“Our Schools” News Family, Community, Excellence August 18, 2018 alleganps.org
Allegan True Value Donates Paint
Our buildings and grounds crews were hard at work this summer getting the buildings ready for fall. One job they tackled was painting the interiors of some of the buildings. Thanks to Allegan True Value, that job was a little easier. Allegan Public School received a grant from the True Value Foundation for paint. Thank you, Allegan True Value! Helpers Zander and Arlee Calvert are ready to paint.
In This Issue: *Annual Notices throughout the issue Contact Information Page 2 Superintendent’s Message Page 3 Staff News Page 4 Tech Camp Page 5 Playgroups Page 6 Notices Page 7 Allegan Tiger Athletics Page 8 Allegan Performing Arts Page 9 Notices Page 10 Bus Information Page 11 Alternative High/Summer Fun Page 12 Aquatic Center Page 13 Allegan Online/Adult Ed Page 14 Lunch Information Page 15
ALLEGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2018-2019 School Calendar Sept 4 Sept 7 Sept 19 Oct 17 Oct 22-25 Oct 26 Nov 14 Nov 21-23 Nov 30 Dec 21 Dec 24-Jan 4 Jan 16 Feb 4-7 Feb 8 Feb 20 Feb 22 Mar 8 Mar 20 Mar 29-Apr 5 Apr 17 May 15 May 15 May 24 May 27 May 30 June 11
First Day for Students 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences* 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving) 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal NO SCHOOL (Christmas Break) 2 Hr. Early Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences* 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal NO SCHOOL (Mid-Winter Break) 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal NO SCHOOL (Spring Break) 2 Hr. Early Dismissal 2 Hr. Early Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences* 2 Hr. Early Dismissal NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day) Allegan High School Graduation Last Day for Students/ 2 Hr. Early Dismissal
*Check your student’s school for conference schedule
Save the Date!
C.O.D.E. Orange will be Friday, September 14th at the Allegan vs. Plainwell Football game. Shirts are available at all APS buildings, Ace Hardware, and True Value. See page 8 for more information.
Allegan Public Schools
School Open Houses
Telephone Numbers
August 20, 2018
Administration Office.................................... 673-5431 Kevin Harness (superintendent) James Antoine* (director of instruction) Amy Christman (director of finance & operations) George Mohr (state and federal programs) Allegan High School ......................................673-7002 Jim Mallard (principal) TBA* (assistant principal) L.E. White Middle School............................... 673-2241 Erin Hafer (principal) Chris Reeve* (assistant principal) Dawson Elementary....................................... 673-6925 Rebecca Shuper* (principal) North Ward Elementary................................. 673-6003 Becky Corbett (principal) Pine Trails Elementary................................... 673-5379 TBA* (principal) West Ward Elementary.................................. 673-7000 Melanie Cassar* (principal) Allegan Alternative High & Adult Ed.............. 673-5433 Laura Feffer (principal) Special Education........................................... 673-5431 Brady Chestnut* (director) Athletic Office................................................ 673-7002 Ron Orr (director) Pool/Aquatics................................................. 673-7002 Chris Madill* (ext. 5507) Maintenance Department..............................673-2085 George Zeock (supervisor) Transportation Department...........................673-2203 Brian Corbett (supervisor) Food Service .................................................673-7002 Barb Elenbaas (supervisor) ext. 5517 Allegan Online/Adult Ed ...............................673-5431 Brenda Nyhof (director) ext. 3022
Dawson - Meet and Greet New Principal 10-11:30 a.m. and 5:30-7 p.m.
August 29, 2018
Dawson Elementary (6-7 p.m.) North Ward Elementary (6-7 p.m.) Pine Trails Elementary (6-7 p.m.) West Ward Elementary* (5:30-7 p.m.) *Meet and Greet New Principal (5:30 - 6) L.E. White Middle School (6:30-7:30 p.m.) Alternative High School (6-7 p.m.) Allegan Online and Adult Ed (6-7 p.m.)
August 30, 2018
Allegan High School FRESHMEN Orientation Students Only 9-11:30 am
Allegan Public Schools Board of Education 2018-19 Regular Meeting Schedule August 13, 2018 (6:00 p.m.) September 10, 2018 (7:00 p.m.) October 8, 2018 (7:00 p.m.) November 12, 2018 (7:00 p.m.) December 10, 2018 (7:00 p.m.) January 14, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) February 11, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) March 11, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) April 8, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) May 13, 2019 (7:00 p.m.) June 10, 2019 (6:00 p.m.) July 9, 2018 (6:00 p.m.) Organizational Meeting
*New in postion
School Web page: alleganps.org
2018-19 Board Members:
Front l to r: Jennifer Nicholson, Nathon Kelley, KD Lake Back l to r: Lane Sturman, Vicki Knuckles, Mary Kasprzyk, Troy Carns
►Most regular meetings scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month. ►Regular meetings during school year are scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. ►Regular meetings during the summer (June, July, August) begin at 6:00 p.m. ►Special meetings will be posted at the entrance and on the district website. ►All meetings to be held at the Allegan Public Schools’ Administration Building, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan MI 49010, unless otherwise posted. ►Interested citizens are invited to attend meetings. There is an opportunity for public comments of a general nature at the beginning of every board meeting. Persons with disabilities who need special accommodations should contact the Superintendent at 673-5431, or at 550 Fifth Street, Allegan, MI 49010, ten days prior to the meeting.
The “Our Schools News” is a publication of Allegan Public Schools. It is published at least four times annually and mailed to all residents of the Allegan area. If you know of someone who is not receiving this publication that would benefit from receiving it, please contact Laura Sullivan, editor, at 673-5431 or email lsullivan@alleganps.org Page 2
ne r a H
. . . the POWER of Education (A message from the superintendent of schools)
Kevin Harness Superintendent Harness
Welcome Back! Yes, it’s true, summer is nearly over and it is time to get back into school mode! Our maintenance and custodial staff have been working diligently throughout the summer getting our buildings ready for another school year. Our administrative staff is back in the buildings and our secretarial staff will be joining them very soon. Our teaching staff begins the last week of August and students report on the traditional day after Labor Day, Tuesday, September 4th. Changes… While writing this article I decided to look back at earlier back-to- school issues of the Our Schools News. In August of 2005, I wrote my first Our Schools article as superintendent. The main topic of the article was “Changes.” I described the administrative changes taking place and the domino effect with administrators moving to new positons within the district. In 2005, we had six administrative positions filled across the district, all of which were either administrators in the district moving to new positions, or APS teachers taking on their first administrative role. While there certainly has been administrative changes over the last 13 years, there has not been a year to rival 2005, until now! When school starts this fall, we will have a total of eight administrative positions that will have changed. Presently six of the eight positions have been filled with three transfers within the district, and three new administrators beginning their career at Allegan Public Schools. We plan to have the High School Assistant Principal and Pine Trails Principal positions filled prior to school starting. It is an honor for me to serve with the administrative team we have here at APS. It is a dedicated and caring group of educators that will work together with our entire staff to provide the best possible education for our students. Thank You! On August 7th, our community supported the renewal of the non-homestead millage. We do not take that support for granted, and we work diligently to be good stewards of the dollars we receive to educate our students. Because of legal requirements and an anomaly here in Michigan called the Headlee Amendment, the ballot language for school millage elections is often confusing. In reading the ballot language for our non-homestead renewal it could easily be interpreted as a renewal, plus an additional .5 mills. However, the fact is that the district will still be leveling the same 18 mills it has in the past. The .5 mills that is mentioned in the ballot language is used only to maintain the 18 mill levy IF we are impacted by the Headlee Amendment which limits the millage rate if property taxable values increase. Yes, I know, it can get very confusing. If for some strange reason you would like more information regarding the nonhomestead millage and the effect of the Headlee Amendment please contact me. If not, I just wanted to say thank you for your continued support! Once again, welcome back everyone! We are ready for a great 2018-19 school year!
Page 3
Welcome! New Faces to the Allegan Public Schools Family *transfer within APS
James Antoine*
Benjamin Babcock
Melanie Cassar*
Brady Chestnut
Lauren Fron
High School
Katherine Henley
Jennipher Koens
Melissa Kuebler
Middle School
High School
Pine Trails
North Ward
Mark Mattox*
Mallory McLaren
Barbara Null
Chris Reeve
Rebecca Shuper
Alternative High
Middle School
West Ward
Middle School
Dir. of Instruction
High School
West Ward
Special Ed. Director
Joshua Greene
Erin Hafer*
Middle School
Monica Slagh Social Worker
Dawson/North Ward
Kirsten Stowell Teacher High School
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Wallace
Rebecca Whisler*
High School
Page 4
Annual Education Report
Tech Camp
Each school district in Michigan is required to publish an Annual Educational Report for the previous school year. This report contains detailed data on the following: • State-administered student assessment results (M-Step and Michigan Merit Exam) • Student achievement growth and achievement gap • Teacher qualification information • National test results • and much more! To access the Report for Allegan Public Schools, please check our district website, alleganps.org, click on “Information” then on “Annual Report”. You can also access this information, as well as similar information comparing all school districts throughout Michigan, by visiting the state’s website mischooldata.org. Please contact the administration office if you would like a hard copy of this report.
Allegan Public School teachers Brian Price, Geoff Nash, and Julie Eckwielen presented 3-D Printing, Kodu Game Lab, Scratch programming, Dash and Dot Robots, Ozobots, Green Screens, and Merge Cubes at this summer’s “APS Tech Camp.” Twenty-five 3rd through 5th-grade students took part in the half-day program that ran from June 11th-15th. On the last Friday, campers wrapped up with a parent Open House to showcase their new programming skills. Pictured below: Madison Cook, Kohen Gillies, and Elli Ziemelis test out their coding skills.
Student Handbooks
Personal Curriculum Notice: Parents and students
in grades 9-12 are being notified that all students may be eligible and entitled to a Personal Curriculum to modify the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) requirements for graduation and earning a diploma. The Personal Curriculum is a process to modify specific credit requirements and/or content expectations based on individual learning needs of a student. It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the MMC requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC requirements. Personal Curriculum modifications must align with the High School Content Expectations (HSCE) as practicable and must not create barriers that limit a student’s opportunity to be engaged in a challenging curriculum. To inquire about or be granted a request for a Personal Curriculum, please contact the Guidance Office at 269-673-7002.
All Allegan Public School buildings publish student handbooks that pertain to each building. Students are provided with a handbook at the beginning of the school year. These handbooks provide specific information about student expectations, scheduling of classes, student discipline, and a variety of other important topics. Also, each child may receive a copy of the District’s Code of Behavior and Discipline (policy #8100) in booklet form. Athletes will receive a copy of the District’s athletic code. Please read your child’s handbook and make sure your child is familiar with its contents. If you have any questions about any of the rules or expectations, please contact your child’s school. All handbooks are also available to view on our district’s website.
Foreign Exchange Students
Allegan High School has been proud to host many foreign exchange students from various countries. These students have encouraged cultural diversity among AHS students, and have been a welcome addition to our district. International Student Exchange is once again looking to place students in the Allegan area. There is no cost for host families -- all you supply is love, food, and a bed! Students have their own spending money and insurance. If you are interested in finding out more about this program, please call Beth Herpst at (269) 303-4046.
Allegan Lifelong Learners Come join this lively group of senior citizens as they explore new topics of interest, visit fun sites, and meet new people. The Lifelong Learners meet at the Administration building on Wednesdays from 1-3 p.m., starting September 20. If you need more information or you are not on their mailing list and would like to be added, please contact Coordinator Sally Trabulsi at 673-6450 or email sallyallegan@yahoo.com. Page 5
Free Preschool Playgroups
Allegan Public Schools 2018-19 PLAYGROUPS (for children age 0-5 and their parents) Tuesday, September 18 – West Ward (6-7 pm) Tuesday, October 16 – North Ward (6-7 pm) Tuesday, November 20 – Dawson (6-7 pm) Tuesday, December 18 - Pine Trails (6-7 pm) Tuesday, January 15 – West Ward (6-7 pm) Tuesday, February 19 – North Ward (6-7 pm) Tuesday, March 19 – Dawson (6-7 pm) Tuesday, April 16 – Pine Trails (6-7 pm) Tuesday, May 21 – West Ward (6-7 pm) *Classroom to be announced For more info, contact the APS/Great Start Family Coach:
Amy Rogers (269) 720-9225 arogers@alleganps.org
Partially funded by the Michigan Department of Education.
For those of you who don’t know me, I am Amy Rogers. I’ve been a teacher at West Ward Elementary for the past 23 years. I will continue on Family Coach: as one of the Amy Rogers Kindergarten teachers, but am excited to continue as the Family Coach for Allegan as well. I am excited to welcome Allegan families to Allegan Public Schools. In addition to planning Playgroups (at different buildings throughout the year so families become familiar with all of the elementary buildings - please see schedule). I will be delivering welcome packets, making home visits, and helping parents with suggestions and services to help their children get ready for Kindergarten. If you would like to meet with me, be added to my contact list, or request a welcome packet, please feel free to contact me at arogers@alleganps.org or 269720-9225. I look forward to seeing many of you at our first Playgroup on Tuesday, September 18th at 6:00 pm at West Ward.
APS is getting ready to launch a new electronic flyer communication tool called “Peachjar”. This “green” initiative will save our schools tons of paper and reduce copy costs. No action is required on your part. You will receive a welcome email/letter at a later time. Look for more information coming soon!
Emergency Text Alerts:
Have you signed up for “REMIND” text alerts? Simply text “@alleganp” to phone number 81010 to receive REMIND alerts from the superintendent and be among the first to know when there is a Snow Day or any other kind of district-wide alert or message. There may also be REMIND accounts set up for your child’s individual school. Check your child’s back-to-school packet. Page 6
ALLEGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement of Nondiscrimination:
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, height, weight, marital status, political belief, disability or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination while involved in any education program or activity or through employment with Allegan Public Schools. The superintendent of schools shall coordinate compliance efforts and investigate all complaints of alleged discrimination, including but not limited to: violations of Title IX (gender equity), Title VI (race, color, or national origin discrimination), Title II (disability), Section 504 (handicap), the Age Discrimination Act, and the Elliot-Larsen Act (religion, height, weight, or marital status). The superintendent can be reached at the Administration Office, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan, MI 49010 (616) 673-5431. The following procedures shall be implemented for any complaint or grievance related to civil rights: Grievance Procedure: Students shall file their grievance with the building principal. Employees shall file their grievance with the immediate supervisor. 1. The principal or the supervisor shall announce his decision within two work days in the case of an employee. 2. Within five school days or work days, as appropriate, the principal’s decision or supervisor’s decision may be appealed to the superintendent. The superintendent shall affirm or modify the decision within three days from hearing the appeal. 3. The superintendent’s decision may be appealed to the Board of Education within five school days or work days of such decision. 4. The Board of Education shall schedule a hearing within ten days after receiving the appeal and shall notify the student or employee that said hearing shall be conducted under the following rules and procedures: A. B. C. D. E.
Written notice shall be given of the date, time, and place of the hearing; The student or employee may be represented by an attorney or other advisor of their choosing; Witnesses may be presented at the hearing and may be questioned by the board and its representatives and by the student or employee and his representatives; The hearing is not a court proceeding and court rules of evidence shall not be enforced at said hearing; There may be present at the hearing the principal or the supervisor, the Board of Education’s attorney, and such resource persons as the president of the Board deems essential to the proper adjudication of the case; The Board of Education shall render a written opinion of its determination within five days from the date of the hearing. Such written opinion shall be forwarded to all parties concerned.
Section 504 protects children from discrimination
Section 504 is an Act that prohibits discrimination against persons with a handicap in any program receiving Federal financial assistance, such as public schools. The Act defines a person with a handicap as anyone who: 1. 2. 3.
has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities (major life activities include activities such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working); has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.
In order to fulfill its obligation under Section 504, the Allegan Public School District recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a handicap will knowingly be permitted in any of the programs and practices in the school system. The School District has specific responsibilities under the Act, which includes the responsibility to identify, evaluate, and if the child is determined to be eligible under Section 504, to afford access to appropriate educational services. If the parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the School District, he/she has a right to a hearing with an impartial hearing officer.
The Allegan Public School District is required to identify students with limited English proficiency. Special assistance will be provided for students with needs in this area. In some instances, an interpreter will be provided to assist the student with communication. If any student of Allegan Public Schools feels they could benefit from services related to limited English proficiency, they should contact the Superintendent at 550 Fifth Street, Allegan MI 49010 (phone 269-673-5431).
El distrito escolar público de Allegan está requerido identificar a los estudiantes con capacidades limitadas en inglés. Ayuda especial será provista para los estudiantes con necesidades en este área. En algunas circunstancias se les proveerá un intérprete a los estudiantes para ayudar con la comunicación. Si cualquier estudiante de las Escuelas Públicas de Allegan cree que podría sacar provecho de servicios tocante a capacidades limitadas en inglés, debe ponerse en contacto con el Superintendiente, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan MI 49010 (teléfono: 269-673-5431).
Homeless Students Children who meet the Federal definition of “homeless” will be provided a free and appropriate public education in the same manner as all other students who live in the District and will not be stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless. No board policy or school practice will be applied that will inhibit the enrollment, attendance or school success of homeless children. The superintendent has appointed George Mohr, Director of State & Federal Programs, as the school district Homeless Liaison. If you have a question about any school services to homeless students and families, you may contact him at (269) 673-5431. Legal Reference: McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Page 7
Allegan Tiger Athletics
By: Ron Orr, Athletic Director alleganps.org/athletics Allegan Athletics are gearing up for another exciting school year. Fall Sports are underway with a number of teams competing at the high school and middle school level. There may still be time to join, check with the athletic department. The community and student support of our athletes is greatly appreciated. Get out and check out the action of your Allegan Tiger Athletes. $1 tickets are available for students at any school building. You can keep up-to-date on all of our athletic events by going to the Allegan Public Schools website and going to the athletics page. Remember that you must have a physical on file to participate in athletics throughout the 2018-19 school year. Come out and “Support Our Students!” Go Tigers!
C.O.D.E. Orange
C.O.D.E. Orange stands for “Community On Deck for Education” and the entire Allegan community is invited to attend the CODE Orange football game on Friday, September 14th at Allegan High School. Sponsored by the Educational Foundation of Allegan Public Schools and Allegan General Hospital, this event is a chance for the community to become involved in supporting their schools, simply by purchasing a t-shirt for $10 which also serves as admittance into the home football game on September 14th. Get your shirts now at ACE Hardware or Allegan True Value Hardware or any of our schools! As a bonus, your tshirt will also admit you to the winter C.O.D.E. Orange “MVE night,” where senior athletes on the boys and girls varsity basketball teams will honor their “Most Valuable Educator.” For more information, check out the Ed Foundation website: alleganps.org/educationalfoundation. All proceeds from this fundraiser go toward providing teacher mini-grants and scholarships for Allegan students. The Allegan All-Sports Booster Club supports ALL high school and middle school athletic teams through the following activities: TRI-Allegan, raffles, concession stand sales, selling spirit wear, 50/50, and hoop shoot. Proceeds pay for uniforms, team equipment, weight room equipment, cheerleading mats, swim & dive equipment, refurbishing the baseball & softball fields, track hurdles, to name a few; as well as Tiger Athletic scholarships, team awards, Scholar-Athlete recognition, and the Hall of Fame event. We are thankful for the generous help from our community as we were able to renovate our outdoor concessions stand with the generous donations and help from Zeeland Lumber and Troy Day, Esper Electric and Chris Porterfield, Sumner Plumbing/Tommy Sumner, True Value Hardware and Greg And Kelly Tufflemire, DK Landscaping/Dave Kok, Jesse Smith, Mindi Smith, Tyler Smith, The Reiss Family, Natalie and Trevor Smith, Traci Perrigo, Amber Caldarona, and Athletic Director Ron Orr. Without the help and donations of all involved in this process the concession stand would not be in the great working order that it is now. Our concessions program helps the Boosters provide food and drink for our spectators and profit to help build our programs. We are so appreciative to all involved.
Homecoming September 21
- Parade downtown begins at 4:00 p.m. - Football game begins at 7:00 p.m. (vs. Sturgis)
The All-Sports Boosters will be running their weekly raffle drawing again this year. Look for more information coming soon. Page 8
Allegan Performing Arts “Notes” Upcoming Band Events The 2018 Tiger Marching Band finished their band camp with "Part 1 - Into the Maze," and "Part 2 - Trapped" of the 2018 show "The Maze" on the field with music and drill! Hard work paid off as the band only needs to learn "Part 3 - Escape from the Maze" to complete the show. Great work band!!! The Tiger Marching Band is looking to have another fantastic competitive season, join us as we take on "The Maze!" 9/7 - Home Performance, FB game vs Dowagiac 9/10 - Allegan County Fair Parade 9/14 - Home Performance, FB game vs Plainwell 9/15 - MCBA Field Day at Sparta High School 9/21 - Home Performance, FB game vs Sturgis 10/5 - Home Performance, FB game vs Paw Paw 10/6 - Hastings Invitational at Hastings High School 10/12 - Home Performance, FB game vs Three Rivers 10/13 - Belding Invitational at Belding High School 10/20 - Jenison Invitational at Jenison High School 10/27 - West Shore Invitational at Rockford High School 11/3 - MCBA Finals at Ford Field
Yearbooks: Where Memories Live Forever!
Pre-order your 2018-19 high school yearbook today! The early bird cost of a yearbook is only $55. Go to yearbookordercenter.com to order. Yearbooks make a great Christmas or birthday present! Senior portraits are due to the high school yearbook staff no later than January 15, 2019. Photos should be vertical head and shoulder shots ONLY, high-resolution digital photos submitted through email (ksparks@alleganps.org), on a USB drive, or on a CD. Celebrate your students’ involvement and accomplishments with a personal ad in the high school yearbook! The yearbook staff can create ads to honor a student’s or group’s achievements in any extracurricular activity, from band, choir, drama, clubs, sports, community service, church, Girl/Boy Scouts, dance, and more! You can also surprise your senior by placing a congratulatory ad in the yearbook! All you need are a few photos and a special message, and the yearbook staff can do the rest! Ads can be for an individual student, siblings, cousins, a couple of life-long buddies, or a group of friends. The cost of an ad can be split up between participating parents. If you are interested in buying this year’s or last year’s yearbook and donating it to a student who would like one but can’t afford it, please contact Kim Sparks, Yearbook Adviser, at sparks@alleganps.org. You may buy the yearbook for a specific student, or the yearbook staff can pick the recipient. Share your photos of high school events with the yearbook staff! Go to www.hjeshare.com or download the HJ eShare app to your phone and follow the submission directions. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Sparks, Yearbook Adviser, via email at ksparks@alleganps.org.
Band Boosters The Allegan Band Boosters are a very active group. Come join the fun -- whether your band student is in 5th-grade or high school, we invite you to join the Band Boosters. There are many ways to be involved.
Band campers finding their way through “The Maze.”
Meetings are the third Monday of each month in the High School band room at 7 pm. Page 9
Allegan Public Schools’
Emergency Management Plans
Allegan Public Schools has developed policies and procedures to ensure the safety of students during emergency situations. In the event of an emergency, all school employees’ first priority is to protect students from harm. Below is a brief outline of the some of the District’s Emergency Management plans.
Building administrators will be notified in the event of potential severe weather and appropriate precautions will be taken. Allegan Public Schools will remain in session during a tornado watch or warning. If a tornado warning is in effect for the immediate area at the regular school closing time, school will not be dismissed until the warning is lifted. The superintendent or his designee is authorized to dismiss school or retain students in school under such circumstances. Extra-curricular activities may be canceled or postponed in the event of a tornado watch or warning. If the event is in progress, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the safety of the students. “Snow Day Cancellations” or delays due to other inclement weather will be announced on most major local television and radio stations. School officials will make every effort to have the decision to close or delay the start of school by 6:00 a.m. In order to keep the phone lines open for emergency purposes, parents and students are asked not to call the school or bus garage to find out if school is in session. Please tune in to the following stations or check the district website: Television Radio WWMT (TV 3) WKZO (AM 590) WOOD (TV 8) WQXC (FM 100.9) Other stations are also notified through the GRAIL (Grand Rapids Area Information System).
If you wish, you can also receive “instant alerts” via text or email from wwmt.com or woodtv.com by visiting those websites and signing up! OR you can receive texts from REMIND by texting “@alleganp” to 81010.
In the event of a bomb threat or any other threat to a school building,
precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of the building occupants. Based on the assessment of the situation by the administrator, students may be evacuated to a nearby site, and/or the school may be canceled. In the event of a fire, all students will be evacuated from the building, and school may be closed, depending on the situation. This evacuation will be practiced regularly throughout the school year so students are aware of the best evacuation route from any location within the building.
Natural gas leaks occur because of damage to an outside gas line which may be near the building. Chemical leaks occur when a vehicle transporting chemicals is involved in an accident, causing a release of liquid or vapor chemicals. Generally, students will be evacuated from the building in the event of a gas or chemical leak. The building administrator will follow the instructions of emergency officials in charge of the evacuation. In some situations, it may be safer to leave students in the school with all doors and windows closed and all ventilation systems closed down.
Page 10
As with any emergency situation, parents should be alert for special bulletins on local television and radio stations and have an alternate plan in place if they are working and school is closed during the day. Parents need to be aware that they have the ultimate authority concerning the safety of their own children. School officials will honor parent requests to pick up their students from school, or keep their students at home if they feel that conditions are too dangerous to be at school.
Safe and Drug Free Schools
Allegan Public Schools recognizes and abides by the standards of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act. These standards prohibit the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, sale, distribution, or concealment of illegal drugs and alcohol in school programs, school vehicles, school premises, and at school sponsored-activities on and off school property. Drugs include all controlled substances as defined by law, as well as “look-alike” drugs, steroids, and alcohol. These standards apply to all Allegan Public Schools students and staff. The use/abuse of drugs and alcohol poses serious health and safety risks to Allegan Public Schools students. We urge students, parents, guardians, and care providers to work hand-in-hand with our district to ensure that these important standards are upheld.
No Smoking or Tobacco on school grounds On September 1, 1993, Public Act 140 became effective in Michigan. This law declared all public school facilities to be tobacco free. The Tobacco Free Schools Act bans the use of tobacco products in all buildings and on all properties owned or operated by our school district. It prohibits the use of all forms of tobacco on school grounds, buildings, parking lots, in school vehicles, and in private vehicles on school premises. This law is enforced by local police agencies. Violations constitute a misdemeanor and can result in a fine up to $50. Our staff are asked to assist in the communications of the law’s requirements to students, guests, parents, and other visitors to our facilities. Appropriate signs are currently posted at entrances to our buildings.
In August of 2017, Villa Environmental Consultants, Inc. completed a regularly scheduled inspection of all remaining asbestoscontaining materials in district facilities. This inspection and routine six-month inspections performed by district personnel are part of our Management Plan. They were found to be in good condition and present no danger to students, staff, or visitors. If and when any changes occur, employees and parents will be promptly notified. Parents who wish to review the district’s Management Plan may do so by contacting Wally Brennan, Maintenance Engineer at 673-2085 or Kevin Harness, Superintendent at 673-5431.
News from the Transportation Dept:
• • •
There have been a few changes in bus routes for the 2018-19 school year. Bus transportation students will be mailed a postcard at the end of August. If your child is a bus student, you should receive a postcard at that time. If you do not receive one, and you are planning to use our APS bus transportation, (or if you received one, but do NOT plan to use school bus transportation this year) please contact the Bus Garage as soon as possible:
(269) 673-2203
• •
Students should be at their bus stop approximately 10 minutes before pick-up time. Times listed on the postcards are APPROXIMATE. Adjustments to this schedule may be made at any time during the school year. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A POSTCARD (and you plan to use bus transportation), please contact the Transportation Office 673-2203 to arrange transportation for your student. Bus passes will no longer be allowed. If your child needs transportation other than to his/her own home stop on a regular basis (example: to the child’s sitter) please make arrangements with your child’s school for prior approval. Please do not contact the bus garage. Students are not allowed to bring the following on the bus: live animals or insects, glass containers or glass articles, balloons, toys, bats, balls, hockey sticks, skis, skateboards, sleds, or other items that may cause injury to a student or damage a bus. It is the parents’ responsibility to transport these items to school. All carry-on items must be secured by the student in their lap or between their knees (no loose items allowed on the seat or aisle). For the safety of other students and the driver, please do not allow your student to have articles hanging from their book bag, backpack, or clothes which can get caught as they enter/exit the bus. For the safety of all students, video monitors may be installed on your child’s bus. Questions should be directed to Brian Corbett, Transportation Supervisor at 673-2203.
PESTICIDE ADVISORY TO PARENTS - Pesticide Control Act Allegan Public Schools has adopted an Integrated Pest Management program. Inherent with this are the Allegan Public Schools efforts to reduce pesticide use as much as possible. While it may occasionally be necessary to apply a pesticide, this program does not rely on routine pesticide applications to resolve problems. We use various techniques such as habitat alteration, sanitation, mechanical means, exclusion, etc. to prevent pest from becoming a problem. As required by Michigan law, you will receive advanced notice of non-emergency application of a pesticide (insecticide, fungicide, or herbicide), other than bait or gel formulation, which is made to the school, school grounds, or buildings. This advance notice of a pesticide application will be given 48 hours before the application by the following two methods: 1) Posting at the primary entrances to your child’s school. The entrances that will be posted are the main entrance and those that have a sidewalk that leads directly to a parking lot. 2) Posting in the common area located by the main office of the school. Please note that notification is not given for use of sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants or anti-microbial cleaners. In certain emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without prior notice to prevent injury to students, but you will be promptly notified following any such application, via the two posting methods identified (above). You may review the school’s Integrated Pest Management program and records of any pesticide application upon request by contacting Director of Operations, Amy Christman at 673-5431 or email to achristman@alleganps.org. Parents or guardians of children attending the school are also entitled to receive the advance notice of a pesticide application, other than a bait or gel formulation, by first class United States mail postmarked at least 3 days before the application, if they so request. If you would like to be notified by mail please contact Maintenance Department at (269) 673-2085. Please give, your name, mailing address and what school(s) your child or children attend and they will put your name on the advance notification by US Mail list.
Page 11
Allegan Alternative High School
Summer Buddies
Learning was in full force this summer at Summer Buddies. Completing their 17th year, students met three days a week for reading, math, writing, arts and crafts, music, snacks, and for having FUN! FUN! FUN! Each week students enjoyed a new theme that was explored through story time, fun facts, music, and an art project built around that theme. The students’ favorite theme was the “All About Me” week. During this theme, each student got to tiedye their own shirts. Directors/Teachers Mrs. Susan and Ms. Sara take pride in knowing that each student is treated fairly, learns in a safe and enjoyable environment, and each student knows “we are all different and that is okay!”
Allegan Alternative High School gives students “Another Choice” and “Another Chance” to earn their high school diploma in a small, family atmosphere. One-on-One instruction, opportunities for credit recovery, and a commitment to the mind, body, & spirit of our student population makes our program unique and responsive to student needs. We are currently enrolling for Fall! To learn more, contact Principal Laura Feffer at (269) 673-5433. Pictured right:Alternative High students enjoying Art Prize 2017
Literacy Camp
Over 30 campers entering 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades had a chance to attend Summer Literacy Camp August 1323. Students were selected to attend the camp based on end-of-year benchmark assessments. The goals of the camp were to: • Support basic reading skills • Encourage the love of reading • Provide parents/guardians with ideas to support and build reading skills at home A big thank you to the many teachers and aids who helped make this year’s camp a success.
Save the Date!!
Disney’s musical, “Tarzan,” will be flying in (with assistance from ZFX Flying) November 15-17, 2018. You won’t want to miss this so put it on your calendar now! Tickets will be on sale in early October. Students and seniors 62 and over will be $7; while adults will be $10. Auditions for Young Tarzan for any APS 4th-6th-grade boy will be Tuesday, September 11th from 3:304:30 at the PAC. For more information contact Kim Sparks at ksparks@alleganps.org. Page 12
Allegan Aqua�c Center
Memberships, Registration and Information at WWW.ALLEGANAQUATICS.COM
USE THE POOL FOR FREE, ADULTS AND KIDS Want to know how? Call 269-815-8545 WE ARE HIRING: Adult Supervisors and Adult Lifeguards. Free training for adults! Contact: cmadill@alleganps.org
ALLEGAN SWIM SCHOOL SwimAmerica We help build comfort and competency in and around the water.
AQUAGLIDE Inflatable Obstacle Course
Run the Course @ Open Swim or Rent It for your Private Party
Spots are filling fast! · ·
During open swim: Your group enter for free. Full use of the Party Room. <15 swimmers 16-30 swimmers
· ·
$45 $60
For Private Pool Rentals: Both pools + Party Room Rent the AquaGlide Course for an additional $50! <10 swimmers $50/ hour 11-30 swimmers $75/ hour More information? Look under the programs tab on our website or Call: 269-673-7002 x5504 Email: skeen@alleganps.org
COACHED ADULT SWIMMING (MASTERS) Triathlete? Swimmer? Not a swimmer, but want to learn?
Tue and Thur Morning 5:30 - 6:30 am Interested? Contact cmadill@alleganps.org
MEMBERSHIPS– Now include families! Members may bring 1 other adult + up to 3 kids to OS/FF free!
Lifeguard certification Contact cmadill@alleganps.org for more information
One-month Family Pass $30 AquaGlide Wristband $1.00 Saturday Sunday
Group Lessons (ages 4 and up): Spring and Summer Check website for times Parent/ Child Lessons (up to age 3) Spring and Summer Check website for times
Register Online
Click the “Allegan Swim School” tab Fall lessons: October & November
Follow us on Facebook
ATAC is competitive swimming & diving for those ages 6-17. Lessons level 6 through advanced are welcome. Swim faster with friends! Orange (novice competitor)- For ages 6-11, beginning level swimmers who are working on basic swimming skills
12:00-2:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm
LAP SWIM Morning: M-F 6:30 –7:30 am Noon: M-F 12-1 pm Evening: M-Th 7:00-8:00 pm
FAMILY FUN TIME AT THE POOL Tue., Wed., Thur.: 11 am - 12 pm *Great for families with young children
Enjoy using our warm water Leisure Pool, walk in entry. Mon. & Fri: 11 am-12 pm Tue.: 3:00-4:00 pm
M-W: 4-5 pm; Th– 12:151:15 pm; Sat 10:3011:30 am swimmers with competitive experience who *Our most popular class! are looking to improve their skills.
Black (intermediate)- For ages 8-13,
Gold (advanced)- For ages 10U who are looking to develop to their full potential. No Practice or Competition requirements! Info for fall season, contact: tigersharkaquaticsmi@gmail.com Page 13
Program Pricing Same for All Programs (not Zumba) Adults (+1 free pre-K child): $3 School Age / Senior: $2 Pre-K Child (addi�onal): $1 Monthly Pass (any program): $30
Allegan Online / Adult Education Learn More Earn More
Do you need a different way to complete High School? Two different programs ENROLLING NOW!
Your Pace Your Time Your Place
Education is personalized to meet student’s needs. Students can catch up, keep up or accelerate to the next level.
Ages 17 and up
GED & High School Diploma Reasons to Complete your HS Education:
Advance in your Job Start a new career Prepare for college or further education Be a role model to your family Complete a personal goal
Official GED Testing Site Location Lower Level of the APS Administration Building 550 Fifth Street
Grades 9 – 12
Under age 20
Pine Trails has a new logo for the 2018-19 school year, designed by Allegan Tech Center student, Luke Godfrey. Pine Trails staff are excited to put their new PAWS Club program to the test in a “flash”!
FREE Online Program
Local Program in Allegan Earn an Allegan Public Schools Diploma Computer & Connectivity Provided
Allegan Online is ideal for students
5th year Seniors Behind in credits Health Issues Home Schooled Daily attendance is difficult
Class / Open Lab Times
Mon & Wed 8 am – 7 pm Tue & Thu 8 am – 4 pm 8 am – 12 pm Fri
For information contact:
Sue Chappell, Supervisor 269-673-5431 x3054 schappell@alleganps.org
Any further Questions? Call 269-673-5431 Or visit us at our Open House Wednesday, August 29 6 – 7pm
Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) In compliance with Federal regulations, Allegan Public Schools has established the following guidelines concerning student records. 1. Tracy Clawson is the Records Control Officer for the District and is responsible for the processing and maintenance of all student records. Her office is located at 550 Fifth Street or can be reached by calling (269) 673-5431. 2. Each student’s records will be kept in a confidential file located at the student’s school of record. The information in a student’s record file will be available for review only by the parents or legal guardian of a student, an adult student (18 years of age or older), and those designated by Federal law or District regulations. 3. If not satisfied with the accuracy of the records or with the District’s compliance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, a parent, guardian, or adult student has the right to request a change or addition to a student’s records, and to: a. Obtain a hearing with District officials, or b. File a complaint with the U.S. Office of Education. 4. The District has established the following information about each student as directory information and will make it available upon a legitimate request unless a parent, guardian, or adult student notifies the Records Control Office by submitting the Opt-Out form by September 30th that they will not permit distribution of any or all information: a. Name, address and telephone number; b. Date and place of birth; c. Photograph; d. Major field of study; e. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports; f. Height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; g. Dates of attendance, date of graduation, and awards received; h. Any other information the District considers would not be harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. 5. A copy of the Board of Education’s policy and the accompanying District regulations are available at Allegan Public Schools, 550 Fifth Street or alleganps.org. There will also be a person available to answer any questions concerning the policy or regulations. Page 14
Free and Reduced Price Lunch and Breakfast
The Michigan Department of Education has announced the household income guidelines established by the United States Department of Agriculture for free and reduced price meals and free milk through the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, Special Milk, and Child and Adult Care Food Programs. The income guidelines are effective from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019. Families should contact their school, school district, child care center, or family day care home sponsor to find out whether it participates in these programs. Schools, child care centers, adult day care centers, and family day care home sponsors will provide a form for applying for free or reduced price meals. Only one application is required per household. Most participating centers and all participating family child care homes provide meals to all enrolled participants without any separate charge. Adults, children, or foster children who are recipients of various programs such as Michigan’s Family Independence Program, Food Assistance Program, or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, or who are enrolled in Head Start, an At-Risk afterschool center, or an emergency shelter automatically qualify for free meals. Households with incomes less than or equal to the following guidelines qualify for free or reduced price meals or free milk. 2018 guidelines
An application to a school, child care center, adult day care center, or family day care home sponsor can be approved if it contains complete documentation of household income or documentation of current participation in Michigan’s Family Independence Program, Food Assistance Program, or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations. Information supplied on an application for free or reduced price meals may be verified at any time. An appeal procedure is available for households where applications are denied. Participating schools, child care centers, adult day care centers, and family day care home sponsors accept applications for free or reduced price meals at any time during the year. A household may qualify for free or reduced price meals due to a temporary loss of income, such as a period of unemployment. If a doctor has determined that a child or adult has a disability, and the disability would prevent the participant from eating the regular school or center meal, the school or center will make any substitution prescribed by a doctor at no charge. The doctor’s statement, including prescribed diet and/or substitution, must be submitted to the food service department of the school, child care facility, or adult care facility. Non-Discrimination Statement In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) (http://www. ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html) online, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call 866-632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: 202-690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. For information about the Allegan Public Schools’ Free/Reduced Lunch Program, please contact Food Service Director Barb Elenbaas at 673-7002, ext. 5517. The application, instructions, and FAQ’s are also available on the district website at alleganps.org. Page 15
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID PERMIT #192
FROM: Allegan Public Schools 550 Fifth Street Allegan, MI 49010
ECRWS TO: Current Resident Allegan, MI 49010
The Allegan Public School District complies with all federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, familial status, marital status, political belief, disability, handicap, or any other legally protected characteristic —in all of its programs and in employment. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the Superintendent of Schools, 550 Fifth Street, Allegan MI (phone 269-673-5431).
Thanks to your shopping efforts, many of our schools received a donation from Village Market. Dollars for Education is a program that supports local schools by giving them the opportunity to earn money for equipment and supplies that they need. Village Market Food Centers donates up to $12,000 total to local schools during the year. How can you help? Shop at Village Market and turn your receipts in at a participating school. Thanks, Village Market!
Pictured with Village Market Store Managers Andy Edge and Bill Lancaster are APS employees Cindy Tibbitts (Dawson), Casey Sanders (Pine), Jodie Fabijancic (West), Randi Strachan (North), and Becky Calvert (MS) Photo provided
Tiger’s Den Daycare & Preschool Tiger’s Den is an Allegan Public Schoolsponsored preschool and daycare program. Preschool programs for 3-and 4-year-olds; Daycare runs during the day for 3-4-yearolds and before and after school for all school-aged. Call for more information: Preschool: Judi McCall (269) 673-7002, ext. 3148 jmccall@alleganps.org Daycare: Sara Phillips (269) 673-5379, ext. 3135 sphillips@alleganps.org
Sept. 7-15 On September 7 (Opening Day and an early release day for APS students) the Fair opens at 1 PM. Come enjoy the fair!
Allegan Public Schools is looking for SUBSTITUTES in the areas of: • teachers • teacher aides • food service • custodial • secretarial • noon hour supervision • bus drivers For More INFORMATION: www.edustaff.org contact@edustaff.org (877) 974-6338
Headstart and Great Start Readiness Programs
enrolling now for fall!
Contact AAESA to find out if you qualify:
Healthy Kids Dental
Your child’s dental health is
important! Allegan has local dentists that offer services through the “Healthy Kids Dental” (Medicaid) program. Cleanings, exams, and any necessary dental work can be performed -usually at no charge to parents. If you have questions about this program, please contact one of the following local participating dentists: Eric R Erickson, DDS (269) 673-8916 David Buis, DDS (269) 673-4332 My Community Dental Center (MCDC) (877) 313-6232