The Outsiders Six Word Memoirs (period 3/4) 2017

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Six-Word Memoirs

You have each been assigned a character from The Outsiders. 1.Add two slides to the slide deck and place your name on both slides. 2. On the first slide, state the name of your character,create a Six Word Memoir that tells the story of or reveals information about that character. On that slide include a symbolic image that matches the essence of the character’s six word memoir. Be creative and imaginative. DO NOT USE AN IMAGE OF THE CHARACTER. 3. On the Second Slide, Write a paragraph, which includes a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a clincher, analyzing how that six word memoir fits your character. 4. Make sure your name appears on both of your slides and that your slides are in consecutive order. Be a good digital citizen and honor the work of your fellow classmates in this shared slide set.

Strength and Courage Earns Eternal Longevity Beowulf

Jill Schwartzman

The memoir “Strength and Courage Earns Eternal Longevity” represents Beowulf, the hero from the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf, as a character who earns, by way of strength and courage, a historic legacy. Throughout the poem, Beowulf achieves success through the defeat of a series of monsters: Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and a dragon. The monsters, prior to Beowulf’s heroics, had been terrorizing individuals for many years; in Grendel’s case, he had reigned destruction on Herot for thirteen years. Having heard of the terror, Beowulf, a Viking, travelled to the Land of Geats to defeat the monsters. His strength, unsurpassed by any warrior, tore Grendel’s arm with his bare hands and wielded a sword made from gods to defeat Grendel’s mother. As for his courage, Beowulf fought Grendel’s mother and the dragon, two horrible creatures, alone. Lastly, the eternal longevity that Beowulf earns is through the Anglo Saxon concept that the only way to live beyond one’s life on earth is to live through stories. Beowulf’s story after his reign as king and his daring conquests using his strength and courage has continued to live through our oral histories, even ten thousand years later. Jill Schwartzman

Steve Randle

Aggressive greaser. Soda’s friend. Mechanical Know-It-All.

Pierce Garbett

The memoir “Aggressive greaser. Soda’s friend. Mechanical Know-It-All.” represents Steve Randle because he was the most one of the most aggressive of the greasers and he doesn’t like anyone else besides Soda. He finds Ponyboy is a tagalong kid. Steve is very good at fighting and he helped in the big rumble and the Socs. Also, he has been Soda’s friend since they were children and they have been ever since. They work at the same gas station and they get to hang out all the time, whether they are filling up cars or on break. The only thing he doesn’t like about Sodapop is that he would bring Ponyboy along when they were meeting girls. Soda did this because he felt bad that Ponyboy wasn’t included. This upset Steve because he doesn’t like tag alongs, even if it was Soda’s brother. Steve know lots about mechanical things like cars and that is why he worked at a gas station. He shines in being able to do anything that involves mechanics. Steve is always going to be a character to remember in The Outsiders even if he isn’t one of the main characters.

Pierce Garbett

Tough Brother. Parents die. Protects boys. Darry Curtis

Giorgio Silva

The memoir, “ Tough Brother. Parents Die. Protects Boys.” represents Darry Curtis because he is one of the toughest Greasers. Darry is really tall and buff and he is like “the Captain” of the Greasers. He is the biggest brother and acts like the dad in the family because his parents died in a car crash. This means that Darry has the responsibility of taking care of his brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy. Darry has to protect the boys when his parents die, but it is not an easy job. Darry has to feed them, has to supervise Ponyboy’s studies, make sure Sodapop is going to work, make sure they don’t get into any trouble, etc… Darry has a lot of pressure, so he becomes strict with Ponyboy. In fact, Darry works two jobs to let Ponyboy stay in school. Darry is a caring brother, but he is also mean sometimes like when he slaps Ponyboy for being late without even letting Ponyboy tell him his side of the story. Darry sometimes loses his temper from all of the pressure. Not only does Darry have to raise them, but Darry is also always there for them like a brother - like when Ponyboy got beat up Darry came to save him with the rest of the Greasers. Darry is just a young man, but he has the enormous task of raising his brothers while also dealing with his own personal sadness from losing his parents. Giorgio Silva

Ponyboy Curtis

Stayed in School; Parents Died; Family

Brixton Lofgren

Ponyboy Curtis The six word memoir “Stay in School; Parents Died; Family� is great for Ponyboy because this represents his life and his hardships. Ponyboy Curtis grew up fast. His parents died when he was young in a automobile accident. Now he lives in the hood with his his brother Darry, and SodaPop. They are called the Greasers. This is all Ponyboy has now except for friends. Ponyboy has great grades and exceeds expectations from his teacher and his classmates. He one of the only Greasers that is still in school. Ponyboy is a great character and is one of the smartest too.

Brixton Lofgren

George lombard

Soc. Friend dies. Never fights again. Randy Adderson

Randy Adderson

This six word memoir relates to Randy because it explains what happens to Randy over the span of the whole book. First of all he is a Soc. He had been a Soc his whole life and was a Soc in the book. The second part of the memoir is that his friend Soc dies. His name is Bob and he was killed by Johnny in self-defense. After this happens, Randy is in a lot of sadness without his good friend Bob. The third part of the memoir is that he never fights again. After Bob’s death, Randy has a discussion with Pony and tells him he doesn’t want to fight anymore. He thinks that it is hurting people for no reason and it shouldn’t be happening.

George Lombard

Be Tough or Be Gone Forever Darry Curtis

Ignacio Mateu

Darry Curtis The memoir “Be Tough or Be Gone Forever” represents Darry very well because of his actions. For example, Darry Steals a lot from stores and gets into a lot of trouble with the cops. In addition, He wins and starts fight which causes even more trouble but shows that he is tough. And that they shouldn’t mess with him. . Furthermore, Darry teaches Ponyboy how to protect himself in a fight and how to be tough because he doesn’t want him to get hurt. To conclude, Darry actions also causes him to have a very bad criminal record which he looks at as a accomplishment. That is how the memoir “Be Tough or Be Gone Forever” fits Darry very well.

Ignacio Mateu Darry Curtis

Spoiled, Rich, Unappreciative, Careless Soc. Dead Bob Sheldon

Yannik Rahman

The memoir “Spoiled, Rich, Unappreciative Careless Soc. Dead ” represents the Dead Soc, Bob Sheldon. Bob was a rich, spoiled person who was the leader of the Socs who bullied the poor, underprivileged Greasers. But one night, Bob and his friends, try to drown a Greaser named Ponyboy in a fountain and then out of nowhere, blood splatters. Bob was lying on the ground, dead. One of the Greasers from behind stabbed Bob with a switchblade. When Bob fell to the ground, all of his friends dashed to the car and left. Bob’s story was short, but that’s what happens when you are careless and unappreciative. Without Bob, this story wouldn’t have happened and he is the one who is responsible for Johnny and Dally’s death.

Yannik Rahman

Oldest Greaser, Wisecracker , Thief, Fighter, Friend Leonardo De Paoli

Two-Bit Mathews

The memoir “Oldest Greaser, Wisecracker, Thief, Fighter, Friend” means many things. To begin, Two-Bit is the oldest Greaser. He is also the “wisecracker”, as Pony says, because he always makes people crack up. He says it himself that he is a thief too. He steals just for fun and whatever he wants. He also is always prepared for a fight with his special switchblade. He is also a great friend to people.

Leonardo De Paoli

Two-Bit Mathews

Sodapop Curtis

Sixteen Year Old Mechanic and Guardian

Connor Gebhart

Sodapop Curtis is a sixteen year of boy whose parents died when he was a young boy. Sodapop and his brother Darry have to take care of their younger brother Ponyboy. On the side Sodapop is a mechanic because he loves cars. Sodapop is a very strong, handsome boy, who loves fighting in brawls against the socs. Sodapop loves his brothers because when his parents died all his has left is his brothers. Sodapop is hard on Ponyboy throughout the story because since all Sodapop has left is his brothers and if Ponyboy gets into trouble the government will take them away to separates boys homes. Throughout the story it is mentioned that Sodapop could be a soc if he did not hang out with the people he does. We can infer that Sodapop loves animals because when he was trying to find a job he found one where you clean out horse stalls and there he met a horse that he called Mickey Mouse. WHen the horse got taken away to a different home, Sodapop was so heartbroken and never stopped thinking about the horse. This shows that even though Sodapop is strong he still has a weakness.

Connor Gebhart

Dallas Winston

girls, friends, fights, and parties

Johanna Ernsberger

Dallas “Dally” Winston Dallas “Dally” Winston is a very intense person. Dally tried to get the ladies at the movies. Dally had very strong feelings about Johnny, considering his circumstances. Mr. Winston was also very protective of him, too. He helps Johnny and Ponyboy leave, he gives them fifty dollars for supplies and he gives Ponyboy a jacket. But before they came, he was at a party. He also fights for Johnny in the rumble with a wounded arm. Dally was never really connected to his parents, he was either with friends or at a party.

Johanna Ernsberger




Johnny, Suicidal, Death

Dally Winston

Jorge Freund

Dallas Winston This six word memoir represent Dallas “Dally” overall character in the novel The Outsiders. He is very tough he only went to jail when he was ten years old. That shows what sort of character he is. He is a brave man who is strong and likes to fight against Soc’s. His overall perspective of the Soc’s is that they are a bunch of spoiled little brats. His favorite person in the Greasers is Johnny Cade. Dallas always shared love for the sixteen year old greaser. His last gang was in New York. Dally’s violence makes him more dangerous. He is proud of his criminal records. Dally didn't like his life in general. He had suicidal thoughts then and there. Dally than died. He wanted to kill himself know that Johnny was out of his life and his parent didn't really care about him. Dally was a courageous man who will be remembered in all of the Greaser’s hearts.

Jorge Freund

Johnny Cade .

With Strength and Sadness Comes Death

Jake Getson

The memoir, “With strength and sadness comes death” represents Johnny Cade’s actions and personality in the book The Outsiders well, because it’s a direct representation of what happened to Johnny and how his friends were feeling throughout the story. Johnny displays his exceptional strength when he endors the pain of leaving his town with little money, food and water, all he had was his best friend along the way. Johnny also showed his strength when he put his life on the line to save little children who were stuck in a burning church. Johnny was able to save the children but he got seriously injured and as a result made him and his friends full of sadness and worry. As Johnny's condition intensified so did the emotions of everyone around him. At the end of the story Johnny passed away which created even more emotional stress on everyone, in particular Dallas Winston who committed suicide because he couldn't deal with the pain.

Jake Getson

SODAPOP CURTIS Handsome, Happy, Gasoline Worker, Friends Die


Oliver Lee August 24, 2017

S.E. Hinton Period 3-4

Handsome, Happy, Gasoline Worker, Friends Die The memoir “Handsome, Happy, Gasoline Worker, Friends Die” represents Sodapop, who is a “movie-star handsome”. Sodapop Curtis is a sixteen year old boy whose parents died in a car crash while he was still young. He and his brother Darry have to take care of their younger brother Ponyboy who is 14 years old. Sodapop works with mechanics because he loves cars. Sodapop is a very brave, handsome boy, and always standing up and defending his younger brother Ponyboy when the Socs gets into a fight with the Greasers. Soda was never good in school and is a high school dropout and is working to help support the family. He is a handsome greaser and his life has not just been all about fun and games. First, Soda worked at a gas station (A DX) with Steve, needing the money. Next, Soda found out that Ponyboy which he loved and adored so much and Soda’s friend Johnny had run away. Sodapop had no clue why they ran away, where they went, or how long they were going to be missing. Later in the novel, Pony and Johnny came back, but Johnny and Dally (another friend of Soda) had both passed away. They were Soda’s beloved and precious but he kept on going with his normal life, still living each and everyday as a happy boy as usual. OLIVER LEE

Ponyboy Curtis

No parents. Brave. Fights for friends.


Lindsay- Ponyboy Curtis

Ponyboy Curtis is a brave, and good friend. Ponyboy is a brave person, because on page 61, It shows that Ponyboy and Johnny, ran away. This shows that Ponyboy is a brave person, because he is leaving with just his friend johnny, and they have nowhere to go. Also, they have to survive in a Church. Ponyboy Curtis, not only is brave, but he also has no parents, and fights for his friends. First, according to page 3, Ponyboys dad dies in a car crash. This was hard on him and his two brothers, but it also made him more independent since both of his parents died. FInally, Ponyboy also fights for his friends. An example of this, was when in chapter 12, Ponyboy chases after his friend to make sure he is ok. Hence, ponyboy is a great character, and the book wouldn’t be the same without him as the protagonist.

Johnny Cade

Kills for friend then, must run.

Luca Tosca

Paragraph This six word memoir represents Johnny Cade because he was always abused by his parents. So when when Ponyboy got back late from talking with Johnny in the parking lot, when Ponyboy got back home Darry was waiting for him. He was so furious he slapped Ponyboy. In a rush Ponyboy ran off to find Johnny. When he got to the lot Johnny was still their so both of them decided to run off for a while. After running they stop in a park and see socials in a mustang circling them. The socials grab the and are drowning Ponyboy in the fountain. Ponyboy was going to drown so Johnny saved him a stabbed the social that was drowning him. In fear the both go to Dally to help them run off and disappear Dally helps by telling them what they need and telling the which train to hop on and telling them a place to live which was a church.

Jaedon Rich

Popular happy, boyfriend dies, life changes

Cherry Valance

Jaedon Rich - Cherry Valance

The six word memoir “Popular happy, boyfriend dies, life changes” represents Cherry Valance from “The Outsiders”. She starts out as a popular cheerleader in school, and she is content with the way things are. Then, she befriends a boy named Ponyboy, but her boyfriend, Bob Sheldon, disapproves because Ponyboy is his enemy. Bob then attacks Ponyboy, and he would have killed him had Ponyboy’s friend not saved him, but in doing so, killed Bob. Bob was part of the Socs, the wealthy enemies of the Greasers, who are poor kids like Ponyboy. Cherry is devastated when Bob dies, and her life changes. She goes from being with Socs, to being a spy against them. Unlike the other Socs, she does not despise the Greasers. She wants the war to end, especially because she was lead into it when Bob died, and she does not enjoy it. She goes from a happy, popular girl, to a girl thrown into a life she does not want.

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