Our Schools - 2019 End of Year Issue

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“Our Schools” News Family, Community, Excellence June 21, 2019 alleganps.org

Allegan Public Schools Graduates

From our youngest graduates (our four-year-old preschoolers) to our oldest (Allegan Online/Adult Education), our students have had a successful year. Congratulations to all of our graduates across the district. Have a great summer and see you in the fall!

Congratulations to Allegan High School’s Top 10 Graduates

Front row (l to r): Megan Collins, Annika Hansen, Cassandra Nelson, Emma Ruga, Chloe Schans Back row: Maddy Waite, Zach Lang, Caleb Dekryger, Nicole Galloway, Takoda Harrington

2019 School Bell Award

Congratulations to Steve Ramus, Perrigo Co., and Kevin Harness, APS, for being awarded the 2019 School Bell Award. The School Bell Award is presented to an individual who goes above and beyond for the Allegan Public Schools District. Steve Ramus is part of our “Allegan Advantage” committee and our “Bigs in Business” mentorship program. He is always willing to go the extra mile for our students. He is known for his “we’ll make it work” attitude. Steve has helped bridge the gap between the business world and the world of education with a partnership with Perrigo Co. that will continue for years to come. Kevin Harness is retiring from Allegan Public Schools after 23 years of dedicated service. He has served on countless committees and boards and always has the students’ best interests at heart. His beliefs, passion, and commitment to Allegan Public Schools are evident and he will be greatly missed. Congratulations to these deserving individuals! (Pictured right: School Bell recipients Kevin Harness and Steve Ramus.) In This Issue: Contact Information Superintendent’s Message Staff News Community of Caring Middle School High School Allegan Tiger Athletics Allegan Performing Arts Elementary Schools Allegan Alternative High In Other News Tiger Programs Allegan Aquatic Center

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Outstanding People For Education

The Allegan County School Board Association recently announced the winners of its annual “Outstanding People for Education” Award. 38 individuals were nominated. Three winners were selected from each participating district. Representing Allegan Public Schools this year are (pictured l to r): Jill Scripps (L.E. White Middle School Learning Center Coordinator), Susan Busfield (Pine Trails Instructional Assistant), and Michele Norland (Dawson Kindergarten Teacher). Congrats to these Outstanding People for Education and all the nominees.

Allegan Public Schools Telephone Numbers

Administration Office.................................... 673-5431 Kevin Harness (superintendent) James Antoine (director of instruction) Amy Christman (director of finance & operations) George Mohr (state and federal programs) Allegan High School ......................................673-7002 Jim Mallard (principal) Hillary Baker (assistant principal) L.E. White Middle School............................... 673-2241 Erin Hafer (principal) Chris Reeve (assistant principal) Dawson Elementary....................................... 673-6925 Rebecca Shuper (principal) North Ward Elementary................................. 673-6003 Becky Corbett (principal) Pine Trails Elementary................................... 673-5379 Kari Luckett (principal) West Ward Elementary.................................. 673-7000 Melanie Cassar (principal) Allegan Alternative High & Adult Ed.............. 673-5433 Laura Feffer (principal) Special Education........................................... 673-5431 Brady Chestnut (director) Athletic Office................................................ 673-7002 Ron Orr (director) Pool/Aquatics................................................. 673-7002 Chris Madill (ext. 5507) Maintenance Department..............................673-2085 George Zeock (supervisor) Transportation Department...........................673-2203 Brian Corbett (supervisor) Food Service .................................................673-7002 Barb Elenbaas (supervisor) ext. 5517 Allegan Online/Adult Ed ...............................673-5431 Brenda Nyhof (director) ext. 3022 School Web page: alleganps.org

Congratulations, James Antoine!

2018-19 Board Members:

Front l to r: Jennifer Nicholson, Nathon Kelley, Troy Carns, Lane Sturman Back l to r: Vicki Knuckles, Mary Kasprzyk, KD Lake

Allegan Public Schools Board of Education 2019-20 Regular Meeting Schedule July 8, 2019 (6:00 p.m.) August 12, 2019 (6:00 p.m.) September 9, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) October 14, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) November 11, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) December 9, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) January 13, 2020 (7:00 p.m.) February 10, 2020 (7:00 p.m.) March 9, 2020 (7:00 p.m.) April 13, 2020 (7:00 p.m.) May 11, 2020 (7:00 p.m.) June 8, 2020 (6:00 p.m.) July 13, 2020 (6:00 p.m.) Organizational Meeting

►Most regular meetings scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month. ►Regular meetings during the school year are scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. ►Regular meetings during the summer (June, July, August) begin at 6:00 p.m. ►Special meetings will be posted at the entrance and on the district website. ►All meetings to be held at the Allegan Public Schools’ Administration Building, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan MI 49010, unless otherwise posted. ►Official board minutes are stored at the Administration Building, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan, MI 49010 and are available for review at this address. ►Interested citizens are invited to attend meetings. There is an opportunity for public comments of a general nature at the beginning of every board meeting. Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations should contact the Superintendent at 673-5431, or at 550 Fifth Street, Allegan, MI 49010, ten days prior to the meeting.

As you will read on pages 3 and 4, Superintendent Harness is retiring after 23 years of service to APS. We welcome James Antoine as our new superintendent. He is excited to hit the ground running on July 1. He is dedicated to student growth and the Allegan District. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Antoine as our new superintendent. The “Our Schools News” is a publication of Allegan Public Schools. It is published at least four times annually and mailed to all residents of the Allegan area. If you know of someone who is not receiving this publication that would benefit from receiving it, please contact Laura Sullivan, editor, at 673-5431 or email lsullivan@alleganps.org. Page 2


ne r a H

. . . the POWER of Education (A message from the superintendent of schools)

Thank You APS and Community!

Kevin Harness Superintendent

The end of the 2018-19 school year also marks the end of my tenure here at Allegan Public Schools. During my final months, I have had numerous people ask me how it feels to be retiring. My standard response has been “bittersweet.” While I am fairly certain I won’t miss the 5 a.m. drive in fivedegree temperatures in January to decide whether or not to call a snow day, I’m also confident that I will miss the students, staff, and community interaction that I have greatly enjoyed over the past 23 years. Much has changed at APS since I started here in 1996 as Assistant Superintendent. The district had finished the renovation project at the high school in 1994 and had just passed a millage election for major renovation work at all four elementary buildings, the middle school, the high school stadium, as well as renovations and additions to the central office and alternative education campus. After completing those projects late in 1998, we were successful in passing a bond issue for the performing arts center and aquatic center in 2000 under John VanNieuwenhuyzen’s leadership as Superintendent. Those projects were finished in the spring of 2003 and both facilities have been well-used ever since. John retired and I moved to the Superintendent role in 2005. In 2012, our community supported a construction bond to convert the original high school gymnasium that had been partially converted into an event center back into a full-size gymnasium due to the addition of the performing arts center in 2003. The conference center was added at the high school, the field house was built, the middle school office was renovated, a gymnasium was added at the alternative high school, and numerous renovations were completed at all of the elementary buildings including air conditioning and secure single points of entry for student and staff safety. Clearly, our community has consistently supported our students and our schools. I have never taken our incredible community support for granted, and I will be forever grateful. I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Allegan Public Schools staff and Board of Education for their dedication to our students and our mission. There are 350 staff members at APS working every day to provide excellent educational opportunities for our families. Our administrative team and central office staff have, and will continue, to provide outstanding leadership for our district. Our Board has chosen James Antoine, formerly our Director of Instruction, as the next Superintendent of Allegan Public Schools. I couldn’t be happier with the decision, and I am extremely confident that James will be an exceptional leader for our district. A special thank you goes out to my wife, Kim, and our two daughters, Kelsey and Kaycee. As I mentioned at my retirement open house, I would say, “thank you to them for putting up with me,” but it would be more accurate to say, “thank you for putting up without me.” Allegan Public Schools has been a major part of our family’s life over the past 23 years. Thank you, Allegan community for making us feel welcome from day one and for the unwavering support over the years. Allegan – you rock! Have a great summer everyone – and GO TIGERS! Page 3

Welcome! New Faces to the Allegan Public Schools Family!

Erin Bondarenko Teacher

North Ward

Jennifer Essink

Noon Hour Supervisor

West Ward

Hannah Hill Teacher

High School

Tom Shuck

Cindy Spencer

High School

Middle School



It ’s so hard to say goodbye! APS Retirees and Resignations Retirees:

Sallie Bladen (17 years) Kathy Cook-Harlan (28 years) Kevin Harness (23 years) Merry Hoving (14 years) Katy James (16 years) Char Lemons (31 years) Mary McDaniel (31 years) Lori Schipper (27 years) Julie Shanley (25 years) Kathi Wellever (33 years)


Audra Lang (13 years) Jacoba Mead (7 years) Kyle Shack (6 years)

A few of the retirees from Allegan Public Schools are pictured above. Together Mary McDaniel, Kathy Cook-Harlan, and Char Lemons have a combined total of 108 years in education! Congratulations to all the retirees on their new endeavors.

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Community of Caring

Tigers Unite Support North Ward Elementary’s Walk-a-thon

Tigers Unite students traveled to North Ward to walk with students for their walk-a-thon. The Middle School Tigers Unite students helped encourage students to continue walking for the full hour while stopping along the way to participate in activities such as basketball, soccer shooting, and jumping through hula hoops.

Grad Walk Seniors across the district returned to their home elementary schools to participate in a Grad Walk. It’s a fun tradition for all!

APS Ed Foundation Helps Students get Real-World Experience The Allegan Public Schools Educational Foundation enlisted the help of the Allegan County Area Technical Education Center’s (ACATEC) graphic design students to create a shirt logo for the C.O.D.E. Orange Football game, one of its several fundraising events used to provide mini-grants for APS teaching staff. Students submitted 61 designs for consideration and presented them to the Ed Foundation in February. The Ed Foundation was thrilled with the vast number of designs and the talent displayed. After much discussion and voting, the Ed Foundation choose Allegan Alternative High Student Ren Storey’s design. Ren was presented with her own T-shirt and sweatshirt to wear proudly. (Pictured right Kevin Harness, Ren Storey, and Laura Sullivan.) The Ed Foundation hopes to continue this newly formed collaboration with the ACATEC for years to come. In addition to the C.O.D.E. Orange game, the Ed Foundation also organizes the M.V.E. basketball game and the Cash Party to raise funds for its mini-grants. The grants are used to help enrich classroom resources at Allegan Public Schools. 2019-20 C.O.D.E. Orange shirts will be for sale in July at True Value and Ace Hardware for $10. Sweatshirts can be ordered online at alleganps.org/education-foundation for $25. Save the date - 2019 C.O.D.E. Orange will be September 27 against Sturgis. Go Tigers! Page 5

Middle School Matters

Middle School Students Participate in Youth Summit

A group of over 30 middle school youth leaders were asked to participate in the Allegan United Middle School Summit at the Jijak Foundation on May 3. This event is sponsored by the Allegan County Pro Youth Team, which is a student led program promoting positive choices and living alcohol and drug-free. Students participated in team building activities and were also introduced to Native American Culture through demonstrations led by the local Gun Lake Tribe. (Pictured right: student leaders participating in team building activities.)

Students See Their Strength

Student leaders Joey Kavanagh, Lilliann Joynes, Rainah Spohn, and Kayla VanderVeen were asked to participate in a “See Your Strength” campaign and helped to adhere positive affirmation quotes on the mirrors throughout the middle school.

Comfort Quilts

Ms. Schalk’s Sewing II students created small “comfort quilts” for Officer Luyk and Allegan City Police officers to carry in their cars. Officer Luyk explained that these quilts will be used to comfort children throughout the county.

World Foods

Mrs. Boysen’s 8th-grade cultural foods classes studied many countries during the last trimester of the school year. Some of the countries were Japan and China. For Japan, students used nori seaweed to spread rice on a bamboo mat to form sushi rolls. Students also prepared chicken fried rice for the week of study of China. Some students brought in Chinese pop to enjoy while they ate their rice. The girls pictured (l to r) Aubrie Evans, Alexis Macherzak, Lilly Delong, Emma Kruithoff, Sabrina Mills, and Grace Davis. The boys pictured (l to r) Nolan Rynearson, Ethan Smith, Brandon Katsma, and Evan Andres.

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High School Highlights

APS Teachers Take Their Knowledge on the Road

Allegan Public Schools teachers (pictured

right) are sharing their knowledge with the world. Chris Conrad, a math teacher at Allegan High School, recently presented at Grand Valley State University’s Math in Action conference in Allendale and at the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) conference in Detroit. Brian Ouellette, a fifthgrade teacher at Dawson Elementary, also APS teachers Brian Ouellette (left) and Chris Conrad (right) presented at MACUL. In Allendale, Chris recently presented at state conferences. shared how to use proportions and trigonometry to find height indirectly. In Detroit, he showed attendees how stuMeijer Great Choices dents can learn math concepts using Film Festival GeoGebra. Brian shared how he uses sites like Seesaw to collect evidence of student Allegan High School student Drake Caldarona was an learning and led a passioned discussion about the ineffectiveness of letter grades. Honorable Mention award

winner for the 2109 Meijer Great Choices Film Festival for his 30 second Public Service Announcement (PSA) about eating healthy. His PSA was targeted at K-6th graders. He attended the awards reception at the Gerald R. Ford Museum on Saturday, June 2.

Best wishes, Class of 2019!

Student Research Wins Award

As part of the Air Zoo’s annual Science Innovation Hall of Fame Awards, Allegan High School student Katie Heusser was awarded the Air Zoo’s 2019 Student Art and Science Award at this year’s awards ceremony for her research in physics. Katie attended the ceremony on April 13 at the Air Zoo. She is pictured left with Troy Thrash, Air Zoo president & CEO (left), and Tim Tyler of the Tyler Little Family Foundation (right). Page 7

Allegan Tiger Athletics By: Ron Orr, Athletic Director alleganps.org/athletics

Tiger Sports: A Spring to Remember

This spring, many Allegan Athletic teams had outstanding team and individual performances. It has been a spring sports season that will be remembered and also a time to build on successes for the future. The Girls’ Tennis Team started the spring by winning the Conference, Regionals, and advancing to the Tennis State Tournament. At the State Finals, the girls had many outstanding performances and finished with a team total of 21 points, good enough to finish in 4th place in the State Tournament. All flights advanced to at least the State quarterfinals. #1 singles Regan Fales made it to the semifinals, while #3 doubles of Maddy Layton and Delaney Heckman, and #4 doubles of Krista Kocur and Maddie Wagner were State Runnerups. Track saw several Tigers qualify for the State Finals Track Meet. Hannah Antkoviak led the Tigers with All State performances in the hurdles. Hannah took 4th place in the 100 hurdles and finished State Runnerup in the 300 hurdles breaking the Allegan High School record in the process. Hannah also finished 10th in the long jump. Remi Franklin led the Tiger Golf team this season to a 2nd place Wolverine Conference finish, the team’s best finish since 1994. Remi also qualified for State and went on to finish the State Meet in 6th place to become only the second Allegan Golfer to earn All-State Honors. Remi shot a second round 73, which was second best of all 110 golfers in the tournament. The Girls’ Soccer Team made Tiger soccer history this spring by capturing the team’s first-ever MHSAA District Title. The team went on to win in the first round of Regionals before falling 0-1 in an overtime shootout. The Tigers ended the season with a record 19 wins on the year, beating the previous record of 18 wins that had been accomplished twice before. It was an exciting spring for Allegan Athletics that brought the community and schools a lot of excitement and excellent play that the community of Allegan is proud of. Keep up the great work, Allegan Tigers and have great off seasons to make next season even better. Go Tigers! Student-Athlete Allegan All-Sports Boosters is currently looking for Ambassadors were new active members to join the club. The Sports Boosters are working together to grow and develop a welcome addition to the Sports great things for our student athletes. In addition Boosters this year. to general membership, they have several board positions open at this time. The current board includes: President - The Ambassadors volunteered their time to help make APS and the community a better place. Mindi Smith, Vice President - Kim Ricketts, Secretary - Open, Treasurer/Accounts Payable - Open, and Treasurer/Accounts Pictured above are a few of the Ambassadors: Kaitlyn Receivable - Open. They also have several committee chairs to be Fulton, Chris Lafey, Jayden Smith, Deshon Gowens, and filled. The Sports Boosters would love to have some fresh faces. Rachel Heusser. Page 8

Allegan Performing Arts “Notes” Congrats to both the Treble Choir and Chamber Choir for receiving Division 1 (Excellent) ratings at State Festival Choral Festival at Hope College. (Pictured below.)

Pictured above, the Allegan choirs performed the National Anthem at the Whitecaps game! Pictured below, singers “making waves” as part of the Spring Choral Concert with TrebleMakers, Middle School Choir, Glee Choir, and Chamber Choir. Congrats to the Middle School Choir (pictured below) for their excellent performance at the MSVMA State Choral Festival at Hope College in May. Not only did they, once again, perform outstandingly, but their poise, character, and behavior were also on point!

Marching Band News:

All 2019-2020 high school students, please make sure you received the marching band packet that was sent home mid-June. All the details about the summer rehearsals and the season calendar can be found there. Pictured right, the band recently played the Tigers’ fight song one last time for Mr. Harness.

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News from Dawson, North Ward...

That’s Entertainment

As part of “March is Reading Month,” the Allegan High School’s Advanced Acting students performed improv games (including the one pictured during the dating game with storybook characters) and Readers Theatre readings for the West Ward Elementary students.

North Ward Battle of the Books

North Ward 4th and 5th-grade students participated in “The Battle of the Books” during March is Reading month. Each class had three months to read five pre-chosen books. The classes were split into teams and battled by answering questions about the selected books. The teams with the most points in each class received a donut and ice cream celebration. A great time was had by all, and students read some great books!

Pine Trails Students Bounce into Summer

Pine Trails had their Annual Carnival on May 31. Students were able to spend time exerting their energy in six bounce houses and obstacle courses! Thank you, Pine Trails PTO! Pictured above l to r: Riley Williams, Anne Howard, Elliot Guritz, and Joshuah Dutton-Hopkins

Got Talent?

Pine Trails Elementary School’s talent show (pictured left) was Wednesday, June 12. Students told jokes, sang, danced, jumped rope, hula hooped, painted, and more! The students and staff enjoyed the wonderful display of talent. Page 10

Pine Trails and West Ward Elementaries One World, One Sky

Delightfully Delicious Book Tasting

The third and fourth grade students at North Ward Elementary took to book tasting. With the classrooms set up as a restaurant, and a variety of books on the plates, the students previewed books making menus of the ones they would like to read in a book club. It was a delightfully delicious day of decision making.

Through a partnership that Community Action Allegan County (CAAC) Head Start has with PNC’s Grow Up Great Program, CAAC was able to collaborate with Allegan Public Schools and offer not only six Head Start Classrooms but also one GSRP classroom, two Kindergarten classrooms, and the Tigers Den Academy classrooms at Pine Trails a wonderful experience. The “One World, One Sky” Mobile Planetarium visit brought out the children’s natural curiosity of the sun, stars, and moon. Approximately 145 students visited the mobile planetarium throughout the day learning about the solar system. The students had an amazing day! (Pictured below Ms. Shulz and her Tigers Den Academy students ready to enter the mobile planetarium.)

Dawson Teacher Receives “Cool Teacher” Award

Dawson third-grader Cadel Conrad thinks his teacher is pretty cool! Cadel nominated his teacher Melissa Trebing for WGVU’s “Cool Teacher” Award after seeing a commericial on TV. He immediately turned to his mom and said he had to nominate Ms. Trebing. Cadel had many amazing things to say about his teacher, “Ms. Trebing works really hard to help us and I feel like she should have that award. She is the best teacher I’ve ever had. She makes me feel really happy about learning and school”. Cadel and Ms. Trebing attended a reception at the Holland Armory for all the “Cool Teachers” and their nominators. Pictured left: Cadel Conrad and Ms. Trebing attend the WGVU “Cool Teacher” reception. Page 11

Allegan Alternative High School Little Free Library: Community Relations

AAHS is Certified as a “Michigan Green School”

This year, Allegan Alternative’s Outdoor Education classes had a goal: to become an Official Michigan Green School. This is awarded to schools who are energy conscious, provide a productive learning setting, connect students to the natural world, and help to reduce their overall impact on the environment. From building their own greenhouse to hosting an all-school waste audit and studying the Kalamazoo River to advocating for reusable water bottles, students spent time both in and out of the classroom to help better their school and their world. If your school is interested in starting this same journey, contact our local Green School’s representative, Raecale Stull, today at raecalestull@hotmail. com.

The AAHS Community Relations class is all about interacting with and giving back to the many communities the students are a part of. This spring, they visited a local assisted living home for coffee time, and fell in love with the residents. Though the interaction was brief, the impact on their inner self was long-lasting. The students, however, also wanted to create something that had a long-lasting effect for others. Enter our wonderful, local United Way! They have been stocking up on old-school newspaper dispensers to be refurbished into Little Free Libraries. When they offered AAHS one, the students could not resist! Students immediately went to work on cleaning, sanding, priming, and painting. In its completion, the students hope it accomplishes two things: 1) to bring community members to our doorstep in search of a children’s book or teen novel and 2) to spark school spirit by having different student groups paint it throughout the school year. Come help us keep it busy by coming to borrow a book or to donate one.

Congratulations to the Class of 2019! Keep soaring, Eagles! Page 12

In Other News Improv!

On May 6, Allegan High School Drama hosted Mark AbramCopenhaver from Saint Mary’s College for an improv workshop. Students learned skills to enhance their characterization. Above left, Mark worked with Eli Leece to learn how to “give and receive,” an important concept to improvisational theatre. Pictured left, the students had to blindly trust one another to form teams based upon the position of their hands. Owen McClelland, Alex Letts, and Angelica Zoch found some of their team members.

Congratulations to our Outstanding People for Education Nominees!

Ed Foundation of APS Awards 2019-20 Mini-Grants

Over $42,000 in requests for mini-grants were submitted this year. Through the fundraising efforts listed on page 5, the Ed Foundation was able to award almost $21,000 for mini-grants. Left, third graders at North Ward Elementary recently camped out to read in their new chairs, which were purchased with money from the Ed Foundation mini-grants. Eve Weaver, Ella Evans, and Marley Kalkman make a comfortable camping collection of readers! In an effort to bridge the gap between the requests and what is funded, the Ed Foundation will be adding a new fundraiser for the 2019-20 school year. Mark your calendars for a Murder Mystery on November 1 and 2. Look for more details soon! Page 13

Tiger Programs Tigers Den Daycare and Preschool

Did you know Allegan Public Schools offers Preschool and Daycare throughout the school year? New this summer is our APS Summer Daycare. It’s not too late to sign up! Contact Sara Phillips at sphillips@alleganps.org for more information. Pictured above left, the Preschool “Squad” enjoying a warm spring day. Pictured below left, the three-year-old preschool group’s end-of-year celebration.

Tigers Den Preschool Graduates: Front row (l to r): Edith Hoffmeister, Phoenix Kolhoff, Zander Suarez, Porter Tuffelmire, Lucas West Back Row: Rocky Adams, Jace Cooper, Chloe Elsey, Anna Heath, Clayton Helms

Allegan Online & Adult Education Celebrate Graduates Allegan Online & Adult Education celebrated the success of their graduates on June 20. There were three High School diploma graduates and 15 GED graduates. Students have also earned one CNA and four Welding Certificates through the Integrated Education & Training (IET) classes. Allegan Online is an online option offered by Allegan Public Schools for students in grades 9 - 12 to take classes and earn an Allegan District High School Diploma. Allegan Adult Education is for students ages 17 and up to earn a GED Certificate or High School Diploma and take Integrated Education & Training classes. In IET classes, students work on their GED or Diploma along with attending classes in the health, construction, manufacturing, or welding fields. Students gain additional skills to enter the workforce in sustainable paying careers by earning certificates such as CNA and welding. This year, five students participate in these classes. Three have earned certificates and two are currently enrolled in an ongoing CNA class. Allegan Online & Adult Education are programs offered by Allegan Public Schools giving students another way to finish their high school education and gain additional skills to enter the workforce in sustainable paying careers. This year, students ranged in age from 16 - 60. If you know anyone who has quit high school for any reason, these programs offer another option. It is never too late to complete high school. Classes will resume on September 3, 2019. Classes and information are located at the APS Administration Building. Questions? Contact: 269-673-5431 Brenda Nyhof, Director Sue Chappell, Supervisor bnyhof@alleganps.org x3022 schappell@alleganps.org x3054 Page 14

Allegan Aquatic Center

Memberships, Registration and Information at WWW.ALLEGANAQUATICS.COM Returning Program!!!! Beginning June 17th Mon-Thu 7:30-8:30pm


Aquatic Center Updates

Proud Provider of SwimAmerica Swimming Lessons

June 16th

WE ARE HIRING: We help build comfort and compeAdult Supervisors and School-Age tency in and around the water. Lifeguards. Free training for adults! Contact cmadill@alleganps.org


Spots are filling fast! During open swim: 

Exclusive use of the Party Room. Pay per swimmer at facility

 

For Private Pool Rentals: Both pools + Party Room AquaGlide Course included <10 swimmers $85/ hour 11-20 swimmers $110/ hour 21-30 swimmers $135/ hour 31-40 swimmers $160/ hour More information? Look under the programs tab on our website or Call: 269-673-7002 x5504

COACHED ADULT SWIMMING (MASTERS) Triathlete? Swimmer? Not a swimmer, but want to learn? Tue and Thur Morning 5:30 - 6:30 am Interested? Contact cmadill@alleganps.org

July 4th & 5th OPEN SWIM

One-day Family Pass $10.00 AquaGlide Wristband $1.00

AQUAGLIDE Inflatable Obstacle Course

Run the Course @ Open Swim or Rent It for your Private Party

Aquatic Center Closed

Group Lessons (ages 4 and up): March - May 2019 5:45-6:15 pm or 6:30-7:00 pm Monday and Thursday Parent/ Child Lessons (up to age 3) March 2019-May 2019


Register Online

Click the “Allegan Swim School” tab Spring lessons:


New practice times

Saturday Sunday

12:00-2:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm

LAP SWIM Morning: M-F Noon: M-F

6:30 –7:30 am 12-1 pm

FAMILY FUN TIME AT THE POOL Tue., Wed., Thur.: 11 am - 12 pm *Great for families with young children


Enjoy using our warm water Leisure Pool, walk in entry.

ATAC is competitive swimming & diving for those ages 6-17. new practice times starting June 17

Mon. & Fri: 11 am-12 pm Tue.: 3:00-4:00 pm

New groups based on ability level. Junior Tigershark –930a-1015a Rising Tigershark—930a-1030a Intermediate Tigershark—8a-930a Advanced Tigershark—8a-930a Senior Tigershark—8a-930a


PM practice times also available for Senior, Advanced and Intermediate Mon-Wed 530p-730p No Practice or Competition requirements! Registration online Page 15

M-W: 4-5 pm; Th– 1:452:45 pm; Sat 10:3011:30 am *Our most popular class!

Program Pricing Same for All Programs (not Zumba) Adults (+1 free pre-K child): $3 School Age / Senior: $2 Pre-K Child (additional): $1 Monthly Pass (any program): $30

FROM: Allegan Public Schools 550 Fifth Street Allegan, MI 49010

ECRWS TO: Current Resident Allegan, MI 49010

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID PERMIT #192

No person shall, on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, familial status, marital status, political belief, disability, handicap, or any other legally protected characteristic be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in employment, through Allegan Public Schools. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the Superintendent of Schools, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan, MI 49010 (phone 269-673-5431).


Love Your Hometown Grant Awarded to Free Little Libraries

Thank you for your votes in the Allegan County Community Foundation’s “Love Your Hometown” project. At the reveal on June 10, Dawson Elementary’s “Little Free Library” proposal was announced as the winner for Allegan. Dawson was awarded $1,000 to get the libraries up and running at Dawson and throughout the APS district. Look for these libraries to pop up at a location near you!

So long, farewell!

Help Me Grow works to connect families who are expecting or who have children through age five to local resources to help children stay developmentally on track and healthy through school entry. Visit their website at hmgallegan.org for more information.

Congratulations, Kevin Harness on your retirement. You’ve done the district proud! Pictured l to r: James Antoine (incoming Superintendent), Kevin Harness, and John Van (Former Superintendent)

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