The outsiders six word memoirs (period 5/6)

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Six-Word Memoirs

You have each been assigned a character from The Outsiders. 1.Add two slides to the slide deck 2. On the first slide, create a Six Word Memoir that tells the story of or reveals information about that character. On that slide include a symbolic image that matches the essence of the character’s six word memoir. Be creative and imaginative. DO NOT USE AN IMAGE OF THE CHARACTER. 3. On the Second Slide, Write a paragraph, which includes a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a clincher, analyzing how that six word memoir fits your character. 4. Make sure your name appears on both of your slides and that your slides are in consecutive order. Be a good digital citizen and honor the work of your fellow classmates in this shared slide set.

Mark Name: Ponyboy Curtis Six word memoir: No Parents. Dead friend. Only Brothers. biju/emojis-cia/

Mark The memoir: “No Parents. Dead friend. Only Brothers.” says that ponyboy lost his parents . In his adventure his friend, Johnny end up killing Bob. While hiding from the police, they leave the church they were in and it catches fire. Kids are trapped inside. Ponyboy and Johnny enter the burning church to save the children. Ponyboy escapes, but has to go to the hospital, Johnny can’t escape so Dally, their friend goes in to save him. At the hospital Ponyboy finds his brothers. Johnny dies, so Dally commits police suicide. At the end Ponyboy ends up without parents, dead friend and with his brothers.


Rough jokester,always talking,blade obsessed

Allison The memoir "rough jokester, always talking, blade obsessed" describes Two-bit because every time he appears in the book he is always saying jokes or talking about his prized blade. In the outsiders Two-bit is a gang member with Ponyboy, Soda, Johnny, ect. He is friendly with all of the gang members. As described by Ponyboy he is usually drunk or it is hard to tell when he is not. He is a good fighter and always carries a blade with him. Though he alway has his prized black switch blade he never uses it. Though he brags about it quite a lot. Two-bit Matthews is jokester who never stops talking and bragging about his blade.

Dally Winston six word memoir- Giovanna Garcia Citation: houette_man_pointing_gun.jpg

Tough bravery, hidden love suicide path...

Dally Winston six word memoir paragraph- Giovanna Garcia

Dally Winston, the rebel of The Outsiders suffered a tragic faith. A six word memoir describing a part of his life is “Tough bravery, hidden love suicide path…” Dally has always been the troublemaking type, he was first arrested at the age of ten then had served many years at jail for other events. He was different from the other Greasers, he was colder, meaner, and tougher. The Greasers thought Dally could never love anyone until the death of the gang’s pet, Johnny Cade. Dally robbed a market and fired at the cops, the cops fired back, killing Dally. Dally Winston prefered to die than to live with someone’s death.

Tingting Cherry Valance memoir

Different worlds. Different values. Same sunset.

Mrs. Schwartzman 8/26/16

Tingyu Li Period 6 “Different worlds. Different values. Same Sunset.”

Cherry, a pretty and wealthy soc, who does not like being cool, is represented in this memoir “Different worlds. Different values. Same Sunset.” In the beginning of the story, Cherry for the first time, got through to someone: a greaser, the protagonist Ponyboy. Cherry realized how both of the gangs thought the other one had it better, and told Ponyboy that things were “rough all over”. Cherry also realizes that they both like watching sunsets. This explains “Different worlds

Bob Sheldon-By: Jack Epstein

6 word Memoir// Mean kid, three rings, SOC gone

Mrs. Schwartzman August 26, 2016

Jack Epstein English/Prd â…š Six Word Memoir

My Six word memoir for Bob Sheldon was, Mean kid, three rings, SOC gone. I put mean kid because he was always beating up the younger greasers like when he punched Johnny and was going to drown Ponyboy, but Johnny stabbed him to death. I chose three rings because he always wore three gold rings on his right hand and he would hit greasers with them. Finally I chose, SOC gone because when Johnny stabbed him to death everyone was shocked even Johnny was, but Bob was never seen again. This event changed some people's vision on fighting. Bob was an exciting character, and when books have characters like that you know it will be good to read.

Steve Randle: memoir worker,tall,,friend,compassionate,cocky,smart

Mrs Swartzman

Kyle Goldberg

August 26,2016

Period 6 Six Word Memoir

My memoir, “worker,tall,friend,compassionate,cocky,smart” represents Steve Randle. First, as a man who is intelligent and works very hard to earn a well off life. In the story Steve Randle becomes best friends with Sodapop. Steve is mean to Sodapop’s younger brother Ponyboy. Steve Randle throughout the story tries to achieve success and rights even though he is poor as a Greaser. Steve is very tall. Next, Steve Randle is very compassionate for Sodapop. Steve Randle and the gang he is in called the Greasers is having trouble gaining rights as a poor a gang. After the death of Johnny, Steve and the Greasers are determined to beat up the Socs gang and win rights and territory. After their gang fight they will probably never fight again because the gang fight solved the problem of the Greasers and the Socs. The Greasers realized that they were similar to the Socs gang such as the similar problems both the gangs have. My memoir tells the story of Steve Randle’s life.

Johnny Cade-Kelly

Suicidal Thoughts. Hope Found. Too Late

Kelly Fernandez

“Suicidal Thoughts. Hope Found. Too late�- This quote represents Johnny very well simply because of the order of events. Johnny Cade was a very sad character at first, he says he wants to kill himself because of his parents. Then, He saves the kids from the burning and collapsing church. While he is dying in the hospital, paralyzed, wishing he was a living and exploring. It is too late for Johnny. Johnny lived a very short and sad life but at the end he figures it was worth it.

Kelly Fernandez

Mack Randy Adderson Six word Memoir Best friend Dead. A scared leader

Mack Macey

Randy Adderson Six word Memoir

Randy Adderson is the most important Soc. The Socs are a rival gang of the greasers. Randy is like a normal person in that gang but he gets very sad. The Socs leader Bob gets stabbed by a character named Johnny. After that Randy becomes very confused and scared. He was talking to Ponyboy and he said that these two gangs are very similar. This memoir fits Randy because at the end of the story or novel some of the readers think that Randy left the city because he didn’t appear at the big rumble. Randy is a good guy and in my opinion when he joined the Socs he didn’t realize what he was getting into. So I think my six word memoir fits Randy Adderson perfectly.

Lauren Bartel

Ponyboy Curtis

A life of love and loss...

Lauren Bartel

“A Life of love and loss� is the six-word Memoir that represents the character Ponyboy Curtis, the protagonist of the novel The Outsiders. Throughout the story Ponyboy must face troubles, love, and loss, and must run away, fight, and learn to accept the things around him. Growing up he lost his parents, his first of many losses. He had to deal with loss early in his life. Though his parents had died, he still stayed with his brothers and life went on. Though life went on, it was not quite a prosperous life. He and his brothers were very poor and had to work hard for their money. Also, Ponyboy had to deal with being part of a murder crime. His best friend Johnny had killed a Soc (the rivals) in self defense. Ponyboy and Johnny had to run away from their troubles after that. After that, Johnny was badly injured and Ponyboy had to experience the loss of his best friend. After that, another friend of his, Dally, committed suicide due to the loss of Johnny, the only person in the world he cared about. Through all of this, Ponyboy had to live and fight for another day.

Sodapop Handsome,happy,Brother disappears,Friends die


~Emily Miller

Six Word Memoir Paragraph

Sodapop, The handsome greaser’s life has not been all fun and games. First, Soda worked at a gas station, needing the money. He was good at his job and liked it too. Then, Soda found out his little brother Ponyboy that he adored and his friend Johnny had run away. Soda did not know why they ran away,where they went or how long they were going to be gone. Later, Ponyboy and Johnny came back, but both Johnny and Dally passed away. They were Soda’s dear friends but he kept on going with his life, living everyday as his happy self.

alejandro Six word memoir: steve randall Sodas best, specialty cars, violently tall

alejandro Steve Randall is represented by my six word memoir because all my words mean something to him. First he and Soda are best friends they adore each other but steve does not like it when he brings pony on sometimes. His specialty is cars. He works at the same gas station that soda works at. They both love cars. He can be violent in some situations but he does threaten pony a couple times but he did not hit him because he is soda’s best friend. He is also a very tall man. He has so many words in the dictionary that can describe him but these are the best.

Catherine: Johnny-6 word Memoir Quiet. Brave. Caring. Courageous. Savior. Dead.

Mrs. Schwartsman

Catherine Ehrling


Period 6

Novel: The Outsiders Character: Johnny Cade 6 Word Memoir: Quiet. Brave. Caring. Courageous. Saviour. Dead The memoir “ Quiet. Brave. Caring. Courageous. Saviour. Dead” represents Johnny’s growth of himself throughout the novel. Johnny is a dynamic character. He changes from being a harmless, quiet boy until his life altering situation. He was beat up horribly changing him to be unafraid to use his switch blade on anyone who came close to beating him up. He showed great friendship in the novel and courage in Windrixville. He saved the kids in the burning fire, and letting Ponyboy escape first. In the hospital Johnny realizes he was alright with himself dying, and he passed away in the hospital.

Johnny Cade

Max Gipe - Memoir - Bob Always Drunk. Jumping greasers. Tragically stabbed.

Citations: "How to Deal with Negative Comments on the Hub Pages." HubPages. HubPages, n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2016.

Max Gipe - Paragraph The six word memoir that best describes Bob is “When Drunk. Jumping greasers. Tragically stabbed.” Bob is Randy’s best friend. He is described as a really nice person by Cherry when he is not drunk, but when he is drunk he is a whole different person that jumps Greasers and injures them. This memoir is perfect for him because it shows how he becomes a bad person while drunk even though he is told to be a great person while sober and he was stabbed to death by Johnny. This memoir and story shows how you can naturally be an incredible person but alcohol and drugs can bring out the worst of you.

Nico Puttre - Memoir for Dally Tough Walnut; Yet Easy to Crack

Nico Puttre - Paragraph for Memoir My memoir is for Dally Winston, who had no other choice but to become a hoodlum so he could survive. The memoir “Tough walnut; Yet easy to crack; represents Dally because he is a tough kid who hates the world and loves absolutely nothing in it. One kid then changed that forever. Johnny, the gang pet, was the only thing that was important to Dally, and when Johnny died, it affected Dally. He then committed suicide in a gallant way, aiming an empty gun at police, and then calling all his friends to come ‘save’ him as he got shot down by cops. He died in a way he wanted to and in a way Johnny would have expected him to.

ELi Rich: Two Bit: memoir Jokester ,sneaky, grinning forever, brightens life.

Eli Rich-Two Bit Two Bit from the novel The OutsĹders, by S. E. Hinton, realistic fiction, is a jokester, happy, and sneaky. First, Two Bit can’t stop telling jokes, even if his life depended on it. Second, Two bit is always happy and makes the people around him happy. For example, he makes cops smile from their dull lives. Third, Two bit sneaky because he is able to shoplift without being caught. He shoplifted his prised position, a black handled switchblade. In conclusion, Two bit is a jockster, happy, and sneaky.

Alec Marrero Darry Curtis- Blood,Stress,Hatred,Acceptance,Love

citations:"Characters." The Outsiders Fan Club. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2016.

Alec Marrero My six word memoir Blood,Stress,Hatred,Acceptance,Love showcases a part of Darry Curtis’s life.The part of his life that consisted of sadness, anger,regret and love.To begin,In The Outsiders Darry is a hard working character..He became a different person after the death of his parents at a young age.He was filled with more anger due to it.Darry had to get a hard working job to keep his family feed and have a roof over there heads.He never would stop working and never relaxed.Due to this, he was filled with stress.Darry was always tough so he held in his emotions.One day Ponyboy got home past his curfew.Out of his anger he slapped Ponyboy in the face.Ponyboy ran away and caused chaos.Darry was filled with hate for himself and what he did.Finally,He found Ponyboy and was filled with love and tears.He had accepted what happened to his parents and how he had to live.Darry’s life consisted of Blood,Stress,Hatred,Acceptance and Love.

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