ABOUT JOE Joe Boyd is a UK based illustrator and designer. He grew up in the countryside but has made his way to the city where he enjoys being part of the fast paced creative community. Although much of his work is produced using digital processes it is heavily informed by traditional media. All of his designs begin with pencil on paper and his strong use of colour, shape and texture come from his love of screen-print in which all these elements must be carefully considered. All the work that Joe creates is driven by a concept. He begins every project with extensive drawing and research, pushing the concept until he reaches the most effective solution. He believes that the idea behind a design is just as important as the way in which it is produced and that it if does not engage the viewer then it has failed. Joe loves to collaborate and get involved in creative projects of all sizes. He is always keen to learn new things and has experience of working in a creative studio as well as working freelance with a selection of clients including The Guardian, Beacons Festival and Intern Magazine amongst others.
w w w. j o e b o y d i l l u s t r a t i o n . c o m joeboydillustration@gmail.com
ROYAL OPER A H O USE Brief set by YCN: Encourage 18 - 25 year olds to experience opera by removing misconceptions surrounding the art form.
PENGUIN DES IGN AWAR D S Reima gine the cover for A Clockw o r k O r ange to a ppea l to a new genera tion o f reader s .
SLE E P Artwork for the live performance of Max Richter’s 8 hour long classical composition ‘Sleep’ based on my contribution to the 2016 Secret 7”exhibition.
COLOUR IN C I NE M A A research and processes led personal project exploring the communicative power of colour in cinema through screen-printed optical illusions which reveal different images under different coloured lights.
MINIS T RY OF N O STALGI A The cover illustration for the 13th issue of Stir Magazine based on their interview with auther Owen Hatherley. He discusses his new book which looks at how nostalgia has been used as a political tool to justify austerity.
FEDR I GO NI An award winning design created in collaboration with illustrator Rebecca Williamson. A response to YCN’s Fedrigoni brief: Create a print based marketing tool for their new range of ultra-black stock.
GOGO P E NGUI N Screen-printed poster for Gogo Penguin’s Leeds tour date at The Wardrobe. 2 colour 18” x 24”