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http://www.cl-netz.de/read.php?id=10787 Frieden | Irak | Menschenrechte Asien | Nahost | Nordamerika Gerhard Lange c/o GIV <G.LANGE ät NADESHDA.org> 7. Feb 2005 21:09
Irak/USA/Nahost: "Die Besatzung schuert den Widerstand" // Kriegsvorbereitungen // Israel, US Spying on Iran From Iraq: Report // Sadr Group Says Future Government "Illegitimate" * »Die Besatzung schürt den Widerstand« Auch US-Geheimdienst muß simple Erklärung für dramatische Situation im Irak akzeptieren. Neue Propagandaoffensive gegen Aufständische * Kriegsvorbereitungen Rhetorik gegen Iran geht weiter * Israel, US Spying on Iran From Iraq: Report * Sadr Group Says Future Government "Illegitimate" * Out with the old, in with the new The Iraqi elections were designed not to preserve the unity of Iraq but to re-establish the unity of the west * The Abu Ghraib Scandal You Don't Know Medical care was at times so scarce and shabby that it became another kind of abuse. An inside look * Read, hear, and see what the Iraqi glorious resistance has made of the US, the only superpower * Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 5 February 2005 and Sunday, 6 February 2005
»Die Besatzung schürt den Widerstand« Auch US-Geheimdienst muß simple Erklärung für dramatische Situation im Irak akzeptieren. Neue Propagandaoffensive gegen Aufständische Rainer Rupp Aus jüngsten Analysen der CIA geht hervor, daß die Agency zwar bei der Erforschung der "Motivationslage irakischer Widerstandskämpfer" Fortschritte gemacht hat, aber über die Struktur und Stärke der verschiedenen Gruppen nach wie vor sehr wenig weiß. Laut der Sonntagsausgabe der Washington Post sind nun auch die Geheimdienstler zu dem Schluß gekommen, daß der typische irakische Widerstandkämpfer hauptsächlich deshalb gegen die USA kämpft, weil die US-Amerikaner sein Land besetzt haben. Zu dieser nationalen Grundmotivation kämen weitere Beweggründe wie »Ungerechtigkeiten, die seiner Familie widerfahren sind«, oder daß »jemand aus der Familie von den (US-geführten) Koalitionskräften verletzt worden« ist. Auch religiöse Motive kämen hinzu, insbesondere »um die nichtmuslimischen Besatzer von muslimischem Territorium zu verjagen«, heißt es in den CIA-Analysen. ---------------------Scharfmacher Wolfowitz ---------------------Dagegen bestand der neokonservative Kriegsfalke und stellvertretende US-Verteidigungsminister Paul Wolfowitz am vergangenen Donnerstag vor dem Streitkräfteausschuß des US-Senats weiter auf der offiziellen Propagandaversion, wonach sich der irakische Widerstand auf SaddamHussein-Anhänger, irakische Kriminelle und ausländische Terroristen beschränkt. Vehement bestritt Wolfowitz jede Vermutung von patriotisch motiviertem Widerstand gegen die US-Besatzer. Bei der irakischen Widerstandsbewegung handele es sich lediglich um »eine unselige Allianz zwischen alten und neuen Terroristen«. Warnungen demokratischer Senatoren, nicht »im irakischen Sumpf zu versinken«, wies Wolfowitz zurück und behauptete, im Irak liefe »trotz einiger Rückschläge alles nach Plan«. Aber selbst sein republikanischer Parteifreund, der einflußreiche Senator John McCain, wollte dies nicht akzeptieren. »Aus den 'einigen wenigen Ewiggestrigen' sind inzwischen 15.000 geworden, die wir im Laufe eines Jahres entweder getötet oder gefangengenommen haben«, sagte McCain, der die »Glaubwürdigkeit« von Wolfowitz in Frage stellte. Und der demokratische Senator im Streit-
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kräfteausschuß Carl Levin forderte »eine militärische Exit-Strategie« aus dem Irak. Auf seine Frage, wie viele der 127.000 neuen irakischen Soldaten und Polizisten ausreichend ausgebildet und ausgerüstet seien, gestand Wolfowitz ein, daß nach wie vor etwa 40 Prozent der neuen irakischen Sicherheitskräfte nach der Grundausbildung desertieren. ------------------Kippt die Stimmung? ------------------Derweil wurde am Montag in führenden US-Medien eine neue Propagandalinie gegen den irakischen Widerstand verbreitet. So berichteten z. B. Washington Post und New York Times übereinstimmend, daß die Iraker seit den »Wahlen« nicht länger die Amerikaner, sondern die Widerstandsgruppen für die Fortdauer ihrer wirtschaftlichen Misere und das Sicherheitschaos im Land verantwortlich machen würden. Die Widerständler würden »ihre frei gewählte irakische Regierung davon abhalten, zum Wohl aller Ordnung im Land zu schaffen«. Als Beweis für den Meinungsumschwung behauptet die Washington Post unter der Überschrift »Stimmung wendet sich gegen die Aufständischen«, daß in der Woche nach den Wahlen viel mehr Hinweise auf Widerstandskämpfer bei der irakischen Polizei eingegangen seien als je zuvor. Und unter dem Titel »Die Iraker geben jetzt anderen die Schuld«, zitierte die New York Times einen Iraker, der in Bagdad Autoreifen repariert und der ganz offensichtlich verstanden hat, wie Washington aus Besatzern Gäste machen will: »Wir haben jetzt unserer eigene Regierung und nun können wir die Amerikaner einladen zu bleiben.« junge Welt vom 08.02.2005 http://www.jungewelt.de/2005/02-08/006.php *** Kriegsvorbereitungen Rhetorik gegen Iran geht weiter 07.02.2005 Die propagandistischen Vorbereitungen eines US-Angriffs auf den Iran gehen offenbar weiter. So berichtete die australische Herald Sun, daß erste Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen des Absturzes des britischen Transportflugzeugs darauf hindeuteten, daß die Maschine mit einer in Rußland gefertigten Boden-Luft-Rakete vom Typ Sa-18 "Grouse" abgeschossen worden sei. http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/ 0,5478,12169265%255E663,00.html http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/row/sa-18.htm Insgesamt seien mindestens sechs dieser von schultergestützten Abschußvorrichtungen abzufeuernden Raketen auf die C-130 "Hercules" gefeuert worden. Dies habe die Abwehrmaßnahmen des Flugzeugs "verwirrt". Die Flugzeuge feuern üblicherweise Leuchtkugeln ab, die von den mit Wärmesuchern ausgestatteten Raketen als Ziel erkannt werden sollen. Es scheint wenig glaubwürdig, daß die Abwehrmechanismen, die vorrangig im Abwurf dieser "Flares" bestehen, "verwirrt" werden könne, indem mehrere Raketen auf die Maschine abgefeuert werden. Andererseits würde ein solch große Zahl Raketen die Chance eines Treffers natürlich drastisch erhöhen. Während das britische Verteidigungsministerium sich nicht offiziell zur Absturzursache äußern wollte, zeigten sich die Ermittler des britischen Militärs sogar schon einen Schritt weiter. Nicht nur, daß sie glauben, Beweise für die Verwendung von SA-18 gefunden zu haben, sie zeigten auch bereits ein weiteres Mal Richtung des Nachbarlandes Iran. Dieser soll die irakischen Widerstandskämpfer demnach mit den Raketen beliefert haben. Sicherlich ist es nicht unmöglich, daß in den Trümmern der Maschine Teile einer SA-18 gefunden worden sind - auch wenn dies angesichts der Tatsache, daß die Trümmer kilometerweit verstreut sind, sicherlich der "Stecknadel im Heuhaufen" entspräche. Die Behauptung, diese wäre vom Iran geliefert worden kann allerdings nur als Propaganda angesehen werden - auch wenn der Iran zweifellos ein Interesse daran
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hätte, die Probleme des US-Militärs im Irak noch zu vergrößern. Es ist kaum anzunehmen, daß von derartigen "Geschenken" nicht vor der Übergabe die iranische Fahne entfernt werden würde. Offenbar soll auch dieser Vorfall - bemerkenswert ist übrigens, daß der Artikel offen von einem "Flugzeug der Special Forces" spricht, ein weiterer Hinweis auf ihre Anwesenheit an Bord - dazu genutzt werden, einen Krieg gegen den Iran zumindest zu ermöglichen. http://www.freace.de/artikel/200502/020205a.html http://www.freace.de/artikel/200502/070205a.html *** Israel, US Spying on Iran From Iraq: Report TEHRAN, February 6 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) - The Israeli intelligence services (Mossad) has set up in cooperation with US occupation troops radars and spying devices near the southern Iraqi city of Basra to monitor Iranian military and security activities, well-placed Iranian sources have revealed. The radars have been fixed to 50-meter-high lampposts in the southern island of Um Al-Rosas, only 800 meters from the Iranian harbor of Khourmushar, the sources told the London-based Arabic language daily Al-Hayat on Sunday, February 6. "The radars can be seen by the naked eye from Iranian soil," they added. The spying devices can detect radio signals and intercept cellular calls as deep as 50 kilometers into the Iranian territories, the sources said. The New Yorker veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh said Israeli intelligence and military operatives were quietly at work in northern Iraq, providing training for Kurdish commando units and running covert operations inside Kurdish areas of Iran and Syria. A center of the Washington-based and Mossad-linked Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) was opened in Baghdad, in a provocative move seen by Iraqi academics as the beginning of an Israeli scheme to infiltrate Iraqi society. Last month, Hersh revealed that American commandoes have been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran at least since last summer. A former high-level intelligence official told the acclaimed journalist that an American commando task force has been set up in South Asia and has penetrated Iran from Afghanistan to pinpoint targets for possible air strikes. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in London on Friday, February 4, that an attack on Iran was not on the agenda "at this point in time." In his State of the Union address on Wednesday, February 2, US President George W. Bush called Iran "the world's primary state sponsor of terror" and repeated accusations that Iran was trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran refutes the claim and maintains that its nuclear program is aimed solely at generating power for civilian use. In a major breakthrough, the UN nuclear watchdog confirmed on November 29, that Tehran has suspended all uranium enrichment activities. Iraq Pitfall In a related development, US Senators have launched a review of intelligence on Iran to avoid pitfalls that marked the path to the occupation of Iraq, Reuters reported Saturday, February 5, quoting
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The Los Angeles Times. "We have to be more pre-emptive on this committee to try to look ahead and determine our capabilities so that you don't get stuck with a situation like you did with Iraq," said Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "The aim of the Senate review," Roberts added, "is to ensure that any weaknesses in American intelligence on Iran are being disclosed to policymakers, and that US spy agencies have adequate resources to fill gaps in collecting information on the Islamic republic." Sen. John Rockefeller, the top Democrat on the committee, said in a statement cited by the paper: "One of the lessons we learned from Iraq was not to take all information at face value and to ask more questions in the beginning than in the end." The Bush administration based its case for the invasion-turnedoccupation of Iraq mainly on the alleged threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. In a harshly critical report in July, the Senate Intelligence Committee said US intelligence agencies overstated the Iraqi threat, relied on dubious sources and ignored contrary evidence in the run-up to the war. Former secretary of state Colin Powell acknowledged in April that the pre-war information he gave the UN to justify the Iraq invasion was not "solid", heaping the blame on the intelligence community. http://www.islamonline.org/English/News/2005-02/06/article03.shtml *** Sadr Group Says Future Government "Illegitimate" By Mazen Ghazi, IOL Correspondent BAGHDAD, February 6 (IslamOnline.net) - The future Iraqi government would lack the needed legitimacy, being formed under occupation and being the outcome of "semi-legitimate" election, a spokesman for Shiite leader Moqtada Al-Sadr said on Sunday, February 6. "I'm afraid that the new Iraqi government will be a replica of the US-handpicked and now dissolved Interim Governing Council," Abdel Hadi Al-Daraji told IslamOnline.net. "It would also lack the needed legitimacy to exist, which must be derived from the people's consent and not from the occupation troops." Daraji stressed that UN resolutions recognize Iraq as a country under foreign occupation. "In Mr. Sadr's words: `The occupiers are doctoring the election results,' and therefore we don't believe in the fairness of the polls," he added. Daraji underlined that Sadr's position on the elections remained unchanged. "We don't take part in any political process taking place under an occupying power, but we didn't call for an election boycott in order not to pit Iraqis against one another." In a recent live dialogue with IOL's visitors, Sheikh Hassan Al-Zarqani, the media officer of the Al-Sadr Office, warned that the election ran the risk of a deadly sectarian conflict. The elections will determine the composition of a 275-member National Assembly that must name a president and two vice presidents who would later agree on a prime minister and appoint a cabinet. The assembly is also in charge of drafting the country's new constitution.
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Electoral Commission officials said Saturday, February 5, that the final results would be announced within five days. Poor Turnout Daraji further cast doubts on the 60 percent turnout claimed by the Electoral Commission. "I do believe that this percentage is accurate given that a great number of eligible voters have boycotted the polls," he told IOL. Mahdi Ibrahim, a prominent member of the Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS), the highest Sunni religious authority, has strongly challenged British and US claims that the election was a success, putting at no more than 30 percent turnout. Most Sunni powers, along with several Shiite and communist groups, shunned the controversial vote. They maintained that fair elections could never be organized with occupation troops on Iraqi soil. Constitution Asked whether his group would help draft the country's new constitution, Daraji said the matter is being negotiated with political powers and parties, including those who boycotted the election. The AMS conditioned any participation in the wording of the constitution on a fixed timetable for the withdrawal of US-led occupation troops. A senior AMS official told IOL last week that anti-occupation Sunni powers could wield a veto power if they were marginalized in drafting the constitution by the Shiites and the Kurds. According to many observers, much of the success of the post-election period will depend on the level of involvement of the Sunni community. Under rules agreed last year, an October referendum to ratify that draft will fail if two-thirds of the voters in any three of Iraq's 18 provinces give it the thumbs-down. Sunnis' numerical strength in at least three provinces north and west of Baghdad gives them such power. Daraji further called reconciliation efforts between Iraq's ethnic and religious mosaic a "necessary and positive step." "But it should have taken place a long time ago and given more attention than the election," he said. Daraji, however, said the reconciliation process should be allinclusive and supervised by different religious authorities. Sadr Inclusion Meanwhile, a senior Shiite leader with the United Iraqi Alliance (UIA), which leads in the election's initial results and is backed by the country's top Shiite authority Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani, cited the possibility of including Al-Sadr's group in the would-be government. "He [Sadr] has a large number of followers. We can involve them. If they are not killers, and if we have no evidence against them, then we can give them a chance to share in the political process," Ibrahim Al-Jaaffri, a strong candidate for the prime minister post, told the Daily Telegraph on Sunday. He praised Sadr as a "good person" who could play a constructive role in the new Iraq. Last spring, the US occupation authorities were insisting that Sadr
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be "killed or captured" following bloody clashes between his Mahdi Army fighters and occupation forces. After four months of pitched battles, Sadr ordered his militiamen to disarm and leave Imam Ali Shrine in the holy city of Najaf as part of a deal brokered by Sistani. Jaaffri, who lived in exile in Britain before the US-led invasion of Iraq, further said there could be a role for leaders of Iraq's Sunnis who boycotted the elections. "We have Sunni brothers who do not believe in elections and we respect them. We think they are very honest and talk frankly http://www.islamonline.org/English/News/2005-02/06/article02.shtml *** Out with the old, in with the new The Iraqi elections were designed not to preserve the unity of Iraq but to re-establish the unity of the west Tariq Ali Monday February 7, 2005 The Guardian The US, unlike the empires of old Europe, has always preferred to exercise its hegemony indirectly. It has relied on local relays uniformed despots, corrupt oligarchs, pliant politicians, obedient monarchs - rather than lengthy occupations. It was only when rebellions from below threatened to disrupt this order that the marines were dispatched and wars fought. During the cold war, money was supplied indiscriminately to all anticommunist forces (including the current leadership of al-Qaida); the 21st-century recipients are more carefully targeted. The aim is slowly to replace the traditional elites in the old satrapies with a new breed of neo-liberal politicians who have been trained and educated in the US. This is the primary function of the US money allocated to "democracy promotion". Loyalty can be purchased from politicians, parties and trades unions. And the result, it is hoped, is to create a new layer of janissary politicians who serve Washington. This most recent variant of "democracy promotion" has now been applied in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it will hit Haiti (another occupied country) in November. Create a new elite, give it funds and weaponry to build a new army and let them make the country safe for the corporations. The 2004 Afghan elections, even according to some pro-US commentators, were a farce, and the much vaunted 73% turnout was a fraud. In Iraq, the western media were celebrating a 60% turnout within minutes of the polls closing, despite the fact that Iraq lacks a complete register of voters, let alone a network of computerised polling stations. The official figure, when it comes, is likely to be revised downwards (according to Debka, a pro-US Israeli website, turnout was closer to 40%). The "high" turnout was widely interpreted as a rejection of the Iraqi resistance. But was it? Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani's many followers voted to please him, but if he is unable to deliver peace and an end to the occupation, they too might defect. The only force in Iraq the occupiers can rely on are the Kurdish tribes. The Kurdish 36th command battalion fought alongside the US in Falluja, but the tribal chiefs want some form of independence, and some oil. If Turkey, loyal Nato ally and EU aspirant, vetoes any such possibility, then the Kurds too might accept money from elsewhere. The battle for Iraq is far from over. It has merely entered a new stage. Despite strong disagreements on boycotting the elections, the majority of Iraqis will not willingly hand over their oil or their country to the west. Politicians who try to force this through
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will lose all support and become totally dependent on the foreign armies in their country. The popular resistance will continue. Many in the west find it increasingly difficult to support this resistance. The arguments for and against it are old ones. In 1885, the English socialist William Morris celebrated the defeat of General Gordon by the Mahdi: "Khartoum fallen - into the hands of the people it belongs to". Morris argued that the duty of English internationalists was to support all those being oppressed by the British empire despite disagreements with nationalism or fanaticism. The triumphalist chorus of the western media reflects a single fact: the Iraqi elections were designed not so much to preserve the unity of Iraq but to re-establish the unity of the west. After Bush's reelection the French and Germans were looking for a bridge back to Washington. Will their citizens accept the propaganda that sees the illegitimate election (the Carter Centre, which monitors elections worldwide, refused to send observers) as justifying the occupation? The occupation involved a military and economic invasion as envisaged by Hayek, the father of neo-liberalism, who pioneered the notion of lightning air strikes against Iran in 1979 and Argentina in 1982. The re-colonisation of Iraq would have greatly pleased him. Politicians masking their true aims with weasel words about "humanity" would have irritated him. What of the media, the propaganda pillar of the new order? In Control Room, a Canadian documentary on al-Jazeera, one of the more disgusting images is that of embedded western journalists whooping with joy at the capture of Baghdad. The coverage of "elections" in Afghanistan and Iraq has been little more than empty spin. This symbiosis of neo-liberal politics and a neo-liberal media helps reinforce the collective memory loss from which the west suffers today. Carl Schmitt, a theorist of the Third Reich, developed the view that politics is encompassed by the essential categories of "friend" and "enemy". After the second world war, Schmitt's writings were adapted to the needs of the US and are now the bedrock of neocon thinking. The message is straightforward: if your country does not serve our needs it is an enemy state. It will be occupied, its leaders removed and pliant satraps placed on the throne. But when troops withdraw, satrapies often crumble. Occupation, rebellion, withdrawal, occupation, self-emancipation is a pattern in world history. At the Nuremberg trials, Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister, was charged for providing the justification for Hitler's pre-emptive strike against Norway. Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Jack Straw in a dock of the future? Unlikely, but desirable. * Tariq Ali's latest book is Bush in Babylon: the Recolonisation of Iraq tariq.ali3 채t btinternet.com www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1407210,00.html?gusrc=rss *** The Abu Ghraib Scandal You Don't Know Medical care was at times so scarce and shabby that it became another kind of abuse. An inside look By ADAM ZAGORIN Monday, Feb. 14, 2005 American soldiers often have a tough time with Arabic names, so to guards, he was just "Gus." To the world outside Abu Ghraib prison, he became an iconic figure, a naked, prostrate Iraqi prisoner crawling on the end of a leash held by Private Lynndie England, the pixyish Army Reserve clerk who posed in several of the infamous photographs that made the name Abu Ghraib synonymous with torture. Now, it
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emerges, there may be another dimension to Gus' story and certainly to the horrors of Abu Ghraib. In what amounted to a perversion of the traditional doctor's creed of "first, do no harm," the medical system at the prison became an instrument of abuse, by design and by neglect. As uncovered by legal scholars M. Gregg Bloche and Jonathan Marks, who conducted an inquiry published by the New England Journal of Medicine, not only were some military doctors at Abu Ghraib enlisted to help inflict distress on the prisoners, but also the scarcity of basic medical care was at times so severe that it created another kind of torture. Medical personnel and others who worked at the prison tell TIME that, with straitjackets unavailable, tethers--like the leash on Gus--were put to use at Abu Ghraib to control unruly or mentally disturbed detainees, sometimes with the concurrence of a doctor. That such a restraint -- which is supposed to be placed around legs, arms or torsos--ended up instead around a man's neck seems to be a case of a medically condoned practice degenerating into abuse. But there was also medical disarray at the prison: amputations performed by nondoctors, chest tubes recycled from the dead to the living, a medic ordered, by one account, to cover up a homicide. That in itself would have made Abu Ghraib a scandal even without the acts of torture inflicted on the inmates by their guards. In most cases, U.S. frontline troops in Iraq have received top-quality medical care, producing the lowest death rate of any military conflict in history. But the care at Abu Ghraib has often been at the other end of the scale of humane treatment, at least until recently. Although the prison was at times crowded with as many as 7,000 detainees, no U.S. doctor was in residence for most of 2003. Military officials say a few Iraqi doctors saw to minor illnesses but not major traumas. In a statement obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, an Army medic based at Abu Ghraib spoke of examining from 800 to 900 detainees daily as they were admitted. If he worked a 12-hour day, that gave him less than a minute for each exam. Ken Davis, an MP who served at Abu Ghraib in late 2003, told TIME that he once escorted a prisoner who had broken his foot the day before and had still not received treatment. "He was in terrible pain," Davis recalled. "There was no doctor and really nothing we could do." The medical understaffing and under-stocking of Abu Ghraib were felt most acutely after the prison came under shelling by insurgents. A doctor who served there recalled an attack last April when a mortar landed on an outdoor pen holding prisoners, killing at least 16 outright and wounding more than 60. Former prison personnel described how those attacks produced pandemonium, with panicked prisoners seeking treatment from what were at times very few, poorly equipped medical workers. "When somebody died, we just took out their chest tube and inserted it into another, living person," said National Guard Captain Kelly Parrson, a physician's assistant at Abu Ghraib in late 2003 and 2004 who experienced three such attacks and was seriously injured by a mortar. "There was no other choice because we did not have enough." Parrson cited a dearth of catheters, correctly sized breathing tubes and orthopedic supplies, including casts used to treat bone fractures caused by shrapnel from high explosives. Items had to be reused with minimal sterilization or done without, he said. Glucose strips, used to measure blood sugar, were chronically in short supply, leading to haphazard insulin dosing for diabetics. On occasion, said Parrson, internists and he and other nonphysicians carried out amputations and other procedures usually performed by surgeons. "I took off an ankle and a lower leg," he recalls. "There was no one else, and if it was death or amputation, you just had to do it." By the estimate of an officer who frequently visited Abu Ghraib and is a psychologist, some 5% of the prisoners suffered from mental illness. Yet, according to Dr. David Auch, commander of the reserve company supporting medical operations at the prison in 2003, for long periods there was no one to treat mental-health problems among the inmates, no doctor qualified to prescribe antipsychotic drugs and other medications that could have calmed mentally ill detainees and perhaps diminished the guards' use of physical restraints. Often the only psychiatrists or psychologists on site were part of socalled behavioral-science consultation teams, or "biscuits," which
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monitored interrogations and custom-designed methods to make them more effective. Those specialists do not function as physicians, the Army says. Among the most disturbed prisoners at Abu Ghraib was a man--probably psychotic, according to a medical staff member--who habitually coated his body in fecal matter and repeatedly tried to harm himself--for instance, by banging his head against cell walls. At one point, Auch says, medics asked his advice on restraining the prisoner, reporting that they had used a helmet to protect his head and improvised padded gloves and plastic handcuffs to secure his arms. The medics wanted to know whether using a tether would be appropriate, and Auch recalls that he gave his assent, saying, "The priority is to safeguard the prisoner." A military spokesman told TIME that U.S. military personnel in Iraq do employ tethers--sometimes loosely affixed around a leg or an arm--to restrain some detainees undergoing medical treatment. Auch says neither he nor any members of his medical staff were consulted about an Iraqi, later dubbed "Ice Man," when he was first brought to the prison for interrogation by military intelligence. "They didn't check the detainee medically when he came in," says Auch. That may have been a mistake. The man expired under questioning in the middle of the night in an episode that has been officially ruled a homicide. According to statements made during an Army inquiry, military personnel ordered the body put on ice and then spirited it away after medics attached a fake IV to the dead man's arm in an apparent attempt to create the impression that he was still alive. Auch, who says he has not been questioned in the Army investigation, told TIME a medic confided in him that he was ordered by a militaryintelligence officer to participate in the ruse and never to talk about it. The Pentagon refuses to comment while it continues to investigate the abuses. While the deficiencies in medical care at Abu Ghraib have gone largely unreported, the glare of the prison-guard scandal has compelled the U.S. military to launch major reforms. In the past year, the military says it has established a 52-bed hospital at the prison, staffed by 200 highly trained medical personnel. The number of detainees in U.S. custody is currently about 3,000. (The interim Iraqi government also houses prisoners there.) No date has been set, but the military would like to close the facility altogether, officially to avoid more insurgent attacks but, what's more, to wipe out the blot that is Abu Ghraib. Copyright + 2005 Time Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/printout/0,8816,1025139,00.html *** Read, hear, and see what the Iraqi glorious resistance has made of the US, the only superpower By Abu Assur Laugh if you can! Look at the state of the only super power of our galaxy. See what the Iraqi glorious resistance has made of this filthy Hydra cutting its heads one after the other! Feel pity for the billions of dollars squandered for what.. Thousands of young US soldiers killed and many, many more wounded for an abased ideology of lies and cupidity. Enjoy the failure, the idiocy, and the stupidity of the masters of the World, the US the mightiest, the cleverest, the super, the fastest, the most ugly and the most ridiculous of all. Listen to what they told us. Hear what they declared to the world. Look to what they are doing! See what they have achieved. And lend an ear to what they are still boasting. And stop! Relax and just imagine, imagine for one-second, their awful, horrendous approaching and resounding failure. Enjoy! They told us finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were a slam dang. Covered with opprobrium, they are still searching for these weapons. They said Iraq and Saddam Hussein have ties with al Qaida. No proof was found. The first day of the aggression, they said they targeted and succeeded to murder Saddam Hussein and all his
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government. They said they have taken Glorious Baghdad. They will be welcomed with flowers. They were met with RPG7 and bullets and invincible armies of living martyrs ready to reap their empty heads. They cogitated advised by their cupid Idol Zion counselors to uproot the Baath from the land of Iraq. Didn't they realize that the Baath flew in Iraqis blood, that the Baath is their fate and their destiny just like the two rivers flow in the sacred land of Iraq. The Baath went underground. It is leading one of the fastest, the most glorious, the purest resistence in the history of mankind in a monopolar world, with no outside help whatsoever adapting to the enemy behavior, leading him into one of the most horrible defeat since the great Arab conquest of pagan Persia. They deprived the monster from its overwhelming airpower and electronic warfare. Badly equipped US army rabble, demoralized and strangers in every terms, in a far away land, they were forced to fight combatants with a will of iron defending their soil, their families and values, and who fear no death as the US and coalition of the billing mercenaries do. The US got stuck. Oh yes what wonderful news! It is like tasting, in the month of August a glass of Sheneana (Bedouin yogurt mixed with water and salt) in an Arab tent watching the Babylonian stars into the sacred land of Iraq. Oh yes! They are stuck the enemies of mankind in Iraq. They don't know how to get out; they don't know what to do. They don't even know who is their enemy. They wrote a Hollywood masquerade starting with sovereignty handover. It didn't work. They were still massacred. They said let's organize elections. It might help us cut and run without you see cutting and running. The legitimate government we imposed with napalm, chemical and nuclear weapons will ask us to stay, for sure. They are not able to stand twenty-four hours without us. But if their master US cannot even protect himself, let alone protecting his servants. They said they would bring more troops. They did. There are thousands of private mercenaries. . It didn't work. Iraqi glorious resistance knows what it is doing and says let them bring more troops; there will be many easier targets and more US losses. And god Zion said: let's disband the Iraqi army. They didn't know the rabble, that for every Iraqi uprooted date palm tree, there will be hundreds seeds. They will cover the plains. All Iraq is resistance. God Zion got it wrong again. Its advice didn't work. The next morning, the US figurehead and number one Zion adorer, boasted the end of combats bragging: Mission accomplished, and America's allies prevailing Resistence in Iraq raged burning the enemy, his equipments, his projects, and his plans, threatening his loot. The US media machine played it down. These people are Saddam's regime remnants, and diehards. Intelligent mercenary Tarzan Abizeid explained: foreign fighters as if the coalition of the billing mercenaries Uzbeks, Poles, Ukrainians, Brits, Dutch were locals and indigenous! The Pentagon lays technology, created a doll called Zarqawi in its Hollywood bloodthirsty studios. Zarqawi a mixture of ghost and ether is a multitude. He can move with the speed of a lightning. He can strike in the north and in the south of Glorious Iraq at the same time. Yes we must not forget, he is a foreigner, a Jordanian for the US. Yes, the Iraqis with their glorious history of ten thousands years, do need someone like Zarqawi to guide them or to tell them what to do. Laugh at this new US Junk fast food specially cooked for backward US Lyndie England's next of kin trumps and country bumpkins. They were defeated in Fallujah. Fallujah was, still is the fishbone in their throat. Tarzan Abizeid boasted: We will invest the town in twenty-four hours. Another wood headed US military modestly said: No we will finish the Job in seventy fours hours. Another a little less stupid declared: We need may be one week. The murderers started to bomb innocents Iraqis for a whole two months in this town. They were using nuclear, chemical, napalm weapons, without shame without restraint, like ferocious beasts, before their
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historical Fallujahgrad. They lost hundreds of their army rabble. The hospitals in Germany were overcharged and medics overworked. What about US military field hospitals in Iraq? Hush, hush, only lord Zion and the beast of the Pentagon know about these. From Fallujahgrad the US only superpower declared another TV and CNN victory in honor of Lyndie England. We broke the backbone of the insurgents in Iraq, said they. Glorious Mosul, Nineveh, the lioness in its den, Haditha, Basrah, Ramadi and you name it, revealed to the world their lies. They told the world that they were bringing democracy. They never came for the sake of their Idol Zion! Or for oil! No, never ever and the world was horrified and disgusted, the world over felt sick and had bouts of nausea over US democracy in Abu Ghraib. To divert attention from their atrocities, they invented Saddam Hussein mass graves. Here! Listen to what is going on these days and to what the Iraqi fishermen have witnessed and seen. The Ulemas, near the peaceful town of Heet on the Euphrates have asked the fishermen not to eat the delicious Euphrates fish catch! Guess why? You wouldn't believe it, but this is the plain truth. The US democratic army has been throwing its Latinos, Filipinos and Nepalese killed mercenaries into this Paradise River. Respects for the death? Burials? Because, the same destiny we share, and that even ants bury their dead. Are you kidding? We are Graner and Lyndie England brood, we kill and shoot, let wild dogs devour Iraqi prisoners of war genitals, and we are proud of it, and we send the photos of our trophies to our moms, her lover and grandfathers. The whole US is proud of us. We can do it! This is US. XXIst century. The amazingly well informed superpower said the insurgents were some five thousands terrorists. One of their appointees declared terrified and petrified, that they were hundreds of thousands. Didn't they know? Saddam prepared seven million Iraqis for combat. I do understand the chap, he is begging the mercenaries: Please don't leave me! Please stay the course, be killed to protect the puppet government. What am I? What shall I be without you! These US idiots didn't know that all Iraq is Resistance. Though with an exception: the Iranians and the Zionist Peshmergas who entered Iraq and who perform monkey dancing for Jane (Arraf) CNN when required. Lord Zion adorer said Iraqi petrol would pay for our wars. US thugs you will never get the Iraqi oil! Never. It will never pay your lost wars. Iraq is ruining your economy. The Euro is coming. You are already crippled. Zion's advice was again the wrong one. You planned a more secured region for your looting, by invading Iraq. The sweeping wave is spreading towards the Iraqi province of Kuwait, Arabia, Jordan and even Oman, joining Palestine. US assassins and thugs! What is a year or two in a man's life? The history will say you were defeated in Mesopotamia. You are already in the dump of history. Rejected, despised like a pariah, US thugs, the Iraqi resistence made ridicule of you, your military might and your majesty. Your empire will be the shortest in documented history. Today every single honest man in the whole world would like to have the honor to fight in one way or in other for your fast coming rout, to rid the world of your porn and your violent culture. God bless the Iraqis! God bless the land of the first Revelation. God bless Iraq date palm tree groves! God bless the land of the two rivers. God bless Mesopotamia the cradle of civilization! God bless the Iraqi resistence fighters who put the US nose into the mire of shame and everlasting defeat. http://www.al-moharer.net/mohhtm/abu-assur212e.htm *** Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 5 February 2005 and Sunday, 6 February 2005 Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
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Saturday, 5 February 2005. Hit. Powerful Resistance martyrdom car bomb blasts US column early Saturday. An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded as a US column made up of seven military vehicles was passing through Hit, west of Baghdad, at 4am Saturday morning. The blast destroyed three Humvees and killed 14 US soldiers and wounded five more, Mafkarat al-Islam reported. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Hit reported that a local fireman who came to the scene to help extinguish the huge blaze ignited by the vehicles said that a four-ton Kia car loaded with 200kilograms of explosives. The martyrdom driver of the car raced at a crazy speed at the spot where the American column was halted and blasted into it. The correspondent said that five US bodies remained unidentified because they were so torn apart in the powerful blast. Baghdad. Ukrainian invader soldier killed in bombing in as-Suwayrah. An Iraqi Resistance bomb planted in the middle of az-Zahra' Street in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad exploded on Saturday, disabling a Ukrainian military vehicle and killing one Ukrainian invader soldier and variously wounding two more. The correspondent of Mafkarat alIslam reported that the Ukrainians found a detonating device for the bomb 100 meters away from the blast zone. Iraqi Resistance forces assassinate Badr Brigade death squad leader. Iraqi Resistance forces attacked the house of the commander of an armed wing of the collaborationist, Shi'i chauvinist Badr Brigades at about 4pm Saturday, killing the commander, Rida 'Abd al-A'immah, along with four of his aides. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Baghdad reported that the attack took place on the commander's house in the al-'Amil neighborhood of south Baghdad. 'Abd al-A'immah was responsible for the assassination of a number of Sunni religious leaders in the country, most prominently Shaykh Mahmud al-Hadithi who was assassinated in al-Anbar Province in January. Puppet police forces surrounded the house of the dead Badr Brigade murderer and launched a search for the Resistance attackers, but found nothing. Al-Latifiyah. Resistance bomb kills seven puppet troops in al-Latifiyah. An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in al-Latifiyah as an Iraqi puppet patrol was passing through the city at about 1pm Saturday, destroying two pickups and killing seven puppet troops. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that Resistance fighters planted a bomb by the side of the road leading to Baghdad, and detonated the device when the patrol passed by. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam noted that the Iraqi puppet army issued a communiquĂŠ admitting that the attack had occurred but making no mention of their losses. An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded in the Jarf as-Sakhr area near al-Hillah in southern Iraq at about 3:15pm Saturday. The blast occurred on a branch road leading to the al-Wahdah primary school and left one Humvee destroyed and two US troops dead and two more wounded. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that one of the American wounded men had his right arm blown off. The Salafi Brigades of ar-Rahman Resistance group issued a communiquĂŠ in which they declared their responsibility for the attack and pledged that the town of Jarf as-Sakhr would become a hell for the Americans from now on. It said that the streets of Jarf as-Sakhr would be an inferno for the occupation forces and it warned collaborators against continuing to work with the Americans, saying that they were "sentencing themselves to violent death," if they
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continued to do so. Balad - Salah ad-Din Province. Six Americans killed in operations near Balad. Iraqi Resistance forces shoot down Cobra helicopter. The Iraqi Resistance shot down an American Cobra helicopter in Balad, about 40km north of Tikrit at 9am Saturday morning, killing its two-man crew. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Salah ad-Din Province reported that as of the time of reporting, no Resistance group had claimed credit for the operation. Witnesses confirmed to the correspondent, however, that a Strela rocket was fired at the helicopter when it took off from a village in which it had landed to evacuate the bodies of four US troops who had been killed at midnight Saturday morning. A puppet police officer confirmed this report to the Mafkarat alIslam correspondent, saying that they found four soldiers bodies in bags about half a kilometer from the downed helicopter. Irbil. Resistance launches offensive on Korean invaders in northern Iraq with deadly grenade attack. At least one south Korean aggressor soldier was killed when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a south Korean patrol in the Nawruz area of central Irbil, 350km northeast of Baghdad. The Irbil correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with hand grenades attacked a column of south Korean troops, tossing a hand grenade at a car carrying three south Korean soldiers. The blast destroyed the car and killed at least one of the Korean soldiers, blowing him out of the vehicle. The correspondent wrote that the fate of the other Korean troops was unknown, but it was probable that they too had died, though some local witnesses said they had been mortally wounded. The attack marked the end of a kind of calm as it was the first attack of its kind on the south Korean troops in the north of the country. Local residents are talking about the arrival in the area of significant numbers of Resistance fighters, with the intent of launching an offensive on the Koreans in the north of Iraq, just as an offensive has been opened against Japanese aggressor troops in the south of the country. Al-Basrah. Resistance bomb kills three British troops, one local collaborator. An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded beside a British military column near the deep port of al-Basrah. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast destroyed a British armored vehicle and left three British troops dead and one other seriously wounded. An Iraqi collaborator working for the British as a local guide - a particularly disgraceful type of collaboration - was also killed. The correspondent, who arrived on the scene half an hour after the blast, said that the explosion was the result of a bomb planted under a traffic sign for large vehicles that unload cargo in the port. The bomb went off as a British column was passing. Local television in al-Basrah announced that a bomb had gone off and killed three British troops and wounded another, but apparently made no mention of the collaborator who also died. Resistance bombs kill five puppet "national guards" in al-Basrah. Two Iraqi Resistance roadside bombs exploded near Sa'd Square by the al-Jumhuri Hospital in the ar-Risalah district of al-Basrah at 8:15am Saturday morning, destroying a Nissan pickup and killing five members of the puppet so-called "Iraqi national guard." Occupation troops encircled the area after the blast. Resistance bombards British consulate in al-Basrah Friday night.
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Iraqi Resistance forces fired about five 82mm mortar rounds into the British consulate inside the British occupation base in the al-Barradi'iyah area of al-Basrah Province on Friday. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that after the barrage, the invader troops fired incendiary rockets and sent helicopters up to search for the Resistance attackers, but failed to find anyone. Witnesses mentioned that the Resistance bombards the British base virtually on a daily basis. --------------------------------------Special Report: al-Jazeera Satellite TV interviews Muhammad ad-Duri. --------------------------------------l-l-Jazeera satellite TV's English-language page recently published an interview with the Iraqi Ambassador to the United Nations (before the US invasion of his country) Muhammad ad-Duri. The Iraqi Resistance Report reprints the interview as published on al-Jazeera's website due to its interest. Wednesday 02 February 2005, 14:19 Makka Time, 11:19 GMT Note by al-Jazeera: When Baghdad was occupied on 9 April 2003, the last Iraqi ambassador of Saddam Hussein's government to the UN, Muhammad al-Duri, declared that the game was over. A journalist, university professor and statesman who served as an Iraqi delegate to the UN from 1999 to 2003, he left Iraq in 1999 to act as Iraq's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, before he was moved to New York where he remained until he resigned after the occupation of Iraq. Aljazeera.net: How do you feel about the elections? Muhammad al-Duri: Despite everything that has been said about its incompetence, it is still a democratic practice. It is part of a well-thought out US plan to implement its strategy in Iraq. But one must be aware that last Sunday's elections establish sectarianism in Iraq. So many Iraqis entered the electoral process whether as candidates or voters on a sectarian and/or ethnic basis and motives. It is very dangerous and Iraqis should reject sectarianism. A: But according to many Iraqi voters who talked to reporters on election day, they did so because they wanted to end the state of chaos in their country and restore security and stability. Isn't that the case? MD: I do not agree with that concept, these elections are not designed to restore security and stability. The US administration has been desperate to legalise its occupation of Iraq, but it has failed so far. This mission has become an obsession for it; especially that the war on Iraq is still protested against by EU and Arab countries. Therefore the US is trying to legitimise its existence in Iraq by bringing in an elected parliament and a government which are fully loyal to it, and as such it will be able to conclude long-term agreements that secure its interests and influence in Iraq. A: As a politician and a professor of politics, do you think the Iraqi Sunni Arabs' boycott of the elections could put the legitimacy of the process at risk? MD: It is wrong to say that Sunni Arabs boycotted the elections. It is an attempt to ridicule a national Iraqi position that opposes the division of the country, by labelling it as a sectarian position. The US occupation has encouraged the virtual division of Iraq into three entities. The first one is in the north, it is ethnically motivated and works to separate itself and establish an independent state (Kurdistan).
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The second in the south plans to split and establish a sectarian entity backed by Iran. The third is central Iraq which for some reason carries a national vision for the future of Iraq. Obviously the US works hard to destroy this entity, which happens to be Sunni and exists in central Iraq. But as a matter of fact, the people of central Iraq are Arab Iraqi Muslims in addition to being Sunnis. This part of the country holds a sense of national identity that rejects the foreign occupation and separation bids. A: But boycotting elections would have delayed the formation of a national Iraqi government, parliament and constitution, don't you agree? MD: All that you are talking about was approved by the former US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer. A: And what is wrong with that if it would benefit the country? MD: A country's constitution must be national, while Iraq's interim constitution which laid the foundation for Iraq's future constitution was put forward by Noah Feldman, a Jewish American university professor. All the documents that rule Iraq today were made in the US, translated to Arabic and forwarded to Iraqis who could not even discuss them properly. How can a country adopt a constitution imposed by a foreign power? Even the elections were set by Feldman's document, and thus the elections have no legitimacy because it is based on illegal documents written by an occupying force. A: The interim Iraqi interior minister has said the US could pull out of Iraq in 18 months. What do you think of this statement? MD: Initially, I would like to ask why this statement came on the eve of the elections? It was obviously part of the election campaign. However, this is part of the US' exit strategy. This notion is being widely discussed in the US, not because the US genuinely wants to pull out from Iraq, but because of unexpected urban fighting. They are spending hundreds, millions of dollars on Iraqi security forces in order to put them face to face with the resistance. Actually, this money is supposed to be for the reconstruction of Iraq, but I can assure you that nothing has been reconstructed, absolutely nothing, not even in the oil sector. At the end of the day, Iraqi officials do not speak for themselves, they just echo the US' desires and instructions. The real ruler of today's Iraq is not the president of Iraq, nor the interim prime minister; actually it is the US embassy in Baghdad. It is unlikely that the US would voluntarily withdraw from Iraq; it has spent nearly $300 billion up to now, how is it going to get this money back if it withdraws? The US has captured a goose with golden eggs, why would it let it go? That cannot be. The US did not go to war with Iraq because of WMD, or links with al-Qaida. I am fully convinced that it has an agenda in my country. It also did not come to establish democracy in the country. On the contrary, if we look at what is in today's Iraq we will find nothing but division, hatred, and sectarianism. If the US were to pull out, it will not do so unless it secures powerful bases in Iraq. A: US bases exist in Japan and Germany; I think no one can argue that US bases hindered the development of those two countries in the post-second world war era? MD: It is very strange that some Iraqis accept this idea. US bases in Germany and Japan were set up in different international
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conditions. It came after a world war involving Germany and Japan who waged an aggressive war and occupied foreign countries, and the US and its allies fought to drive out German forces from occupied Europe. That was not the case with Iraq. There were no Iraqi forces out of Iraqi soil, and the war took place on its soil with forces which came from overseas to occupy it. How can we compare what has happened in Iraq with Nazi Germany? A: Regardless, why don't anti-US Iraqis wait and see? MD: You have to choose either bread with dignity or bread without dignity. Why should we wait? What does Iraq need from the US? It is a country rich in resources, located in a strategic position, and with a highly educated people. If the US really wants to help, there are dozens of poor and undeveloped countries out there, let it help them instead of helping a country which possesses the world's second largest oil reserve and which has achieved high rates of development before it occupied it. A: When Baghdad fell to US forces on 9 April 2003, you said the "game is over". What did you mean by that? MD: Many people interpreted my words that what happened was a game between Saddam Hussein and the US; actually I meant that during the 13 years of UN sanctions on Iraq, the UN was acting like a theatre. All players were not sincere in finding a way to end the sanctions that killed millions of Iraqis. The proof for that is when the US decided to attack Iraq, everyone backed off and the US did what it wanted. A: But there were protests around the world, and many countries did oppose the war. MD: That was not enough. Sources: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/39E36A9C-48E1483B-966F-AFD35D9A590E.htm http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56002 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56000 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55993 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55988 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55987 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55983 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55982 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55972 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55967 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55966 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55963 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55961 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55960 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55958 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55951 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=55945 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/ap/ 20050205/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq ----Sunday, 6 February 2005. Ar-Ramadi. Three powerful bombs rip through two US Humvees in ar-Ramadi. Three Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded in the at-Ta'mim neighborhood of western ar-Ramadi at 1pm Sunday, local time, completely destroying two Humvees and killing nine US troops. The local Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that local residents who were eyewitnesses
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to the attack said that the Resistance had planted three bombs some distance apart from each other, and all blew up at the same time under the US column. Only one of the bombs missed its target, exploding nearly five meters from an armored vehicle. But the other two blew up under two Humvees, sending wreckage from the vehicles and parts of the bodies of the men inside flying around the area. As usual, US troops sealed off the area of the attack, but found none of the attackers. The correspondent reported that the American soldiers looked to be in very difficult mental states, as they even left part of the body of one of their men lying on the road, not taking it away with the rest of the remains they were collecting. The strain on the mental state of the Americans was also visible in the fact that the US troops ordered Iraqi puppet troops to take over running things inside the city, as they have largely barricaded themselves within their camp for days following the election, until today when they ventured out to be met by three powerful bombs. US troops kill prominent chief of the ad-Dulaym tribe. US troops shot and killed a prominent shaykh of the ad-Dulaym tribes in ar-Ramadi west of Baghdad on Sunday. The correspondent of al-'Arabiyah satellite TV reported in ar-Ramadi that Shaykh Latif Kamil ad-Dulaymi was shot down as he passed through the at-Ta'mim area of the city. The Americans reportedly opened fire on the Shaykh after they had come under attack by Iraqi Resistance fighters. Ad-Dulaym, one of the largest tribal groups in Iraq suffered the loss of another of its prominent shaykhs in January - Shaykh 'Abd ar-Razzaq 'Anad Mu'ajjil al-Ka'ud, the chief of the al-Bu Nimr tribes, one of the biggest parts of the ad-Dulaym confederation. He was gunned down by the Americans in al-Anbar Province on 9 January 2005. After his death, the tribe issued a statement condemning the killing of the Shaykh and saying that it constituted, "another proof that the [US] forces regard the lives of Iraqis as cheap, killing Iraqis indiscriminately and directly targeting civilians for no convincing reason." This latest killing by the Americans of a chief in the ad-Dulaym tribes re-confirms that conclusion. Hasibah. Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee in Hasibah on Syrian-Iraqi border. Iraqi Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the path of a US military column in the city of Hasibah near the Iraq-Syria border at 7pm Sunday night, local time. The blast totally destroyed a Humvee in the column, killing all the US troops who were aboard it. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the bomb had been planted near the customs department in Hasibah. Because US forces placed the whole area under curfew, the correspondent was unable to get to the scene of the attack to obtain further details. Hit. Three US Marines commit suicide on US base in Hit. Three US soldiers belonging to the Fourth Marine infantry division committed suicide in Hit on Sunday in their base, known as 'Ayn alAsad. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that one of the translators working for the Americans on the base said that the US military found the bodies of the three suicides in their private barracks. They had shot themselves to death. The translator told Mafkarat al-Islam that one of the American Marines had been seriously burned on his face, badly disfiguring him, in a Resistance bomb attack on the armored vehicle in which he was traveling several months previous. The Marine was later imprisoned on the base for three days for attacking a high-ranking officer, when the latter refused to give him his usual leave to go back to the US on a visit.
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The translator said that the other two Marines had tried to kill themselves two weeks ago using gas that the Americans employ in battle. They had sealed the door to their room and tried to open a gas canister, but one of the other American soldiers burst into the room and prevented their suicide on that occasion. The two had been separated from their duties and it was planned that they would return home within two days. Resistance bomb destroys US armored vehicle at entrance to Hit. An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a US column of several vehicles on the Hit - al-Baghdadi road at the eastern entrance to Hit. The US column was intent on storming into Hit, but instead suffered the destruction of an armored vehicle and the instant death of four US troops and the wounding of at least three other American troops. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the bomb was planted 15 minutes before the arrival of the US column. The blast was huge, throwing the US troops out of the vehicle and leaving a crater more than two meters deep. US forces had to use large cranes to haul away the wreckage of the vehicle. The wounded American troops were evacuated to the American 'Ayn al-Asad camp. Baghdad. Resistance bomb targets Ukrainian troops in as-Suwayrah. An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a Ukrainian patrol in as-Suwayrah, south of Baghdad at 4pm Sunday, local time, totally destroying a Ukrainian military vehicle and killing and wounding a number of Ukrainian troops. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent arrived on the scene an hour after the Ukrainians had left. At that point there was no word on the extent of casualties, but the charred remains of the vehicle were still in the road and thickened pools of considerable amounts of blood had coagulated in the road. Resistance forces kill 22 puppet policemen in combat south of Baghdad late Sunday. At least 22 Iraqi puppet troops were killed in fighting that erupted south of Baghdad Sunday night. The American Associated Press reported that Resistance fighters driving a number of small trucks attacked a puppet police station south of Baghdad, late Sunday, sparking fighting that lasted for an hour and left 22 puppet troops and 14 Resistance fighters dead, according to an official in the puppet police. Puppet police captain Muthanna Khalid said that the fighting broke out in the al-Mahawil area, 50 miles south of Baghdad at about 10:30pm Sunday night. He said that five puppet "national guards" and 17 puppet police were killed and 18 more wounded. He said that the Resistance fighters fired automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades. Four Egyptian engineers working on mobile phone project under the occupation abducted. Four Egyptian engineers working for the Egyptian Uraskom communication company in occupied Baghdad were abducted just before 11am Sunday, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported. The four were reportedly involved in constructing transmission towers to strengthen the signals of mobile telephones around Baghdad. Armed men stopped their vehicle as they were headed to work in western Baghdad. A number of other Egyptian employees of the same company were abducted in September 2004. They were later released. Sunni religious Board of Muslim 'Ulama' will not take part in political system as long as Iraq remains occupied. The Board of Muslim 'Ulama' [Scholars] declared on Sunday that it would never take part in any political system in Iraq so long as the country is occupied. 'Umar Zaydan, a spokesman for the Board. In a
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separate statement, the Board announced that it had appealed to the United Nations not to recognize the recently-"elected" government produced by the American-backed election farce on 30 January. The statement, issued by Board General Secretary Harith ad-Darri, noted that many segments of the Iraqi people had not taken part in the election. Resistance group video shows destruction of US Humvee in at-Taji. A Squadron of the Islamic Army in Iraq announced Sunday that it had destroyed a US military vehicle in at-Taji, north of Baghdad. In a video broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite TV, the organization showed what they said was an American Humvee being blown up as it traveled along a road, sending up a huge cloud of smoke. The organization said that the Humvee was totally destroyed and all aboard were killed. The same organization claimed responsibility for blowing up an American vehicle in al-Latifiyah. (See below.) Al-Latifiyah. Resistance group blows up US vehicle in al-Latifiyah. The Islamic Army in Iraq Resistance group announced its responsibility for blowing up a US vehicle in al-Latifiyah, south of Baghdad. The announcement came in a video broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite TV. According to the video, the Resistance group detonated the bomb by remote control on a dirt road, producing a massive explosion. Al-Hillah. Resistance assassinates four members of US "civilian administration committee" in al-Hillah. Five Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a car carrying four members of the US "civil administration committee" of the city of al-Hillah on Sunday, killing all of them along with their Iraqi driver, a member of the puppet "national guard" told Mafkarat al-Islam. US and Iraqi puppet forces sealed off the area of the attack and searched in vain for the Resistance attackers. Ba'qubah. Resistance bombards US camp in al-Mundhiriyah on Iranian border. Iraqi Resistance forces bombarded the US base in al-Mundhiriyah on the Iraq-Iran border east of Ba'qubah. The American base was formerly the headquarters of the Iranian dissident Mujahidi Khalq organization, before US forces took over the facility when they expelled the Iranians after the American occupation of the country. The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Mundhiriyah reported that four rockets blasted the US facility at 5pm Sunday evening. Thunderous explosions could be heard a few seconds after the barrage. A member of the Iraqi border police in the area told Mafkarat alIslam that US aircraft were at the time of reporting evacuating the bodies of 15 American troops killed in the barrage. Resistance car bomb kills eight US troops in Ba'qubah midday Sunday. An Iraqi Resistance pickup truck bomb exploded as a US column made up of four Humvees was passing through Ba'qubah, north of Baghdad, at midday Sunday, killing eight US troops. A spokesman for the puppet municipal council of Ba'qubah told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that the blast took place in the as-Sikak neighborhood west of the city at 12 noon. According to the official source, two Humvees were destroyed and a third disabled. Seven US troops were killed, and five more wounded to varying degrees. The source said that a Resistance martyrdom driver sped his pickup into the US column. He added that an eighth US soldier died after
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the attack. The correspondent wrote. That the smell of burned flesh pervaded the entire area. As-Samawah. Asian body found in as-Samawah. The Iraqi puppet police found the body of an Asian person in asSamawah on Sunday morning. The body is believed to be that of a Japanese, according to puppet police officials who spoke to Mafkarat al-Islam, who said that the body was found on the highway leading to the center of the city. A local citizen told the authorities that a body of a foreigner was there. The correspondent said that efforts were underway to ascertain the identity and nationality of the body. Al-Basrah. 25,000 US troops leave Iraq as local children sing "good riddance." The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in al-Basrah reported on Sunday that the US occupation had withdrawn 25,000 American troops from the country. The correspondent reported that the Port of alBasrah and the al-Basrah Airbase had seen the departure of more than 65,000 military aircraft and more than 40 US Navy ships carrying troops to Kuwait. The correspondent wrote that the operation to evacuate the forces began at 1am Saturday and was still under when he wrote his dispatch, posted at 2:40pm Sunday afternoon Mecca time. Kamal al-Basri, an administrative official in the Port of Umm Qasr near al-Basrah told the press, "the American forces withdrew 25,000 soldiers of their forces stationed in Iraq." He added, "Those American troops have been withdrawn, some of them afflicted with mental conditions like hysteria and insomnia. They have therefore been dropped by the Americans from military accounts." The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that children gathered near the airport and the port to chase the vehicles carrying the American cars carrying the US troops. The Iraqi children threw stones at the departing Americans. Some chanted, "God is greatest! Their plane has left," and observed that they have seen something (their defeat) that made the Americans sad but themselves happy. The correspondent reported that the departing Americans were obviously indescribably happy as they made ready to leave Iraqi soil. But US authorities were not happy with the situation and sealed off all roads to and from al-Basrah, to minimize news reporting of the departure. Witnesses reported that British and American forces prevented journalists, regardless what organization they worked for, from approaching any military patrol. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that one journalist, in fact was arrested and his personal camera confiscated after he took a photograph of squadrons of US forces entering al-Basrah airport to prepare for their departure. The skies above al-Basrah have been full of US fighter planes, helicopters, and unmanned spy planes, in addition to other reconnaissance planes. The signals of portable telephones and the Internet have been scrambled in downtown al-Basrah. There are reports that a high-ranking officer in the puppet army has arrived in al-Basrah, the correspondent reported. Resistance hits al-Basrah International airport with more than 30 rockets as US forces evacuate through the facility. In a dispatch posted at 5:15pm Sunday afternoon, Mecca time, the local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi Resistance had launched a powerful attack on al-Basrah airport a short while before. More than 30 rockets of various types, including Tariq, Grad, and Katyusha rockets in addition to 120mm mortar rounds pounded the airport that at the time was the scene of the large-scale departure or US troops from Iraq. Witnesses told the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam that extremely
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thick clouds of smoke are rising over the airport as sirens wail. Resistance shoots down US transport plane as it heads towards al-Basrah airport Sunday evening. Reliable sources in al-Basrah reported that an American transport plane was shot down an area east of al-Basrah as it headed towards al-Basrah airport. Witnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that it came under attack from the ground as it approached the airport. The witnesses saw the plan plummet to earth at about 6pm Sunday, local time. Since a curfew is in force in the city on order of the occupation, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent has been unable to obtain further details regarding the crash. Mafkarat al-Islam apologizes for gaps in its coverage. Mafkarat al-Islam apologized on Sunday to the people of Iraq and to its readers for the shortage of information it has been providing for the past 19 days. It said the reason for the shortfall in coverage was outside of the control of Mafkarat al-Islam, making it difficult to fulfill its commitments to its Iraqi employees. Mafkarat al-Islam has been able to field a network of 56 correspondents on the ground in Iraq, making it the largest team of reporters of any news medium in the country. They have covered events blow by blow, as they happened despite the most difficult communications problems and the lack of safety. Up to 75 dispatches from Iraq come in daily to the Mafkarat al-Islam editorial offices. Recently, on 2 Dhi al-Hijjah 1425 hijri (13 January 2005) more than 145 Resistance operations were reported on that single day. The rate of attacks rose after the start of the US assault on al-Fallujah from 85 attacks per day to a current average of 132 attacks. Even in the south of Iraq where there had previously been less Resistance activity, the number of attacks per day rose by 300 percent - three times in recent days. Sources: http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56096 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56094 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56091 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56089 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56086 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56083 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56080 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56079 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56078 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56073 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56071 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56069 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56066 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56065 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56063 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56062 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56061 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56060 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56051 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56050 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56043 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56039 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56036 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56035 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56023 http://www.islammemo.cc/news/one_news.asp?IDnews=56017 >>>-----------------------------------------------------------------<<<· >> GIV Mailinglist : http://mailing.giv-seiten.info <<· >>>-----------------------------------------------------------------<<<· http://www.giv-seiten.info/www.giv-archiv.de/2002/Oktober/021031GI.010· >> Kasnazaniya / Casnazaniyyah: http://video.giv-seiten.info <<· >>>-----------------------------------------------------------------<<<·
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