Our Schools News - June 2017 Issue

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July 8, 2017 Allegan Public Schools


School Bell Award This year’s winner of the prestigious School Bell award was Bill Hammer. Bill retired this year, after 41 years of service to Allegan Public Schools. Over the years, his job titles have included: Teacher, Asst. Principal (MS and HS), Principal (HS and Elem) and most recently Director of Operations. As someone who has contributed to nearly every aspect of the district, Mr. Hammer is definitely going to be missed. We wish him all the best for an enjoyable retirement, as he takes on his newest title of “Senior Sunrise Analyst”!

Outstanding People for Education

The Allegan County School Board Association announced the winners of this year’s Outstanding People for Education Award. Up to three winners are selected for each school district in the county. Representing Allegan this year were: The Allegan City Police Department (Chief Rick Hoyer and Matt Luyk representing), Natalie Spicer (Instructional Assistant from West Ward Elementary), and Tony Danzig (Middle School Teacher and Interim Asst. Principal). Congratulations to these deserving winners and to all the nominees. (see photo on page 13)

Top Ten Grads The top academic graduates from Allegan High School’s Senior Class of 2017 are: Front row (L to R): Abigail Olmstead, Benjamin Andrews, Maximilian Clark, Benjamin Anderson, Maya Geiselhart. Back row (L to R): Sarah Perrigo, Alana Kugelard, Arianna Forsman, Abigail Knuckles, Ireland Armintrout. Photo credit: Jen Conrad, AHS

New Athletic Director - Ron Orr

Allegan Public Schools Telephone Numbers

Allegan Public Schools has a new Athletic Director, beginning with 2017-18. Former Athletic Director Matt Stofer has resigned to take a position with Three Rivers Community Schools. Although Ron has a new title, it is a familiar face that will be filling the role! Mr. Orr has been employed by APS for 21 years, serving as a teacher, assistant principal (at both middle and high schools) as elemenRon Orr tary principal (one year at North Ward, and at Dawson Elementary for the last two years). Superintendent Harness was excited to make this announcement, stating, “Ron Orr will bring a fresh outlook to the Athletic Department in Allegan. He has some great ideas about incorporating athletics into all levels of education, K-12!”

Administration Office.................................... 673-5431 Kevin Harness (superintendent) Cheryl-Marie Manson (director of instruction) Amy Christman (director of finance and operations) George Mohr (state and federal programs) Allegan High School ......................................673-7002 Jim Mallard (principal) L.E. White Middle School............................... 673-2241 James Antoine (principal) Dawson Elementary....................................... 673-6925 Vacant North Ward Elementary................................. 673-6003 Becky Corbett (principal) Pine Trails Elementary................................... 673-5379 Jaym Abraham (principal) West Ward Elementary.................................. 673-7000 Harry Dalm (principal) Allegan Alternative High & Adult Ed.............. 673-5433 Laura Feffer (principal) Special Education........................................... 673-5431 Cheryl-Marie Manson (director) Tasha Frigmanski (supervisor) Athletic Office................................................ 673-7002 Ron Orr (director) ext. 5519 Pool/Aquatics................................................. 673-7002 Mark Mattox (ext. 5507) Maintenance Department..............................673-2085 George Zeock (supervisor) Transportation Department...........................673-2203 Darrell Stoughton (supervisor) Food Service . ...............................................673-7002 Barb Elenbaas (supervisor) ext. 5517

Amy Christman named Director of Finance and Operations With the retirement of Bill Hammer, the district has promoted Business Manager Amy Christman to the position of Director of Finance and Operations. In addition to business office supervision, Amy will now direct the various operations of the district, including the Maintenance, Custodial, Transportation, and Food Service Departments. Amy has extensive experience in operations management, having served 8 years at APS as Business Manager, as Amy Christman well as Gobles Public Schools and Allegan ESA prior to that, for a total of 33 years of school experience!

School Web page: www.alleganpublicschools.org

Allegan Public Schools Board of Education President: Vicki Knuckles Vice President: Mary Kasprzyk Secretary: Jeff McLaughlin Treasurer: Troy Carns Trustee: Jennifer Nicholson Trustee: Lane Sturman Trustee: K.D. Lake Board meetings are generally held on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Administration Building (550 Fifth Street, Allegan MI). The Organizational Meeting will be held July 10, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. The “Our Schools News” is a publication of Allegan Public Schools. It is published at least four times annually and mailed to all residents of the Allegan area. If you know of someone who is not receiving this publication that would benefit from receiving it, please contact Joni VanNieuwenhuyzen, editor, at 673-5431 or email: jonivan@alleganps.org Page 2


ne r a H

. . . the POWER of Education (A message from the superintendent of schools)

Kevin Harness Superintendent

Teachers are not the Enemy – Revisited The article I wrote for the March, 2010 edition of the Our Schools News entitled “Teachers are not the Enemy” received more attention than any article I have written since beginning my tenure as superintendent in 2005. Overwhelmingly, the responses I received were extremely positive and supportive of our public school teachers. Unfortunately, the recent passage of House Bill 4647 and Senate Bill 401 has once again prompted me to state what should be the obvious and unanimous opinion of our communities, our society, and our legislators – Teachers are not the enemy! House Bill 4647 and Senate Bill 401, if signed by our Governor, will dramatically reduce retirement benefits for all future school employees. One would assume that there must be a financial benefit for the state coffers in order to motivate our legislators to draft and pass this legislation. However, that assumption is incorrect. The Office of Retirement Services (ORS), and both the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies, which are the paid experts of our state whose job it is to analyze the financial impact of proposed legislation, all agree it is completely unnecessary to change the present system that all new school employees participate in. Their analysis supports the fact that the present “hybrid system” as it is called, is supporting itself. It is also projected that the changes which will occur as a result of HB 4647 and SB 401 will actually cost our state millions of dollars in the short term, and billions over time. You may ask, “So why is this happening?” I have yet to receive a logical or supported response to that question. I did receive a response from one of our legislators; however, the information provided used assumptions that were unsupported by any financial analysis. In addition, it was the legislator’s stated opinion that this legislation will actually improve the recruitment and retention of our educators. I can assure you the opposite will be the actual result. The number of students in our state pursuing a degree in education is already in decline. This legislation will undoubtedly exacerbate that trend. Which again, prompts me to ask the question, as I did in 2010 -- Why have our teachers become a target for attack? Only this time it is not just our teachers under attack, but all school employees: bus drivers, custodians, food service workers, secretaries, instructional assistants, administrators, etc. For transparency, I want to be clear that this legislation does not affect the basic retirement structure for present school employees, only new employees moving forward. However, that is precisely what I am concerned about, the future of education in our state. We need to value those individuals among us who choose to serve our communities by working every day to educate our children. This legislation does not increase the “value” we place on education in our state. As I stated in 2010, “we as parents and community members need to lift up and support our teachers and staff members. In doing so, we are ultimately supporting our kids. Only by working together will we be able to better meet the needs of all of our students.” I want to thank our parents and community members for the incredible support demonstrated for our students and staff over this past year. Together we are making a difference for our kids! Thank you! We are looking forward to a fantastic 2017-18 school year!

Speaking of retirement . . .

I want to personally congratulate and thank my colleague and good friend Mr. Bill Hammer for 41 years of dedicated service to Allegan Public Schools. His enthusiasm and professionalism will be greatly missed! On behalf of the Board of Education and the entire Allegan Community – THANK YOU. Well done! Page 3

Instructional Update

In order to address the increased rigor provided in this bill, we will be providing open library times throughout the summer in each of our elementary buildings (See ad on adjacent page.) as well as a week long literacy camp for those students who are most at-risk for reading proficiency. Teachers and instructional assistants are also working on both math and reading interventions over the summer to enhance our current interventions. This fall, teachers who provide Tier 3 interventions to our most at-risk readers will receive training in Reading Mastery, a research based reading intervention.

By Cheryl-Marie Manson Director of Instruction

All students reading proficiently by 3rd grade... The ability to read by third grade is the most important predictor of high school graduation and career success. Research has demonstrated that students not reading proficiently by the end of third grade are four times more likely to not finish high school. Yet every year, more than 80 percent of low-income children miss this crucial milestone nationally. On October 6, 2016, Governor Rick Snyder signed House Bill 4822, also known as the “Third Grade Reading Bill” into law. The intent of this bill is to boost early reading skills for students, thus improving high school and postsecondary outcomes and preventing high school dropouts.

Read More About it: For more information about this law and its impact on public schools, please check out this article, courtesy of the Michigan Education Association: https://mea.org/learn-whats-inthe-new-third-grade-reading-law/ To find out more about reading milestones for your child, scan the QR code provided, or visit the website: https:// www2.ed.gov/parents/academic/help/reader/part9.html

What is HB 4822? According to the bill, beginning the 19-20 school year, students in the third grade who are not proficient readers, as measured by the state assessment, will not be promoted to the 4th grade. There are a few exemptions that can be granted to bypass this retention but only in special cases. The bill mandates processes for every local school district which includes benchmark testing all students in grades K-3 to assess their reading three times a year. Those students who are not proficient on these benchmark assessments will be given an Individual Reading Intervention Plan (IRIP) until they reach benchmark proficiency. How is Allegan Public Schools addressing House Bill 4822? The bill confirms many Allegan Public Schools’ current practices that support reading. Four years ago, Allegan Public Schools built upon their current system of ensuring reading proficiency by implementing a Response to Intervention (RtI) process to intervene strategically with those students who were not proficient according to benchmark assessments. The RtI system has shown improved reading results for our students over the last two school years and we will continue to build upon this work. This bill will ensure that our students who are identified as “well below benchmark” will have Individual Reading Intervention Plans at their fall parent/teacher conference.

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How can you help your child be a proficient reader? • • • • • •

Read out loud to your child. Listen to your child read. Echo read (You read a line, then they repeat). Read together at the same time. Reread or retell favorite stories. Talk to your child about the reading.

As you read: • Ask your child to share what they remember. • Ask questions about the reading. • Talk about your favorite parts, what you’ve learned, or who is in the book and what they do. • Talk abou the pictures in the book how they connect to the words on the page. • Help connect the stories to your child’s life or other books you’ve read. • Be involved in your child’s education and support the reading plan if your child has one.

“Little Library” at North Ward Washington D.C. “Close-Up”

Middle Schoolers toured Washington D.C. through a program called CLOSEUP, which organizes educational tours for students. This year’s tour (first ever for APS) was organized by L.E.White Middle School teacher Kay Scharlow and included 15 eighth graders! Students visited Smithsonian museums and many of historical monuments, plus the National Archives, Capitol Hill and Arlington National Cemetery. Hopefully, we will be able to make this an annual event!!!

North Ward Elementary now has its own Tiny Library dedicated to Mr. Ed Spicer, who retired last year from teaching 1st grade. Anyone can take a book or donate a book 24/7. Thank you Mr. Spicer for donating books, reading all the students a story, and for instilling the love of reading!

SUMMER LIBRARY HOURS AT SCHOOL All four elementary buildings are hosting Summer Library hours this year to promote literacy by providing access to free books for students and their families over the summer. Each building will be open ONE DAY PER WEEK for 8 weeks (June 19 - August 17, but Closed the week of July 4th) on the schedule listed below:

PINE TRAILS - Wednesdays (10:00 - 11:30 a.m.) WEST WARD - Wednesdays (10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon) NORTH WARD - Wednesdays (12:30 - 2:00 p.m.) DAWSON - Thursdays (1:00 - 3:00 p.m.) Bonus: FREE Food Packs will be provided by the local Congregational Kitchen at each session! Page 5

Chocolate sauce, whipped cream and sprinkles, please! Principal Becky Corbett allowed students to turn her into a human ICE CREAM SUNDAE and teachers volunteered to be dunked in a dunk tank, as a reward for students meeting their goal in the recent Walk-a-Thon fundraiser! North Ward Elementary students raised over $15,000 in pledges!!! Proceeds will be used to fund field trips, assemblies, Family Fun Nights, classroom supplies, and more! What a celebration for students and staff at North Ward...and THANK YOU to Mrs. Corbett for being such a great sport!!!

Pine Trails kindergartner Luna Dalton tries out a firefighter’s garb!

Career Day

Elementary students throughout the district had the opportunity to explore many careers during Career Day events at each school. From fire fighters to librarians to veterinarians to policemen, students were exposed to lots of various careers. Thank you to all the presenters who made these Career Days possible!

Take me out to the ball game...

Reading by Finger Flashlight

Kindergartners in Mrs. Roger’s class at West Ward got to “camp out” in tents in the classroom, and enjoyed reading favorite books: (left to right) Brianna Dillon, Lilly Montgomery, Cameron Essink, Jalen Bierlein, Addilynn Kuhn, and Samantha Fuss.

Spending time reading every day during Reading Month earned West Ward students a field trip to a White Caps baseball game this spring. All students and staff enjoyed the game, and Sayer Wedge even caught a fly ball!

Dawson Family Fun Night Volunteers

A big “THANK YOU” to all the volunteers who make our Elementary Family Fun Nights, Carnivals, and other special events successful at all four of our elementary schools. We couldn’t do it without you! Page 6

Elementary Outstanding Students of the Year! Special 5th graders were honored at the May 9 Board of Education meeting by their principals and teachers for their exemplary citizenship, scholarship, and involvement in school activities. Kudos to them (and their parents) as they go on to even bigger and better things in middle school and beyond!

West Ward - Alyssa Bowler, Leah Snyder, and Jayden Truax were recognized by Principal Harry Dalm and 5th grade teacher Kathryn Wellever.

North Ward - Olivia Penrod and Aly Aldrich were selected by 5th grade teachers Scott Evans and Tonya Orr.

Pine Trails - Hailey Cooley and Roselyn DeLucas-Perales were recognized by Principal Jaym Abraham and 5th grade teachers Chelsea McCullough and Ryan Dumas (via video). Dawson - Luna Ruiz and Strider Fitzsimmons-Sebring were recognized by Principal Ron Orr and teacher Paula Chalupa.


Congratulations to the egg drop winners pictured: Daisy Keene (1st place), Ethan Freeman (2nd place), and Riley Fulmerhouser (2nd place).

What goes up...must come down!

Dawson kindergarten students held a contest to see who could design a container that would protect a fragile item--in this case, a raw egg! Students and their families designed and created the containers, and then they were dropped from various heights, thrown, kicked, etc., to see which egg could survive the longest without being cracked. This activity wrapped up the students’ science unit on Forces and Motion. All students had an egg-stra fun time taking part!

Another successful APS Summer Tech Camp is in the books! Students in grades 3-6 learned about all sorts of “tech stuff” such as: Kodu Game Lab, Scratch, Tinkercad, Ozobot and Dash Robots. These are all names of software programs that allow kids to create video games, design objects in 3D and then “print” them using a 3D printer, and some teach computer coding and robotics. The week long camp met in the mornings and family members were invited on the last day to see all that was learned at camp. Pictured: Patrick Ramaker and Caiden Gillies trying out their computer coding skills connecting an iPad to a Dash robot. Page 7

It’s happening . . . at A.H.S.! Quiz Bowl Excels!

The AHS State Quiz Bowl team concluded a very successful season by coming in 6th in Class B at the finals at MSU in April. After a successful run in Regional matches and against teacher teams, they wound up tied in their final match against Forest Hills and lost in a sudden death tiebreaker 195-205. Congrats to the State team, which included seniors Abby Knuckles, Benjamin Andrews, Max Clark, Kylah Larson, and Lily Goldberger as well as sophomore Zach Lang on a successful and exciting season!

Salmon Release

Cardboard Boat Races

Students in Mrs. E i c h b a u e r ’s Ecology class again hatched salmon eggs and raised them to be released in the Allegan Dam area of the Kalamazoo River. Over 100 smolt were released and students are excited to learn that in 2-3 years, many will return to this location to spawn.

Water Studies

AP Physics classes were challenged again this year to create and race their very own boats which they tested for strength, durability, and speed in Allegan’s swimming pool! Students enjoy this activity, which stimulates creativity and teamwork! Page 8

Ecology students took a field trip this spring to Grand Haven, where they boarded the DJ Angus for some water studies on Spring Lake. DJ Angus is owned by GVSU and students can perform physical, chemical, and biological tests on the water. During “Water Week” students also visited and studied various water sources in the Allegan area, including a tour of the local Allegan City Water Treatment Plant, where they learned how Allegan provides quality water to its residents.

Allegan Band “Notes” Symphonic Band

The Allegan High School Symphonic Band performed well at the State Band Festival in Otsego, receiving an overal II rating. According to Director of Bands Colin Weber, the band did a phenomenal job in sight-reading of a challenging piece!

Middle School Solo & Ensemble

L.E. White Middle School was well-represented at the spring Middle School Solo & Ensemble Festival this year. The following students earned a First Division rating (I): Shaylynn Tourangeau, Hana Trolard, Sean Dewey, Jillian LaJoice, Kiersten Osborn, and Olivia Williams. The following students earned a Second Division rating (II): Mia Kolhoff, Shaylynn Tourangeau, Stephen Pierce, Sean Dewey, Justine Lytle, Alivia Childs, Liljani Forsman, and Cameron Pierce. Congratulations to all on your hard work and fine performances!

K-12 Art Show

Field Trip Beach Day!

Students from all grades displayed art in various media at a visual Art Show at the Performing Arts Center lobby on May 22. It was a colorful display and a showcase of talented artists!

To accompany the science curriculum, Dawson 4th and 5th grade students took a field trip to the beach, where they hunted for rocks and plant and animal life. They also enjoyed building sand castles and a picnic lunch!

AHS Drama to perform “A Christmas Carol - the musical” The Allegan community is in for a holiday treat, as this year’s performance of A Christmas Carol the Musical will be coming to the Performing Arts Center on December 7, 8, and 9. There was a change of plans in the Drama Department’s original selection of a different musical (A Christmas Story) -- due to issues with copyright and performance permissions. Auditions for A Christmas Carol the Musical will be September 13. Look for audition details in the Back-to-School edition of “Our Schools News”. There will be singing and acting parts for high school, middle school, and a few upper elementary students, so this will be an all-school performance!

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Allegan Athletics

Just a few Spring Sports Highlights . . .

►Congratulations to (Jr.) Mollie Babbitt and (Sr.) Adrian Rizqallah as the Girls Tennis #1 Doubles team went 27-2 this spring and were named All-State by the Michigan High School Tennis Coaches Association. The tandem won Conference & Regional championships and reached the State semifinals. ►Congratulations to (Jr.) BrookAnn Hitchcock who was named Honorable Mention All-State by the Michigan High School Soccer Coaches Associaiton. Hitchcock led the Tigers with 27 goals this past season.

Above: Mollie Babbit and Adrian Rizqallah named All-State in girls tennis.

►Congratulations to our 2017 Senior Athlete Award winners as voted on by the AHS Varsity Head Coaches: Top Female Athlete: Kara Bishop Top Male Athlete: Nate Passorelli & Jack Sturman Top Female Sportsmanship: Haylie Curtiss & Leslie Scane Top Male Sportsmanship Award: Thomas Voglewede ►The 2017 Tri Allegan is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, visit www.triallegan.com for more information and help support a great event that raises funds for the Allegan Athletic All-Sport Boosters. ►Middle School Fall Sports start dates: Cross Country (Grades 6-8): Wednesday, Aug. 23 Football (Grades 7-8): Monday, Aug. 21 Volleyball (Grades 7-8): Wednesday, Aug. 23

Above: In track & field, Peyton Lake had an outstanding season in 100m and 300m hurdles - with PR’s in both events at the State meet! Left: Jack Sturman finished 9th at State in 110m high hurdles with a PR of 15.35. Nate Passorelli also had a PR in the 3200m run, placing 24th.

Summer Track & Field / Cross Country

►High School Fall Sports start dates: Football starts on Monday, August 7, all other fall sports start on Wednesday, August 9. ►Sports Physicals Reminder: All student-athletes must have a sports physical turned into the High School Athletic Department (Main Office) prior to participating in athletics during the 2017-18 school year, the sports physical must have been completed after April 15, 2017.

Middle School Cross Country - Athletes and parents are invited to an informational meeting with Coach Williams about Middle School Cross Country on Monday, July 24 at 6:30 pm in front of the high school at the flag pole. Summer conditioning will be every Monday and Wednesday after that at 7 pm. Summer conditioning is not required, but it is a great opportunity to get in shape for the season. Official practice for middle school starts August 23. Questions? Contact Coach Williams ewilliams@alleganps.org or visit the Allegan Middle School Cross Country Team Facebook Page. High School Cross Country - High School athletes can join Coach Chalupa at 7 pm on Mon-Wed starting June 21 for summer conditioning.

Mark your calendar! C.O.D.E. Orange and Homecoming will be combined this year into one event --

Track & Field Skill Development: Monday and Wednesday mornings at the high school track to work on hurdling and field event-specific skills: Hurdles (10-11 am) and other field event skill sessions (11 am-12noon).

Friday, Sept. 29!!! Page 10

2017 Women’s Tennis Team (L-R): Jen Aldrich, Taryn Orr, DeLaney Heckman, Maddy Layton, Erin Milbocker, Nicole Galloway, Emma Philippus, Elizabeth Hill, Mollie Babbitt, Julia Patmos, Anya Wenzel-Wisner, Emma Ruga, Jen Conrad. Missing: Adrian Rizqallah, Aubrey DeBoer

LUCKY #13!

(13th straight year of winning CONFERENCE and being named ACADEMIC ALL-STATE!) The AHS Varsity Women’s Tennis Team was recognized at a recent Board of Education meeting for their outstanding season. Congratulations to this fine group of young ladies and their coaches, Jen Aldrich and Jen Conrad, who continue to carry on the tradition of tennis excellence at AHS! Below is a list of some of their accomplishments this year: Wolverine Conference Champions Regional Champs (winning 7 out of 8 flights) Finished 5th at MHSAA State Tournament All-State Academic Team (3.41 average GPA) 13th straight year of winning Conference AND being named Academic All-state! Overall record was 12-1-1, undefeated in conference matches 87 consecutive Conference dual match wins (streak going since 2005 season)

Track & Field Day

Where the tennis tradition begins...

Summer tennis is in “full swing” with our youngest players getting into the spirit of Orange and Black Day on the courts with an intense game of “popcorn”! Page 11

Elementary Track & Field Days are always a spring highlight for students. Pictured are 3rd grade boys and girls at the starting line!

Students left to right: Zoe Bronkema, Alexander Ruiz, Layne Raab, and Natelee Van Dussen

“Earning their Stripes” Almost half the students at L. E. White Middle School improved their scores on all three tests given for each grade level and were awarded a t-shirt indicating that they “earned their stripes” in Math, Reading, and Language!

Pictured are some of the cheerful visitors: (left to right) Carly Mollitor, Julian LaJoice, Jozaphine Navarro, Steven Smith, Cameron Swinehart

Sports physicals are required to participate in any fall sport. They must have been completed AFTER April 15, 2017 to be valid for the upcoming sports seasons.

“Tigers Unite” spreads cheer

Student volunteers in the Tigers Unite group at L.E.White Middle School spread some cheer by visiting patients at Allegan General Hospital and delivering flowers. This is one of many activities performed by this student-led group at the middle school, whose mission is to be a positive influence for good in their school and community.

Allegan Alternative High School Sow What Community Garden

AAHS coordinated this year’s community garden, helping to acquire funds for garden items, establish a summer schedule, and preparing the garden with hands-on volunteer day. This partnership with the City of Allegan and the Allegan Jaycees has truly made it a meaningful project for our students and for the entire community! Remember - the garden is open to any one free of charge! Stop in for some herbs or veggies and take a moment to water the plants if you wish!

School Video

The many service projects and opportunities that students have used to spark positive change here in Allegan have prompted students to create a music video to capture their journey. You can check out the video on the school blog at mindbodyspirit.edublogs.org. Page 12

Red Cross Blood Drive

Blood Drives provide students with some of the most beneficial learning experiences of the school year. This year, donations from the 3 blood drives held at AAHS helped Jonathen Gasaway earn a $250 scholarship!

“Outstanding People for Education” Nominees --

Being nominated for this award by your peer or colleague, a student, or a parent is a great honor. The criteria for this award is simply that you are someone who has “made a difference” in the overall quality of education at APS, or have impacted an individual students’ experience by going above and beyond! This year’s nominees were: Lisa Alofs, Ron Orr, Ashley Martin, Megan Knight, Jeff Dehn, Piper Raab, Terri Johnson, Chris Conrad, Denise Davis, Char Lemons, Mike Zimmer, Tim Westgage, Paula Andrysiak, Howard Young, Sue Chappell, Martee Spreitzer, Michelle Norland, Jacoba Mead, Lori Ott, and James Antoine. OP4E winners are pictured on Page 1.

Ed Foundation grants total over $20k

The Educational Foundation of APS awarded teacher mini-grants this year totalling $18,454 and a C.O.D.E. Orange scholarship for $2,000 for a total of $20,454!!!!! Thank you to the Ed Foundation and all its volunteers for giving so generously to the students of Allegan Public Schools!

AEA scholarships awarded

Lifelong Learners visit Labyrinth

The Allegan Lifelong Learners visited the newly-constructed Labyrinth at Rossman Park (on Marshall Street). They learned about labyrinths in a historical and cultural context and a little about the various uses of labyrinths for meditation, contemplation, and reflection! Come join Sally Trabulsi and her group of senior citizens and you, too, can be a Lifelong Learner! Classes begin again in September. Page 13

The Allegan Public Schools’ Teachers AEA Scholarship Fund contributed $9,865 this year for scholarships and summer camp opportunities. Over $2,000 was gifted to 19 elementary students and 3 middle school students; and $7,500 to high school graduates in college scholarships. A big THANKYOU to the AEA and our teachers!

2017 APS Retirees

Tiger Tales

2017 Results

For poetry 1st place: No Hijab Today - Archer Johnson (9) 2nd place: ColorBlind - Brooke Boodt and Kenzie Green (11) 3rd place: My Dad - Kathleen Heusser (10) Honorable mention: No Cents - Haley Galloway (12)

The following retirees were recognized at this year’s end-of-year staff meeting: Bill Hammer (Administration - 41 yrs) Joni VanNieuwenhuyzen (Secty to Supt/ PR and Communications - 26 yrs.) Diane Bartz (NW teacher - 26 yrs.) Melissa Frankosky (MS teacher - 23 yrs) John Glasgow (counselor/teacher - 22 yrs.) Joy Evans (MS Inst. Asst. - 17 yr) Jeff Dehn (Elem P.E. teacher - 31 yrs) Sally Waldron (PT custodian - 34 yrs) Sharman Mohr (HS math teacher-45 yrs.) Tom Smythe (HS teacher - 47 yrs.) Gary Ramaker (bus mechanic - 29 yrs.) Kim Harness (HS library - 8 yrs)

45 years!

For the personal narrative: 1st place: Father Dearest - Madelline Waite (10) 2nd place: Caught in the Crossfire - Max Clark (12) 3rd place: Tears to be Devoured - Noah Festerling (9) 9th grade breakout: Acceptance of Separation Zebulon DeBaker (9) Honorable mention: Thanks For Everything Larry Hopkins (12) Here’s our cover list: 1st: Cover 4 - Tiger Clawing page - Chloe Schans (10) 2nd: Cover 1 - Tiger Resting - Hannah Joynes (9) 3rd: Cover 3 - Blue and Purple - Kassandra Kincaid (10) Short Story 1. Blinders - Abigail Knuckles (12) 2. A New Way to School - Maximilian Clark (12) 3. SS19: Athens: A Tale of Ruin - Zachary Southwell (9) Honorable Mention - The Executioner Angelica Zoch (10)

For nearly half a century, Mrs. Sharman (Mogan) Mohr has been a teacher in the Editorial (all 11th grade) Allegan Public Schools! Since math was her 1st: The Need for Renewable Energy - Amanda Snyder favorite subject, and her favorite teacher 2nd: The Dakota Access Pipeline - Maizy Stull was Mrs. Margaret (Peggy) Allen, it was 3rd: Strict Not Taken - Caleb Priebe altogether fitting that she return to her hometown to fill a vacancy left by that very teacher in junior high math in 1973. Sharman eventually moved to the high school, where she taught all the math classes exCongrats to the followcept calculus. She also served as the Math Department Chairpering poets who placed in son for 35 years, taking great pride in helping her math colleagues Michigan’s Poems That work as a collaborative team. Mrs. Mohr served the students of Ate Our Ears contest: APS outside the classroom, as well, as a Class Advisor, National Noah Festerling “On the Honor Society Advisor, and even coached cheerleading for a few Cannibal’s Spit”, Emma years. As she retires this year, we would like to thank Sharman Resendiz “Changing for dedicating her life to helping students not only develop math Seasons”, HM: Emma skills, but also social skills. Mathematicaly speaking, “it all adds Dana Shek, Noah Festerling, Resendez “Echo” Dana up” to a successful career and a wish for a happy retirement! and Emma Resendiz Shek “Silence” Page 14

Poetry Contest

Page 15

FROM: Allegan Public Schools 550 Fifth Street Allegan, MI 49010

ECRWS TO: Current Resident Allegan, MI 49010

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The Allegan Public School District complies with all federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, marital status, political belief, or physical or mental handicap or disability--in all of its programs and in employment. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the Superintendent of Schools, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan, MI (phone 269-673-5431).

Preschool Grads!

“Allegan County News” editor Ryan Lewis and Rachel Pokornowski

There was plenty of “Pomp and Circumstance” as 3 and 4-year olds celebrated their “graduation” from Tigers Den Preschool this year! Allegan’s Tiger’s Den Preschool, directed by seasoned teacher Judi McCall, is taking applications for the upcoming school year. Contact Judi at 673-7002 (ext. 3148) for more information. Tiger’s Den Daycare is also taking applications for the fall. Contact Sara at 673-7002 (ext. 3135) to find out more.

Newspaper Intern

Recent AHS graduate Rachel Pokornowski was the recipient of the first annual journalism scholarship which was made possible by local Rotarian, Dr. David Ohmart. Rachel will work as an intern for the Allegan County News this summer, in return for the scholarship, and she heads off to Lake Superior State in the fall!

Fit for Life 5K -- Allegan Public School was well-represented with 265 participants at the Fit for Life 5K sponsored by AAESA!!! A big THANK YOU to the staff and parent volunteers who helped coach our Tigers In Motion student group of runners!!!

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