a f o y r a i D Dog
Emma Green
July 14, 2013 Dear Diary, Today is my first day of summer camp. Mom gave me a rainbow collar because she said there are 400 million dogs and that my collar has to be different .
July 15 Dear Diary, Today is friendship day at camp! I sniffed two dogs and found out they are a great match for me. Their names are Nina and Dina, and tomorrow all three of us signed up for the hunting activity together. It will be so much fun!
July 28 Dear Diary, The strangest thing happened today. We heard some of our enemies howling near our kennel. The wolves were a little too close to the camp last night. The humans did not even hear them. Good thing we have amazing hearing... we are always saving those humans!
July 28, Dear Diary, Our dear friend Taylor was alive for 10 years. Today was very sad because she passed away. She was sniffing in the dirt, and ate some of it. Turns out it wasn't really dirt. One of the humans accidentally left chocolate on the ground, and she couldn't tell the difference. Now she is in Doggie Heaven. I hope Doggie Heaven is safe for her.
July 29 Dear Diary, Today is the talent show. Nina, Dina, and I are going to be hula hooping. Nina said, "I hope we don't make any mistakes." I said, "Me too".
July 30 Dear Diary We dogs can't eat raisins, onions, chocolate, and grapes because we do not want to get sick. I don't want any more of my friends to die because they eat the wrong kind of food.
August 29 Dear Diary, More dogs than presidents have lived in The White House. My camp is planning on taking a trip there, and I can't wait to meet, Bo, the dog who lives there now. He is famous, and I like meeting famous dogs.
August 30 Dear Diary, Our counselors always tell us about puppies. I like hearing their stories because I like to remember what I was like when I was young.
August 29 Dear Diary, It's the last day of camp today. I'm really sad because I will miss everyone when I go home. However, today I heard the best news, Nina and Dina are moving to my neighborhood... wahoo!! I'm so excited, I haven't stopped licking them all day. The End