OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 Logo Development
Joe Leadbeater
'Making' - Smart Font UI
Deconstructing Form
The chosen typeface to work with, and the chosen word ('making') were deconstructed at a variety of levels. I deconstructed each shape, and then split it up further
and further. The final idea made me consider how the deconstructed form could be used to create shapes ( I some how accidentily designed an elephant).
Studio Brief 2
Deconstructing Form
Joe Leadbeater
Deconstructing Form (2)
Here you can see an expirementation with the deconstructed form. I like the idea of showing this, as well as the constructed letter too.
Studio Brief 2
Deconstructing Form
Joe Leadbeater
Studio Brief 2
'Making' - Smart Font UI
Developing A Logotype
I chose to work with Apercu, a clear and functional sans serif, with a high x height. This was then kerned to fit better as a logotype (2). Next, I experimented with simplifying some of the letterforms (like I previously did with the
Japanese logotype). I reflected one half of the u, and used both ssymnetrical sides to construct a 'u' (3). From the construction of the U, it was easy to design an 'n' and 'm'. The final logotype has a modified title, a piece of the Japanese logotype, the shape mimicking a Japanese roof.
Developing A Logotype
Joe Leadbeater
'Making' - Smart Font UI
Developing A Logotype (2)
I placed both logotypes next to each other, as I thought it would be important for them to work as a set. It became apparent that the logotypes did not fit well together.
I deconstructed the Japanese logotype again, and removed any unnecessary design features, and created a more structural form. I feel this fits much better with the other logotype, and will also work better when deconstructed.
Studio Brief 2
Developing A Logotype