The Outsiders Six Word Memoirs (period 5/6) 2017

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Six-Word Memoirs

You have each been assigned a character from The Outsiders. 1.Add two slides to the slide deck and place your name on both slides. 2. On the first slide, state the name of your character,create a Six Word Memoir that tells the story of or reveals information about that character. On that slide include a symbolic image that matches the essence of the character’s six word memoir. Be creative and imaginative. DO NOT USE AN IMAGE OF THE CHARACTER. 3. On the Second Slide, Write a paragraph, which includes a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a clincher, analyzing how that six word memoir fits your character. 4. Make sure your name appears on both of your slides and that your slides are in consecutive order. Be a good digital citizen and honor the work of your fellow classmates in this shared slide set.

Strength and Courage Earns Eternal Longevity Beowulf

Jill Schwartzman

The memoir “Strength and Courage Earns Eternal Longevity” represents Beowulf, the hero from the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf, as a character who earns, by way of strength and courage, a historic legacy. Throughout the poem, Beowulf achieves success through the defeat of a series of monsters: Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and a dragon. The monsters, prior to Beowulf’s heroics, had been terrorizing individuals for many years; in Grendel’s case, he had reigned destruction on Herot for thirteen years. Having heard of the terror, Beowulf, a Viking, travelled to the Land of Geats to defeat the monsters. His strength, unsurpassed by any warrior, tore Grendel’s arm with his bare hands and wielded a sword made from gods to defeat Grendel’s mother. As for his courage, Beowulf fought Grendel’s mother and the dragon, two horrible creatures, alone. Lastly, the eternal longevity that Beowulf earns is through the Anglo Saxon concept that the only way to live beyond one’s life on earth is to live through stories. Beowulf’s story after his reign as king and his daring conquests using his strength and courage has continued to live through our oral histories, even ten thousand years later. Jill Schwartzman

-Mean-Loves Johnny-Tough-Gangster-Greaser-

Dally Winston Dylan Duran

The memoir Mean, Loves Johnny, Tough, Gangster, Greaser, represents Dally Winston because he is a tough Greaser who loses the person that he loves most, Johnny Cade. Dally is a mean hood who has a criminal record. Dallys went through a lot in his life. His parents did not love him, and his best friend Johnny dies. After Johnny dies he kills himself.

Dylan Duran

Darry Curtis

Hard-Headed. Oldest Brother. Sacrificed Opportunities.

Kelly Wilson

The six word memoir is about the character Darry. Darry is the oldest brother of ponyboy and sodapop and is in charged of the two boys. The six word memoir used the words hard-headed, oldest brother, and sacrificed opportunities. These words fit dally perfectly considering what he has been through. The first two words are hard-headed, these words fit Darry because he does not very sentimental and doesn’t like to add detail to things. He is more casual and just like things to only get to the point. The second set of two words were oldest and brother.These two words were chosen because since Darry’s parents have past he has to take charge of his younger brothers. The last two words in the memoir Sacrificed opportunities. Darry was good at football and wanted to go to college but he sacrificed those opportunities for his brother.

Kelly Wilson

Cruel and Spoiled. Receives Terrible Consequences Bob Sheldon !



Jonas Carvalho

The memoir “Cruel and Spoiled Receives Terrible Consequences” represents Bob Sheldon. Bob sheldon is one of the antagonists of The Outsiders. He is an antagonist because he is mean, spoiled, and always looking for a rumble. For example, Bob Sheldon is a very cruel character because he almost killed Ponyboy and Johnny. Ponyboy and Johnny were in the park when suddenly, they got jumped by the Socs(Bobs gang). While some of them were trying to drown Ponyboy, Bob came at Johnny. Johnny stabbed Bob as in self defence. Next, Bob is spoiled because he said, “You know a rumble ain't a rumble without me.” That makes him spoiled because he thinks he is them man. Finally, Bob is always looking for a rumble because he is a trouble maker. Bob is a trouble maker because he wants to be cool. Bob is the coolest antagonist in The Outsider. Jonas Carvalho

Bob Sheldon Wealthy, Soc Troublemaker, Popular, Spoiled, Dead

Becca Leeds

Bob Sheldon The six word memoir “Wealthy, Soc, Troublemaker, Popular, Spoiled, Dead� was chosen to describes a character from the novel, The Outsiders. The character that was assigned to me was Bob Sheldon. Bob Sheldon is a wealthy Soc who was murdered by Johnny. Bob was a troublemaker who liked to start gang fights with the rival gang The Greasers. He would beat people up and leave them. Bob was a very popular boy and his girlfriend was Cherry Valance. He had many friends who were part of his gang and he was always with them and his best friend Randall Smith in his Blue Mustang. He was a spoiled boy who never was told no to by his parents even when he wanted to be told no. He had a blue mustang and rings on all his fingers. The memoir that was chosen describes Bob correctly because his personality fits all these six words. Becca Leeds

Gabriela Lemus-Steve Randle

BUllies Ponyboy, Sodapop’s Best Friend, Mechanic

Steve Randle The reason the six words for the memo were that was Steve Randle isn’t an important character he is mentioned very few time in the novel. When he was mentioned though, we found out that he was part of the greasers and was SodaPop’s best friend. Also, Ponyboy says how he was kind of bullied by Steve. Steve called him “a tag-along” which made Ponyboy mad but and when Soda and Steve were going to the movies Soda would always invite Ponyboy to come along which made Steve go crazy mad but he had no choice after all PonyBoy was Darry and Soda’s brother. Steve also worked at the gas station with Sodapop’s and he was a mechanic. Like any greaser and any mechanic steve loved cars. So even tho we don't know much about Steve Randle we can name a few interesting things about him.

Cherry Valance Bob dies. Sensitive like Ponyboy. Greasers’ spy

Antonio Neviani Carvalho

The memoir “Bob dies. Sensitive, Ponyboy. Greasers’ spy” represents the character Cherry Valance, a cheerleader Soc, from the novel The Outsiders, as a character who overcomes a bad situation on her life, with the help of her friends. In the story, Cherry’s boyfriend, Bob, dies, after being stabbed by Johnny, a greaser. He was stabbed because he was drowning Ponyboy, which was another greaser. After that, Cherry had a hard time on her life, trying to overcome her boyfriend’s death. After some bad days, she starts overcoming it, with the help of a friend, Ponyboy. He was sensitive and caring, just like her, so they got together pretty well. He gave her lots of advise, and after their friendship gets better, she becomes the greaser’s spy. She sees what the Socs are doing and planning, and then she tells Ponyboy and his friends.

Antonio Neviani Carvalho

Best Friend Is gone. moves on. Randy Adderson


Six Word Memoirs are simple, but need a lot of explaining. To begin, the first words of the six word memoir are “Best Friend” These words were chosen because Randy Adderson’s best friend was BOb Sheldon. They would always hang out with each other and drive in their blue Mustang. Next, the second pair of words that were chosen were “Is gone.” I used these words because in The Outsiders Johnny Cade killed BOb Sheldon and he is gone, he is dead. Finally, the last pair of words that were used are “Moves on” These words are very important because a week after after BOb died, Randy talked with Ponyboy that how “Bob was a good guy” and “He’s sad to see him dead,” but in the end he moves on a most likely found a new best friend.


Ponyboy Greaser, Sunsets, friendship, Hero, understanding, maturity

Sebastian Antorcha

Six words will show how Ponyboy is. Ponyboy is a greaser and he meets cherry which likes sunsets like him. Also Ponyboy has a very strong friendship At the Church Ponyboy becomes a hero.At the end of the book pony boy has a understanding. His maturity levels also rise at the end of the book because he understands more

Sebastian Antorcha


Cares, Works Hard, Handsome, middle child

Olivia M. Moreira

Sodapop Memoir ~ Sodapop represents a very kind and hardworking character. In the novel The Outsider by S.E Hinton Soda lives as the middle child in the Curtis household. During this period of time one of his brothers (Ponyboy) ran away with his best friend Johnny because of murder, it didn’t make it much easier with his older brother (Darry) always fighting with Ponyboy before his escape from the cops. Soda was always a hard worker but was never really good at school. He finally dropped out and started working on cars, Soda was always very good with his hands so it was more of a joy than a burden to him. Later Pony finally returned home and the whole family was back together. This risky move changed the boys lives forever. They all became closer, specially with Pony’s incident in the hospital and losing Johnny.

Olivia M. Moreira

Johnny Cade Unknown inside. Finds himself. Stays Golden

Ryan Gonzalez

The memoir “Unknown Inside. Finds Himself. Stay Golden.” referrers to a character in the Outsiders, Johnny. Johnny is the silent one in a gang and barley talks or argues. Johnny has been like that ever since he got jumped by three socs and got severely injured. In the novel the main character Ponyboy even refers to him as “ A dark little puppy that got kicked around too many times and is lost in a crowd full of strangers.”(Hinton 11, ch 1). At home Johnny also had problems because his mother and father would always beat him and would not care if he was dead or alive. Johnny and Ponyboy were strolling the park when suddenly a blue mustang pulls up and try to jump them, Johnny killed one of them with a blade from self-defense. They scatter to church up north and Johnny realises he can’t be scared no more and he needs to go deep and be a leader. When they come back from eating they realise the church was on fire and the two make an attempt to save little children inside. Unfortunately, Johnny broke his lower back and had to be hospitalized. His last dying words to Ponyboy was to “stay golden” which mean don’t let other people change you and to be yourself. Ryan Gonzalez

Johnny Cade Not loved. Risked his life. Afraid.

Ainsley Grippando

Johnny Cade Johnny Cade’s six word memoir fits him very well. The first phrase “Not loved” tell johnny’s story very well. He was abused by his father, and not cared for by his mother. The next phrase “Risked his life” also fits because, he saved many children from a burning church, and got very hurt, and passed. The last phrase “Afraid” describes Johnny because he is very nervous. He was jumped by Socs one day and he was so injured and beaten up, his friends thought he might not live. He is very afraid it might happen again. Therefore, Johnny Cade’s six word memoir fits him very well.

Ainsley Grippando

Tragedy,Hardship, and Love Creates Unity.

Darry Curtis

Hernan Rodriguez

The memoir “Tragedy, Hardship, and Love creates unity� represent Darry from the realistic fiction novel the Outsiders, as a character who has suffered a great tragedy, has faced lots of hardships, and creates unity with his family. This is proven in the novel because the great tragedy that happened to him was when his parents died in a car crash which made him become cold and distant to busy to relax and only works. When Darry's parents died he had to work two jobs to support his two brothers sodapop and ponyboy and hopes that with all of this hard work he can help ponyboy go to college and make him better than he could ever be. Finally after all the tragedy and hardship he finally starts to feel like his old self and feel love for his friends and for his family which creates the strongest bond that nobody can break because the tragedy, hardship, and love creates unity that could never be broken a bond stronger than any metal because everything they faced has made them stronger and closer than anybody.

Hernan Rodriguez

Jokester Greaser A great friend

Two Bit Matthews

Avelino Gonzalez-Roman

Avelino-Two Bit Matthews

The six word memoir “Jokester and Greaser, A Great Friend” represents Two-Bit, a character from The Outsiders. Two-Bit’s role in The Outsiders is to be the greasers, jokester, because he is always making jokes, and making people laugh. The main reason why he is a greaser, would be because he is a high school dropout, and because he is a thieve. He is a great friend because, he will never be mad at his friends, even if he got arrested or got into a fight. The six word memoir “Jokester and Greaser, A Great Friend” explains Two-Bit’s character very well.

“Tough though in vain. Broken spirit.”

Randy Adderson

Mariana Silva

The memoir “Tough though in vain. Broken spirit.” represents Randy Anderson, from The Outsiders novel, because you learn in the story that he tries to be tough like his other friends and acts like he doesn’t act on emotion as a soc, but actually like Cherry Valance stated that things are rough all over and that that fund has been going on with the greasers for so long the toughness and lack of emotion are needed. Randy finally breaks when Bob (a soc) dies and he sees no point in the running and jumping the greasers, due to Bob’s death he couldn't keep on trying to act tough all the time.The pain and emotions swoop in revealing how lost and miserable he is even being a soc that should have everything, but actually was broken and tough in vain, trying to act that way.

Mariana Silva

High School Dropout. Greaser. Loves Cars. Sodapop Curtis


The Six Word Memoir “High School Dropout. Greaser. Loves Cars.” represents Sodapop Curtis from The Outsider written by S.E. Hinton. The word “Greaser” was chosen because Sodapop is a Greaser and will continue to be one for the rest of his life.Furthermore, the words “High School Dropout” were chosen because he dropped out of high school and started to work in a gas station to earn money for they can stay together as a family. Moreover, the words “Loves Cars” were chosen because in the gas station that he works in he is the mechanic and can name any car that passes by in an instant. Sodapop Curtis is one of the most unique and interesting characters in The Outsiders.


Greaser, Tough Love, Suicide by Police


Dally Winston

This six word memoir “ Greaser, Tough Love, Suicide by Police” is about the character Dally from the book The Outsiders. This six word memoir suits the character Dally because the six words are about his life and his actions. The first word of the six word memoir is greaser. In the book there are different gangs and Dally is in the group the greasers. Dally comes from New York where he used to get in a lot of fights, Dally is a very tough character. Dally only loves one person, and the one person is Johnny. Dally does not really love people except Johnny. Dally is a little hateful to the world. He is really only loving to Johnny. Towards the end of the book Dally gets shot by the police. The end three words of the six word memoir are ‘Suicide by Police” These three words are in the memoir because Dally wanted to die. Earlier, Dally went through a hard time when Johnny died. This was a very sad time because Johnny was Dally's everything and when he died, Dally felt like he did not have a purpose so he wanted to die. For these reasons is why the six word memoir suits my character Dally.


Steve Randle

Paulino Mercenari

Lover of cars Friend of Soda

Lover of Cars. Friend of Soda is Steve Randle’s six word memoir and here is why. Steve loves all things automobile related. He is a great mechanic and knows everything there is to know about cars. That is why steve works at one of the most successful gas stations in all of the east side. Steve can ride anything that has a set of wheels. Steve has also been friends with Soda since elementary school. They go everywhere together and are pretty much inseparable. They love getting into fights and participating in drag races. They never argue with each other too. Steve is also rumored to be able to lift a hubcap quicker, and more quietly than anyone else in the neighborhood. That is why Lover of cars. Friend of Soda is Steve Randle’s six word memoir.


Chris Garcia

Caring. Friends with Johnny. Very explaining

Cherry Valance

Chris Garcia Sherri Valance is a very important character in The Outsiders. In the novel she meets Ponyboy who is a Greaser and shows him that even though she is from a wealthy background, that things are rough all over. Sherri is also an important character because she was Bob's girlfriend. After the Court case Cherri becomes a spy for the Greasers to try to help them and stop the rivalry between the Greasers and the Socs.

Kind, Caring. Ponyboy and Johnny's friend. Cherry Valance

Fernando Ciobataru

Cherry Valance plays a big role in this novel. Cherry Valance is a socs, but she is not like the rest of the socs. She spies for the greasers and she understands that people cannot abuse or hurt people just because their social rank is higher or they have more money they have. Throughout spying, she tries to stop the fighting and "abusive" behavior between the Socs and the greasers. Cherry Valance is also Bob Sheldon's girlfriend and she becomes Johnny and partially Ponyboy's friend throughout the novel. Cherry Valance helps the greasers throughout the novel.

Fernando Ciobataru

Young Fugitive. Brave Hero. Grows Up.

Adam Kleinman Ponyboy


Fugitive. Brave Hero. Grows Up.” is basicly Ponyboys hole tail through The

Outsiders. He is just a regular kid in a poor neighborhood who was at a murder site with his friend johnny, this made the “young fugitive” aspect of his life. But this event does not accurately represent Ponyboy’s personality, the same kid who was at the murder and running from the fuzz, was also the kid that saved three little kids from being killed in a church, this is the “brave hero” everyone knows and loves Ponyboy for. As anyone could see, Pony has been through a lot in a short amount of time, that means he has had to adapt and mature extremely quick to succeed, at the beginning he was a rebellious kid that would never use his head when he needed too, by the end he was a man who had learned to be respectful and mature, just like his brothers. Adam k

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