Diary of an Elephant
By Noah Zalika
August 2, 2013 Dear Diary, What a nice summer day it is today. It's nice not only because Asian Elephants just love sunshine, but today I had my baby calves! All I have to say right now is Mazel Tov to me.
August 25 Dear Diary, I'm swimming now. I can't believe I swam across that whole lake earlier! When I told mom, she wasn't surprised because we are naturally good swimmers.
September 1 Dear Diary, I'm hungry again! I do eat bet ween 200 and 900 pounds of food per day, so I'm not sure why I always feel hungry. Somebody said I should eat meat and that will make me full, but I get nauseous just thinking about it. Meat??? Ew! I think I'll stick to veggies and peanuts.
September 14 Dear Diary, Ahh. I'm drinking fresh water and it feels really refreshing to my body. I'm extremely thirsty. Only forty-five more gallons to go!
October 16 Dear Diary, I'm going to snooze for t wo hours. But I don't need a pillow because my ears are pillows!
October 23 Dear Diary, I'm visiting my cousin the African Elephant. He's kind of different. I wonder if the elephants in Africa eat peanuts too?
The End