Dreaming Poetry

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Dreaming Poetry

By: Gaby Alonso April 2018

Dedication to Zenia and Melanie

Table of Contents Despondent (alliteration)................................. 3-4 Linda Belle (assonance).................................... 5-6 7th Grade Grind (onomatopoeia)................................. 7-8 The Pencil (personification)............................. 9-10 Candle Light (imagery).................................... 11-12 Into the Night (rhyme)...................................... 13-14 E.R (simile, metaphor)........................... 15-16 Frijolito (tone)....................................... 17-18 Party Life (mood)....................................... 19-20 The Struggle is Real (hyperbole).................................. 21-22 *Allusion Poem* (allusion)................................... 23-24 Stereo Hearts (sonnet)..................................... 25-26



Despondent Dani was dumbfounded. She worried about all her homework, While walking to dance. She dreamed of being like Daisy who moved like the wind. When it started to drizzle, She dashed for cover. Shut out by her friends She was depressed and distraught As she ran to her home. Dying inside, she went to her room and shut the door. Dragging her feet and gasping for air. Dreaming of the day, she wouldn't feel despondent.




Linda Belle


Linda Belle, inseparable from me. The apple of my eye. My little baby. Walking around wondering about the life ahead of her. Looking up to the sky with a twinkle in her eye she dreams of the life ahead. Having fun and making friends her growing never ends. When she falls and gets hurt she thinks of the troubles ahead. She pick her head up high and looks to the shy dreaming of the life ahead. Growing old and wise she dreams of the life she once had. Those good old days running around are now memories of her past. Dreaming of the life she once had. No longer able to stand she lays down and dreams of the new life ahead.



7th Grade Grind Barely making it on time, I hear the bell that annoying chime. Bing, Bing, Bing. Morning announcements are just a bore all I hear is yada yada yada. Trying to stay awake, I hear booms from the class next door. Wait till the morning ends. I dream of the best part of the day. At lunch, I hear the stomp, stomp, stomp of kids feet running toward the food. Ugghh, drama being passed around before the bells rings. We put our plates down and load them into the bin making a clash. Ring, ring, ring go the bells, and I feel a pound of dread on my back. Hear the roaring of the chairs. I wonder what we are going to learn. The sound of typing. Tick, tick, tick fills the air. The desks hit each other. Bang! Everyone is talking and typing waiting for‌ BRRRIIIINNNNNNNGGGG 3:15, the bell rings, and everyone rushes out going to practice or home or anywhere. A normal school day in the life of a 7th grader. Onomatopoeia



The Pencil A man relaxing on the beach. His pencil moving like a cheetah. His mind is churning like a machine. The waves sway in the ocean so insync. The birds dancing in the air. The man draws the stunning view. His pencil drifts as the wind pushes the trees. Soon the sun will set. Letting the pencil have a rest. But the next day will wake and start again. Day after day the pencil slays. Soon it's torture will be done. One day the water calm as if it’s gone. The man done with his art. He sighs realizing the pencil will soon be gone. The pencil being thrown away as garbage. Not being remembered. A forgotten memory. It started a thing that makes history.



The power is out and the night is dark. The light of the candle fills the room like a forest fire. The fire sways back and forth like the ocean breeze. The smell takes you to a place of happiness and faith. But again the bombs go off and candles turn off never to be lit again. The aroma still drifts in the air a sense of tension taking over. The power back on, it’s tastes like relief but not for long. Electricity off again, the candle not seen. All of a sudden the huge blast of lights take you by surprise. The smell is like a field of flowers in bloom. Wishing life could be as sweet and the fragrance it brings.

Candle Light Imagery




Into the Night I'm trying to be honest I'm not the smartest or the calmest But I know when to cheer you up Through thick and thin even though he have hiccups I'll always have your back Even if we are miles apart i'll be there to attack When you got sick and lonely I lay awake, hoping u were glee I realized I was wrong You were like a sad song No changing what happened that night You couldn't keep it in any longer you let yourself go out of sight.





Running as fast as a cheetah Trying to excape from the monster I was pushed arond like a pin ball I heard my arm crack like pop rocks I was rushed to the nurse But they just gave me ice and sent me back into the jungle I couldnt stand the pain I went back The nurse said I broke my arm! They called my parents but they didn't answer So I called my cousin asking if he told take to the hospital He picked me up took me there and now my arm was trapped In a purple cast for months

Simile/ Metaphor




So loving and sweet He flies to me and sings in my ear Having fun with toys He loves to spend time with me Biting and scratching He sceams in the mornign when the sun rises Not stoping until I take him out He tries to fly away and tries to exspace He says his name And loves to talk to me He some friends So Ill get him one





Party Life Free


Free like a bird. I ride on the motorcycles. Having fun I feel great. I have no strings to hold me down. My hair soars in the wind Nothing can stop me now. My problems drift away, I'm in the clouds Hanging out with my friends I hope this never ends

Being pushed around like a doll. I feel trapped like a caged animal. Being told what to do. Shoved I lay weak. Wanting to leave this torture i'm grabbed and thrown in again. Waiting and praying this party would end. Being told what to do and pressured to do so. I feel like i'm at the zoo. Locked up. Never to see the light of day again.



The Struggle is Real I'm assigned pounds of work, everyday Any time I go home I always dread the thousands of questions of I have. Hours of math make my head spin, Poems take a long time, I'm constantly Wondering how long it will take. My backpack is so heavy, It feels like my back is gonna break All this homework is making my life a mess Don't teachers know, I cant take all this stress






War, a terrible thing Just like Benedic Arnold corruping everyone in cite People couwarding like the cowardley lion They must proctect themsleves to survive Being caring like Mother Terrisa they must protect there family Trying to stay alive they caught up in the horor Not able to think about the good times They fall into the darkness Hanging on to there only hope They hold there love ones close.


26 Orchestra my heart is, beats for thou so Listen near and you may hear beautiful. Music filled with my thoughts from long ago. I'll sing you music, swear it won't be dull. I'll sing louder for you if you feel low. For thou I made this melody today. So sing along to my orchestra oh. If I could find a note to make you stay. Id wrap thy up and hold you in my hand. If thou can listen sing a ling with me. Keep me inside your head like a great band. Stay with me and we can sing it with glee. I thought love was dead, but you changed my mind. I pray you will never leave me behind.

Stereo Heart

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