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n. 1. A graphic designer. 2. A creative thinker. 3. A concept builder. 4. A type enthusiast. 5. A brand fanatic.

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About Joe Previous Work Boring Stuff Contact Details


About Joe



What Joe Likes

What Joe Dislikes

I was born in Harrow, North West London, where I stay outside term time. From living and studying in Leeds, I’ve learnt to be a ‘nice’ Londoner.

White socks. Natural lighting. Fresh air. Everyday creativity. Challenge. How It’s Made. Grand Designs. David Attenborough in HD. Reading conspiracies. Dub, Funk & Soul.

KFC chips. Coke Zero. Pouring a full bottle. Hunger. Videos at 240p. Music at 64kbps. Slow walkers.

Design Preferences

Design Dislikes

Grids / Structure. Baselines. Pt Size 9. Technicality. Utilised space. White ink. Minimalism. Oriental typography. Japanese packaging. Pastels. Neutral tones. Logotypes. Abstract concepts. The ‘em’ dash (—) Big next to small. Mono / duotone. Fun but functional. Screenprints. 3D rendered type.

David Carson. Condensed fonts. Pt size 14 for bodycopy. Fonts that do this. Drop shadowed type. Glossy photo paper. Vistaprint. Mockups of held posters. Spelling errors in titles. Too much uppercase. Blurry type. When this happens Fonts relating to films.

I’ve gained northern friendliness, and will probably say hi to you if you smile at me in the street.

Joe in 10 Words Moles. Beardy. Short legs. ‘Happy eyes’. Monobrow.

Curly. Confident. Eccentric. Tired. Cheery.

People who can’t get my surname right.

‘Can you just change that?’ ‘It won’t take long.’ ‘I’m not using it so I don’t need to pay’

Previous Work


Domino’s YCN 2014 Entry App Proposal

Concept & Submission

Domino’s want Two for Tuesday’s to be ‘like Orange is for Wednesdays’. The brief only instructed to produce a campaign, be it web, print or video.

I collaborated with clasmate ALex Dyson, and we worked together on producing a Two for Tuesday’s app. Our app aimed to bring Domino’s customers together through social networking, with log in would be available through Facebook, Twitter & Google +. The use of the app will also allow Domino’s to market virally though social networking. As well as the app, Alex and I came up with pizza box packaging, and an ad-shell poster to promote the new app.



Previous Work


Previous Work


Dü Branding / Identity

Concept & Submission

We are Dü. A specialist typographic studio partnership, soon to be located in Hackney, East London. The studio will consist of two specialists in their prospective fields; a technical typographer with an eye for modular and geometric form, and a unique letterer, who brings a modern approach to a traditional craft.

Dü, as a word, means nothing. It connotes the idea of two; two creatives, two designers, and two entire separate skills.

This was a fictional brief, looking into the costs and details of setting up a studio.

The branding was kept monochromatic, so that your eye is not distracted by colour, and just focussed on the shape and form of the letters. Each side of the business have their own distinct look, with the technical side being in black, and the letterer’s side being white. Black was chosen as the typographers side, to emphasize their use of negative space. The letterer uses white as it connotes the use of blank paper, and also leaves a space on the business cards for the letterer to sketch some quick, hand rendered lettering.



Previous Work


Previous Work


Vignelli’s Italian Restaurant Branding / Identity

Concept & Submission

Construct the identity for a restaurant, based around a typographic or graphid design theme.

Vignelli’s, as the name suggests, was inspired by Italian graphic designer and modernist, Massimo Vignelli. The way the restaurant has been branded relates to Vignelli’s beliefs on design, as stated: - Functionality and timelessness is key. - Vignelli believes that only 5 or 6 typefaces are ever needed - Not necessarily the typical modernist ‘bold sans serif’. One example he states is ‘Garamond’ - The typeface chosen. - Logo design involves a huge consideration, as it can essentially be the face of the company. - Vignelli prefers a primary palette of ‘red, blue and yellow’ - White space should be used to your advantage. With these in mind, I formed an identity around Vignelli’s rules.


Below Top Row: Drinks List Bottom Left: Menu & Menu Board Bottom Right: Glass Water Bottle


Previous Work

Vignelli’s Deli As a subcategory of the restaurant, there would be a separate Deli. This would specialise in selling fresh Italian goods, with some of them branded. Here you can see a sample of goods that would be sold in the Deli, as well as a promotional vehicle.



Previous Work


Boring Stuff




GCSE: 2A*’s, 4 A’s, 5 B’s.

London, United Kingdom Aug 2012 – Sep 2012 Sue King Creative Junior Designer

A Level: Art & Design - A* Design & Technology - B English Language A

London, United Kingdom Jul 2013 – Oct 2013 Sue King Creative Junior Designer

Art Foundation - Distinction

I have also been working freelance from November 2013.



Software Knowledge

High School Merchant Taylors’ 2004 - 2011

Native English Conversational French Conversational German

Adobe Illustrator - Strong Adobe Photoshop - Strong Adobe Illustrator - Strong

Art Foundation Loughborough University 2011 - 2012 Ba (Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art 2012 - 2015

Adobe Dreamweaver - Learning

Cinema 4D - Learning

Contact Details


hello@ joelead.com Online

Home Address

Phone Numbers


17 Roxborough Avenue, Harrow, Middlesex, London.

Home 020 8931 1054

www.be.net/joeleadbeater1 www.pinterest.com/joelead www.joelead.tumblr.com


Mobile 07854398957

Written & designer by Joe Leadbeater 2014

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