 7.A Enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology by 2030. 7.B Expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries by 2030.


SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.

"To ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns".

TARGETS 12.1 Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries. 12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. 12.3 By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. 12.4 By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment. 12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. 12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle. 12.7 Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities. 12.8 By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. 12.A Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production. 3


12.B Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. 12.C Rationalize inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market distortions, in accordance with national circumstances, including by restructuring taxation and phasing out those harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impacts, taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing the possible adverse impacts on their development in a manner that protects the poor and the affected communities



Built Environment/Architecture responses to SDG 07: Affordable & Clean Energy The built environment contributes to ensuring access to affordable reliable, sustainable and modern energy through improvements of access to clean and safe cooking fuels and technologies, expanding the use of renewable energy beyond the electricity sector and increase of electrification in 3rd World countries.

Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia, (PAM) Centre Low energy Consumption Office Building by HMA & Associates (Ar. Mohd Heikal bin Hasan) Jalan Tandok, Bukit Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Responses 1. 2. 3. 4.

Enforce the use of generated electricity at a moderate rate. Rooftop Photovoltaic solar panels to increase surface area exposure to solar energy. Rooftop Photovoltaic solar panels to increase surface area exposure to solar energy. Passive design strategies and active energy efficient systems to achieve optimal human comfort while conserving energy. 5. Passive design strategies and active energy efficient systems to achieve optimal human comfort while conserving energy. 6. Reuse of an old building to transfer cost towards building systems while including international involvement.

Challenges The land initially had a 4-storey building with the intention of developing the building into an architect-driven centre for contemporary arts. The challenge was to impose a low energy consumption and cost-saving building and achieve the highest GBI Rating of Platinum.

Contributions High technological equipment and green energy systems planted all over the building reduces economical & environmental concerns and enhances thermal comfort.

Front elevation of PAM Centre Microsite Plan of PAM Centre




Indicator 7.1.1 is the proportion of population with access to electricity. This is measured as the share of people with electricity access at the household level. It comprises electricity sold commercially, both on-grid and off-grid.

Responses 1. Enforce the use of generated electricity at a moderate rate.

Challenges The excessive use of electricity to power lighting in local buildings poses a challenge on the designer to design a building that provides cost saving and energy saving solutions while ensuring adequate lighting and cooling is available. Contributions

Digital Photo & Motion Sensors The digital photo and motion sensors are used to control the use of lighting and water in the building by only switching on when human motion is detected. The building installed these sensors along corridors that pass by the office and meeting rooms. Figure 1.1 showcases that the Digital Motion Sensors are placed along corridors on every floor to detect human motion in order to light up. Using a power consumption range of 0.5 to 8W per bulb, which is a very low consumption rate when compared to a low consumption bulb that uses 30W.



Figure 1.1 Digital Motion Sensor System

Energy Saving Fans The Energy saving fans placed at the building atriums saves up to 30% of the buildings electricity by pushing warm air trapped at the ceiling down to the floor. Figure 1.2 showcases the energy saving fan from Big Ass Fans that are placed at the atriums of the building, reducing the need for air-conditioning at public areas.

Figure 1.2 Air Movement

Energy Monitoring Via Digital Power Meters Digital power meter is a smart meter device which aids in controlling load profile with the purpose of avoiding high consumption at peak loads all at once. Digital power meters in the PAM Centre building are located at the rooftop connected to the air conditioning systems that are widely used throughout rooms provided in the upper levels of the building. It is also used to monitor energy consumption hence, contributing to reducing costs and pollution. Figure 1.3 showcases the energy monitoring via digital power metres to control overall building electricity consumption rates connected to a compressor of the HVAC system equipment, monitored by Syabas, a local water concession company.



High Cop VRF HVAC System VRF defines as 'Variable Refrigerant Flow' and HVAC defines as “Heating, Ventilation and Air Cooling” is an air conditioning system used in PAM Centre to provide sufficient environmental and thermal comfort throughout the building. VRF is a HVAC technology that uses a refrigerant as the cooling and heating medium. The refrigerant in a VRF System that is conditioned by a single outdoor condensing unit and circulates the building and enters multiple indoor units without the benefit of ductwork. Figure 1.4 is a High Cop VRF (Variable refrigerant flow) HVAC System technology which allows 40 to 50 percent efficiency improvement by operating only at the speed necessary to meet the demand of the building, hence, permitting significant energy savings at partial load conditions.

Supply Air Duct

Cold Air Supplied to Air-Cond Units in PAM Office Rooms.

Digital Power Metre Air Handler

1.3 Digital Power Metre

Cooling Coils Compressor


Control Fan Filter Electric Line

Cold Air Sucked Back In

1.4 VRF HVAC System Flow Figure 1.3 Digital Power Metre & Figure 1.4 VRF HVAC System Flow


7.1.2 7.1


Indicator 7.1.2 is the proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology. This is measured as the share of the total population with access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking. Access to clean fuels or technologies such as clean cookstoves reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants, a leading cause of death in low-income households.

Responses 1. Fuel-saving vehicle features reduces dependability on fossil fuels.

Challenges Hybrid vehicle charging pods provided at the outdoor parking lots encourages the use of clean fuel vehicles which are more efficient for city driving. Hence, promotes eco-friendly. transportation alternatives among visitors that visit the building.

Contributions Hybrid Vehicle Charging Stations (Plug-In). Hybrid vehicle charging pods provided at the outdoor parking lots encourages the use of clean fuel vehicles which are more efficient for city driving. Hence, promotes eco-friendly transportation alternatives among visitors that visit the building. Figure 2.1 showcases the plan view location of the hybrid vehicle charging station at which it is located at the front of the building facing Jalan Tandon, which is easily accessible for visitors. Figure 2.2 showcases the components of the hybrid vehicle charging station which uses AC Charging, hence it consumes less electricity from the electric grid as compared to DC Charging.



Figure 2.1 Location Plan & Figure 2.2 AC Fast Charging Station

Figure 2.3 exhibits the elevation view location of the hybrid vehicle charging station located at the front of the building, beside the main entrance, making it easily accessible and close to the building.

Figure 2.3 Elevation View

Figure 2.4 exhibits an image of the EVSE charging equipment located at the parking area for hybrid vehicles.


7.2 Target 7.2.1: Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy

Indicator 7.2.1 is renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption. This is measured as renewable energy (inclusive of solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, bioenergy and marine sources) as a share of final (not primary) energy consumption. Energy mix includes electricity, transportation and cooking/heating fuels.

Responses 1. Rooftop Photovoltaic solar panels to increase surface area exposure to solar energy.

Challenges The position of the building poses a challenge for the designer as the facades of the building that is most exposed to the sun (East and West facade) are directly blocked by adjacent buildings. Thus, vertically placed PV Cells, although able to generate more renewable energy, may not be able to capture much solar energy.

Contributions Photovoltaic Panels A non-mechanical panel that converts sunlight directly into electricity. Figure 3.1 shows the photovoltaic solar panels placed as part of the roof causes it to occupy a lesser surface area in order to increase its exposure to the sun. Hence, generating only 5-6% of the buildings energy usage but receives maximum exposure to solar energy.



Figure 3.1 Solar Panel on the Roofing

Figure 3.2 shows the energy generated based on the usage of PV (photovoltaic) cells and its contribution to power up building equipment, primarily the lighting systems as well as acts a roofing system for PAM.

Figure 3.2 Building Equipment Powered by PV cells


7.3 Target 7.3.1: Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy

Indicator 7.3.1 is energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP. This is measured as the energy intensity of economies (collectively across all sectors). Energy intensity is measured as the quantity of kilowatt-hours produced per 2011 international-$ of gross domestic product (kWh per 2011 int-$).

Responses 1. Passive design strategies and active energy efficient systems to achieve optimal human comfort while conserving energy.

Challenges The big consumption on electricity to create an environment within spaces that is optimal for human comfort but at the same time requires less energy to cool and heat.

Contributions Passive Design is a natural technique of reducing or gaining heat whilst reducing carbon footprint without the help of artificial systems for heating and cooling. Figure 4.1 shows a Ventilation diagram. Openings provided on all sides of the building allows cross ventilation. Stepped atriums and open stairs areas allows stack ventilation. Double skin facade of the building ventilates all spaces; reduces need for 24-hour Air-Conditioning and Electric Fans.



Figure 4.1 Cross & Stock Ventilation

Figure 4.2 shows a Shading diagram.

Egg crate external sun shading device terminates the need of 24 hours cooling systems. Trees planted vertically and, on the ground, reduces glare and provides shade on all sides of the building. Perforated fins on the facade blocks out harsh glares and provides thermal comfort. Reduces need for 24-hour Air-Conditioning and Electric Fans. Figure 4.3 shows a Cooling diagram. Low-E double glazed tempered glass to maintain cool air within the building. Reduces need for 24-hour Air-Conditioning and Electric Fans.

Figure 4.2 Egg-Crate Shading Diagram & Low-E Double Glazed Glass


7.3 Target 7.3: Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy

Indicator 7.3.1 is energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP. This is measured as the energy intensity of economies (collectively across all sectors). Energy intensity is measured as the quantity of kilowatt-hours produced per 2011 international-$ of gross domestic product (kWh per 2011 int-$).

Responses 1. Passive design strategies and active energy efficient systems to achieve optimal human comfort while conserving energy.

Challenges The big consumption on electricity to create an environment within spaces that is optimal for human comfort but at the same time requires less energy to cool and heat.

Contributions Active Energy Efficiency Systems Active Energy Systems are required for maintaining thermal comfort and achieve desired environmental conditions within a space constantly. Figure 5.1 shows the building automation. Digital power meters consist of photo and motion sensors to control general lighting and water usage. Reduces overall energy consumption rate. Figure 5.2 shows Cooling system High COP VRF System provides cooling with reduced energy consumption. Energy saving fans provides air movement throughout the building at low energy levels. Reduces energy consumption rates by 11-22%.



Figure 5.3 shows the Rainwater Harvesting Offsets potable/grey water for flushing and irrigation. Reduces water consumption water supply from local reservoirs. Replaces 40-50% of main water usage from local reservoirs, Available water supply during water cuts. Figure 5.4 shows varying innovations. Hybrid vehicle charging stations and bicycle racks. Encourages clean fuel methods of transportation among PAM visitors and building occupants.

Figure 5.3 High Cop VRF Systems Figure 5.1 Digital Motion Sensors

Figure 5.4 Rainwater Harvesting

Figure 5.5 Energy Saving Fans

Figure 5.5 Hybrid Charging Vehicle



Target 7.A: Promote Access to Research, Technology and Investments in Clean Energy.

Indicator 7.A.1 is international financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, including in hybrid systems.

Responses 1. Reuse of an old building to transfer cost towards building systems while including international involvement.

Challenges The implementation of energy saving systems and renewable energy source requires a high investment and building cost challenges the designer to incorporate all building systems at a reasonable spending cost.

Contributions Sponsored Building Equipment by International Companies. The involvement of international companies through sponsorship of building equipment allows more buildings funds to be allocated towards technology and investments for renewable energy, rainwater harvesting and hybrid vehicle charging. Table 6.1 exhibits the involvement of major international companies; Breezeway, Big Ass Fans and LaFarge towards the building's sustainability goals.




Breezeway Australia


Sponsored motorized louvres that can be closed and open depending on the weather.

Big Ass Fan US



Sponsored energy savings fans that are high quality and long lasting.

Sponsored Cement as a sustainable building material.

Figure 6.1 Table of Foreign Cooperation’s Sponsors towards PAM Centre



Built Environment/Architecture responses to SDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production

The built environment ensures the responsible consumption and production through 'doing more and better with less increasing net welfare gains from economic activities. by reducing resource use, degradation, and pollution, while increasing the quality of life. Sustainable development will be achieved not only by growing our economies but minimizing waste in the process of doing so. Growth that contaminates the environment sets development back.

Taylor's Lakeside Campus University Building by NWKA Architects Sdn Bhd 1, Jalan Taylors, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor

Responses 1. Building in the form of modular system concept to emphasize more on open spaces and minimize over-usage of materials. 2. Window are emphasized to increase natural lighting being diffused into the space, reducing the amount of artificial lighting. 3. Use of conventional lighting such as T5 fluorescent lighting and LED lighting that are energy and cost efficient. 4. Implementation of rainwater harvesting, to optimize water usage and eliminate usage of portable water. 5. Hydrocarbon refrigerant is used in most of the air conditioning system as it is non-toxic and has no ozone depleting properties. 6. Passive ventilation reduces the air-condition usage and hydrocarbon refrigerant used to reduced generated pollutants. 7. The Campus Facilities Management has created a partnership with the students’ Community Services Initiatives (CSI), various Academic Schools and organizations to drive recycling initiative for organics wastes and construction-related waste. 8. Programs and initiatives are implemented to raise awareness of recycling on campus Recycling containers are installed across the campus. 9. Promotes sustainability studies through modules that emphasized and majoring in environmental related careers



Challenges The design and the purpose of the University was initially to develop a sustainable building and academic hub. The challenge was to impose a low energy consumption and costsaving building to achieve the Green Building Index (GBI) rating and sustainable architecture.

Contributions Sustainable materials and low-energy technology are implemented throughout the building aids in reducing emission of harmful gases and environmental concerns, while maintaining the cost-saving and eco-friendly initiative.

Front Elevation of Taylor’s University

Floor Plan of Taylor’s University



Target 12.2: Material footprint

Indicator 12.2.1 is material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP.

Responses 1. Building in the form of modular system concept to emphasize more on open spaces and minimized over-usage of materials. 2. Window are emphasized to increase natural lighting being diffused into the space, reducing the amount of artificial lighting. 3. Use of conventional lighting such as T5 fluorescent lighting and LED lighting that are energy and cost efficient. 4. Implemented rainwater harvesting, to optimize water usage and eliminate usage of portable water. 5. Exposed exterior finishing to reduce overall material footprint.

Challenges Inefficient and insufficient research of usage and choices of material with high environmental effect poses a challenge to the designer as they are unaware of the insufficient and inefficient amount of choices of materials that are recyclable, biodegradable and reusable hence, creating a big impact on the material consumption.

Contributions Usage of pre-stressed concrete. The load-bearing characteristics of the building structure are reduced when prestressed concrete is used. Prestressed concrete leads to a more sustainable conclusion by emitting fewer dangerous chemicals that threaten our health and the environment. Steel and bare concrete are used less frequently, highlighting the need of maintaining an environmentally friendly atmosphere. The overall steel and beams are able to be recycled which reduces the material footprint for future projects. Figure 7.1 how pre-stressed concrete was used as the principal construction material to maintain the structure and increase the building's tensile strength without the need of unnecessary steel beams.



Figure 7.1 Pre-Stressed Concrete

Modular system for building organization and layout The flexibility of the layout, which is in the shape of a "H," leads to more open spaces and reduces the need of pre-stressed and raw concrete finishes because it requires less maintenance. This provides for a cost-effective maintenance and restoration campaign. Figure 7.2 depicts the modularity of the university's Blocks A, C, and D, which emphasize open spaces that allow for greater natural lighting and ventilation. The use of concrete is minimized, as evidenced by the building's finishing.

Figure 7.2 Modularity System

Usage of energy-saving lighting in common areas The use of T5 fluorescent lighting and LED in the common areas, such as hallways, staircases and lecture theatres as it occupies a wide range of space. Hence this reduces the energy consumption. The remaining open spaces uses natural lighting, and this emphasizes a passive design strategy to maintain sufficient daylight into the building. Figure 7.3 shows lighting fixtures are mostly installed in the hallways connecting academic blocks and staircases as it poses a wider radius and space hence energy and cost-saving lighting are used.


Figure 7.3 Passive Daylighting & LED Lights

Pitch roof system A pitched roof is in contrast to a flat roof which, technically, is any roof with a slope less than 10°. Taylors has adapted this typology of roof in response to its hot climate to provide immense shading. The pitch roof also contributes with long eaves extending out providing maximum shading for the users. Furthermore, it is a way of collecting rainwater. Overall, the design for Taylor's roof is a smooth sloping roof which performs the best quality for harvesting water. Figure 7.4 shows the pitch roof system that is designed and implemented in a way to reduce the water pressure and enhance the rainwater harvesting method proposed by Taylors.

Figure 7.4 Rainwater Harvesting System

Exposed Finishing To put it simply, exposed aggregate is a form of finish in which the top layer is removed to reveal the aggregates, such as stones and sand. Taylors' architecture is based on its structure. The basic philosophy of this method is to limit the use of interior finishing by creating a very raw, yet still rough, unfinished surface appearance, hence lowering overall material use. As a result, a reduction in the net material usage in the whole project itself.



Figure 7.5 shows the exposed ventilation, lighting, fire safety systems, ventilation pipes and electrical wiring to have a characteristic of a minimalistic look with the usage of them as a decorative element whilst reducing the overall material footprint around the building.

Figure 7.5 Exposed Exterior



Target 12.4: Hazardous waste generation

Indicator 12.4.2 is hazardous waste generated per capita and proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment.

Responses 1. Exhaust ventilation system reduce the generated pollutants into the environment. 2. Passive ventilation reduces the air-condition usage and hydrocarbon refrigerant is used in most of the air conditioning system as it is non-toxic and has no ozone depleting properties.

Challenges The engagement and participation of user within the university and the amenities provided poses a challenge as the designer needs to provide and fulfill the standards and protocols listed as their safety and health and wellbeing are the number one priority.

Contributions Exhaust ventilation system Constant extraction of air to keep the air clean and fresh. Exhausting fumes and channels commonly installed in the kitchen and bathroom helps to reduce the generated pollutants off the spaces with negative pressure implied. Figure 8.1 is an exhaust ventilation system where the indoor air is continuously extracted to the outdoors with one or more fans often located in the bathrooms. Mechanical extract system is mostly used in bathrooms and kitchens where there is a need for constant extraction of contaminated air.



Figure 8.1 Exhaust ventilation system in Block E, Toilet

Passive Ventilation & Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Passive ventilation is used throughout the building as it is maximized through the open spaces and common area throughout the day, reducing the need for usage of air-conditions and other ventilation technology. The passive ventilation provides cooling all throughout the building eventually decreasing the overall electrical usage and CFC emission into the environment. In addition, hydrocarbon refrigerant is used in air-conditions system contributes minimal to zero potential of global warming. Hydrocarbon is also a low-cost energy saving chemical which is a common alternative to replace chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) that is linked to a high risk of ozone layer damage. Figure 8.3 shows the cross-ventilation system integrated by using open spaces frontal and back of the building. Passive Ventilation reduces need for 24-hour Air-Conditioning. Therefore, reduces the release of CFC into the environment.

Figure 8.2 Cross-Ventilation of Block E


12.5 Target 12.5: Recycling rates

Indicator 12.5.1 is the national recycling rate, tons of material recycled.

Responses 1. The Campus Facilities Management has created a partnership with the students’ Community Services Initiatives (CSI) and various Academic Schools and organizations to drive recycling initiative for organics wastes and construction-related waste. 2. Programs and initiatives are implemented to raise awareness of recycling on campus Recycling containers are installed across the campus.

Challenges Excessive use of non-biodegradable items, non-recyclable items and high voltage of technology usage that promotes high percentage of chemical emissions possess a challenge to the university to lower the consumption of these materials within the campus grounds and maintain a lowenergy rating

Contributions Community Services Initiatives (CSI) The Campus Facilities Management has created an excellent partnership with the students’ Community Services Initiatives (CSI) and various Academic Schools and other Support organizations to drive Recycling initiative for organics wastes and construction-related waste from major projects. Figure 9.1 shows one of the collaborations banners with SABD on creating and managing a recycle booth machine that encourages student to recycle their old fabrics and garments.



Figure 9.1 Banner of the Recycling Initiative

Recycling Centers Taylors University has started taking various steps to reduce environmental impacts. Programs and initiatives will be implemented to raise awareness of recycling on campus among all students, staff, faculty, and visitors of university facilities and events. Figure 8.2 shows the additional Recycling Centers have been created and Recycling Containers are installed across the campus.

Figure 9.2 Recycling Centre and Recycling Containers at Block B


12.8 Target 12.8: Understanding of sustainable lifestyles

Indicator 12.8.1 is the Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development (including climate change education) are mainstreamed.

Responses 1. Promotes sustainability studies through modules that emphasized and majoring in environmental related careers

Challenges Balancing and manifesting a sustainable lifestyle as a full-time student and a young adult is considered challenging and time consuming hence it poses a challenge for the university administration and student council to promote students to incorporate and practicing it in their daily routine.

Contributions Promotes sustainability studies TULC promotes sustainability studies through modules that emphasizes and majors in environmental related careers such as architectural and building majors. These are introduced in terms of module-based learning whereby the subject is being implemented in their learning outcomes and understandings. Figure 10.1 shows modules such as Sustainable Design, Policies & Regulations alongside Architecture and Environment. Sustainable studies extension as well as free sustainable programs are also offered to both architectural and non-architectural students

Figure 10.1 Posters and Modules Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle



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