The outsiders six word memoirs (period 3/4)

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Six-Word Memoirs

You have each been assigned a character from The Outsiders. 1.Add two slides to the slide deck 2. On the first slide, create a Six Word Memoir that tells the story of or reveals information about that character. On that slide include a symbolic image that matches the essence of the character’s six word memoir. Be creative and imaginative. DO NOT USE AN IMAGE OF THE CHARACTER. 3. On the Second Slide, Write a paragraph, which includes a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a clincher, analyzing how that six word memoir fits your character. 4. Make sure your name appears on both of your slides and that your slides are in consecutive order. Be a good digital citizen and honor the work of your fellow classmates in this shared slide set.

Randy Anderson Searching more. Lost friend. Learned acceptance.

Tori Hagenlocker

Six Word Memoir “Randy Anderson”

The memoir “Searching more. Lost friend. Learned acceptance” represents Randy Anderson, because of how his perspective on life changes throughout the story. At the beginning of The Outsiders, it explains how he and all the Socs have everything, but continuously go searching for more in life, which is what is explained the beginning of the memoir. Near the middle of the story, his best friend Bob is killed after they were irresponsible, got drunk, and attacked two Greasers. After this incident he realized that the Socs and Greasers both had problems and were all individuals. He decided not to show up to the rumble because he realizes that no amount of fighting will fix the economical difference between the two groups, so they should stop attacking each other. Randy learns acceptance at the end of the story and becomes a better person. Tori Hagenlocker

Dimi Stavrinides

Two-Bit Matthews

Dumb,funny,but tough,family life

Dimi Stavrinides

The six word memoir that I wrote describes Two-Bit because the way he is, is written in my memoir. Two-Bit is the comedian of the Greasers. He made people laugh when they were sad and was just always having a good time. Also,Two-Bit is a very tough Greaser because this is the only family he has so he protects them always. The toughness level he shows when he fights is very high. Two-Bit along with being tough is also all about family. When anyone of the Greasers is jumped he takes it very seriously because the family he only has the Greasers. Two-Bit Matthews is a family man with a huge heart who is dumb but funny.


Cherry Valance Victoria Poliak

“I’m On West Sunset So Pretty”

Victoria Poliak Six Word Memoir Cherry Valance

Cherry Valance is a high school girl that is in the book “The Outsiders” which was placed in the 1960’s. She has curly red hair and that is the reason for her name. She is part of the Socs group which is on the west side of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Socs have money and they are more socially active which is where the name Socs comes from. When talking to Ponyboy (a 14 year old who lives on the East said), Cherry tells him that she does not believe in violence after she hears that their gang is going to a brawl. After, Cherry is talking to Ponyboy and she tells him that she watches the sunsets at dusk. He tells her that he watches them too on the east side. Then they talk about how it is the same on both sides and how in my opinion it is a symbol that the people on both sides are the same.

Dallas Winston Six word memoir by: Gabriel Arana

Tough, Mean. Not loving for others

Paragraph: Gabriel Arana I think Dally is very tough and he is rude or mean sometimes therefore this Six Word Memoir represents him very well. Dally basically never loved anyone but when Johnny died we learned he loved Johnny the most and due to Johnny dying, Dally commit suicide by waving and unloaded gun in the air in front of the police. Dally was tough on the outside but inside he was truly was loving caring of his gang. Dally was also the oldest of the greasers therefore he was also the wisest of them and he also had a lot of street knowledge. Dally helped out Johnny and Ponyboy when Johnny killed Bob and they had to move.

Six Word Memoir on Darry by : Michael Amsel Overprotective, cruel. Caretaker for two boys.

Paragraph by : Michael Amsel I think that this six word memoir fits Darry perfectly. To begin, when when the memoir talks about overprotective, it show that Darry is always trying to keep Ponyboy and Soda safe. Furthermore, he is cruel because he always yells at Ponyboy for not using his head and Darry slapped Ponyboy. Moreover, being a caretaker for two boy is not easy when you need to support them as well. Darry has to take care of them, feed them, and also provide them with clothes and what not with not such a well paying job. In addition, the symbol of the shield represents that Darry is very tough and strong. These are some reasons why I think the six word memoir fits Darry.

Six Word Memoir Johnny by Daymara Nieves Kid brother, accidental criminal, damaged hero

Paragraph by Daymara Nieves The six word memoir I wrote represents Johnny Cade. The memoir starts with kid brother because in the entire gang Johnny was basically like everyone’s kid brother who they needed to protect and help out. Everyone in the gang cared about him and tried to be a good friend for him because his friends were all he had. Then it says accidental criminal, Johnny never meant to commit murder he did it out of defense because he needed to save his friend and himself from any harm. Johnny was traumatized when he killed Bob and felt so terrible about it but he knew that they could have died themselves. To end the memoir, I put damaged hero because Johnny knew he had to do the right thing. Johnny had been through so much throughout his young life that damaged him emotionally and physically but he will always be remembered. This memoir represents Johnny Cade.

Cherry Valance

From a Soc, to a Greaser

Alexander Dalmau

Cherry Valance

The memoir “From a Soc, to a Greaser� represents Cherry Valance. Cherry, the boyfriend/ spy for the book the Outsiders, is a character of a Soc, who later is killed and then becomes a spy for the Greasers. Throughout the whole book, Cherry keeps herself together through tough times like her boyfriend getting killed and switching from one gang to another. Her legacy determines her to switch from the Socs to the Greasers, which she had been with the Sics all her life being in gangs. Now her boyfriend dead, she is finding something else to keep her calm and not think about Bob. She says that all the time when they would go out, he would always bring booze and she hated it. Cherry Valance was a character that told Ponyboy that he was too nice and caring to be in a gang and get thrown around by others. Cherry showed some problem solving and determination

Thiago Lorenzo Dallas Winston Fought, Couldn’t Take It, Perished!

Thiago Lorenzo My memoir “Fought, Sacrificed, Couldn’t Take It, Perished” is about Dallas Winston, an iconic character in The Outsiders. First, he is a big troublemaker, as he as been to jail many times and has an extensive police record. This is why on my six word memoir I say that he fought. Then, Johnny kills Bob, leaving him and Ponyboy no option but to run off to somewhere that they won’t be found until the fuzz calms down. This is where Dally comes in, he gives them his gun, some clothes and tells them to go to the top of the mountain in Windrixville. If the police finds out he took part in this he will get in lots of trouble too. This is not the only reason why my memoir says sacrificed, but also when he goes to save Johnny when he is stuck in the church. Moving on, Johnny is in the hospital in critical state and Dally is extremely tense. Once he hears about Johnny’s death, it’s like his whole world is over. As a result he robs a grocery store with an unloaded gun, this is suicide. This is why my six word memoir states that he couldn’t take it. Finally, Dallas reaches a parking lot with cops chasing him and points his unloaded gun at them. The cops shot him and he was immediately dead. That is where he perishes. In conclusion, Dallas Winston’s story is “Fought, Sacrificed, Couldn’t Take It, Perished”.

Six Word Memoir- Ponyboy Curtis (Melis) Same sunset, different side of town

Six word Memoir Melis Sanal My memoir is “Same sunset, different side of town” this relates to Ponyboy Curtis because he has stated that he like looking at sunsets. Ponyboy says that it doesn’t matter if you are on the east or west side you could see the same beautiful sunset. Throwout the time Ponyboy and Johnny were at Jay Mountain, they both looked at sunsets. Also, towards the end of the book Ponyboy opens the book “Gone WIth the Wind” and a paper fell out, this was a note from Johnny before he passed away. It said that he hopes that Dally could see a sunset someday, which refers that he liked watching sunsets too.

Clara Schiavo

Steve Randle

Cocky, smart, good with cars, dismissive, Likes fights, Argues a lot.

Clara Schiavo Steve Randle is 17 years old, he is Sodapop Curtis’ best friend and he is a greaser. Steve is tall and lean, with thick greasy hair he keeps combed back in complicated swirls (Hinton 9; Ch. 1) he has the typical “greaser� look. It may not seem like it but he is actually smart, although he knows it and is not afraid to show it, this makes him fairly cocky. His speciality is in cars, he knows cars upside down, backwards, and can drive anything on wheels (Hinton 9; Ch 1) this is what makes him smart. But despite his talent his arrogance can also make him dismissive, he acts like he believes he is superior than Ponyboy and he thinks he is just a tag along kid ( Hinton 9; Ch 1). Steve Randle not only likes cars but also fights, he says he when he fights he always wants to stomp the other guy good ( Hinton 133; Ch 9). His last quality is that he argues a lot in certain points of the novel Ponyboy says that Steve and Sodapop argue all the time but they are best friends. Steve Randle may be a small character but he has a lot of important qualities that make him interesting.

Abby-Randy Anderson Lost Friend,Grieving One, Changed Person

Abby-Randy Anderson Lost Friend, Grieving One, Changed Person a memoir for Randy Anderson. Randy changed very much in a short amount of time. First, Randy lost his best friend Bob who was murdered in self defence right in front of Randy. Then he had time to grieve while he waited for the murderers to be caught. In this time of grieving he became a new person, a changed person. Randy’s changing helped him learn and become a better person.

Hector Torres Sodapop Six Word Memoir: Dropped Out. Brother Mad. Don't Care

Citation for image https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/High_school _dropouts

Hector Torres The memoir “Dropped Out. Brother Mad. Don’t Care” represents the novel, The Outsiders. The Outsiders has particular characters with their own stories, such as SodaPop, the brother of the main protagonist. Sodapop is a highschool dropout and does not attend school anymore when the story begins, that makes his brother Ponyboy, very mad and saddens him that Sodapop cannot reach his full potential. The six word memoir represents Sodapop on his dropout situation and how he does not care about it. For example, He tells Ponyboy that he will find a job without a highschool education. Also, he does not see education as important to him or anyone else. Finally, He says that he will be fine as a greaser and he has enough knowledge. The six word memoir represents Sodapop, brother of Ponyboy, about his carelessness about school and his dropout situation.

Johnny Cade By Marcelo Barrera

Marcelo The memoir “I need a friend. I’m scared.” Represents Johnny Cade, a character from The Outsiders, is a very different character. He’s nervous all the time, and he doesn’t live with the Greasers. His parents abuse him so he mostly sleeps on the lot. This memoir fits him because he’s scared to go home, and he needs someone to lean on as a friend.

Emma-Grace~Steve Cars. Fighter. Soda’s friend. Bugs Ponyboy.

Emma-Grace The memoir “Cars. Fighter. Soda’s friend. Bugs Ponyboy.” represents who Steve Randle is. Steve Randle is a static character, he does not change throughout the story. Steve is cocky and smart. Steve like cars, and works at a gas station with Soda to fix cars. Steve is also a fighter he likes to fight including against the Socs because he hates them. He is best friends with Sodapop. Ponyboy will come hang with them two occasionally but only if Soda invites Ponyboy. Steve likes to talk to girls and when Ponyboy is around he can’t do that so that bugs Steve. The six word memoir describes Steve Randle.

Six Word Memoir On Bob- By: Matthew Skweres His Wealthiness. Full of Violence. Dead

Matthew Skweres


The memoir “His Wealthiness. Full of Violence. Dead� represents Bob in the novel The Outsiders. Bob has many personalities and is a very wealthy person, he also is a part of a group or gang called the Socs, there is also another group called the Greasers. Bob can be nice to people he knows but to strangers he is an angry, drunk, mean, person. Throughout the story Bob is constantly violent to Greasers one incident is when Bob was drowning Ponyboy and then Johnny stabbed Bob with his knife. Bob is also very wealthy person his ride is a blue Ford Mustang he also wears a dark sweater and wears three rings. Those are reasons why I put those details in my memoir.

Two- Bit Matthews

Mariana Frenk

Funny,fights,takes things for fun

Two- Bit Matthews

Mariana Frenk

Two-Bit Matthews is a very interesting character, who has many personalities. For example, Two-Bit is the “joker� of the gang. He always makes a joke out of situations, and plays around with people, which can end up in a fight. To add, besides being the joker of the gang Two-Bit enjoys jumping the Socs. Lastly, Two-Bit has a habit for stealing.His specialty is shoplifting, and is proud of it.Two Bit Mathews is a very unique character who makes the best out of situations and is very outgoing.

Phillip A greaser, Good student, fist fights Ponyboy

Phillip Ponyboy is a Greaser. His two older brothers dropped out of school to support their family since their parents passed away. Ponyboy is a good student.He gets A’s and B’s. A fist represents him because he gets into fist fights. A greaser is a middle or lower class person who lives on the East side of town.

Liv: 6 word Memoir Sodapop: The kind that people stop to look

Liv Soda Pop Paragraph The memoir, “the kind that people stop to look” represents Sodapop because soda is described as “movie star handsome” in the story. When soda walks down the street people will stop to look at him because he is so good looking. Soda is a high school dropout so he doesn't have much other than his looks. He is thoughtful and reckless, all at the same time. He has dark gold hair that he combs back, to look long and silky. He has eyes that can be gentle one moment but blazing with anger the next. Overall, “the kind that people stop to look” represents soda because he is charming and thoughtful, which all most people want.

Kamar- Bob Lenient Parents, Bad Habits, Too Late

Bob paragraph Bob has very lenient parents because they give him no rules. When randy is talking to ponyboy he told him that bob would come home drunk multiple times and his parents would do nothing, he just needed someone to tell him “no”. His bad habits were picking fights with greasers. Also since he would be drunk most of the time you would find an greaser and try to beat him or even kill him. When I say “too late” I mean this for the parents, if the parents had at least grounding him or put him on some kind of punishment once, he may have never died.

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