JJC Volume VI, Issue 2

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E are grateful to the Holy Father for giving Manila the best in our own.” These are the words uttered by Archbishop Jose Palma, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), during the installation of the 54-year-old Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle as the 32nd archbishop of the country’s premier See held at the Manila Cathedral, December 12, 2011.

NOLI YAMSUAN | www.rcam.org

The Jesuit-educated Tagle became the fifth Filipino head of the Archdiocese of Manila in its more than 400-year history. He succeeded Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, who considers his successor’s installation as a “historic milestone”. Archbishop Tagle’s installation as the new shepherd of Manila’s estimated 2.8 million Catholics was attended by church leaders from Southeast Asia, including the Archbishops of Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Rangoon. Dignitaries from both the Church and the secular world also filled the cathedral. In his homily, Tagle was emotional and stopped twice because tears had welled up in his eyes: first, when he thanked the laity and the religious of his former diocese in Imus, Cavite, and when he entrusted his ministry to the Virgin Mary. He made a reminder to himself never to let earthly

glories blind him to his mission to be a servant of God. “I tremble before the love that calls me to lead the people to the Lord. But my poor sinful person finds rest in Him who is the Church’s true shepherd,” said the new Archbishop, who chose the biblical verse from John 21:7, “Dominus Est” (It is the Lord), as his Episcopal motto. “I am also consoled to know that we would be building on the legacy of the loving service of 31 archbishops, and my immediate predecessor, Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales. I feel humbled,” he said. He emphasized humility and loving discipleship as guideposts for his ministry. He likewise stressed the importance of unity among the clergy and the laity and the non-Catholic Christians as divisiveness and destruction “will only sink the boat”. “There is so much that I will learn from you. Teach me. Be patient with me. Let us love one another at all times,” he added. Asked later why he became emotional, he said: “Who will not be emotional when you are before God?” Liza Danielle Marino

PCMed holds SEC workshop for BED faculty SJC Cavite, Amaya hold 3-day joint Ilocos tour O better equip the basic curriculum through Memorandum A workshop on constructing the


education teachers in the full implementation of the Department of Education’s ( D ep E d) new S eco nda r y Education Curriculum (SEC), PCMed-Technokids Philippines hosted a seminar-workshop with the theme, “Overcoming the Challenges of the 2010 SEC”, with Prof. Auxencia AlarconLimjap, Ph.D. of De La Salle University (DLSU) in Manila, January 3, 2011 at the Josephian Instructional Media Center. In 2010, the DepEd ordered the gradual implementation of the new

Order no. 396, series of 2010, and eyes for its full swing in academic year 2013-2014. L imjap str es s ed on t h e contemporary theories on the teaching-learning process that treats teachers as curriculum designers more than being mere implementers. She discussed about the A-M-T (Acquir e, Make Meaning, Transfer) approach in using American professors Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design (UbD) learning plan.

UbD plan using the so-called “structure of knowledge” was held for the teachers who clustered themselves into groups. The products of which were presented to the body afterwards. Doctor Limjap is a full professor of the Science Education Department of the DLSU College of Education in Manila, and was Vice Dean of the same University’s College of Science from 1994 until she was awarded the Fulbright-Hays Student Grant as Senior Scholar at the Ohio State University in 1999. [JJC]


DMIN IS T R AT OR S , faculty, and support personnel from St. Joseph College, Cavite City and Amaya, Tanza, Cavite held a three-day educational tour in the provinces of Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur in celebration of the Catholic Teachers’ day, January 26-28, 2012. Facilitated by Urbiztondo Educational Tour Services, itineraries include Gov. Chavit Singson’s Baluarte Zoo, Vigan Cathedral, Juan Luna Shrine, Marcos Museum &

Mausoleum, Paoay Church, Sta. Monica Church, Bangui Windmills, Pagudpud Beach Resorts, Laoag Cathedral & Sinking Bell Tower, Malacañang of the North, and Vigan City Heritage Houses. Held every 28th of January, the Catholic Teachers’ Day is celebrated by Roman Catholic institutions wor ldwide to commemorate the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and patron of Catholic schools, colleges, a nd universities. [JJC]

STUDENT party dominates ARSC elections; Reyes wins presidency


JC’s Augustinian Recollect Student Crusaders (ARSC) local chapter held elections for its new set of officers for academic year 2012-2013 with Jeremiah Nathaniel Reyes winning as president, February 20, 2012.

elected to their desired positions. Reyes, upon learning of his victory, was astounded and at the same time thankful. “It’s amazing how all of us, me and my partymates, won. I think this is a first for SJC.” he said.


A Miting de Avance featuring the speeches, platforms, and plans of action of The other newly-elected student council the candidates from the STUDENT and officers were Mary-yet Xuchelle Mataba (vice KAPIT parties was held in the morning. president), Ainna Rynette Mañalac (secretary), Danielle Francesca Bernal (assistant secretary), In the afternoon, students voted for the Dasslin Gem Corral (treasurer), Ma. Reacielo executive officers for the entire student Santonil (assistant treasurer), Rodchie Valera body, and the departmental officers for (auditor), and Alyssa Pearl Ortiz (public every level. relations officer). In an unexpected turn of events, all The new set of officers will assume their candidates from the STUDENT Party were offices on June 11, 2012. [JJC] Former ARSC National Vice President and incoming Local President Jeremiah Reyes presides over the turnover rites during the 10th ARSC National Congress in Toledo City, Cebu



INSIDE? FEATURE 400 Years... Page 4

NEWS From Blessed... Page 7

SPORTS St. Rita Manila... Page 8

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