Zakar Magazine Issue #6

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13-Page Special

Professional Empowerment Finding Work Life Balance Becoming a Remarkable Employee

Being A Woman Leader Test: Cultivating the CEO in YOU Recipe for a Healthy Mind | Issue 6


Ways to Empower Your Life! March 8, 2014

Georgia International Convention Center Atlanta, GA

Featured Content



Balancing Your Life & Net Worth

Being a Woman Leader

3 4

Tips to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly Supercharged Keys to Poweful Daily Living

10 The Winner’s Attitude Cultivating the CEO in YOU


Becoming a Remarkable Employee


10 Phrases to Never Say At Work

12 for 17 Recipe a Healthy Mind





Curly Hair Care Staples


Healing Family Wounds

Dating Tips for the Shy Girl



The Aromatherapy Facial

3 Essential Skin Care Tips



Follow the Leader

Editor In Chief Jennifer Keitt

Creative Director Morgan Keitt

Copy Editor

Maisha R. Carter


T.J. Communications Inc.

Customer Service For 24/7 information and service, please visit our website: Or write to: Zakar Magazine T.J. Communications 1720 Mars Hill Rd., Ste. 8-253, Acworth, GA 30101. Zakar Magazine August 2013 Copyright Information: Print ISSN: 1946-6420; E-ISSN: 1946-6420; Zakar Magazine is published by T.J. Communications Inc. (1720 Mars Hill Road Ste. 8-253 Acworth, GA 30101) (C) 2013, T.J. COmmunications Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without written permission. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable; however, the infomation provided is not meant to replace licensed professionals but is to be used alongside. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A All rights reserved.

Letter From The Editor Hello Working Women! In this very special edition of Zakar Magazine we’ve pulled out all the stops to bring you the most empowering strategies, thoughts and articles to empower you on your 9-5! I want you to discover your “M.A.D.” attributes and bring them to the forefront in your career. Your M.A.D. attributes are (1) your MERIT: you’re at the table, so act like you belong there on your job. Merit is your value and worth, and I want you to know that you are valuable. Check out our article “11 Supercharged Keys To Powerful Daily Living,” to help you increase your self-worth. Your second M.A.D. attribute is your (2) ATTITUDE. Your attitude will make or break your career. As you climb your ladder, be sure to have an optimistic, “can-do” attitude! Check out our article on “The Winner’s Attitude” to help. And the final M.A.D. attribute that I want you to focus on is your (3) DEMEANOR: the way you behave and carry yourself. This is critical to your career success. You are going to want to read (and re-read) “Cultivating The CEO In You.” I hope you enjoy this issue! Be sure you tell all of your friends and colleagues about us. Also, feel free to email us at Blessings Always! Jennifer Keitt Chief Empowerment Officer


Being a

woman leader

Christa Ward, shares three qualities that every phenomenal female leader should possess.


oday’s women are mothers, wives, executives, friends, sisters, and employees. We are leaders, influencing the lives of those around us each and every day. But how many of us know how to lead and produce lasting fruit in those under our leadership? Effective leadership provides an umbrella of protection over those under its care. At the same time, leaders will encourage their troops to develop their unique talents, to sow those talents into the community around them, and finally, reproduce themselves. Leaders, by definition, have the ability to lead others by influence and example. A phenomenal leader keeps these three things in the forefront of their mind:

Be passionate about those under you The Apostle Paul was passionately concerned for the well being and favorable outcome for his kinsmen. Although he could not choose salvation through Christ for the Jews, his concern for them did not diminish this love for Christ. He continued to live in righteousness and pursue his calling. Be confident in your ability to teach, always being aware of who has called you to this position of leadership.

Leadership is not burdensome

Having an awareness of this truth takes a tremendous weight of pressure from you! As you follow God’s calling on your life, 2

those under your care will follow you. The pressure to “perform” for other’s sake is no longer on you, it’s on God. And He is well able to do what He said!

Operate in humility

True leadership always begins with a heart that is pliable. That is, a heart that is clear of anxieties and worries. The importance of a heart that is pliable is the difference and power in leadership. Allowing Christ access to your heart puts you in a position to readily receive solutions in any situation.



Effective leadership provides an umbrella of protection over those under its care.

It is then the responsibility of a leader to communicate this fundamental principle to those in her care, reinforcing the source of their ability and empowerment to lead. Let your heart rest confidently in God’s ability to lead through you.

4 Tips to Keep Your Small Business Running Smoothly According to the 2011 U.S. Census, African-American owned businesses are growing three times faster than the national average, with a 60.7 percent increase over five years. There’s every indication this growth will continue. Sande Golgart, regional president at Regus, the world’s largest provider of flexible workspace, offers four tips businesses can implement to keep things running smoothly.

Get Flexible

Explore today’s many flexible working options such as , and co-working, home-working to rs hou ng staggered worki g, tin mu reduce stressful com pro st boo improve morale and us bon at gre a ductivity. It’s also for employee recruitment.

Reach Out For New Customerse an ad-

Businesses that hav ir dress in the same city as the e hav cts spe customers and pro wn -to -of out an advantage over tual competitors. By using a vir s iou stig office with a pre address, your company can no expand into new areas with risk. al nim upfront capital and mi

Meet Online Leverage technology in lieu of business travel. Videocon e lin on ferencing, Skype and meetings can keep you in touch with colleagues and clients without the hassle of traveling.

Right Size Your Business erm Do you need a costly, long-t your lease that may not apply to e? company in six months’ tim See if non-binding, flexible arrangements like drop-in pany’s lounges better suit your com helps on uti needs. A short term sol hand on age keep a professional im ad. rhe ove without the costly



Supercharged Keys to Powerful Daily Living





Live with full appreciation Affirm yourself daily


Live affectionately

10 4

Live in alignment with your values and beliefs Live with great anticipation of your future


Live authentically

Enjoy every achievement


Live affordably


Live artistically



Live richly

Live abundantly



JENNIFER SHOW KEITT Today’s Black Radio Show


Balancing your life&net



eople are overwhelmed with the complexities of their own lives and are desperately seeking a way to maximize happiness in their home and work lives,” says Gary Kunath, an entrepreneur, speaker and former CEO who works with some of the world’s top corporations and business schools. “More professionals are trying to find a path to life worth, rather than centering their behavior on net worth,” Kunath says. He offers four ways career-minded individuals can achieve both:

Look for signs you’re falling into the net-worth trap

For Kunath, those signs were clear. One day, he says, “it was like someone had smacked me on the head,” when his son, then 12, walked away in dismay after Kunath said he couldn’t play baseball with him because he was too busy working on a business proposal. “The look of disappointment on my son’s face was something I will never forget,” he says. Kunath dropped everything and spent the day with his son. “I promised that would NEVER happen again”. The next wake up call was a mental and physical breakdown after Kunath pushed himself to make an unnecessary business trip while sick. After a 19-hour ordeal on a delayed flight to Spain,“…I knew in my bones that if I did not draw the line right there … I would ruin every part 6

Believe in something bigger than yourself There will be times

of my life that mattered to me.”

Don’t be an employee, be employable

Unless you are self-employed, you are always vulnerable to someone else controlling your professional destiny, and therefore, your life worth. But employees can empower themselves by diversifying their skills so that they can have more choices about where and for whom to work. Bad things happen to good people. Adversity finds us all. No one enjoys the worst, most painful moments of their lives.



I knew in my bones that if I did not draw the line right there … I would ruin every part of my life that mattered to me

Nonetheless, life events like loss of a loved one, financial ruin, divorce, addictions or illness tend to define us. We need adversity in our lives. Anyone can be a rock star when life is perfect. But when adversity strikes, then the “real” you is revealed. How you face adversity can either extinguish you or distinguish you.

when you are utterly helpless, with no control over an outcome. All the money in the bank and all the authority at work will do no good when it comes to, for instance, the death of a loved one. Believing in something bigger than you is an important part of having life worth; it helps you maintain your emotional health when you face life’s biggest challenges.

Don’t Major in the Minors

As Henry David Thoreau wrote, “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” For every evening spent late in the office there are moments professionals miss out on – and can never get back. Many of us spend time on things that ultimately don’t matter. “The three greatest gifts you can give to your family are: Time, Memories and Tradition,” he says. “These are things in life that matter.”

Becoming a

Remarkable Employee Neca Smith


ou've been hired to do a job... whether it is customer service, teaching, sales, case management, computer repair, lab tech, etc...Whatever it is, it is imperative that you are productive. Sometimes that productivity is halted and slows to a snails pace. Why is that? Well I think there are a few reasons:


Procrastination - Procrastination is putting off or delaying something that needs your immediate attention. Many procrastinators will tell you they work best under pressure and it has no real effect on their ability to execute and get things done. Distractions - Distractions are those things that we allow to keep us for being productive. Time wasters such as daydreaming (of a vacation, another job, etc.); social media (Facebook, Instagram); games (Candy Crush, Angry Birds, etc). Sometimes distractions can even be the thoughts that we ruminate on throughout the day that may be happening in your personal life...your child may be in trouble at school, that argument you had with your significant other, a bill you need to pay. All of those things can have a major effect on how productive you are. Interruptions - Interruptions happen when our productivity is limited by others. Co-workers asking questions, the phone ringing, urgent emails etc. Being available for our co-workers and employees is imperative to teamwork but constant interruption can cripple our ability to get things done immensely. If you fall into either of these categories, don't fear, I have a few ways to help you become more effective at work. Self-Management NOT Time Management Time management is often recommended to be more productive, however, I heard someone once say, “You can’t really “manage time” it’s impossible, you can only manage yourself”. Essentially, let time serve you...don’t serve time. Figuring how you work best and when you work best is essential to maximum productivity. I’ve learned that the hours between 8am - 12pm are my most productive times of the day. Thus I try to work on my most important and difficult tasks during those hours if possible. I figured this out using the Productivity Heat Map. Click here to

try it and see your most effective times. Block Your Time I understand that in many professions and positions you may not be able to block your time or decide when you will work on certain tasks. You may however be able to block your time to avoid distractions such as checking email, checking your Facebook, playing games etc. There is a time for those things, so just schedule the time that makes most sense to you. Prioritize Immediately In order to deal with your procrastination issues, set an intention everyday to prioritize immediately. In the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (please read if you haven't yet and re-read if you have), Steve Covey introduces the habit of "First Things First" and teaches us how to prioritize what really needs to be done. Check out this video for more information. Done is Better than Perfect My cousin gave me this advice a few years ago when I was writing my first book. I was spending a lot of time adding, tweaking, and editing but never finishing. When she heard me struggling, she said, "Look Neca, done is better than perfect, you will never publish it if you don't finish it!" She was right! Also, most procrastinators are closet perfectionists. Stop wasting time trying to be perfect... JUST DO IT! Over the next week, set an intention to use one of the tactics listed above or try to a new one and gauge, how much more you've been able to get done.

Productivity Heat Map YouTube Video


The winner’s attitude D

iscipline is training that corrects, molds or perfects the moral character of a person. Let’s be real, we don’t like or live the word in today’s society. But we must begin to realize that it’s only through a set course of action; a lifestyle that embraces disciplined habits, thoughts and actions that we can ever arrive at a truly fulfilled life. With this said, here are a few reminders on how to keep yourself in check when life begins to put the pressure on in work, at home, with family, colleagues or friends.

Keep Your Head Cool In A Hot Spot Three things to remember: be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to get angry! Out of control, angry responses aren’t acceptable when trying to build rapport with people. When your buttons are pushed (and understand it’s not a question of if they will be pushed but when they will be pushed) then you must discipline yourself to take a deep breath, truly try and listen to what’s being said or try to think about things calmly; be slow to speak or respond or decide what you are going to do and be slow to get angry. The self-discipline principle here is never let them see you out of control! Take Charge of Your Life Winners are proactive; they have a victor mentality and they live their lives by choices that they make every day. We must become people of proactivity. How many times have you reacted to what life threw you instead of simply pulling from your own resources your pre-determined plan B? We must become people who continuously discipline ourselves to plan for the fulfilled lives we are all so desperately trying to achieve. Winners have the mental position or

attitude that says I am always going to make it happen. Even when life throws winners a curve; the winner knows it’s not over until the proverbial fat lady sings! Developing a lifestyle that is centered around and based on the choices that you make is the master key here. Everything in life boils down to the choices that we make. Today is the day to take charge of the rest of your life! Find Solutions, Not Excuses Eliminate these words from your vocabulary: I can’t, If, Maybe, I don’t think. Replace them with: I can, I will, I know, I am confident. The answers to life’s questions may be difficult or even hidden sometimes, but they are always available to those who persist in finding them. You can’t be a winner in life with the attitude that is always justifying and making excuses for failure. This is not to say that you won’t make mistakes, but that when mistakes are made, you keep the mindset that turns them into stepping stones toward greatness. Always be a person focused on finding the solutions and you will always be a person in demand! Find solutions…quit making excuses!


10 Phrases to never say at work

Do top leaders and successful managers use specific words to achieve success? Are there words and phrases that should be avoided at all costs? Yes indeed! Darlene Price, author of the book “Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results”, has over 20 years of experience working closely with top corporate executives and leaders helping them present themselves and their message more effectively. If you want to maximize your success as you climb the career ladder, and avoid slipping, here are her top ten phrases to stop using in the workplace. It’s crucial to learn that there are certain words and phrases that are sure to cause damage to one’s progress.


Even though you may feel this way on the inside, #1 these negative phrases are I Can’t perceived by others as pessimistic, unconstructive, and even stubborn. Your boss, peers and customers most likely want to hear what CAN be done. Instead say, “I’ll be glad to check on that for you” or “What I can do is…” The words should, #2 could and ought imply Should, Could, blame and fault. or Ought There’s no quicker way to upset a boss, colleague or customer than to suggest they’re guilty of something (even if they are). Instead, take a collaborative approach. “Please help me understand why…” or “Next time may we adopt an alternative approach….” or “I understand your challenges; let’s resolve this together…” If you’re asked to #3 do something by “That’s not my job” your boss, or “I don’t get paid co-worker or enough for this” a customer, it’s

because it’s importTherefore, as a ant to them. team player, goal #1 is to figure out how to help them get it accomplished. Even if it’s not in your job description, by saying so displays a career-limiting bad attitude. For example, if your boss lays an unreasonable request on you, reply by saying, “I’ll be glad to help you accomplish that. Given my current tasks of A…B…and C…. which one of these would you like to place on the back-burner while I work on this new assignment?” This clearly communicates priority; reminds the boss of your current work load; and subtly implies realistic expectations. Eliminate any prefacing phrase that demeans or negates what you’re about to say. Instead, get rid of the self-deprecating phrase, drop the ‘but’, and make your comment. #4 “I may be wrong, but…”, “This may be a dumb question, but …”, or “I’m not sure about this, but…”

Imagine your boss says to you, “I need your pro#5 posal by 10 am tomorrow “I’ll try.” for the customer meeting.” Your reply is, “Okay. I’ll try to get it finished.” The word “try” implies the possibility it may not get finished. It presupposes possible failure.

toward people or your job. This mishap tanks a career quickly. If a genuine complaint or issue needs to be brought to someone’s attention, do so with tact, consideration and non-judgment.

Which of these two statements do you find to be more #6 effective? “I think you might “I think…” like this new solution we offer.” or “I believe you’re going to like this new solution we offer.” The difference in wording is fairly subtle. However, the influence communicated to your customer can be profound. The first one contains two weak words, “think” and “might.” These words make you sound unsure or insecure about the message, and subtly undermine your credibility. In order to convey a confident commanding presence, eliminate validation questions. Make your statement or recommendation with certainty and avoid tacking on the unnecessary approval seeking question. #7 “…don’t you think?”, “…isn’t it?”, or “… okay?”

Other than being #8 “I don’t have time for abrupt and rude, this phrase this right now” or “I tells the don’t have time to talk person they’re to you right now.” less important to you than something or someone else. Instead say, “I’d be glad to discuss this with you. I’m meeting a deadline at the moment. May I stop by your office (or phone you) this afternoon at 3pm? The word “but” cancels and negates anything that comes #9 before it. Simply replace it “…but…” with “And.” Imagine if your significant other said to you, “Honey, I love you, but . . .” The “but” creates a negative that didn’t exist before. Avoid making un#10 constructive or judgDisparaging mental statements Remarks that convey a negative attitude


Cultivating the CEO in YOU Becoming CEO of your life is extremely important! Running your life, just like a seasoned CEO would run her business is the goal of today’s progressive woman. A CEO has three important qualities that enable them to move their companies toward success. They are proactive instead of reactive; they move their companies forward with precision choices instead of letting them progress by chance; and the great CEOs know that they are victors not victims! Take this assessment to determine which areas of your life need further development. Being proactive means:

I am proactive in these areas of my life:

I tend to react in these areas:

Living my life by my choices means: I have made these choices that have moved my life forward:

I have let “chance” or “fate” dictate my life in these areas:


Living my life with a victor mentality means: I have a victor mentality in these areas of my life:

I tend to be the victim in these areas of my life:

Developing takes time and it’s o.k. to take the time that you need in order to journey toward change – no matter how long your change takes. Now that you’ve identified what areas of your life you need to continue to develop, please know that developing takes time. And ladies, it’s o.k. to take the time that you need in order to journey toward change – no matter how long your change takes.

don’t like the influence those friends are having on you. Living your life by your choices is being mature and responsible – letting the buck stop with you.

Working on one small area of change at a time helps you to build Let’s say for example that you now the discipline and the support system realize, “I need to be more proactive you need to sustain change in that area. in my life.” Well, set aside the next several months to challenge your This same principle applies in all behavior. Instead of taking the back three areas: being proactive – one seat and letting things “happen” step at a time; living your life by to you by chance, grab the bull by choices – not by chance; and being the horns in small areas of your life victory minded – don’t continue to be and gradually walk into being more the victim. proactive. That may mean creating a budget this month instead of just Try this exercise one small baby step allowing the money to flow the way it at a time – work on the new behavior wants to – and then reacting hyster- for at least a month and then move on to the next area – give it time and ically when you have more month left than money. It may mean making move on, etc. until you are walking in the choice to remove yourself from a a brand new life! certain social circle because you



Life Coaching 101

Jennifer Keitt, Certified Life Coach

Get the most out of life with private coaching sessions

Transformational Conversations Transparent Relationships Support Systems for Change Continuous Leadership Development Hire Jennifer Keitt as your personal Life Coach today! visit for more information

1. Come to God open and ready for transformation and renewal. 2.Answer three important questions a. How bad do you want what God has destined for your life? ~ Be open and honest in your answers b. Are you really ready to engage in battle to reclaim your thought life? ~ Why or why not? c. What negative thoughts consistently control your mind? ~ What thoughts control these five key areas of your life 1.Spiritual 2.Emotional 3.Physical Body 4.Financial 5.Significant Relationships 3. Set aside some quiet time to answer each of the previous questions a. Set aside one quiet time per question b. Use your notebook or journal to answer each question 4. You are now ready to start building a healthy mind!

Recipe for a healthy mind This “dish� is guaranteed to bring about strength, direction, confidence, and a new way of thinking. Tools Bible | Mind | Notebook | Pen | Index cards Ingredients Desire to have complete control over your thought life Excitement about what the Lord is about to do Commitment to stick with the process

5. Grab your Bible and index cards and search the word of God for one specific scripture for each of the five areas of your life a. Title each card with one of the five key life areas b. Write each scripture on an index card 6. Set aside 10 minutes each day to memorize each scripture card. a. Get creative, test your memory by giving yourself a quiz to see if after 10 days you can write the scripture without looking 7. After memorizing your scriptures, make them into prayers 8. Repeat this process daily for every area of your life that is currently a problem or that becomes a problem in the future. Check page 18 for examples and your cut out scripture cards!


J Healthy Mind Index Cards and Examples Spiritual

Ephesians 1:17-18 “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints…”

“Lord, I thank you for giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation about You! I thank you for opening the eyes of my understanding and for allowing me to know the riches of the glory of Your inheritance.”

Use these custom Healthy Mind index cards for a healthier, stronger, more focused thought life. Add scriptures that mean the most to you to get complete control over your thought life!




Significant Relationships

Physical Body


Coach’s Corner


Family H


appy families are our greatest national resource. It is in them that we find our meaning, our strength, and our future. Spend some time identifying your family’s strengths. Know your family’s weaknesses…in fact, know what areas can destroy your family faster than you can blink your eyes! Here are the five areas that can do the most harm and tips to grow your family tree into a vibrant healthy force to be reckoned with!

Unspoken expectations

The word expect implies a high degree of certainty and usually involves the idea of preparing or envisioning. Whenever you’ve taken the time to expect something of someone or from someone without telling him or her and making that clear, you are setting up a disaster situation. Unspoken expectations get people in trouble and severely hurt in relationships. Family growth tip: say what you mean, mean what you say; don’t have expectations of Words There is a huge difference between family members without their knowledge speaking words and communicating! To communicate means to transmit informa- Negativity tion, thought, or feeling so that it is sat- Hostility, withdrawal, and pessimism isfactorily received or understood. You mark negative people. These features have not successfully communicated hinder and oppose constructive family until what you think and feel is received development. and understood. In real communication, Family growth tip: don’t think, assume, or HOW you say what you say is important! believe the worst – be optimistic and positive Family growth tip: don’t do damage with your words Drama Some people, including some of our family members, LOVE to keep drama going. Offenses When you offend someone, you in es- Drama of the negative kind is not good sence attack them, or at least that’s the for a healthy family tree! way they end up feeling. How many rela- Family growth tip: avoid drama at tionships are severely challenged today all costs. Don’t keep disagreements because of one or both people being of- and drama going fended. Family offenses can sometimes fester for generations! Offense is a family tree killer. Family growth tip: be careful not to disrespect family members

Are you ready to heal the hurt in your family and start the journey to becoming a healthy, happy family? If so, begin by diving into God’s word to see what He has to say about all of the areas that are likely to cause damage in your famliy. Words Proverbs 10:19 Proverbs 13:3 Proverbs 10:32 Proverbs 15:28 Proverbs 16:24 Offenses Matthew 18:15 Proverbs 17:9 Proverbs 18:19 Unspoken Expectations Proverbs 16:27 Proverbs 16:28 Proverbs 17:14 Negativity Proverbs 29:11 Proverbs 15:14 Proverbs 16:7 Drama Proverbs 18:1 Proverbs 11:29 Proverbs 17:4



Curly Hair Care Staples Use Sulfate Free Shampoo

Curly hair tends to be naturally dry. Your curls truly thrive when they are properly moisturized, which is why LeFaye Products’ sulfate free Renew Shampoo is an excellent way to cleanse curls and retain moisture.

Gently Detangle

Try wide-toothed combs or your fingers when you detangle your curls. You’ll see less frizz and breakage than you would with brushes and narrow-toothed combs.

Wet Set Your Curls

The key to bouncy beautiful curls is to set your curl pattern while your hair is wet. Avoid completely combing through your hair. Set your style with LeFaye Products’ Restore Leave-In Conditioner while your curls are still dripping wet.

Squeeze Don’t Rub

Avoid frizz by squeezing out excess water and then blotting hair dry instead of rubbing back and forth. If you need your hair dried more quickly, use a blow dryer on a low/medium setting with a diffuser.

Leave your curls alone

Avoid touching your hair as much as possible to prevent curl separation which can lead to unwanted frizz.


Aromatherapy Facial At Home Spa Secrets From

This herbal facial gently opens the pores and deeply cleanses the skin, while soothing the spirit. Tools Glass or Ceramic Bowl | Towel Ingredients Aromatherapy Herbal Blend | Water | Plain Yogurt | Toner | Moisturizer Directions 1. In a glass or ceramic bowl, add two tablespoons of your favorite herbal blend to two quarts of steaming water 2. Cover your head and bowl with a towel, keeping your face twelve inches from the water. The steam will remove impurities and condition the skin to be more receptive to a masque 3. Keep head covered for five to ten minutes and breathe deeply to experience the therapeutic benefits from your herbal blend 4. Apply plain yogurt masque and keep on your skin for ten minutes, then rinse off with warm water. The naturally occurring enzymes in yogurt gently exfoliate the skin. 5. Spritz on toner 6. Finish with your favorite moisturizer Physical and Emotional Well-Being Herbal Blend Try combining two or more of these oils for your herbal blend, or choose to just use one of them to help boost creativity and ease stress. Lavender Essential Oil Sandalwood Essential Oil Bergamot Essential Oil Frankincense Essential Oil Rose Essential Oil Mandarin Essential Oil Vetiver Essential Oil My Empowered Action Plan I will have a spa date for myself on: Spa Date Shopping List: Herbal Blend Ingredients Yogurt Toner Moisturizer Extra Items



3 Essential Skin Care Tips Use A Moisturizing Body Wash

LeFaye Products’ moisturizing Relax Shower Gel will help prevent your skin from drying out as you wash. It is a sulfate free shower gel that is designed to cleanse while maintaining the natural oils that your skin produces.

Exfoliation is Key

The skin cell turnover rate for darker skin is faster than that of lighter skin. This means that the skin can start to look dull if exfoliation is not part of your skin care routine. Exfoliation will make your skin glow by removing dull layers of skin.

Mositurize Every Day

Hydrate your skin on a daily basis with LeFaye Products’ Replenish Body Lotion to keep dry skin at bay. The best time to apply your lotion is right after you’ve dried off after your shower or bath. Seal in the moisture that’s already been absorbed into your skin.

Dating for tips the shygirl S

hyness and anxiety can ruin a date before it even starts.If you can’t open up on date one, chances are slim that you’ll be asked out for date number two! Before your next date address your extreme shyness and anxiety around dating. Try the following tips to go from hiding in the corner to being the belle of the ball: Leave your comfort zone. If you have only a handful of friends you hang out with all the time, force yourself to make more. Just go out with the point of talking and connecting with just one person and gradually increase it. It doesn’t have to be a member of the opposite sex at first, but start working that in as a goal.

Put yourself in a social setting with a lot of people. It could be a party or a happy hour. At first, just talk to one member of the opposite sex for 5 minutes and then leave. Knowing that you have a limit takes the stress out of it. Be sure to congratulate yourself on your accomplishment and gradually increase.

Pick three current events to talk about on a date that aren’t political or sad. This way you can make small talk. Think sports, birth of the royal baby, the sale of the Washington Post. Topics like these go a long way. Get over yourself. Realize most people aren’t tuned into the fact that you are worried about how stupid, how silly, how awkward, or insert whatever word you think they are thinking of you. They are more worried about themselves and maybe even their own awkward behavior to really notice the things you worry about. Make a calendar of events for the month. Make sure each event is different from the other. Force yourself out to interact without your comfort friends. Do all this alone. At the end of this time, it will force you to become at least more comfortable socially and less awkward. At this point, you are ready to date. Sometimes just doing this will lead to dating. Shy people tend to stay home and never meet people. At least you are meeting people, which is key to dating.


Follow the Leader From the desk of Jennifer Keitt


ecently, while my husband and I rode our motorcycles I was thinking about how riding our bikes was such a great analogy for two people in a love relationship. First, we both ride different motorcycles. He rides a BMW. I ride a Ducati. We each ride together but we ride on separate, different machinery. In love we come to the relationship as individuals, unique, riding on our own “bikes” so to speak. Different backgrounds, different experiences, we’re different people. Yet we come into relationship to ride together—to do it together. Second, when you ride your bike with someone, you ride staggered for the safest journey possible. Before my husband and I leave our garage, we talk about where we’re going, possibly what route we’re going to take and we ride in the same lane all the way to the same destination. We’re on separate bikes, in the same lane, going the same direction to the same place. But on motorcycles one rider leads and the other follows. We ride staggered. Not one right behind the other. One rider is behind far enough so that the lead bike can always see them, and so they’re not in the leader’s blindside. This is key, and you ride this way for safety—so that cars can see you better, so that you can see one another better and so that in case of

an emergency, you hopefully both won’t go down together. Honey, I can’t tell you the number of times one or the other of us had to lead in our relationship. If you’re on a journey with someone and you want to end up in the place called happy relationship, someone is leading and someone is following. One of you may be on the come-up on your job and you’re leading in the financial arena, while your partner is following. Maybe you’ve got kids, and someone takes the lead in raising and nurturing them. Maybe sometimes you take the lead sexually, and your partner takes it at other times. We think that in order for relationships to be great, they have to look equal…a 50/50 split, but that’s not reality, not by a long shot! When my husband’s career was hot he led, in the career arena, I adjusted and followed. When I was leading in the education arena and went back for my Master’s, he followed. Just like riding bikes, you ride staggered in the best relationships. Now I know this messes with our paradigm of equality in relationships. But hear me out… if you struggle all the time to make sure your significant other loves you as much as you love them, has the same financial input as you, changes an equal amount of diapers and you evenly split who does the dishes - you’re probably wasting a great deal of time arguing!

Ride staggered. FInd out who’s best to lead in whatever area and let ‘em lead! So many men and women right now are in relationship hell. Either you can’t find love, or you’ve found love but don’t know how to make it work and last. We date the same wrong people over and over and over again. We have high expectations of our spouse and they fail us time and time again and we’re ready to check out. We have relationships that ‘look good’ on the outside but inside they’re rotten to the core. It’s time we pulled our relationship motorcycles over, got off the relationship road, and pulled into our ‘love garage’ to get ‘em fixed! When we pulled back into our garage after our ride, we were both a little tired, a lot sweaty but thoroughly happy! The journey was great because it was safe and fun and we both got where we were going and back in one piece! And that’s what I want for you every single day in your relationship. Safety, love and peace! It doesn’t get much better than that.



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National Prayer Call Friday Mornings 6am Call In Number: 712-432-0075 Access Code: 906019

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