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5. Publicystyka oraz informacje agencyjne
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6. Naukowe strony oraz informacje internetowe W języku rosyjskim
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W innych językach
Research Institutes and Think Tanks, Indiana University Bloomington. Libraries, https:// libraries.indiana.edu/research-institutes-and-think-tanks.
The Geostrategic Choice of Russia at the Dawn of the Third Millennium
Vol. I: The Doctrine of Russia’s Foreign Policy. The Closest and the Furthest Partners
The main objective of the monograph was to find out whether Russia truly plans to build a strategic partnership with any of the world’s key players. There are five hypothetical answers to the dilemma:
1. The intention of building a real partnership has never existed and remains a rhetoric figure. 2. Russia’s attempts to find a reliable strategic partner turned out to be unsuccessful. 3. It is the EU that became Russia’s major political and economic partner. 4. Russia changed the vector of cooperation and turned to the East, treating China as a trustworthy partner. 5. The vision of partnership with a distant large player was finally abandoned; Russia concentrated its efforts on the reintegration of the post-Soviet area.
The perspectives of the research on the main vectors of Russian foreign policy take different shapes and the theoretical paradigms are diversified. However, it seems that despite the highly realistic approach, which seems to be applied by the Kremlin after the end of the 20th century, understanding the Russian vision of international politics needs looking into Russia’s identity. This prompts a certain advantage of the constructivist perspective, which is directly or indirectly applied by such researchers as Richard Sakwa, Andrei Tsygankov or Christer Pursiainen.
The project is divided into four units. Volume 1 refers mainly to the doctrine of Russia’s foreign policy as well as to its closest and furthest partners.
Volume 2 concentrates on Russia’s partnership with the EU. The first part of the volume discusses the political dimension whereas Part 2 the economic one. Volume 3 focuses on the search of partnership in the area of East Asia and the Pacific as well as on Russia’s approach to the Arctic challenge. (footnotes 1–25)
The conceptual root of Russian foreign policy has a certain list of literature, which refers to various aspects of the problem area. However, it seems that the question of the Soviet heritage in Russian international identity has not been described sufficiently, especially the problem of Russia’s state continuity. (footnotes: 26–46)
One of the basic aspects of Russian international identity lies in the historically rooted patterns of the state’s political behavior. The most characteristic models are: the Holy Kievan Rus, Alexander Nevsky’s struggle against the Western aggressor, Moscow as the Third Rome, the syndrome of the Time of Trouble, Russian European Empire, the Eastern Empire, Pan-Slavism, Orientalism, Trotsky’s universal Permanent Revolution as opposed to the Stalinist idea of building socialism in one country, Eurasianism and the Brezhnev doctrine. Most of the presented models contained such elements as anti-Western sentiment, fear of weakening the central powers, imperialism. (footnotes 47–111)
Russian foreign policy is conditioned by a set of internal and external factors. The first group contains four elements at least. The most obvious one is the trauma of the fallen empire. The next lies in the specific dynamics of Russia’s potential: it was drastically reduced during the “democratic” and “atlanticist” period of the 1990s whereas the emergence of the new autocratic as well as nationalistically-oriented and assertive elite coincided with the rise of crude oil and natural gas prices, which brought about a period of impressive prosperity. Another factor lies in the ethnic and demographic problems of the Russian Federation where the East Slavic element is being gradually replaced by the Muslim nations. What cannot be ignored is the characteristics of Russian political elite in the years 2000-2015. Most of its members were in some way connected with the KGB or another secret service and therefore were permeated with the spirit of confrontation rather that with the idea of in the international arena. This refers to Vladimir Putin himself as well as to his closest aides, co-workers (such as Igor Sechin or Vladislav Surkov) and to the peak of the Administration (Sergei Ivanov, Vyacheslav Volodin), which was the real source of power in the Russian Federation. The role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was strictly executive without any strategic competences whereas the Committees of International Affairs in the State Duma and in the Council of the Federation fulfilled the function of the ultimate filter if the political decisions were supposed to take the shape of a bill. (footnotes 112–151)
The set of external factors which underlie Russian foreign policy seems quite complex but its political pragmatics boils down to relatively clear consequences. The beginning of the 21st century was characterized by the rise of conflicts in the Islamic world, especially in the Near East and in North Africa, which deprived Russia of an important part of its foreign markets. Another crucial factor of Russia’s change in international behavior lies in the continual enlargement of NATO. On the other hand, new Russia cannot ignore the rise of the emerging powers, especially India and China. Another problem, which irritated not only Russian decision-makers but the public opinion as well, was the situation of the Serbian nation in the Balkans, especially in the context of Kosovo. By analogy with the Serbian fate Russia in the beginning of the 21st century developed the ideological cliché of Russians as one of the most divided nations in the world since a great part of it was supposed to live in “the near neighborhood”, especially in Ukraine, Belarus and in the Baltic states. The Kremlin, however, was probably even more irritated by the color revolutions, especially the Rose Revolution in Georgia in 2003 and by the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004. Moscow usually interpreted them as anti-Russian acts, inspired by the US or their Central European allies. Their peak (according to the Kremlin’s official rhetoric) was embodied in the phenomenon of Euromaidan (2013–2014), which shifted Ukraine westward again. (footnotes 152–208)
The vector of Russian foreign policy depends on several sources of influence. The first one is situated in a shapeless group of idea-makers. In the period 2000-2015 they represented various circles but generally the spirit was on the right side. In other words, the traditionalistic and nationalist authorities replaced the previously governing “atlanticists” represented later by Gaidar Fund. Searching for the most influential circles one should mention such players as the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and some Islamic authorities, political clubs such as the Izborsky Club (with its famous members: Alexandr Prokhanov, Alexandr Dugin, Mikhail Leontiev, Maxim Kalashnikov) preceded by its earlier incarnations in the shape of The Russian Doctrine or of the Institute of Dynamic Conservatism. (footnotes 209–249) A less important role was played by some significant individuals such as Alexandr I. Solzhenitsyn and Igor R. Shafarevich, the preachers of national rebirth and ideological struggle against russophobia as well as Vadim L. Tsymburskii with his isolationist idea of Insular Russia surrounded by “limitrophic” buffer states in Eastern Europe. (footnotes 250–281)
Another portion of inspiration comes from the leading party – United Russia’s expert clubs as well as from analytic and research centers. They can be divided into independent ones (such as the Center of Political Technologies or the Institute of the Near East), governmental (such as the Russian Institute of Strategic Research, RISI) and scientific or academic with the brilliant institutes within the Russian Academy of Sciences (such as the Institute
of Europe or the Institute of World Economy and International Relations). (footnotes 282–337)
The enumerated sources take part in the process of building the principles of Russia’s real foreign policy whose literal explication is given in the official Foreign Policy Conceptions of the Russian Federation. In the 2000-2015 period the Conception had four incarnations, which were revealed in the years: 1993, 2000, 2008 and 2013. The message of the documents evolved from naïve “atlanticism” toward rough assertiveness and criticism of the West and American unilateralism in particular. Another tendency in the evolution of Russia’s official doctrine leads to reintegration of the post-Soviet area, which gradually gains importance in the course of time. (footnotes 338–361)
This is why the territory of the CIS enjoys extraordinary popularity in the declarations of Russian decision-makers. The “near abroad” is considered to be the closest and restricted sphere of interest. In accordance with that Russia is constructing a system of Eurasian integration embodied (with certain success) in such institutions like the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Customs Union or the Eurasian Economic Union, which managed to unite five states: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tadzhikistan and Armenia under the umbrella of Moscow until the end of 2015. (footnotes 362–405)
Russia’s preoccupation with the reintegration idea led it to specific behavior in the other parts of the post-Soviet area, especially in the Caucasus and in Eastern Europe. Moscow took advantage of the local conflicts in Georgia and responded to its pro-Western steps by protecting the rebel republics of Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia, which ultimately led to the short August war in 2008. The Ukrainian internal conflict of 2013-2014, which brought about the overthrow of the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych and the government after their withdrawal from the planned association with the EU incited the Kremlin to organize the annexation of Crimea and armed opposition in the Eastern provinces of the country. (footnotes 406–432)
Special attention should be drawn to Belarus, which has always been treated by Russia in a special way as its closest partner. President Lukashenka’s policy toward the Kremlin can be described as a game with the winner always on the same side. Belarus in the years 2000-2015 took advantage of its transitional location and demanded financial help and other economic concessions. Some temporary crises caused by misunderstandings about the energy questions were always quickly overcome since Moscow understood how important the smaller Western ally was not only in the geopolitical perspective but also in the context of successful resistance to the threat of color revolutions. (footnotes 433–468)
Redaktor Mirosław Ruszkiewicz
Korekta Alicja Dziura
Skład i łamanie Hanna Wiechecka
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Redakcja: ul. Michałowskiego 9/2, 31-126 Kraków tel. 12-663-23-80, tel./fax 12-663-23-83