Spokane Tidbits

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June 27, 2008

Oct. 19, 2007

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The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read

Issue # 569


Issue # 415

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Two translators were on a ship chatting. “Can you swim?”Many Americans are getting drivers whotheare in favor askedAll one. “No,” said other, “But I can shout mer vacation, and some will offor conserving help in ninegasoline, languages!”

ready for sumtravel by automobile. This Tidbits offers you some “fuel please raise your right foot. for thought.” SPEAKING OF TIDBITS... To Plan Your • When the first ModelTrip T cars hit the LET’S TALK IT OVER market, a gas gauge on the dashboard was by Robyn Dawson considered an “extra.” Back then, there was October 22 is International Stuttering no such thing as a gas station; gasoline was sold at pharmacies. Automobile owners filled Awareness Day, so this week’s Tidbits their own containers gas, and then used takes a closer look atwith speech, voices, anda funnel to pour it into their car’s tank. • The first American building built strictly for the purpose of selling gasoline was erecthow humans verbally communicate with ed in 1905 in St. Louis, Missouri. It bore the creative name of Automotive Gasoline Compaone another. ny, and was a subsidiary of Shell Oil. The second gas station in the U.S. opened in Seattle two • Fifty-five million people in the years later. It was fitted with pumps and hoses that allowed drivers to pour the fuel directly world (three million in the United States) into their vehicle’s tank. suffer from the speech impediment com• Prior to 1890, gasoline was treated as a waste byproduct of the oil refining process. monly referred to as stuttering. Although It was commonly used to fuel the equipment at the refinery. Thanks to the popularity of the many questions about the condition remain automobile, gasoline outsold kerosene and other fuels for the first time in the U.S. in 1910. unanswered, researchers have learned thatuse to determine how much to charge for • What is the formula that oil companies there are two main types of stuttering: degasoline? Rumors abound concerning Petey the Petrol Price Hamster and how he’s let loose velopmental and neurogenic. on a computer keyboard to choose random numbers. Trust us – such a rodent doesn’t really •exist. InDevelopmental stuttering occurs truth, many factors are taken into consideration, from supply and demand to oil stock Then quite often in young childrenprices whotoare thestill time of year. Enjoy The Trip! working onaretheir speech and in language • Why gasoline prices posted nine-tenths of a cent?Check It’s now a matter Also Out!of tradition, skills. Youngsters sometimes but it started back in the 1930s, whendon’t a pennyhave had much moreivalue. “Gas wars” a P c k e s agebetween staru tionslanguage on adjacentskills street corners became cutthroat that the necessary to so express Ceven a price reduction sof a fraction of a cent attracted customers. themselves properly. ThisToday, may those lead fractions to an of a penny don’t mean much at all, but customers stillrepetition feel as if they’re if the per-gallon price is listed as $2.99 9/10 involuntary of a saving soundmoney or sylinstead of best a full $3.00. lable while the child’s brain finds the ean Va catYes! ion When you • there a significant difference premium gas? ribb way toIscommunicate. This type ofbetween stutter-regularaand s C buy a new car, check the owner’s manual. Most automobiles are designed to use regular ing is commonly outgrown. but certain high-performance modelsby require premium. Premium gas has a higher •gasoline, Neurogenic stuttering is caused octane level, which means it is formulated to burn making it less likely an interruption between the brain and the slower than regular, a ckyou P agpush f to ignite without benefit of spark. The result is no knocks or pings when l es that pedal o nerves and muscles that control a person’s G to the metal (carefully, of course). speech. It’s a form of brain damage that • The first time U.S. gasoline “at-the-pump” prices seemingly doubled overnight was could be present at birth, or might result during the 1973 Oil Embargo. In retaliation for the West’s support of Israel during the Yom from a traumatic brain injury or a stroke. Kippur War, OPEC placed an embargo on crude oil shipments the U.S. The price per barAndto More... Turn the page for more! rel quickly rose 130 percent, and since oil supplies were limited, lines Out at gas stations Interested Inlong Finding became commonplace for consumers worried that they’d be left without. • To prevent engine knock, researchers have come up with many different types of additives and alternate fuels. As early as 1916, a researcher for General Motors sent a memo to his boss which stated that ethyl alcohol (made from plants) was “the fuel of the future.” The oil lobby was powerful, however, and both automakers and oil companies were quite aware of their dependence on one another. So instead of trying to replace gasoline, chemical engineers focused on developing an additive that would boost its octane rating. That additive was lead. • Some additives aren’t what they seem to be. In 1971, Shell launched a series of radio and television commercials trumpeting an additive called Platformate. One ad depicted two cars racing on a desert road straightaway. The one without Platformate sputtered to a stop long before the Shell car did. However, what Shell failed to mention was that Plat-formate was a standard additive that most oil companies were already in the process of adopting. They were simply the first to advertise it, ensuring that any company who also claimed to offer Platformate would look like a Johnny-come-lately. • Which brand of gasoline came first, Amoco or Standard? Standard is the senior, founded in 1889 by John D. Rockefeller. In fact, when Louis Blaustein started the American Oil Company (Amoco) in 1910, he depended on Standard to ©2005 its own RESERVED ALL RIGHTS provide much of his fuel supply. But Amoco worked quickly to secure drilling and refining facilities, and quickly outshined its elder. The two companies operated independently, but Amoco took more and more control over the Standard brand. Finally, in 1985, the Standard name was retired and all remainFor Advertising Call (208) 640-6227 ing franchises were re-christened with the Amoco logo. Turn the page for more...


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y Robyn Dawson

is International Stuttering Day, so this week’s Tidbits

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Issue # 415

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PAWS CORNER By Sam Mazzotta Signs of Illness in Hamsters

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Complete Dog DEAR PAW’S CORNER: One of my pet hamsters died just a week after I got it at the Waste Removal pet store. I would really like to know why it died, because the pet Cleans Yards and Pens store would not tell me. The only clue I have is that it had a wet tail $10.00/week/1 dog: before it died. I’d like to get another hamster, but how do I know if $2.50/add’l dog I’m getting a healthy pet from the store? -- Hamster Lover SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! DEAR HAMSTER LOVER: That’s an important question, and one Call DOOTY FREE Dog Waste Removal Service all potential hamster owners should pay attention to. Many, if not all, pet stores have “as is” policies regarding hamsters and other 509-995-5776 very small pets like goldfish, because so many of them fall ill or die soon after being purchased. But you certainly don’t want to bring home a hamster that’s already sick -- not only are you stuck with trying to make it well, but the illness can quickly spread among your other hamsters. When purchasing a new hamster, look for these telltale signs of illness or injury: --Wet tail (indicates diarrhea, a clear symptom of illness or worms) --Lethargic, with dull eyes --Huddles in one corner for a long time, doesn’t respond quickly to being picked up or petted --Runny nose and watery eyes --Rough, matted or patchy fur --Bites or scratches from other hamsters If you notice any of these signs, don’t buy that hamster, and notify store management so that it can isolate the sick hamsters from the healthy ones. I also recommend that anyone wanting to keep a hamster collect as much information on caring for these small pets as possible. A smaller pet is not necessarily an easier pet to keep -Call Today! it depends entirely upon you for its health and welfare. (509) 924-7334 Send your tips, questions and comments to Paws Corner, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or e-mail 808 N. Pines them to pawscorner@hotmail.com. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.

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HIGH-OCTANE (continued)

• Do you remember driving over a hose at a full-service gas station and hearing a bell “ding-ding” inside the station? That device is called a Milton Bell, made by Milton Manufacturing. The San Antonio company has offered its famous “driveway alarm” since 1943. Milton still manufactures and markets the devices. Even though few gas stations use them these days, other businesses with drive-up or drive-through service still do. • The very first self-service gas station opened in Los Angeles in 1947. As an independent retailer, the owner was able to sell gasoline for five cents less per gallon by eliminating “pump jockeys.” He even advertised using highway signs that asked drivers: “Why pay more?” The self-service gas station didn’t really catch on, however, until the oil crisis in the early 1970s. Service stations were eager to lower prices, and eliminating employees did so. Still, by the end of 1974, only six percent of U.S. gas stations were self-serve. • Around the same time, air pollution caused by automobiles had become a major concern in America. In 1975, the federal government made catalytic converters mandatory on all new U.S. autos. Of course, these converters required unleaded fuel, which was slightly more expensive. But as more consumers purchased newer vehicles, the demand for unleaded gasoline increased. Leaded gasoline was eventually phased out in the 1990s. • The flying red horse that used to symbolize Mobil gas stations is one of the most prized finds among old sign collectors. The stylized Pegasus logo first appeared in 1931 when Standard Oil of New York merged with the Vacuum Oil Company. A winged equine became the symbol for the new brand: Mobil. THE END

SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles Medicare Won’t Pay for Hospital Errors

Here’s something of a shocker: There’s a proposal to deny Medicare payments to hospitals if they make a serious mistake with a patient’s treatment. I had assumed they wouldn’t be paid in the first place if they made errors. Under the proposal, starting in October, if errors are made, Medicare won’t pay the additional amounts to cover the cost of care for a condition the patient didn’t have when he entered the hospital. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is adding to the list of conditions that are preventable if the hospital follows proper procedures in the first place. There’s even a name for it: Hospital Acquired Conditions. In 2007, according to a survey of 1,200 hospitals, 87 percent of hospitals did not follow recommendations that could have prevented common HACs. Some of the preventable conditions on the list include surgical site infections, lung collapse, ventilator-assisted pneumonia and staph infections. HealthGrades, a health-care rating system, says that hospital mistakes killed more than 270,000 Medicare patients between 2004 and 2006, at a cost of $8.8 billion. The types of mistakes made included complications from anesthesia, accidental puncture, bed sores, objects left in the body during surgery and reactions to transfusions. If all hospitals performed up to standard, 37,000 Medicare patient deaths could have been avoided. (To look for your local hospitals on the HealthGrades Web site, go to www.healthgrades. com.) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has developed a Web site, Hospital Compare, to help us gather information about our local hospitals and to make choices based All the Good Ones on that information. The site (www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov) grades hospitals in 26 qualAren’t Taken! ity areas of patient care, with 10 categories on patient experiences. Lonely? Single? 50+? Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personTired of Being Alone? ally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Call Now For Your FREE Write to her in care of King Features Weekly CONSULTATION Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail. com. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.




TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By Paul G. Donohue, M.D. Stroke Is Second-Leading Cause of Death


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DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have read about heart probLose Weight The lems in your column many times. You seem to avoid any commentary pertaining to strokes. Why ignore this Healthy Way With medical issue? I am particularly interested in brainstem strokes. Are aftermaths of such a stroke constant head™ aches and difficulty riding in a car? -- D.G. www.healthnutwa.com ANSWER: I’d better not ignore stroke. It is the second leading cause of death in the United States and Canada. Strokes come in two varieties. The more common Free Body Analysis kind -- representing 80 percent of all strokes -- comes from a block in blood flow to part of the brain. That’s called an ischemic stroke. The block is a clot in an artery feeding the brain. It’s similar to what happens in a heart attack, when one of the heart arteries becomes plugged and blood cannot get to the heart muscle. The less common kind of stroke is due to bleeding from a brain blood vessel. The brainstem is a narrow part of the brain that consists of three different sections -the midbrain, pons and medulla. Through those structures, located at the back and underside of the brain, run bundles of cables connecting brain centers to the spinal cord. The brainstem has its own important centers, two of which regulate blood pressure and breathing. A brainstem stroke is often fatal. Surviving such a stroke makes you very lucky. Constant headaches and difficulty riding in a car are not things commonly ascribed to a previous brainstem stroke. Prevention of strokes, regardless of where they strike the brain, is similar to the prevention of heart attacks -- lower cholesterol, maintain normal blood pressure, exercise, don’t smoke, control blood sugar if diabetic and lose weight if need be. People who have had a clot-induced stroke should talk to their doctors about going on anticoagulant prevention by taking aspirin or a similar medicine. The stroke booklet provides details on this important topic and its treatment. Readers can obtain a copy writing: Dr. Donohue -The Way Mother Nature Cleans® No. 902W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. of the Inland Northwest DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My Whole House Cleaned son-in-law got tired of picking the seeds out of watermelon, so for $164.00 (Up To 6 Areas) he swallows them whole. He 509-465-4000 • www.oxifresh.com encourages his small children to do the same. Is this practice harmful? -- M.D. ANSWER: It’s not harmful if the children are not so young that they could choke on the seeds. I have to confess: I swallow watermelon seeds. I like to. Your son-in-law shouldn’t force the children to swallow the seeds if they don’t like to do so. He can buy seedless watermelons. DEAR DR. DONOHUE. I have osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. I am 92. What kind of over-the-counter pill can I take to relieve the pain in my hips? My pharmacist and doctor are too busy to answer my question. -- G.P. ANSWER: Try Tylenol (acetaminophen). It’s a good medicine for relief of osteoarthritis pain. It’s gentle on the stomach too. If you plan to take it every day, let your busy doctor know what you’re doing. Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2008 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved



SPORTS QUIZ By Chris Richcreek 1. In 2007, San Francisco’s Barry Bonds established the record for most home runs by a person 40 or older with 78. Who had held the mark? 2. On how many different teams did brothers Sandy Alomar Jr. and Roberto Alomar play together? 3. In the 1999 NFL Draft, quarterbacks went in the top three spots (Tim Couch, Donovan McNabb, Akili Smith) for the first time since 1971. Who were the top three then? 4. When was the last time before 2008 that the Cornell men’s basketball team made the NCAA Tournament? 5. Name the last season in which the Chicago Blackhawks won an NHL playoff series. 6. How many times has Tony Stewart won the Allstate 400 at the Brickyard at Indianapolis Motor Speedway? 7. Entering 2008, tennis star Roger Federer had won how many consecutive Wimbledon men’s singles titles? Answers 1. Carlton Fisk with 72. 2. Three -- San Diego (1988-89), Cleveland (1999-2000) and the Chicago White Sox (2003-04). 3. Jim Plunkett, Archie Manning and Dan Pastorini. 4. It was 1988. 5. The 1995-96 season. 6. Twice -- in 2005 and 2007. 7. Five -- (2003-07). (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.



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Gas prices are keeping many families home this summer. But there are ways to reduce costs and still go on vacation. Here are some ideas: --Pick a vacation spot that doesn’t require any extra driving once you get there. All-in-one inclusive packages are great for this. If you want to see the local sights, 509-891-5188 For More Information the hotel might offer bicycles or mopeds for your use. Call (509) 270-6514 --Check the price of renting an RV for one week, and ask about mileage: How far will you be able to travel on one tank of gas? Email: ads@spokanetidbits.com Mark a circle on a map and see if there is a potential vacation spot within that area. With the RV you’ll save on motels and food as well. --If you drive your own car, you don’t have to travel far to get a real vacation feel. A rental cabin in the woods by a lake or at the shore could be affordable if you’re not spending hundreds of dollars for gas. If the lodging has a refrigerator and stove, your food costs will be dramatically reduced. --If your time is flexible, check LastMinuteTravel.com for low-cost travel. You won’t have much notice in many cases, and little choice about when to go, but if you’re adventurous and want to spend a few days in a new place, this is an excellent way to sample travel destinations. An extra feature on the site is the maps showing motel locations. --Airfare Watchdog (www.airfarewatchdog.com) is another good site for low fares. It tracks airlines, and if you sign up for alerts, you’ll get fast e-mail notification of fares from your departure city. --Bed and Breakfast (bedandbreakfast.com) is another site that will send alerts if you sign up. It’s not limited to bed and breakfast places “Rural Home & VA Loans” either -- search the site for listings covering re•No minimum credit score required sorts, working ranches and farms, country inns •No mortgage insurance required and more. --Priceline.com is a good source for reduced•Not just for 1st time home buyers ctesarik@amfam.com cost travel. You can choose your departure and 509-747-0125 Ext. 402 destination cities, the dates you want to leave 4408 S. Regal St. and return, and whether you want a car waiting No down payment or excellent credit scores Spokane, WA Cory L. Tesarik at the other end. While the prices are likely to needed. Property must be located in an be the lowest available, it doesn’t hurt to dieligable area. Call for details. rectly call the individual motel, airline and car rental companies to see if you can get a better deal. TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column 1. LITERATURE: Who wrote the coming-of-age novel “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”? Classified Advertising 2. HISTORY: In what year did the United States establish STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver diplomatic relations IS FREE with the People’s Republic of China? ¥ The next time you’re in 3. ADVERTISING: What brand of painkiller did actress New York City and feel Patricia Neal endorse in TV commercials? Business Banners like indulging yourself, 4. SPACE: Who was the only astronaut to fly in the Meryou might want to consider On Sale Now! cury, Gemini and Apollo manned spaceflight programs? stopping by the Wall Street 5. DISCOVERIES: Who was the first person to explain Burger Shoppe. That’s the correctly how the circulatory system works? Place A FREE Ad Today! fine establishment where 6. ENTERTAINERS: How many children were in the Osyou can purchase the city’s mond family? most decadent -- and expensive -- hamburger. This luxury starts with a pure Kobe beef patty and is topped with aged Gruyere chesse, wild mush- 7. MUSIC: What was the theme song of “An Officer and a Gentleman”? rooms, black truffles and foie gras, and the brioche bun is topped with flecks of gold leaf. 8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the silkworm’s sole The price tag for this extravagant indulgence? $175. source of food? ¥ It was 17th-century Spanish writer Baltasar Gracian who 9. ANATOMY: Where are the triceps muscles located? made the following sage observation: “It is better to sleep on 10. U.S. PRESIDENTS: What does the “S.” stand for in things beforehand than lie awake about them afterwards.” Harry S. Truman’s name? ¥ If you’re like the average American, you eat roughly 17 Answers 1. Betty Smith 2. 1979 3. Anacin 4. Wally Schirra pounds of potato chips every year. 5. William Harvey 6. Nine. Seven of them became singers. ¥ If you’ve ever been laid off work, you know what a terrible 7. “Up Where We Belong” 8. Mulberry leaves 9. On the experience it can be. Imagine, though, how much more trauback of the arms 10. Nothing. It’s just the initial “S.” matic it could have been if your erstwhile employer didn’t (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc. even have the decency to tell you in person. That’s exactly

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what Radio Shack did a couple of years ago, firing 400 of its employees via e-mail. ¥ Do you have a matutinal routine? Unless you’re a hardcore night owl, you probably do. “Matutinal” simply refers to something that occurs in the morning. ¥ At one time, the game checkers was known as “chess for ladies.” ¥ If you’re a man who shaves his face every day, you can figure that at an average of 10 minutes per shave, you spend 60 hours every year with a razor in your hand. Thought for the Day: “There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else. -- General Peyton C. March 1125 W. Second Ave. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc. Spokane, WA

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