City in flux

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City In Flux

Jodie Hirst

“The life of our city is rich in poetic and marvelous subjects. We are enveloped and steeped as though in an atmosphere of the marvelous; but we do not notice it.” Charles Baudelaire.

The “City in flux” can take many forms in its simplest and most literal form “city in flux” is little more than the layout of the town and the associated directional signage. However, when we apply a more cultural interpretation, the “city in flux” is more than this alone. It is an integral, multi-sensory landscape that is realized when many factors inter-relate the way in which the space is interpreted and perceived.

“Major cities are in a continuous state of flux caused by building and rebuilding activities and flows of artifacts, goods, commodities and people, which dissolve and recreate different areas as sites of activity and use. Cities are characterized by tensions between this destruction and reconstruction of spaces, the coexistence of heterogeneous groups, and the different claims upon spaces, which they advance, and contest. The fusion between the physical form of the city and its social composition promises to help us understand how the question of the cities identity and differences can become a topic of interest for the groups of persons who inhibit it’s spaces and who calculate ways and means of practically dealing with these changes.” Extract from Culture of Cities Project

City In Flux Breif

Jodie Hirst

Castle HIll


St. Paul’s Hall

Castle hill is a landmark in Huddersfield, situated on the top of the hill overlooking the city center. As far back as the iron ages the castle was a fort and still had a castle there until the 12th century, many archeological remains still remain on the hill. Kirklees council are deciding now whether a pub should be built on the site, previously there was one until 2001 until it was demolished and now a complicated planning battle has begun to create a new one.

Huddersfield University building Canal side has west and east of the canal, this used to be an old mill but was converted into university buildings containing classrooms and lecture theaters.

St Paul’s is a former church built in 1829 that now provides a venue for a range of concerts, including the world renowned Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Converted from a church in 1980, this unusual concert hall seats 400 people and was designed by John Oates (an architect from neighboring Halifax) and by local stonemason Joseph Kaye. St Paul’s is conveniently located next to Huddersfield Ring Road on the University of Huddersfield Campus.

City In Flux

Flux in Huddersfield

The photos above were taken by Gary. J. Stephenson, a wedding and landscape photographer, he combined the two interests to create the best photos possible. The angles and the background that are captured in the image are what make them so amazing. These are aspects I will let influence my work when I take images of the city and experiment with them.

Jodie Hirst

Research Structure in the city

Jodie Hirst

Research Structure in the city

Jodie Hirst

Reseach Structures in the city

Jodie Hirst

Reseach Structures in the city

Jodie Hirst

This image inspired me for when I go out and take photos of the Huddersfield city as part of my research. The way the buildings are positioned suggests the camera is looking up at them and I think this is a really good photography technique as it comes away from the normal front facing mid level shot. This technique is something I will use to capture interesting parts of the city, old and new to work on and develop. This image has gone back to the 60’s with the use of Russian constructivism. This is the idea of rejecting autonomous art. The words are written in a way and format that makes them look like they are moving rather than static. But most importantly the effect that the woman is not joined but looks like she would be leaned over if the body were there.

The style was for mass production and was made possible by new technology; however by the 1930’s the design was used less although still has effect and influence on contemporary design. A lot of its origins came from the use of cubism. In graphic terms abstract visual grammar was used across a wide range of design techniques. Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge by El Lissitzky is the image below, he was a Russian and his work was heavy influenced by propaganda and constructivism. In its simplest terms constructivism is the rejection of the idea of autonomous art.

Russian Constructivism was the most radical, intense and ambitious movement in design; in the 1920’s constructivism revolutionized graphic design as well as photography and architecture.

Reseach Betty Coutler- Russian Constructivism

Jodie Hirst

Research Photography

Jodie Hirst

I studied Andrew Whyte’s photography because I liked how he used different effects on the camera to get different outcomes and also the interesting ideas of ways in which photos can be seen. For example the way in which the cars are seen as moving instead of static is something I could use in my own work. I am going to try this on the roundabout as this will give off interesting lines. This could also be done on many different things giving great effects that i could use later on in my project.

Research Andrew whyte

Jodie Hirst

These images form Andrew Whyte have also shown me different ways to photograph a city, ways in which you wouldn’t normally see or think about, new and original ways that make the city more interesting and makes it available to see in a different way. I like the way the city buildings are shot from below and above and also in puddles and this is something I will defiantly experiment with within this design.

Research Photography

I wanted to study a bit more into photography and how I can get different effects using a camera because I know that for my project I need to go around the city and take pictures to use to develop my work. Taking photos in interesting ways will allow me to experiment more with my design work and get better, more original outcomes as my final designs.

There are also different effect s on photographs that make them look the way they do, the effect on a photograph can be the difference between a good photo and a bad one. This is something that I will develop and experiment with in my design process.

Jodie Hirst

Research Primary photography

Jodie Hirst

Research Primary photography

Jodie Hirst

Research Primary photography

Jodie Hirst

Research Primary photography

Jodie Hirst

Research Typeography at night

Jodie Hirst

“Just bring your own contents,” wrote Anaïs Nin of the poetics of New York in 1934, “and you create a sparkle of the highest power.” But this iconic city comes with a sparkle all its own, glowing with unparalleled magnetic power, especially at night. in 2008 James and Karla Murray took a tour of new york city in the form of typography at night, taking photos of a variety of places some of which are now not around after the project took 8 years to document, showing the change in the city. The tour revealed the illuminated storefronts of restaurants, bars, shops, theaters and other public places. An idea I have is to have photos with patterns over layered, which means I am going to get ore into photography and how I can use the city effectively, and there are various ways in which I can photograph the city this been one of them, typography at night, this will show the lights of Huddersfield and the night life it provides to the people who live here, which is hugely populated by students. Doing typography at night and day will allow me to see the city in all ways its perceived.

Research James and Karla Murray

Jodie Hirst

Research James and Karla Murray

Jodie Hirst

Research Graffiti

Jodie Hirst

Steve power has been creating murals all over the world for over a decade, he creates a book “a love letter to the city� that takes us on a tour of what his murals around the world have meant and represented. He subverts both the conventions of street art and community activism. Powers is commissioned by public art organizations or the city itself, although he is not grafting in the sense it’s known, however the way in which the art is seen is graffiti style. Powers found he longed for a new communication medium that would both honor the traditions of street art and resonate with the community whose walls it graced I am going to go around the city and find graffiti in poetic, social and meaningful ways. Although graffiti is seen as a nuisance and mess to society in some eyes its also seen as an artistic creation showing the times of the city itself.

Research Steve Powers- A love letter to the city

Jodie Hirst

Research Steve Powers- A love letter to the city

Jodie Hirst

Research City Graffiti

Jodie Hirst

Research City Graffiti

Jodie Hirst


City Graffiti

Jodie Hirst

Research Collage

Jodie Hirst

Kurt Schwitters was most famous for his collage using bits of rubbish, including old bus tickets, labels, postcards, stamps and even bits of packaging and wood. This style of work interests me; I think the effect of old bus and train tickets, stamps and labels gives a sentimental meaning. It is also something that is able to tell a story just by using visuals, something that is very important to be able to do with a piece of work like this. To do the collage myself I would go to the second hand market in Huddersfield town and collect different things I could find that represent the change in Huddersfield’s city.

Research Kurt Schwitters

Jodie Hirst

Juan Carols Pinto is a collage artist that used hundreds of old

metro cards from London’s underground system to create mosaic collages of iconic people. I thought this is was a good idea as this is something I could do, by collecting old train and bus tickets and even event tickets for things that go on around Huddersfield I could create collages of a landscape in Huddersfield or something relating to the city, this would then show Huddersfield now using tickets from all different times.

Research Juan Carlos Pinto & Nina Boesch

Nina Boesch is a collage artist that also created many collages using old metro cards from London’s underground, she made London linked images as well as unrelated images, some were made with colour and others black and white. I really like this work because I think the collage material that she uses works for every collage that she does, they look simple yet realistic and I really like the jagged effect within the forms rather than it being one flat colour.

Jodie Hirst

Research Pattern

Jodie Hirst

The photos were taken by Adrian Sauvage and edited by Shane Small. As much as I like the photography in these picture the thing that really drew me towards them were the pattern and colour contrast placed on top. The patterns make me think of the atmosphere

Research Shane Small

the images give of, the story they try to tell and the purpose of them. The image above reminds me of a device in spy films to spot a target; this makes the building in the middle look targeted but why? The way the image is edited makes a story and this is

something I like to be able to see from an image clearly. A way this could influence my work is by looking at various patterns and sequences that could be put on top of images, I plan to do this by going around Huddersfield city and finding interesting angles and patterns.

Jodie Hirst

City’s are living and constantly changing, interconnected sidewalks, paths and alleyways are what keep the city changing and constantly in flux, Korean artist Lee Jang Sub explores the concealed aesthetic formed by the infrastructure of the city and its evolution across time. Using road maps to create patterns like this... The way in which Lee Jang Sum uses the sidewalks, alleyways and streets in the city has created a pattern like this, because these constantly changing the pattern evolves and shows the city in flux. the different colours and contrasts change the mood and atmosphere of the pattern, capturing a new vibe and uniqueness that the city has to offer. I could use this as influence in my idea to experiment with pattern around the city. The simplest of patterns can be transformed into something interesting and original just by looking deeper into the pattern itself.

Research Lee Jang Sum

At first glance without reading the context behind the design I thought the image was a tree, this made me realize that when photographing the city and exploring its various unseen patterns i

Jodie Hirst

Research Lee Jang Sum

Jodie Hirst

The pattern he created from a road map was then transformed through many stages of development and change to create a piece of wall lighting design; this is something I will take influence on in my work. Going through many experimental stages to see what patterns I can get out of existing patterns I find in the city around us.

Research Lee Jang Sum

An idea that I had and might consider is taking a map of the city but not just a mapping of the streets but everything and turning it into a unrecognizable pattern like Lee Jang Sum to see what effects I can create. This also gives me the idea of thinking about hidden patterns in the city and the things you don’t see...

Jodie Hirst

Finding pattern doesn’t have to be a distinct traditional version of a pattern, following the same sequence over and over, it could be something like the examples above, to

Research Other pattern

experiment I will take different objects like this to over layer with my city images doing this will allow me to see different outcomes and different styles. Which will allow me to

see what can be used to create a good graphic to represent the city in flux

Jodie Hirst

Research HIdden Patterns in the City

Jodie Hirst

Research HIdden Patterns in the City

Jodie Hirst

Research Mind Map

Jodie Hirst


Walking around Huddersfield made me realize that pattern is everywhere, even if it’s not a conventional pattern. Floors and walls are patterns that are overlooked but seen in the paving stones and bricks however there was so many more that I wanted to explore. It then occurred that if a small town like Huddersfield can be over looked so much how overlooked is a place as big as London?

Who is this for?

The posters are for people who over look the city, in terms of demographic categories its not aimed at a group in particular but at people who take no notice of what’s around them, I want to make people more aware of the world around them and how it can be made into something really interesting.

What is my idea?

The hidden pattern concept comes from this... I want to show people that patterns don’t just come conventionally but can be made from almost anything around the city. I want to make people more aware of their surroundings and just how beautiful it can be made.

How do I communicate this?

So that is what I aim to do... I am going to take images that I have taken of the city and create pattern from them for example using the kaleidoscope method, making them into a pattern unrecognizable from the image it originally was. I will then work on these in different ways taking influence from artist’s work and techniques. These graphics will then be placed into fold out booklets that have 6 panels on each side; there will be images of pattern in some way on both sides. And one some of them will be messages saying did you see it? Or captions of the sort to make people think about what it means and how they don’t look around them if they don’t see it.

Research concept 1- Hidden Pattern

Jodie Hirst


Typography is something I have always been interested in, I like how you can make letters into more visual images, reflecting any mood or purpose or object. I research typography but at night as we al see a city during the day all the time however how does the city change when viewed at night? I explored this and then came up with ideas of typography some related to the city images I had collected. Influence may come from nature, buildings, people, transport etc. The possibilities for typography are endless...

Who is it for?

This would appeal to mainly other creatives that would look at this wok and appreciate the meaning of it. The sound waves that come from the city being used will make people appreciate what goes on in the city around us and the people that want to see this will like this work. It’s also predominantly aimed at typography enthusiasts of a younger generation for example university students and collage students

What is my idea?

My idea is to create a typography that represents the city in a way in which its known, for example using shapes from buildings in the city and building type up, or using nature as an influence, the possibilities are endless. One idea that I would like to take forward if the possibility of studying the sounds of the city, meaning that the type was made out of sound waves from the city.

How do I communicate this?

I would create a full typeface that takes the sounds of the city around us. I would do this by using a Dictaphone to record different sounds, during the day and at night and transform the sound waves from these recordings into text by combining them.

Research Concept 2- Typeography

Jodie Hirst


There are many hidden places within the city that are not seen, doorways and alleyways, these places are hidden but there not meant to be secret. They just get passed by and no one really taken notice of them as they walk by. However this is where the graffiti is usually seen. Graffiti represents a different type of art and can have many different meanings and skill levels. I want to show people to what extent this is and how it being in these hidden places affects it.

Who is it for?

Graffiti would usually appeal to the younger generation of people who like the look of it and enjoy either doing it or studying it however this project could show the older generation that graffiti has meaning ad is art, it not just a nuisance.

What is my idea?

My idea is to simply show people what they don’t see. I wanted to take pictures of these places in the city and manipulate them into graphics that show people what they don’t usually see.

How do I communicate this?

To communicate this to the people of the city I am going to first take photos of the hidden paces I the city and then develop them into a piece with a message either using other images, layering typography etc...

Research Concept 3- grafffiti and hidden places

Jodie Hirst

The Grid system

When experimenting with typography and pattern due to the earlier research I had carried out I came across a grid type pattern and through about the gird system of a city, which is what I made a design from. This artists Dennis Ekstedt uses the grid system as his influence to produce pieces like this which I think look really effective because instead of using lines he uses paint spots in lines and patterns to create the illusion of a grid. Something I may experiment with.

Research- concept 2 typography Dennis Ekstedt

Jodie Hirst

This is the drawing that inspired me to think about the grid system, I initially started off just putting lines through the lettering but because it went past the outlines it made me think of the grid and then the grid system because of the sound waves and technological angle I had been thinking about.

Development- concept 2 typography Typeograohy

Jodie Hirst

When initially messing around with typography in a sketchbook I made a design of an R, I didn’t like the design it looked scruffy and unfinished however when looking at the design it gave my influence into an idea of typography. The letter looks lie it’s been made with sound waves and this gave me an idea to make typeface with sound waves from the city’s sounds, I am going to record the city sounds and use the waves. I remembered that the artic monkeys “do I want to know” album was made with sound waves very simply so I found out the person who designed this album cover was Renovatio. And some other things he has designed also include waves and line, which I thought, could influence me in my designs.

Research & Development Renovatio- concept 2- Typography

Jodie Hirst

Research- concept 2-typeography Sound waves

Jodie Hirst

Research & Development- concept 2 - typography Non-Format: Ny Musikk

Jodie Hirst

Development Graffiti- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

Development Grafiti - concept 3

Jodie Hirst

Development Grafiti concept 3

Jodie Hirst

Development Grafiti -concept 3

Jodie Hirst

Development Grafiti- concept 3

I then took the sections I had taken and looked at them in a different way, instead of cutting sections out completely why not keep the image but distort it, the influence for this came from Shane Small, his work is cut into sections using overlaid pattern but looking at his work make me think about how it would look if certain pieces were slightly tilted or distorted. I like this as the edge gives a curved effect. I think this type of image represents the urban side of Huddersfields city.

Jodie Hirst

Development Grafiti- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

Development HIdden Places-concept 3

Jodie Hirst

The experiment I am working on is pattern, however I thought that without layering pattern from other images over and working out ways in which this can look effective, I realized that this image is pattern. The way in which the brick walls and pavement floor are laid creates a pattern. I also found that whilst going around Huddersfield there were many hidden alleyways and streets that weren’t used for very much and that would not be seen to the normal person walking around, which is why I decided to put the text on, showing that hidden places can be forgotten by making “forget� in black to stand out against the white on the image. I first edited the first one which I think has a good effect of the light beaming through the doorway at the end but the dark version does not gave that same effect, however the black and white version is my favorite, it gives and eerie feel and also shows the dark corners being represented.

Development HIdden Places- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

I then wanted to see if highlighting the text in different ways would achieve anything however I think the boxes don’t pop out and look how I had imagined.

Development HIdden Places- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

I then stared to crop different parts and interchange them, I don’t think the one to the left looks as effective as the one above, the left one looks good because of the distorted nature however the one at the top gives the mysterious feel because you cant see the rest of the image, only the doorway, so this is something I defiantly liked.

Development HIdden Places- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

After deciding that the cropped middle section one was the one that I liked I decided t try out different fonts to see what effects I got. the blocked one in the top left corner was one that I thought looked effective because the font looks choppy and almost uncertain, this is something that the people of Huddersfield are about the city and the places they don’t see. I don’t think the font in the bottom right does the image any justice because I think the fairytale nature of the font distracts from the message.

Development HIdden Places- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

I then started with the colour, I decided on a font that I liked and tested the colors next. I tried red to connote danger as if to say the hidden is represented as a danger to us. “What we don’t know cant hurt us” I thought this was good until I tried orange. I think the colour really pops out with the greyscale image and the black in the middle of the doorway for the ‘forget’ also works well to highlight that we are all forgetting to look for the things we don’t usually look for or see.

Development HIdden Places- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

When experimenting with this piece my reasoning for the design was because it didn’t need pattern overlaying the pattern was all in the image and that was the point I was trying to make, you walk past it you just don’t see it, however decided to try out making this more obvious so I layered a simple shape pattern over the top I started with the outline of the shape which I liked then I filled a few in and then them all. The end result was the one that I didn’t like.

Development HIdden Places- concept 3

Jodie Hirst

Final Idea concept 1- Hidden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Kaleidoscope

Jodie Hirst

Development Kaleidoscope

Jodie Hirst

Development Kaleidoscope

Jodie Hirst

Development Kaleidoscope

Jodie Hirst

Matt Booth is a designer who did these designs above in a way that makes them look like they have been twisted almost like a kaleidoscope image, I really like this effect as it creates a pattern that looks interesting and different colour and variations of patterns create different moods when looking at them which means I can tailor patterns to reflect either an image I am portraying or the image that it may be overlaid over like Shane smalls work. The design to the left is originally just a pattern however this was turned into an album cover design, which makes me see that even though just a pattern it can represent something.

Research Matt Booth

I followed a tutorial on YouTube that showed me how to kaleidoscope the images to cerate patterns, I did this with the image I have took of London and I got some really nice interesting results. I like the idea of pattern not being the conventional use of Shane small but the creation of pattern from images of the city. It’s pattern that you would not normally see and would not know what it had come out of but look and find it interesting as well as suspicious as to what it is, getting peoples opinions and different interpretations. I then found this artist matt booth that inspired the hidden pattern concept...

Jodie Hirst

As well as the kaleidoscope images I have created using Photoshop I decided to cerate other patterns by simply reflecting images, and then I found a technique where on Photoshop you can just find the edges and this is how got this effect. The only problem with this is that far away the lines are too thick to see and therefore look broken.

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

After doing this I started to layer images over another to see what effects I could get. I started by first layering a kaleidoscope image over the original image that it was, in some cased this worked for example the tree one however in some it didn’t. The reason I thought of doing this is because I thought of how the images are a reflection of themselves. Going back to the city’s reflection and representation.

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

I layered images using two different images also, some worked and some didn’t, here I made the top image at different opacity’s giving different effects, I did this because the dramatic effect of the image increase if the mage on top is darker. That effect also makes you want to look at the image more however it can’t be too much or you cant see anything and makes me disinterested. I then overlaid images but I didn’t place them all the way across and left out parts but I made sure they looked effective and blended because some of them looked un related at times.

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Development Pattern

Jodie Hirst

This image is one of my favorites I have done, I printed the images out and ripped them up layering them on top of each other in an order so make it look like the same picture, I liked this effect as it was but I scanned it into the computer and layered transparent coloured shapes and added other things and I think it makes the images look interesting to look at because there’s many different parts to it. However the meaning wasn’t obvious t me at the start until I thought into it. Ii thought about then how the city is at different time in terms of the year, the day, the different people out at different times and this is what I felt it represented.

Development Pattern using collage

Jodie Hirst

Kaledioscope Development HIdden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Kaledioscope Development HIdden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Kaledioscope Development HIdden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Kaledioscope Development HIdden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Kaledioscope Development HIdden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

Earlier on in my research I looked at matt booths work and how he made patterns with solid coloured shapes that reminded me of the kaleidoscopes I had created, I then looked further into his work to see what graphics I could make from influence I found and I came across these. This is pattern that is simplified down using block shapes and I really liked the effect.

Research Matt Booth

As my final idea is going to be a graphic image the represents the hidden pattern round the city these sorts of images would work well. So I decided to give it a go. I thought an image like this although effective would work well with a message, which I plan to work on later.

I tried using the method of matt booths work however it didn’t work too well on the kaleidoscope textures because they were too detailed to have block colours on every single section so i tried to break them into bigger section but I don’t think the effect is as good.

Jodie Hirst

Kaledioscope Development HIdden Pattern

Jodie Hirst

As part of my final design that will be seen by passers by that don’t usually see the pattern and beauty the city has to offer them, I want to add something to it that will make them think a bit deeper and gave the image more meaning. I decided I would put a message onto my works that will reinforce the idea of hidden pattern. Messages that will make people think about what they are looking at, whether they recognize it? The messages will also make them question themselves and how they pass life by without looking around themselves properly. To do this I looked into philosophical questions and messages. About life itself and how people think. Doing this meant that I would be able to structure questions that will do what I want them to do appropriate to my message.

HIdden Message Final Idea

Jodie Hirst

Life is simple; it’s just not easy. It’s simple, its just ot easy to see... A life without cause is a life without effect. ~Barbarella Does this cause effect? What am i? Who am i? Do you recognise me? To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. ~Emily Dickinson Is life to busy to take a look around? We struggle to make things out... Life is our design I was never really hidden from you Was I ever really hidden from you? Blinded By our own vision

Philisophical Questions HIdden message

Jodie Hirst

we struggle to make things out...

we struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out... we struggle to make things out...

we struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out... we struggle to make things out...

we struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

Development HIdden message

Jodie Hirst

we struggle to make things out...

we struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out... we struggle to make things out...

we struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out... we struggle to make things out...

we struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

Development HIdden message

Jodie Hirst

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out... We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

We struggle to make things out...

Development HIdden message

Jodie Hirst

We struggle to make things out.

Development HIdden message

Our Life is our desgin

Jodie Hirst

Its simple. its just not easy to see.

Was i Ever Really HIdden?

Development HIdden message

Jodie Hirst

After the messages research I started to put text and images together to make posters and although some I liked the simplicity of them didn’t get the message across that I was hoping for. It wasn’t clear because the text and image were not relating...

We struggle to make things out...

I liked the patterned shapes above and I want to keep developing those further because I think given time I can create something good out of them however I am going to thinking about a new approach to my final piece in terms of how to present my work. to the left is simple the kaleidoscope images in circles, I prefer them in circle and think they look effective and nice, they show the real pattern of the city that we don’t see.

Development HIdden message

Jodie Hirst

Now you see me

Development HIdden message

We struggle to make things out...

Jodie Hirst

The patterns I was manipulating although looked good didn’t have the definite message that I wanted to have in my work, so I brainstormed what mu message actually was and exactly what I wanted to say. my main message is this, “we are blinded by our own vision” i thought of this and say this because as we walk around the city we look around us, mindlessly but using our vision, without taking anything in but actually we are blind to the beauty the city has to offer, We miss the pattern and texture of the city and maybe if we took a look around properly we would see this and we would not be blind to the beauty we miss every single day. I have chosen to start experimenting with eye structures and how I can manipulates them into my work because I think this represents that everyone visualizes and sees the world differently through colour, shape texture size etc...

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

I drew the images of the eyes on paper and scanned them in ready to manipulate in Photoshop to create many different outcomes. I wanted to create 3 posters so I wanted three eye images but with a different element to each one, before hand I imagined I would have... 1. Pattern as the background and the eye 2. An eye integrated into a patterned shape I had produced earlier 3. An eye in pattern on a plain background

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

I did the first experiments with the eye and although I quite liked it I thought the pattern looked too busy but I also suspected that had something to do with the shape of the eye so I tried a different one and toned down the texture, I then made the colours completely different so that the eye popped out at your straight away. I wanted to try subtle and obvious approaches to see which ones looked more effective, I wanted people to notice them but to also question what it was.

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

With the idea of 3 posters in mind wanted they’re to be one-eye images that was integrated into one of the shapes I had created through patterned kaleidoscope images. I initially started with the white eye and background but the realized that black looked better. It’s more noticeable as well as blending better with the background. After changing the background white to black I them realized I had one of my pieces I really like this effect of combination and the colour work well together. You can just see the eye through the pattern. I then used a background graphic and placed a white eye over the top that was a different shape and I don’t like this. I like the background and I think the eye being white could work however I think the shape of the eye looks too animal like and doesn’t gibe the message of humans passing life by.

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

Development Blinded by our own vision...

Jodie Hirst

When trying to make these posters I realized they didn’t fit into posters, which is why when I was trying to make my final pieces they were not giving a god effect. So I decided to make a booklet of the eye images, this also allowed me to show more of the images that I initially could... i decided to place my eye images on the inside and then put my textured kaleidoscope circles on the back. This is a good idea because the kaleidoscope images are very good example of the patterned city without them being developed so being able to show these simply on the back of the book will give the whole message more effect. I then wanted a simple front and back cover which s understated and doesn’t distract from the images inside. And I also wanted to add a page I the booklet that describes what I have described throughout the project, the purpose of the graphics and the message it gives out. I decided to do 3 of these booklets to show off many the different effects I have got. Initially I am thinking a 6 paneled concertina booklet square that is double sided, however I am going to look into different ways I could make this booklet. I also wanted the 3 to represent different parts of the “blinded b our own vision” idea. One that represents how colour is viewed differently, one bout how vision can be totally different from each other and one on how the same thing can be viewed differently but have similar links between people’s opinions.

Final Outcome Booklet

Jodie Hirst

There are a few ways I could make my booklet work. I am wanting all the panels to be the same size so that all images can be put on them, however I initially thought of something just simple that folds out but I want something a bit more graphic and eye-catching, this is something I want people to look at because its grabbed their attention like nothing else has before...

Research Final Outcome- Booklet

Jodie Hirst

Book Layouts

I had to work out how my square books would fold out so I could design them and start to make them on illustrator. I made paper maquets of the different ways I could fold the paper and I also made digital images to made the visuals easier and so that I knew exactly how to set my book out.W

Final Outcome Booklet

Jodie Hirst

Final Outcome Booklet 1

Jodie Hirst

Final Outcome Booklet 2

Jodie Hirst

Final Outcome Booklet 3

Jodie Hirst

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