1 minute read

Even further back into the past: Cenozoic and Paleoarchaic

The grossest error is that

convection is only taken into

account in one direction

(upwards). This would result in a vacuum at the bottom. The other errors (radiation balance, back radiation and phase transitions) are discussed in detail in a separate paper, which I will gladly send to interested parties. At this point I would like to point out that all greenhouse theorists have been saying for 60 years that without the atmosphere the surface temperature of the earth would be 33 °C lower. They have also calculated this wrongly. In fact

the temperature difference is about 67 °C, because the naked earth would be almost as cold as the

moon (https://m.scirp.org/papers/78836).

12. Maxwell and every glider pilot know better that convection works in both directions

From the site of glider pilot Gerd Pfeffer (http://www.gerd-pfeffer.de/atm_konvektion.html). Convection and adiabatic compression are the keys to solving the question of how the atmosphere "warms". From "Theory of Heat" by James Clerk Maxwell (that's right, this is the physicist whose theory on electrodynamics was a basis for the work of Albert Einstein): There is convective equilibrium in the atmosphere, which means molecules that rise lose kinetic energy and gain potential energy. Molecules that sink

lose potential energy and gain kinetic energy (= heat), the temperature increases.

13. The greenhouse theory contradicts the laws of physics and provides incorrect temperatures

The greenhouse theory is based on the radiation equilibrium, which results in temperature gradients (temperature as a function of pressure or altitude) that are unphysical. This has been known since 1964, the year of Manabe and Strickler's publication. The lower curve represents the dependence of temperature on pressure according to the radiation model of the greenhouse theory (from https://tinyurl.com/ybr3j64q).

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