June 20, 2008
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Issue # 568
The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read Oct. 19, 2007 Issue # 415 Published By: John Ortiz & Assoc., LLC For Advertising Call 509-270-6514 Published by: AdvertainmentNW For Advertising Call (208) 640-6227
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Laugh Laugh aa bit with with bit
byNo Victoria Westlane Look Farther!
Two translators were on a ship chatting. “Can you swim?”• The First Bank of the United Iasked wentone. in to“No,” my said bankthe theother, other“But dayI can andshout States in Philadelphia was the first ofasked theforteller check my balance. help to in nine languages!” ficial centralized bank in America. The
She leaned over and pushed me.
SPEAKING OF TIDBITS... country was still in debt from the RevoTo Plan Your Trip lutionary War, and each state continued LET’S TALK IT OVER
e us ho e r a rs W ato d i u Liq
to use its own currency. In 1791, Alex(509) 326-0199 1727 W. SINTO ander Hamilton, who had just been apOctober 22 is secretary International Stuttering SPOKANE, WA pointed treasury by George Washington, conceived the idea of a unified Awareness Day, so this week’s Tidbits national currency and a central federal bank. takes aThe closer at speech, voices, in and • firstlook reported bank robbery America occurred in the same building how humans verbally communicate with that originally housed the First Bank. By 1798, Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia had 1531 Northwest Blvd., Cda, ID 83814 one become the home ofanother. the Pennsylvania Bank. In the early morning hours of Septem•ber 1 of Fifty-five people in the that year, million thieves made off with $162,821 from the vault. There were no signs (three of forced entry,in sothe investigators determined the theft to be an “inside job.” world million United States) ALL LOCATIONS OPEN 24 HOURS • Thanks improved security measures, suffer from theto speech impediment com- bank robberies have declined in recent years, but they still occur. Statistics show that the most bank heists occur on monly referred to as stuttering. Although Self Serve & Karcher Touch Free In-Bay Automatic Fridays betweenabout 10 AM 3 PM. The majority of bank robbers are males over many questions theand condition remain age 30,researchers and they prefer use a threatening note instead of a weapon. 5625 N. Market St-------------------487-7746 unanswered, havetolearned that • In 1968, the federal government issued the Bank Protection Act. The new there are two main types of stuttering: de1226 S. Pines Rd---------------------891-8395 law required that, by January 1, 1971, all financial institutions insured by the Fedvelopmental and neurogenic. eral Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) must have security cameras in position 2400 1st St Cheney------------------235-5188 stuttering anyone entering the building occurs or approaching the teller windows. The law Sunset Mall Hwy 95 •to filmDevelopmental Then Enjoy The Trip! quite often in the young childrenofwho are still that could be triggered by bank em1821 W Sunset (Self Serve Only)-455-5570 also required installation silent alarms working on their speech and in language Also Check Out! ployees case of emergency. PUBLIC WELCOME!! skills. Youngsters sometimes don’tthere havewas a stigma Pack • In early 20th-century America, attached to se athe ge use of anyruichanged during s Roaring the language skills necessary to express thing other than cash to make purchases. That attitude the C themselves properly. This may lead todidn’t an want to carry large amounts of monTwenties, when swinging nightclubbers ey with them. It suddenly to write a check. Retired printer William involuntary repetition of became a soundchic or sylRoy Hotchkiss looking a project to occupy his time, so he formed Deluxe lable while the was child’s brainfor finds the best Fresh bulk spices, seasonings, rubs & BBQ sauces for your cooking pleasure. bbean Vacation with each Check Printers. Hotchkiss specialized in marketing We also carry Jerky and Sausage making supplies. way to communicate. This type of stutterarichecks pre-printed s C customer’s name and account number. Ask about our Saturday sausage making classes. Free 24 hour recording ing is commonly outgrown. ©2005 RESERVED ALL RIGHTS Stop in and visit us or go to • Have you ever wondered why ATMs only dispense $20 bills? There are sev• Neurogenic stuttering is caused by 1-800-320-5654 eral reasons. First, many merchants accepting bills larger than $20, so larger an interruption between the brain balk and atthe er Ever Read The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read bills would often prove inconvenient. Smaller billso won’t work, either; if several a c k P age lf ext. 9830 nerves and in muscles that control a person’s s meaning customers a row withdraw $100, fives and tensG would quickly run out, No Selling Not MLM speech. It’s awould formhave of brain that by: AdvertainmentNW the(208) machine to be damage refilled constantly. Using twenties is the most ecoPublished For A com For Advertising Call 640-6227 No Inventory No Meetings could besolution. present Besides, at birth,an orATM might result nomical with $20 bills is less of a target for thieves than from a traumatic brainone injury a stroke. withor higher-denomination bills. YOU CAN STILL SweetYES! For Words!! Andwhen More... Turn the page fortwo more! • Most banks require employees to be present ATM deposit enveFILE BANKRUPTCY! d boy told his father Interested In Finding Outcustomer lopes are opened and recorded. This is a security measure both for the STOP Foreclosure, marrygarnishments, the little����������������� girl creditor calls! and the bank, since some account holders may defraud the bank by intentionally Outstanding Opportunity Opportunity for the et. TheOutstanding father, being FREE consultation for theInitial right person to join (or unintentionally) making deposits with empty envelopes. right person to join established ell-schooled in and hanestablished growing company. with an Attorney Two translators • The advice “read the manual!” seems to be ignored more often than not, butwere on a ship chatting. “Can you swim? and growing company. Sales & Computer skills needed.7 Attorney fee-Chapter hid his$300 smile behind asked one. “No,” said the other, “But I can shout in the banking industry, that instruction should be mandatory. You see, every ATM Advertising sales person needed. (chapter 13:$450) ’s a serious step,” he 208-640-6227 that leaves the factory has a password programmed into it by default. That passfor help in nine languages!” 208-640-6227 Wallace Law Office u thought it out comword is printed in the owner’s manual, along with explicit instructions for the bank OF TIDBITS.. etely?” Debt Relief Agency “We to change the password upon installation. Unfortunately, some banksSPEAKING don’t follow Toss‛em, “We Toss‛em, through, which makes the ATM easy prey for would-be hackers. g son answered. “We LET’S TALK IT OVER CALL NOW: 326-3600 They‛re Awesome” • In September 2007, a man walked up to an ATM at a Virginia Beach gas They‛re Awesome” week in my room Uncontested Divorces: $200 / $250 with kids station and keyed in a sequence of numbers. He had managed to gain access toby Robyn Dawson hers. It’s right across October 22 is International Stutteri the factory-installed password and used it to re-program the machine so that it discan run home if I get pensed $20 bills but recorded them as fives. Amazingly, it took nine days before Awareness Day, so this week’s Tidb dark.” “How about an honest customer finally reported to the station’s owner that the ATM was takes a giving closer look at speech, voices, a ” the father asked. “I away too much money. “Rural Home & VA Loans” n, and we both have how humans • Prior to October 2004, the checks customers wrote to pay bills were depos- verbally communicate w •No minimum score required y question thecredit father ited by the merchant and then sent to the originating bank for verification. This one another. Pizza,process Pasta,often Salad When you’re •No mortgagemarried, insurance required took up to a week, and many people took advantage• of & Sub’s Fifty-five million people in t the “float” time, Dine In * Take Out *writing checks on Thursday in anticipation of de•Not just for 1st time home buyers world (three million in the United State Pizza, Pasta,their Salad oing to have babies. positing paycheck to cover them on Friday. However, the new Delivery 509-747-0125 Ext. 402 & Sub’s Check Clearing Act allows banks to transmit images of checks elec” suffer from the speech impediment com 762-9937 Dine In * Take Out * tronically, rather than physically transporting the paper checks. This monly referred to as stuttering. Althou No down payment or excellent credit scores 85 West Prairie, Haydenreduced the float time and put the kibosh on these Delivery law has greatly affingneeded. company Propertythat must be located in an many questions about the condition rema 762-9937 777-4373 quick “loans.” Turn the page for more... sionally and commueligable area. Call for details. 85 West Prairie, CDA unanswered, researchers have learned th Mullan Ave. Post Falls ifference in the lives there are two main types of stuttering: d vital to our success We believe in partvelopmental and neurogenic. Thompson Printing mine needs, desires, • Developmental stuttering occu Buying & Selling Company Sunset Mall Hwy 95 time partnering with Gold & Silver • Coins & Collections quite often in young children who are st (Jimsituation & His Staff) mployment Scrap Gold, Jewerly & Diamonds working on their speech and langua s the right person on Spokanes Largest Coin & Precious Metals Dealer Wants to Thank“As the Tidbits of skills. Youngsters sometimes don’t ha Quick As A Wink, Your List Your Adtoforexpre ntegrity…Respect the language skillsBusiness necessary Spokane Readers Back and In The Ink” HONESTY, INTEGRITY & PROFESSIONALISM e valueAdvertisers explains whofor Over 10 Years as little as $15 week. themselves properly. Thisper may lead to Free Pickup ablish relationships. involuntary repetition of a sound or sy of Support! 509-270-6514 & Delivery heir HR department. 3201 N. Division St. Division Hill, Clocktower Plaza lable while the child’s brain finds the be res, we can place the way to communicate. This type of stutte egrity is vital to us, op” customer service ing is commonly outgrown.
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PAWS CORNER By Sam Mazzotta Neutered Male Cat Still Sprays
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a 5year-old neutered male cat, “Boba,” who sprays urine. I always thought that neutered males didn’t do this. It seems like this happens every spring. Do you have any suggestions of how to make him stop? He is an indoor cat and doesn’t go outside at all. I don’t know if that is what is making him do this, or if it is something that can be stopped. Thank you for any help you can give me. -- Going Crazy in New York DEAR CRAZY: Spraying is an instinctive reaction in male cats, and neutering doesn’t always completely eliminate the behavior. Neutering does make the concentrated urine much less pungent, so at least there’s that. Male cats mark their territory by spraying, so the action can be habitual even though the reason for spraying is gone. You’ll need to observe Boba closely to determine why he is spraying. Do you have other cats, or any other pets? How does he react to these animals? Does he react to the sight of another cat outside the window? Does he only spray in the springtime? Where and when does the spraying occur, exactly? Rule out any underlying illnesses with a trip to the vet (who can also recommend additional steps or even anti-anxiety medication to mellow Boba out). Cats tend to spray in the same areas over and over again, no matter how much you clean. Try putting out some deterrents -like putting his food and water near the (cleaned up) spraying area, or placing fresh citrus rinds or perfumed soap over the area. If you see Boba start to spray, NO Credit Requirements Call Today! make a loud noise immediately to try and disNO Intrest Rate (509) 924-7334 tract him -- several repetitions of this and he Complete Dog will start to associate his spraying with you not Low Monthly Payments 808 N. Pines being too happy. Waste Removal “You Could Be Driving Today” Send your tips, questions and comments to Paws Cleans Yards and Pens Corner, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, $10.00/week/1 dog: or e-mail them to pawscorner@hotmail. $2.50/add’l dog com. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
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BANK ON IT (continued)
509-995-5776 • In Old English, the word tell meant to “mention in order.” It was often used in the sense of counting items, as to “tell one’s beads” when saying the rosary. And that’s how bank workers, who spend their days counting customers’ money coming in and going out, came to be known as tellers. • Three in four American banks use dye packs to discourage robbers. The packs are inserted in thin, flexible packages hidden inside what looks like a normal stack of bills. The dye packs are activated via radio transmitter when the thief leaves the bank. When the pack explodes, it discharges a cloud of red smoke along with red dye that stains not only the money inside the bag, but also the perpetrator’s hands and clothing. To date the dye packs have helped to catch more than 2,500 would-be bank robbers. • The Fifth Third Bank got its unusual name by virtue of a corporate merger. A century ago in 1908, Cincinnati’s Fifth National Bank combined with the Third National Bank to form a new company. Rumor has it that the bank decided against calling itself “Third Fifth” to avoid giving the impression that it had anything to do with liquor. • In Tacoma, Washington, some bank employees got a surprise one morning in 1998 when they opened the vault for the business day. Eighty-six-year-old Doris Willis was calmly sitting inside. The elderly woman had been let inside the vault to access her safe deposit box shortly before closing on the previous day. Employees forgot she was in there when they locked up for the day, and Willis was trapped inside for 15 hours. Believe it or not, this was not an isolated incident. Over the years, children, a bank president, and even a dog have all accidentally been locked inside various bank vaults across the country. • The first bank to offer drive-through service was the City Center Bank of Kansas City, Missouri. The “drive-up window” was added to the bank’s main branch in 1928. Back then, mind you, only one in five Americans owned an automobile. THE END
SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles Low Vitamin D Linked to Depression
Researchers in Amsterdam did a study of seniors between the ages of 65 and 95 to determine how vitamin D plays a part in depression. They discovered that 14 percent of seniors with depression also had low levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream. One thing the researchers couldn’t determine, however, is which came first: the depression or the low level of vitamin D. If a senior is depressed and doesn’t go out much (sunlight) and doesn’t follow a good diet (foods with adequate vitamin D), it could be that the depression caused the low levels of vitamin D. On the other hand, it could be that a low level of vitamin D in the bloodstream caused the depression. The parathyroid gland secretes a hormone that works in conjunction with vitamin D, and there must be a balance. The good news is that both can be rebalanced. Vitamins and more sunlight could turn the situation around and treat depression. A fact sheet from the National Institutes of Health says that most people can get enough vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. It’s been suggested that 5-30 minutes of sun exposure twice a week can give us enough vitamin D -- under ideal circumstances. Less than ideal considerations are cloud cover, the season of the year and even the geographic latitude where we live. It’s possible to get too much of the fixes, however. Too much sunlight can cause skin cancer. And we can’t just buy a bottle of vitamin D and think it’s going to solve depression. Instead we need to consult with our doctors (who will likely do a blood test to check All the Good Ones the vitamin D level) to see if there’s a way to first adjust our diets to include enough Aren’t Taken! Vitamin D. Lonely? Single? 50+? Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but Tired of Being Alone? will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care Call Now For Your FREE of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. CONSULTATION Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to
(c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
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The Way Mother Nature Cleans®
By JoAnn Derson ¥ Recipe Substitutions: If you need 1/2 cup tartar sauce, mix 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise with 2 tablespoons of pickle relish. ¥ Getting bugged by bugs? Here are of the Inland Northwest some plants that are said to repel mosWhole House Cleaned quitos: Citronella grass (although, this for $164.00 (Up To 6 Areas) one is tropical and very large), catnip, 509-465-4000 • rosemary, marigolds, horsemint and “mosquito plants.” ¥ If you go to a lot of cookouts in the summer, try this tip to avoid overeating: Keep a drink in your dominant hand. You’ll be less likely to graze on high-fat chips and other snack foods. Need a little something? Hope for a veggie platter. But whether it’s veggies or chips, grab a couple and then WALK AWAY from the table before you can hit the dip. ¥ “For fun pancake shapes, use a turkey baster. Fill it with pancake batter, then spell or draw on a heated and oiled pan. Just make sure your letters are backward to start with; they look better when flipped!” -- E.L. in Washington ¥ If you make your own bread from time to time, save the bags and ties from storebought breads. They are the perfect size, and they can be reused with ease. ¥ “This is my husband’s diet tip. At first I thought it was hilarious, but I can’t argue with the results: He’s lost almost 35 pounds. Before he sits down to a meal, he tightens his belt a notch. He can still breathe and everything, but it makes it uncomfortable to overeat. He eats more slowly, too.” -- J.J. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
By Andrea
Taking the Struggle Out of Exercise
Q: Recently I consulted a doctor about having surgery to help me lose weight. I need to lose 100 pounds total, and my physician has agreed to do the surgery, but ONLY if I begin changing my lifestyle to incorporate better nutrition and exercise. I really want to have the surgery to lose weight, but exercise has always been a struggle for me. I don’t know where or how to begin. Help! A: Starting an exercise program can be a challenge. What to do, where to start and how to continue are some of the questions asked by people beginning an exercise routine. Let’s begin by taking one question at a time to help get you started. What to do? Oftentimes, this is the reason many people start and then quickly end their exercise regime. One way to answer this question is to ask, “What do I like to do?” If you can find a physical activity that you enjoy, or can tolerate doing, this is a great place to start. You might not mind walking, swimming, riding a bicycle or even playing tennis or shooting baskets. This can get you moving, and as you begin to move more and more, it may open you up to doing more exercise. If you begin an exercise program with activities you don’t enjoy or even despise, you may be able to grit your teeth and get through your workouts for a while, but you’ll soon lose interest and motivation. Find something you enjoy, and get moving. Where to start? Now that we have started to think about “what” we are going to do, it’s time to figure out how to begin. Start slow, but develop a schedule that can keep you on task. If you wait for the time to magically appear for you to exercise, that time may never come. With hectic schedules and other priorities, scheduling time to exercise is imperative. Once you have scheduled the time, start with a few minutes of exercise and build on it. You might only be able to walk a few blocks your first couple of weeks, but as you become more conditioned and your body begins to adjust to your moving, you’ll find it easier to walk farther and farther. Start slow and continue to progress. How do I stay motivated? This has to be the hardest question of all. There are some people who truly do not like to exercise. If this is your situation, I would suggest understanding the importance of exercise first and why it is so important to your body. To stay motivated, solicit the help of friends or workout buddies. Develop a support system of people in your life who will not only verbally encourage you, but be willing to come by your house and pick you up when you are having a tough time getting yourself to exercise. Hiring a certified personal trainer is another great option. Making a standing appointment with a personal trainer can help you create a system of accountability and also maximize your time while completing an exercise program designed personally for your SPORTS QUIZ By Chris Richcreek goals. Exercise can be a challenge, but the benefits 1. Who holds the major-league mark for most All-Star Games manare worth every bead of sweat. aged? Always consult a physician before beginning an ex- 2. Which position (not counting designated hitter) has the fewest ercise program. If you have a fitness or training members in baseball’s Hall of Fame? question, write to Andrea in care of King Features 3. Who was the last college football Division I player to rush for Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 2,000 yards in two different seasons? 32853-6475 (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc. 4. Wilt Chamberlain holds the NBA record for most consecutive games of 50 or more points. How many games is it? 5. Who was the first NHL player to tally 60 or more goals in three consecutive seasons? 6. Track star Maurice Greene is one of four U.S. men to win three gold medals at a world track championship. Name the other three. 7. Entering 2008, who was the oldest male golfer to win the U.S. Open? Answers 1. Casey Stengel managed in 10 All-Star Games. 2. Third base, which has 11 representatives in the Hall of Fame. 3. Troy Davis of Iowa State in 1995 and 1996. 4. He had seven consecutive 50-point games during the 1961-62 season. 5. Mike Bossy of the New York Islanders (1980-81 through 1982-83). 6. Tyson Gay, Michael Johnson and Carl Lewis. 7. Hale Irwin was 45 when he won the U.S. Open in 1990. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
Ardell’s Laptop and PC Repair
Credit-Card Rules About to Change
Advertising in the newly expanded Tidbits of Spokane is effective, affordable and easy. We will set you up with an advertising package that is perfect for you, and even build you a custom ad at no cost or obligation. Start an advertising campaign today with Tidbits.
Credit-card companies are in an uproar: The Federal Reserve Board has proposed some industry-rattling changes to unfair credit-card practices. Here are some of the proposed changes to the Federal Trade Commission Act. No more two-cycle billing: Cur509-891-5188 For More Information rently if you receive a credit-card statement showing you owe $100 (and interest on that money), Call (509) 270-6514 and if you make a $40 payment, the credit card company can then turn Email: around and bill you again for the interest on the whole $100 in the previous billing period. The new rule would ban this practice. Rate increases on pre-existing balances: If you make a purchase on a card, under present rules the bank can suddenly increase your interest rate while you’re still paying it off. The new rule would prohibit this practice unless the rate increase is because of a change in a variable rate, a promotional rate expires or if you’ve not made a payment within 30 days. Time to make payments: The new rule would require that you receive your statement at least 21 days ahead of the payment due date. Additionally, if the payment is received by 5:00 p.m. on the due date, it must be considered as having been received on time. Paying lower-rate balances: Currently if you have different rates on a card due to purchases and cash advances and make more than the minimum payment, the bank can apply the extra cash to the balance with the lowest rate, thus getting more interest out of you. The new rule would require a method more equitable to consumers to divide up the payment. Fees for credit-card holds: If a hold is placed on your card (when the total amount isn’t yet known, such as at a “Rural Home & VA Loans” motel), credit-card companies can no lon•No minimum credit score required ger charge a fee if you go over your credit limit simply because of the hold. Subprime •No mortgage insurance required credit cards (those requiring a deposit to •Not just for 1st time home buyers open the account) will see a few changes, too. Consumers will be advised that get509-747-0125 Ext. 402 ting the best interest rate will depend on No down payment or excellent credit scores various factors, such as credit history and needed. Property must be located in an income. The changes are supposed to beeligable area. Call for details. 4408 S. Regal St. come rule by the end of the year. Spokane, WA Cory L. Tesarik David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez but will incorporate them into his 1. TELEVISION: The phrase, “Book ‘em, Danno,” was a staple on which television show? column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 2. MOVIES: What was the name of Tony Stark’s faithful assistant in “Iron Man”? 32853-6475, or send e-mail to 3. MEDICAL: What function does the appendix serve (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc. in the human body? 4. U.S. STATES: What is the capital of Louisiana? STRANGE BUT TRUE 5. FASHION: What kind of jewelry was off-limits for By Samantha Weaver Victorian women during the day? ¥ Do you suffer from pogonopho6. FAIRY TALES: What was the third item that Jack bia? If so, you don’t have much to stole from the giant in “Jack and the Beanstalk”? worry about in this largely clean7. GEOGRAPHY: What is the world’s smallest ocean? shaven day and age. Pogonophobia 8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was born on is simply a fear of beards. July 4? ¥ I’m sure you’ve heard in recent years about Americans’ steadily in9. LANGUAGE: What does it mean for someone to be creasing girth. It’s not just our waistlines that are getting bigger, though; in “high dudgeon”? our homes are, too. In 1950, the average new house provided 290 square 10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What makes up a shark’s feet for each family member living there. By 2003, that figure was 893 skeleton? square feet, or more than three times as much space as 50 years earlier. Answers 1. “Hawaii Five-O” 2. Pepper Potts 3. It has ¥ The next time you’re enjoying a sweet potato, you might consider the no known function. 4. Baton Rouge 5. Diamonds, which enormous distance it probably traveled before arriving at your dinner were considered evening wear 6. A magic harp 7. Arctic table. Eighty-five percent of the world’s yams come from China. 8. Calvin Coolidge 9. Very angry 10. Cartilage. Sharks ¥ It was noted American poet Allen Ginsberg who made the following have no bones. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc. sage observation: “Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture.” ¥ The small Minnesota town of Whalen is home to a unique celebration every year: the Stand-Still Parade. Yep, it’s a parade that doesn’t move. Instead of spectators lining a parade route and floats driving past, at this event the floats stand still and the people mill around to view them. ¥ The first Band-Aid brand bandage didn’t exactly look like the BandAids we’re familiar with today. For instance, it was 3 inches wide and 18 inches long. A bit of overkill for a scraped elbow, I imagine. ¥ The carnival treat that we in the United States know as cotton candy is called “barbe a papa,” or “father’s beard” in French. ¥ Researchers aren’t clear on exactly why it’s true, but studies show that women are better at guessing people’s ages than men are. Thought for the Day: “A child’s education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born.” -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
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