One important symptom of COVID-19 – the loss of your sense of smell – has highlighted how vital this sense is to our daily lives. This is why we have created a new resource – Fragrance Matters. It will help people understand the science of smell, showcase new research and quirky facts, whilst also listing organisations that can support people with smell loss, or ‘Anosmia’ as it is known.
Our ability to smell affects us in many ways – as an early warning system that can alert us to danger, a memory arouser that can uplift our mood and emotions...
“a potent wizard that transports us across distance and time, through all the years that we have lived”.
Helen Keller
n o hing is more me mora ble t han sm e
What a pleasure it is to welcome you all to the fantastic Royal Institution once again for what is our eleventh Fragrance Forum. This historic lecture theatre has been the site of many incredible scientific pronouncements, discussions and debates and it is an honour to be able to use it for our event.
This year we are excited to share something different with you - the results of a YouGov national smell survey, commissioned by IFRA UK in collaboration with Professor Barry C Smith. Our sense of smell has certainly been in the spotlight since the Covid-19 pandemic and we wanted to gain more insight into how the public perceived their sense of smell, and whether they value it and which aspects of scent they think are particularly important.
The results were intriguing and surprising in some instances and confirmed what we thought we already knew in other areas. We hope you will find the results interesting too and perhaps find some of the insights useful in your own work. The survey helped shape today’s theme ‘Scents of Identity’ with contributions from speakers working at the cutting edge of olfaction.
We have a fantastic range of speakers lined up today and we are delighted that Professor Smith agreed to chair the event once again. When we start working on the programme each year, we are continually excited by the richness of research in olfaction and the different research groups undertaking such interesting work.
We are immensely grateful to our speakers for their time and input to the programme, and for making this event so interesting to such a broad range of people, from our members to the media.
IFRA UK is also pleased to be developing a closer relationship with the Royal Institution. After the Forum, we are delighted that one of our speakers, Professor Stuart Firestein, will be speaking as part of the Royal Institution’s public programme this evening. Contributing to the public understanding of olfaction and the essentiality of fragrance in our lives is important as we strive for people to develop a greater understanding of our sense of smell.
Enjoy the day and we hope you can join us for a drink afterwards in the Mezzanine with another intriguing wine tasting lead by Barry Smith. Cheers to that.
09.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.00-10.45 10.45-11.00 11.00- 11.30 11.30-12.15 12.15-13.00 13.00-14.15 14.15-14.20 14.20-14.30 14.30-15.15 15.15-16.15 16.15-16.40 16.45-16.50 17.00 17.00 - 18.30
Coffee & Registration for Members attending AGM
IFRA UK AGM for Members only
Coffee & Registration for Forum only & Exhibitions
Rhian Slee, IFRA UK Chair
Professor Barry C Smith, Director, Institute of Philosophy Centre for the Study of the Senses
Katherine Whitcroft, ENT Surgical Registrar at UCL and olfactory science research fellow
Simon Gane, Consultant Surgeon, UCL and Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital
Martina Bianchini – President, International Fragrance Association
Professor Barry C Smith
Johan Lundström, Associate Professor, Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Professor Stuart Firestein from the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University Lisa Hipgrave, Director, IFRA UK and perfumer
Panel discussion led by Professor Barry C Smith and including all speakers
Lisa Hipgrave, IFRA UK Director.
Event Closes
Sensory drinks reception with guided wine tasting by Professor Barry C Smith
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ifrauk #FragranceForum
Demonstration Room
Anteroom/Library/Georgian Room
Welcome and Introduction
Overview of the day and feedback on the National Smell Survey
Bridging the olfactory gap
The triggers of parosmia: when smelling goes wrong
Library/Georgian Room
Welcome to the afternoon session
Introduction to afternoon session
To approach or not approach, that is the question
In conversation: Odour mixture - the creative and scientific process
Closing remarks and thanks
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Professor Barry C Smith is director of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of London’s School of Advanced Study. He is the founding director of its Centre for the Study of the Senses, which pioneers collaborative research links between philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. Barry works on the multisensory nature of perceptual experience, taste, smell and flavour. He has published theoretical and experimental papers, writing in Nature, Food Quality and Preference and Chemical Senses and is the editor of Questions of Taste: the philosophy of wine (Oxford University Press). In his research he collaborates with chefs and artists, and recently he has been working with clinicians and patient groups on Covid-induced anosmia and parosmia. He is a frequent broadcaster, appearing on BBC One’s Masterchef and on Radio 4’s The Kitchen Cabinet. In 2017 he wrote and presented a ten-part series for BBC Radio 4 called The Uncommon Senses, and in 2019, a five-part series, The Art and Science of Blending. He is a regular contributor to The World of Fine Wine.
Within weeks of joining the industry as a trainee perfumer, Lisa knew that she had found the perfect career that balanced art with science.
Her career developed from perfumery to Director of the European division of a multinational company.
Lisa joined IFRA UK as its Director in 2006 and has enjoyed the diverse role ever since. She focuses mainly on supporting the development and implementation of policy, maintaining a highprofile representation of the industry and managing the operation of the association. Lisa is also responsible for ensuring that the association’s policies and views are correctly communicated to target audiences and ensuring that the association is represented to other stakeholders.
Martina has been President of the International Fragrance Association since June 2016. She sees a huge opportunity in bringing together science and society for sustainability in all areas of life, drawing from her multinational and multicultural experiences across the agricultural, chemical, biotech, food, health and luxury goods sectors. Passionate about scent, she believes that fragrance is essential to life and our wellbeing.
Martina has been educated at Louisiana State University, the University of Trier, the University of London and the Harvard School of Public Health. She holds an MSc in Environmental Toxicology and a BSc in Earth Sciences. Martina’s career has included international leadership roles at Monsanto and Dow, and active engagement in intergovernmental organizations such as the UN and OECD and the International Chamber of Commerce.
Katherine Whitcroft is an ENT surgeon with a special interest in crossdisciplinary olfactory science. She graduated with Honours from the University of Bristol, where she was also awarded a BSc in Neuroscience, and is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Katherine’s olfactory research focuses on the clinical assessment of olfaction, using psychophysics as well as functional and structural neuroimaging.
She is an associate research fellow for the Centre for the Study of the Senses at the Institute of Philosophy, University of London, the interdisciplinary Smell and Taste Lab, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, and is a member of the Global Consortium of Chemosensory Research.
She has authored over 40 peer reviewed publications, including UK and international guidelines on the diagnosis and management of olfactory dysfunction, and a postgraduate book chapter on clinical olfaction (Cummings Otolaryngology). Katherine speaks regularly at international surgical and scientific conferences, as well as engagement events such as the Cheltenham Science Festival.
Mr Simon Gane, FRCS(ORL-HNS), MPhil, MBChB, DOHNS
Consultant Rhinologist and ENT Surgeon London Nose and Sinus Clinic
Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
Consultant ENT Surgeon to Moorfields Eye Hospital Throat Nose and Ear Hospital
Mr Gane graduated in Medicine from the University of Cape Town with MBChB. Having completed his diploma in general ENT in the UK and completed his higher ENT surgical training in leading London teaching hospitals under world-class ENT surgeons, he obtained his fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons UK in ENT.
After completing further fellowship training in advanced and complex sinonasal surgery and medicine under the tutelage of Prof Valerie Lund at the Royal National ENT Hospital, he was subsequently appointed Consultant Rhinologist and ENT surgeon at the Royal National ENT Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital. He runs a tertiary and often a quaternary rhinology practice, where the most complex sinonasal patients are referred to him for more advanced surgery and medical intervention.
Mr Gane also holds an MPhil degree from the UCL Department of Medicine in Olfaction (disorders of smell function and smell loss), and as such runs the dedicated smell loss and dysfunction clinic at UCLH. He has a significant academic record in the field of olfaction and as a result is considered a national and international authority in this field.
He publishes in leading peer-reviewed journals with the most recent publication in Nature Communications on postinfectious smell dysfunction. He was one of the first clinicians to recognise smell loss as a defining symptom of Covid 19 infection. The associated clinical report has been the most cited clinical paper in Rhinology a leading European journal. He also lectures at a national and international level. He has contributed to key clinical guidelines relevant to rhinology.
Dr Lundström is leading research groups at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.
His research is aimed towards a better understanding of the neural and behavioural function of the olfactory system, in health and disease, as well as developing treatments for olfactory dysfunction.
These questions are explored using a wide range of experimental methods, including psychophysical and behavioural tests, functional brain imaging, structural brain imaging, and psychophysiological measures, in both healthy individuals and various clinical populations.
Professor Stuart Firestein is the former Chair of Columbia University’s Department of Biological Sciences where his laboratory studies the vertebrate olfactory system which serves as a model for investigating general principles and mechanisms of signaling and perception in the brain. His laboratory seeks to answer that fundamental human question: How do I smell?
Dedicated to promoting the accessibility of science to a public audience Firestein serves as an advisor for the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s program for the Public Understanding of Science, where he reviews scripts for the Ensemble Studio Theatre/Sloan Science and Technology Program, and for the Tribeca Film Festival.
In 2011 he received the Lenfest Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award for excellence in scholarship and teaching. He is a Fellow of the AAAS, an Alfred Sloan Fellow and a Guggenheim Fellow. He recently joined the Santa Fe Institute as a member of the (visiting) Fractal Faculty. At Columbia he is on the Advisory boards of the Center for Science and Society (CSS) and the Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience – both centers for interdisciplinary work between the sciences and the humanities.
He has published two books on the workings of science for a general audience, Ignorance, How it Drives Science and Failure: Why Science is So Successful. They have been translated into 12 languages. He is a regular contributor to Nautilus magazine.
Johan Lundström, Associate Professor. Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Professor Stuart Firestein from the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, USA1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. MINUTES of the AGM held on 14th October 2021 3. MATTERS ARISING not covered elsewhere on the agenda
10.00am, Members only.
To receive a report from the Chairman, Paul Norman and the Director, Lisa Hipgrave 5. FINANCES
2021 Accounts - To adopt 2023 Budget - To approve
To receive a report from the Technical Chairman, Charlotte Purcell on the activities of the Technical Advisory Group in the past year
Olfaction: A Journey offers a reflective celebration of the Fragrance Forum and will allow readers to dip into the ideas presented by the majority of our past speakers, organised by theme and offering a fascinating journey through a decade of fragrance research.
Purchase our anniversary book, published in 2020, celebrating a decade of the Fragrance Forum and take home your copy today!
Limited copies available at the Registration Desk at a special Forum price.
THE DATE IFRA UK Members’ Information Day
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IFRA UK would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting the Forum:
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IFRA UK is pleased to host the following exhibitors:
Mindful of sustainable practices - and as they were often impractical for delegates to carry home - we decided to not organise a delegate bag this year and instead invite you to join us for drinks and a wine tasting in the Mezzanine after the event. | | | @IFRA UK | #FragranceForum