Architecture Portfolio

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p o r t f o l i o A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O a r c h i t e c t u r e Ng Jiin Li (Lily) | Bsc (Hons) in Architecture 2022

Final Year

Semester 6 & Semester 5

C i r c l e & F o l d i n g
final semester project | Circle' | Project Introduction & Site Analysis
final semester project | Circle' | Project Introduction & Site Analysis
filling in the gap lifestyle State of Calmness filling in the gap site material program half fill scrap material completion Use certain thing till the full extent of its lifecycle. giving a space to create purpose to life. creativity expertise education calmness h i e r a r c h y o f s p a c e final semester project | Circle' | Design Strategy & Exploration

A Span of the Circle - A Woodworking Center Circle.

When it's a cycle, it's constantly a loop that you are creating. But this loop always is completed. But what can be added more life to it?

Providing them a chance to inject a lifespan of themselves via woodcraft magic. Scraps of leftovers fusing with the people's creative make-do behavior becomes a Circle of Life. The center imprints the root of a nature's program in looking a brighter side of Ipoh - through the eyes of the birds, the trees & the branches. What story could be derived from this side of the story?

into the Routine New Norm final semester project | Circle' | Design Strategy & Exploration


The purpose is not to produce perfect pieces, but to turn these existing materials into something more meaningful whilst in a soothing and therapeutic process.

All in all to form the sentiment in achieving serenity during the process of woodworking where it describes best the lifestyle in Ipoh.

Massing 1 Massing 2 Massing 3

Starting off the first massing model by forming the ideation in terms of the form and contextual consideration

The second massing model is experimenting with the spaces of the program of choice and create spatial experience levels by levels

The third massing model is forming the idea of the exposed structure on the facade while implementing spaces levels by levels, create stretch and gaps in between the levels

OutdoorBalcony toimplementmoreoutdoorarea withinspacesandcreatepocket spaceforuserstorest

Green Strategies

Atrium toallowedairtocirculateandalso rainwatertoenterandcollectin waterfeaturebelow


Openingsontheroofcreatespace foratreethatgrowsuptothelevel andcanbelookedfromthefacade

WaterFeature toimproveairqualityanddecrease surroundingairtemperatures

VerticalLouvres tomanageandcontroltheamount ofsunlightthatcancomintothe buildingandavoiddirectsunlight

Materiality & Architectural Detailing

Aluminum Metal Roof lightweight & durable, easy maintenance, a long lifespan

Cedar Wood Flooring highly resistant to rot and termites due to its natural resins. Highly resistant to humidity

Grasscrete environmentally friendly with selfdrains extremely well embraces recycling in a sustainable ecosystem

Polished Concrete Floor low maintenance and highly-durable material Scale: NTS Scale: NTS
Scale: NTS
Scale NTS Scale NTS
Scale NTS
Sca e NTS
Scale: NTS
Scale NTS
Section A Scale: NTS
Scale NTS
B Scale: NTS
Scale NTS
Scale: NTS
semester 5 final project | 'Folding' | Project Introduction & Site Analysis
semester 5 final project | 'Folding' | Project Introduction & Site Analysis

A creative Community Program - An Art Preservation Center Folding.

By using the concept of Folding, to create more ‘folds’, more interweaving patterns in the spaces and bringing people in, despite the locals or non-locals. To team up with each of the individuals and listen to the needs and experiences of the existing users then they can do their part in creating a better community culture.

semester 5 final project | 'Folding' | Design Strategy & Exploration

/layers of folds.

From my perspective, the city is like a ‘Folding Crumpled’, the folded areas are also known as the leftover spaces/ void. The folds are created by the different scale and proportion of the building/solid. The dissection of the compressed layers of building and found the folding spaces. I think the folds itself have a great deal of potential to create place to expressive personal creativity. Where I actually got inspired by the creative art work that are located at the ‘folds’. semester 5 final project | 'Folding' | Design Strategy & Exploration

/layers of people.

The relevance of public spaces as social places is emphasised by issues of social sustainability in Medan Pasar. The density of the human interaction in spaces are imbalance and created a contrast due to the human engagement and the hierarchy of needs. A lot of shops are closed down due to the pandemic and businesses activities are being interfered. This caused the transition in the human density and interaction on the site.

/layers of buildings.

The journey by walking into the city give a sense of curiosity due to the hierarchy of the form and scale of the building. As if the city is perhaps a folding layers and layers of different scale and proportion of buildings and created layers of spatial experience to the users. Views of the layers of buildings that are built in different time and century, from old to modern and from there created solid and void in between the buildings. semester 5 final project | 'Folding' | Design Strategy & Exploration

Creative Community Program

[collection at the art

Primary aim of art conservation is to stabilize the work from further damage while retaining the maximum amount of original material and secondary is to improve the appearance of the work of art.


Scale: NTS

Scale: NTS

Scale: NTS

Scale: NTS

/section B.

Scale: NTS

A R C H I T E C T U R E P O R T F O L I O Ng Jiin Li (Lily) | Bsc (Hons) in Architecture 2022 end.

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