Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne
Justification Water has become a crucial resource for many governments around the world due to the effects of climate change. Within the Mega city of the Pearl River Delta (will further be referenced to as PRD) the Chinese government has become well aware of the dire situation of the one largest populated urban centres in the world. From the effects of climate change, and rapid growth in the urban landscape, close to 65 million people are at risk of both flooding and loss of potable water. These issues lie central in the PRD’s future resiliency, as adaption to the changing climate will need to occur for this Mega Urban city to survive. While also mitigating the further destruction that can come from a lack of sustainable practice. The PRD only accounts for 31% of the State total water resources, while its total urban area accommodates around 60% of the population (Hu 2017), additionally the PRD also has a large manufacturing presence which accounts for 79% of the GDP of the state Guangdong. With potable water being divided between industries and residence, with the continuing urban growth this problem continues to intensify. Additionally as industry has evolved over the years from agricultural to industrial the water quality in the delta has come to a point were 39% of the deltas waters are “…unfit for human touch” (CWR 2015)( Zhaoyu et al. 2002). Climate change has added to this risk of water resources, but also potentially threatens the infrastructure of these cities due to more extreme flooding and sea level rise. Flooding threatens the destruction of infrastructure, livelihoods, and life itself, though often overlooked in this instance, is the after effects of water stagnation, such as dieses, infections and contamination (Ahern et al. 2005). These health risks are multiplied by the condition of the water in the delta to begin with. Leading to a mass
life threating event due to the effects of extreme flooding, climate change, salt water intrusion and mass urbanisation of this area. From a mitigation point of view, urbanisation contributes to the majority of the greenhouse gases that make up the global total pollution, within China alone 85% of CO2 emissions come from cities (Shan et al. 2018). Therefore utilising sustainable and resilient strategies for the PRD are required, as developing the urban to a more sustainable future will reduce the risk on livelihoods of residents but also the globe through the total reduction in overall emissions. These climatic risks are longterm complex problems, requiring holistic approaches to risk management and resiliency, as it is embedded in larger contexts of societal processes (Renn et al. 2011). This kind of urban development also needs to promote as described by the IPCC as resilience; “…the capacity of social, economic, and environmental systems to cope with a hazardous event or trend or disturbance, responding or reorganizing in ways that maintain their essential function, identity, and structure, while also maintaining the capacity for adaptation, learning, and transformation.”(IPCC 2014) Inherent within every disaster is manmade circumstance, which is shown, as the majority of people effected by natural disaster tend to be economically and socially disadvantaged (Shan et al. 2018). When compared around the globe modelling for climate change shows that mostly developing and Asian nations will be affected the hardest (Stauss & Kulp & Levermann 2015). Therefore a solution dealing with the problems associated with water resiliency requires the integrated response of multidisciplinary organisations focused on community level responses
Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne
The red overlay indicates the extent of urban development as of 2018. This is expected to grow at a rate of about 3% per year. It is also predicted that as this development continues manfacturing and agricultureal development will slow.
Current pollution levels are shown indicatively. Though the situation has began to grow worse and worse over the years, resulting in water quality degrading to a point were 39% of the detlas water has become unfit for human touch due to heavy metal pollution
The blue hatch shown on the map denotes potential sea level rise under contiuned conditions, ‘bussniess as normal’ modelling. The extent of this flooding shows the destruction of most agricultural land and ecosystems while also it is seen that the destruction of most urban areas leaving potentially upwards of 30 million people homeless. Due to the differences in the geopolitical landscape between Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, the policy framwork has been patchy at best. This non unfirom approach to the delta has been detremental to any holistic policy framwork.
whether they are mitigation or adaption. In focusing on this a policy framework connected to the above issues will need to be addressed, for the resiliency of the PRD.
Policy Analysis The situation in PRD has become a focus of policy within this area due to the dire situation of the one of its largest populated urban centres in the world. Within the Chinese Press it has been published that; “sea levels in the PRD are expected to rise almost four times as much as the global average by 2030, and estimated up to almost half a meter for the South China Sea by 2100. Much of the southern PRD is just 30cm to 40cm above sea level.”(Pau 2018) This sea level rise furthers the issue of extreme flooding risk, having come from the increase in urbanisation that has seen the loss of Agricultural land from urbanisation at about 26.3 % per year while, urbanised area has increased 300% from 1980 to 2003 (Chan et al. 2012 ). Connected to this fresh water has become a resiliency issue within this region due to salt water infiltration into the soil as the sea rises, as well as pollution and increasing urbanisation. While there has also been added complications in the difference in regional governance between each of the individual districts, in reference to Macau and Hong Kong. A pronged approach has been the policy of the region when dealing with this crisis, using and overall approach to the water system mostly from an infrastructural methodology that focuses on adaption rather than mitigation. These projects are exemplified in the examples such as the sponge city (IWA 2015), and development of aqueduct systems to mitigate the effects of salt water infiltration (ARUP 2019). Both these approaches focus on water capture from different areas, one being sponge city
from storm water, the other focusing on transportation of water over vast distances. While both these programs acted efficiently in water capture when coupled with grey water infrastructure, when these programs were implemented much of the construction ignored the natural hydrology of the landscape destroying much of the ecology of the surrounding area (Xia et al. 2017). Much of the problems associated with the sponge city approach come from its core relation to the connection of water runoff, which is from precipitation and flooding, which both do not deal with the core issue of polluted water sources. Additionally what has been seen in PRD is the development of “Sponge New Districts” working as economic vehicles for local governments to gain private investment under the guise of Low impact development (LID) from the sponge city policy (Hongru 2017). Therefore it is seen that under the idea of sustainable development a new urbanisation has emerged with green infrastructure, which claims to adapt to the changing climate, though is rather growth focused maximising the capitalisation and development of local governments. Additionally from these infrastructure programs further approaches to water use minimisation has been implemented by the local PRD governments, with oversite from national campaigns. The Blue Skies and 13FYP (13th five-year plan) are both approaches by the national Chinese government to implement large scale climate mitigation policy frameworks. Though what has come out of them is a focus on industry control related to pollution, while also lacking any control or measurement on the connection to water quality (Liu 2017). In the 13FYP the main concerns are around rural accessibility to water, while set ratios for international standards for drinking water is not mentioned referenced. What is mentioned though is that the proportion of Grade V
Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne
water (water too polluted for any use) should remain the same nationally (Public release of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Water Conservancy Reform and Development 2016), which places the water in PRD to remain at total of 39% at grade V (CWR 2015) (Zhaoyu et al. 2002). However it is seen from growth rates within this region that on average pollution has increased respectively with population growth and GDP at about 1.5 times over the 1999 to 2005 period, which is directly connected to sewage discharge (Liu et.al. 2018). Though irrespective of these rates of pollution an overall reduction is being seen without any connection to policy, as the PRD moves to a more serviced based economy it is seen that a “…U-shaped relationship between GDP per capita and water quality of the PRD…”(Liu et.al. 2018) is reducing the overall pollution rates. This connection between both industry and community growth is critical in water based issues, as referenced by the Pacific Institute (Pacific Institute 2017), all stakeholders, whether that be communities or companies require collective action in regard to pollution and water management. Bottom up systems are beneficial to any resiliency work that is to be generated by any professionals, through the connection of both bottom up policy building, and then top down institutional implementation, urban resiliency is founded and supported through these strong interconnects (Sim et al. 2018). Within the PRD this has not been reflected in policy, where large scale top down programs rolled out across the country without adequate reflection of context and community. In the example of Sponge city within the PRD many of the programs did not account for the context, high water table, salt water intrusion and strong seasonal storms, these local conditions were rolled over by a standard model that ended up worsening the situation (Li et al. 2017). This is evident in most of the work done through top down
administrative level programs. However, The Pearl River Delta Special Ecological Area or PRD SEA is an example of multidisciplinary work taken at policy level between research leaders working together across these political boundaries (Carlow et al. 2017). Their focus has been on crossdisciplinary groups of researches taking action through education and awareness of these situations, via building solutions from these academic institutions, then implementing them through top down government based approaches (Hartley 2017). This work done by PRD SEA highlights a positive example of built infrastructure being developed through community level research, which then enables water resiliency to be built around it though their programs of small scale water treatment facilities (Carlow et al. 2017). Once infrastructure enables the community to flourish in a sustainable environment, these soft engineering and architecture projects are then beneficial to their environments, from economic and social aspects. When looking at proposed examples, like that of Waste water collection and local filtration prosed in PRD (Carlow et al. 2017) and comparing it to top down examples such as the ‘Sponge City’, it is seen in reflection that a policy that is at a community level achieves effective resiliency to combat climate change. Though the Chinese government in this regard gives it a unique position on the world stage due to its long term focused approaches, other governments might comparably not achieve the same outcome without long term planning lasting well beyond an election cycle. This is, again, why community is crucial, as these ideas last through cultural integration, and once resiliency becomes part of culture a resilient urban landscape is possible.
Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne
GUANGZHOU 廣州 14.8 m
4.83 m
DONGGUAN 東莞 10.3 m
ZHONGSHAN 中山 3.95 m
Using a natural ecological system such as mangroves, that have existed in this bay previously (Zhou & Cai 2010), it can be shown that heavy metals and other pollutants found in the PRD (Wong et al. 2002) can be removed and irrigated through this natural system (Wu et al. 2008)(Tam & Wong 1995). An integrated approach of landscape rehabilitation through these methods will see a reduction in level V polluted water areas, as has been shown in a case study using mangroves in Hong Kong (Tam & Wong 1995). Additionally these landscapes act as an ecological barrier to impending hurricanes, flooding and potential sea level rise. HUIZHOU 惠州 5.75 m
SHENZHEN 深圳 13.55 m HONG KONG 香港 7.3 m
MACAU 澳門 1.82 m
Water management is crucial to the resiliency of the PRD, through integrated reuse and technologic systems most of the demand for potable water could be decreased. Through the use of Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC), where seawater is used as a cooling and heating source for large commercial AC units. This technology if integrated with policy could see a large reduction in water consumption, but has also been proven to increase energy efficiency and therefore reduce C02 emissions (Shuang et al. 2006).
Discussion Current policy and projects have had a focus on adaption and green infrastructural approaches that favour economic growth and further urban development, however these policies have been shown to fail on both community and ecological factors when placed against climate change. Therefore for development and resiliency to co-exist policy must focus on mitigation of the disasters that are predicted within the PRD, then adaption. By focusing on the situation of the water pollution, both health and safety resiliency will be increased through these water measures. By using a natural ecological system such as mangroves, that have existed in this bay previously (Zhou & Cai 2010), it can be shown that heavy metals and other pollutants found in the PRD (Wong et al. 2002) can be removed and irrigated through this natural system (Wu et al. 2008)(Tam & Wong 1995). An integrated approach of landscape rehabilitation through these methods will see a reduction in level V polluted water areas, as has been shown in a case study using mangroves in Hong Kong (Tam & Wong 1995). Additionally these landscapes act as an ecological barrier to impending hurricanes, flooding and potential sea level rise. Water management is crucial to the resiliency of the PRD, through integrated reuse and technologic systems most of the demand for potable water could be decreased. Through the use of Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC), where seawater is used as a cooling and heating source for large commercial AC units. This technology if integrated with policy could see a large reduction in water consumption, but has also been proven to increase energy efficiency and therefore reduce C02 emissions (Shuang et al. 2006). Once an SWAC is set up across the PRD interspersed systems of supply can then be connected to existing systems and any new
development, providing an exponential potential for energy efficiency (Yik et al. 2001). Additionally this system could then be integrated with a grey water supply pipeline around the PRD, supplying each household with the potential to reuse water in grey water facilities. Adaption to the changing climate is required, though were possible mitigation of climate is preferred, it is only through a combined response are the effects of the industrial revolution to be overcome. Within the PRD a large proportion of agricultural land has been loss due to urbanisation, however pockets of rice farming still exist within the mega city. Ever more present with climate change is the need for agricultural protection, especially from urban domination, which inevitably is intrinsically connected to water. The PRD could act in a way as a power house for the continued scientific exploration of salt resistant rice plants, as explored by many researches the potential to grow rice in more salient environments (Karaba et al. 2007). This adaption of the agricultural land will act as a catalyst for other agricultural industries, helping to relive the demand of water for agricultural needs. These projects form the basis of systems that have been explored around the world and tested to help promote a more resilient approach to water management, the potential for them to succeed though lies in the creation of people focused policy. Policy that promotes community engagement from agriculture to urban development and growth, these systems act as then the catalyst to achieve frameworks that shape resilient water policy.
Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne
Conclusion Conclusively what can be seen in PRD policy in the protection of water is that a national government has focus on top down policies that range across the entire country, however when applied in a regional basis these policies do not stand up. Even when LID projects are developed from a good methodological processes, it usually is done under the guise of nationwide schemes that fail to equate to the unique geography of China. Therefore it is seen when looking at policy from grass
roots groups, ideas being shaped by these organisations deal greatly with contextual relevance to water resiliency issues. If these to organisational groups were to work together implementing the ideas brought about by these grass root organisations, then bottom up policy work would work succulently with government long term goals. Provided that this community driven system would function, great improvements would be seen within the PRD, which would work toward creating the first resilient Mega city.
Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne
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Water Resiliency in the Pearl River Delta // Jordan Kiehne