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I would like to congratulate everyone who has invested their efforts in this project to revive Mek Mulung as an important heritage under the Cultural Sector Empowerment Project through the digital publication initiative. This manuscript will provide readers with a reliable source of information about Mek Mulung . Mek Mulung is one of the nation’s valuable cultural assets that require attention to be preserved as shared community ownership. This publication aims to become the main reference point that will be inherited by the future generation.
As a ministry department as well as an agency that is responsible to conserve, preserve and assess the health of our country’s arts and culture, the act of publishing this documentation corresponds to our aspirations to improve the need for adequate resources in today’s era, particularly within the realm of art culture. MOTAC is committed to driving this digital initiative for projects under the Tourism Sector Empowerment scheme as an effort to support the government to foster arts and cultural activities via product digitalization.
A nation’s civilization encompasses its unique cultural values that are expressed in society. We ought to be proud of being a part of and inheriting a unique tradition that is not available elsewhere.
I believe that this comprehensive reading material is the first of its kind, and it would be a quality benchmark for other arts and culture references published in the future.
Thank you to JKKN for the success of this publication.Not to forget Universiti Teknologi MARA’s College of Creative Arts and UiTM Press in their great efforts to advocate for the arts and to make this project a success.
Finally, yet importantly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone involved, informants, who contributed their ideas, time and energy to ensure that this publication is a success and produced to its highest calibre as a resource for readers and researchers alike
Mekar berseri bunga kesidang
Menghiasi laman dengan bauan
Mek Mulung warisan seni gemilang
Menjadi kebanggaan zaman berzaman
I wish you all the best of luck.