Father God Read Genesis 1: 1-3; 26-28 then answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper or in a journal/notebook
(4) Kids talk about what their Dads do for a living. It’s interesting that in Genesis 1:1, we see our Heavenly Father involved in work! What is the work that God is doing? (5) In Genesis 1:2, what two words describe the earth’s condition? Define those words. What was the ‘Spirit of God’ doing in verse 2?
What does that mean? (look up terms using www.blueletterbible.org or concordance).
(1) What does it mean to you that God is your (6) As kids some of us believed that our Dads Father? had ‘superman’ powers! Share about a time (2) Every person on the planet has this one that you felt that way about your father. thing in common—we all have a father. (7) Explain how the Spirit of God was hovering Share your recollections of your biological over the waters when the earth was ‘formless father. What kind of impact has your relaand void.’ (Gen 1:2) tionship with your father had on your life? (8) Fathers bring order out of chaos for their (3) Genesis 1:1 starts with the infamous words families. Define in your own words what the ‘In the beginning God . . .’. Describe what word ‘order’ means to you. Has God ever it means to you that God was ‘in the beginbrought order to your world? Share how. ning’ of life as we know it.
Your Heavenly Father’s Name: The Hebrew name of God is EL . . . meaning “strength, might or power.”
JKMinistries © 2010, Jennifer Keitt. All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, may not be duplicated without permission. WWW.JENNIFERKEITT.COM
Genesis 1: 1-3; 26– 28 (con’t) (9) Many times the order that Fathers bring comes through the words that they speak. What are the very first words that we ‘hear’ God saying in Genesis 1:3? What was the result of His words (Gen. 1:3)? Explain how God brings order and creates with His words. Is He always successful? Why? (Other than the fact that He’s God!) (10) Share what the very first words were that you remember your biological father saying to you. How do you think your relationship with your natural father has impacted your relationship with your Heavenly Father? (11) In Genesis 1:26, the creation narrative shifts dramatically. God talks to Himself! What does He say? Who is the “Us” that God is referring to in making man (Genesis 1:26)? (12) Have you ever talked to yourself? Why do we do this? Why do you think God talked to Himself in reference to creating man?
“Before the mountains were born or You gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” Psalm 90:2
(13) Define the Hebrew word ’image’ in Genesis 1:26 (use www.blueletterbible.org for the Hebrew definition or use a Concordance). What does it mean that man is created in the ’image’ of God? (14) A cliché phrase is ‘like Father, like son.’ What does this phrase mean to you in light of Genesis 1:26?
Genesis 1: 26– 28 (con’t) (15) God created mankind for RELATIONSHIP with Him. Why do you think God wanted a relationship with people? What do you think about the fact that God wants a relationship with you? (16) There are 5 things that God stated that man should ‘rule’ over in Genesis 1:26, what are they? What’s not included in that list? Why do you think God wants man to rule over those things only? (17) Explain in your own words the significance of God creating mankind ‘male and female,’ (Gen 1:27) what does that mean to you? (18) This Genesis narrative sets the tone for mankind’s relationships overall. How do you think our relationship to God impacts our relationships with members of the opposite sex? Imagine that we lived in God’s original intent relationally, describe what that would look/be like. (19) Good Fathers give good things to their children! The ‘blessing’ of God in Genesis 1:28 consisted of 5 components. List and explain each one. (20) Based on what you’ve gleaned about Father God in this study, summarize what kind of Father God is to you.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NKJV)