Diary of a Cat
Aaron Kahn
September 9 Dear Diary, Today my friends made fun of me because I'm the heaviest cat in the world. I weigh 21 kilograms which is about 46 pounds. I came home crying, and I asked mom for some fat-free food for dinner. She said she'll go shopping tomorrow.
September 10 Dear Diary, I told on my friends at school today because they were still making fun of me. They got detention while I was eating cat food.
September 11 Dear Diary, Today in gym class, I lifted the heaviest weight we had. The cats who were mean to me are jealous because they only weigh 4 to 5 kilograms and can't lift that much weight.
September 12 Dear Diary, My friends ate 5 pounds of cat food at lunch today because they want to be as heavy as me. Ten minutes after lunch, they went to the nurse because they felt really sick. The nurse brought them some cat litter right away for them to throw up in.
September 13 Dear Diary, It's my birthday today! I ate the whole birthday cake in one bite. No wonder I am the heaviest cat in the world. I'm the only one out of 5-hundred-million domestic cats that could eat a birthday cake in one bite.
September 14 Dear Diary, The cake was so tasty. My friends were crying because they didn't get to taste it.
September 15 Dear Diary, I ate my whole supper. I don't want dessert because cats can't taste sweets.
September 16 Dear Diary, Some of my friends like sweets. I don't really know why because I prefer fish.
September 17 Dear Diary, During the school year, I made lots of new friends. I'm really happy about it. My friends might have been a little mean to me but sometimes these things happen. Now we're friends and that's all that matters.