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Triennial Report

2019-2022 2 From the Desk of the Presbyter-in-Charge 3 Triennial Report 10 Year-wise Receipts and Payments 22 Auditor’s Report 26 Statement of Individual Contributions 124 Women’s Fellowship Report 132 Choir Report 136 Youth Fellowship Report 140 Sunday School Report 143 Building Committee Report 1

From the desk of the Presbyter in Charge

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ!

Almighty God enabled us to wit ness one more triennium in our lives. We need to be thankful to God for His blessings and guidance. He had been with us in our life journey and enriched our experi ences by His presence. His presence made things possible and more meaningful. We need to introspect ourselves and have to proclaim along with the Psalmist `This is the Lord`s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes` Psalm 118:23.

As Church, families, individuals this is a time of thanksgiving for His bestowed grace upon us and is also a time of submission. `A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you` Psalm 91:7. `You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday` Psalm 91:5,6. A new triennium is not our merit, but it is a gift of God and His mercy. It is a symbol of His pertaining pres ence upon us in the past. It also ex emplifies that our God is gracious.

‘It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end` Deuteronomy 11:12. The gracious pledge of our heavenly Father is an assurance of His care and concern.

If He will be our source, the situ ation will never fail us (whether hill or valley). Extra ordinary faith enables us to transcend our cir cumstances. ‘For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith’. 1 John 5:4. Faith can change any situation. No matter how dark it is, no matter what the trouble may be, a quick lifting of the heart to God in a mo ment of real, actual faith in Him, will alter the situation in a moment.

Faith is a God-given facility which when exercised, brings the unseen into plain view and by which the impossible things are made pos sible. Faith turns the promise into a prophecy. While it is merely a promise it is contingent upon our cooperation. But when faith claims it, it becomes a prophecy, and we have a feeling that it is something that must be done because God cannot lie. Faith is walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely. Faith says not `I see that it is good for me, so God must have sent it, ` but `God sent it and so it must be good for me`. Faith requires uncondi tional belief in His faithfulness. God wants us to trust Him apart from all feeling, resting His own word and on His faithfulness to His promise. Faith is moving beyond our understanding. Mary and Martha could not under stand what their Lord was doing.

Both of them said to Him, ‘Lord if you had been here, my brother had not died’. Their inner thought sounds like this ‘we do not under stand how you could let death come to the man whom you loved’. To them Jesus replied, `You may not understand; but I tell you if you be lieve, you will see`. Abraham could not understand why God should ask the sacrifice of the boy, but he trusted. Joseph could not under stand the cruelty of his brothers, the false witness of a perfidious women and the long years of unjust imprisonment. But he trusted and saw the glory of God.

Likewise in our life too, we may not be able to understand the devious ways of God and sometimes we may ask why plans and purposes that seems good to my eyes should be baffled. God does not expect us to understand them, but we need to believe in Him. We need belief beyond our circumstances, then only our faith will remain as glory to God. We need to believe beyond human comprehension, then only our faith would challenge the cir cumstances. In the new triennium, may God enable you to stand firm in your faith and be uncompromis ing to practice faith.


Immanuel CSI Malayalam Church, Hyderabad - Secunderabad

Dear Members,

By God’s grace, we have been able to move ahead in our Pastorate journey for another triennium, since 2019. It is with immense pleasure that the triennial report is being shared to all of us. When we look back, God has miraculously led us through the past three years. This period was the one in which we have seen tremendous challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even having worship services was a doubtful scenario when our Almighty God gave us opportunities to over come this period. It was also a happy and memorable one, despite the tough times, when our more than six decades’ old dream of having an own Church building in the twin cities was realized.

As a Church, we have gone through the most unique time in world history when normal life was on halt due to the pandemic period. On March 15th, 2020, we had the last in-Church worship service before the onset of the pandemic. Despite the lockdown situation the on line worship services continued since then, till October 4th, 2020. The in-Church worship services resumed from October 11th, 2020. The pandemic period gave a lesson and learning w.r.t. the importance of maintain ing communication with everyone and the possibilities to use technology for the same. It also gave an insight into understanding the significance of praying and being closer to God for His intervention.

Irrespective of the tough times, the congregation has come out of the difficulties, and we have been able to witness God’s work through our own Church building being constructed in the land at Yapral. The signing of contract with builder Zion constructions was on 15th November 2020 followed by beginning of construction the next day. The construction journey was through a period of trials and tribulations due to the pandemic, multiple lockdowns, challenge to raise finances and much more. Let us thank God for His blessings and hearing our prayers. Prayers are the key to resolving any tough situations and circumstances.

The pandemic period opened up the possibilities of using technology for cottage prayer meetings and worship services. During the onset of the pandemic

our Presbyter-in-charge Rev. T.T. Santhosh and his son Master Aaron Lesty Santhosh have done an excellent work towards ensuring the recorded worship services are uploaded every Saturday evening, so that we could attend the same on next day morning. During the second wave in 2021, we were able to have worship services via the Zoom platform. Our worship services in Church were conducted following the Covid proto col norms and Facebook Live streaming was done till 3rd April 2022 i.e., before moving to the new Church building.

Having an own Church building in the twin cities is a dream come true considering the struggles over the decades to reach this milestone. Our Church is a place where we should be able to feel the presence of God and a place which will lead us to serve His mission. We should be able to find it as a place of sacrifice, to humble ourselves, to dedicate ourselves and to receive healing. Let us give all thanks and praise and give glory to our God Almighty.

Membership: -

There are around 90 families and 280 members. We would like to welcome the new members into our Church. May the Church be a blessing and a place of fellowship with one another.

New Members:

Mr. Mathew Vipin and Family

Mr. Skariah Thomas and Family

Mr. Lexey Tharian Oommen and Family

Mr. Suresh Kumar and Family

Ms. Rincy Mathew

Ms. Mary George

Mr. P. Venkat

Ms. Linsa Annie Sam

Ms. Delcy Leya Philipose

Mr. Nishanth KV

Church Committee: -

The Church Committee elections were held on 21st July 2019, when Rev. T.T. Santhosh was our Presby

Triennial Report 2019-2022

ter-in-Charge. A total number of 119 members had voted in secret ballot. The following four members were elected out of ten candidates: -

1. Mr. Rijith Edwin – 80 votes (Pas torate Treasurer)

2. Mr. Koshy P. Thomas – 69 votes (Pas torate Steward)

3. Mr. Mino P. Mathew – 60 votes (Pas torate Secretary)

4. Mrs. C. Regy Joseph – 58 votes

Nomination of four members were approved by the Bishop in CSI Medak Diocese:

5. Mr. Joy Mathew

6. Mr. Shajimon Thomas

7. Brig. E. J. George

8. Mr. Babu Mathew

Nomination of four members were approved by the Bishop in CSI Medak Diocese:

9. Mr. Joy Mathew

10. Mr. Shajimon Thomas

11. Brig. E. J. George

12. Mr. Babu Mathew

Auxiliary Wing Representatives:

13. Mr. Babu P. John (Building Committee Secre tary)

14. Mrs. Saramma Mohan (Women’s Fellowship Secretary)

15. Mrs. Lullu John (Sunday School Superinten dent)

16. Mr. Ebin Paulose (Youth Fellowship Secretary)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rev. T.T. Santhosh for the efforts in being able complete the pre-requisites to start our construction and help in re alizing the completion of the Church building, despite multiple challenges including the pandemic period. Achen was firm in his focus towards achieving the goal and led the tough situations with a prayerful approach. Achen has played a pivotal role in raising the required finances to progress the construction smoothly and has been focused on a democratic approach with the committee decisions. Leena Kochamma was active in Women’s Fellowship activities and supportive along with Aaron to Achen’s initiatives. Achen has been

transferred to Pennsylvania, US and left us in May 2022. Our prayers are with Achen, Kochamma and Aaron for their future endeavors.

Let me take this opportunity to welcome our new Pres byter-in-Charge, Rev. Jerin Thomas George, Reenu Ko chamma and Eva who took over in June 2022. We pray that the divine blessings be on Jerin Achen and family to lead us in the new Church for the next triennium.

Worship Services: -

Holy Communion services were held on all Sundays at 9 AM and on special days. The Sunday summer tim ings were 8:30 AM. During the Covid-19 pandemic first wave in 2020, pre-recorded online Worship ser vices were held on Sundays. During the second wave in 2022, online Worship services were held on Sundays via the Zoom platform. Since the resumption of offline services in Church, in October 2020, Facebook lives treaming of the Worship services were also done on Sundays. Our members have been actively attending the online and offline Worship services regularly. The viewership details of Facebook livestreaming was pub lished in our monthly digital newsletters.

During the triennium 2019 – 2022, the following speakers assisted us in our Worship service:-

1. Mr. M. S. Venkitakrishnan

2. Rev. Shalu T. Mathew

3. Rev. Thomas Paikad

4. Rev. Maxcin John

5. Dr. Mathew Koshy Punnackadu

Mr. Naveen

7. Mr. Dinesh Sailan

8. Rev. Jacob Chacko

9. Rt. Rev. Dr. K.G. Daniel, Bishop Emeritus, CSI East Kerala Diocese

10. Rev. Dr. C. I. David Joy

Rev. Fr. John Ansil Vellara

Dr. Mathew Tharian

Rev. Abraham Kuruvilla K.

Rev. John K. Mathew

Rev. Prince George

Rev. D. Bijumon

Rev. Shiju Samuel

Rev. Tibin Joseph Mathew

Rev. Sam Raju

Mr. K. P. Andrews

Rev. Sooraj Paulose Thomas


22. Rev. Sam N. Joshua

23. Rev. Robin Lawrence

24. Rt. Rev. Dr. A.C. Solomon Raj, Bishop, CSI Medak Diocese

25. Rev. Ninan Jacob

26. Rev. Sonu Dany Thomas

27. Rev. Jess Mathew

28. Rev. Aneesh P. J.

29. Mr. Mijin Mathew Jose

30. Rev. Pretheesh Babu Kurian M

31. Rt. Rev. Dr. Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian, Bish op, CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese

The following members of our Church assisted in the conduct of the Worship services: -

1. Mr. Mino P. Mathew

2. Ms. Jeena Rachel Cherian

3. Mr. Koshy P. Thomas

4. Master Jaison Jacob

5. Mr. Ashish P. Joseph

6. Mrs. Jyothi Sara Koshy

7. Mrs. Leena Santhosh

8. Mrs. C. Regy Joseph

9. Master Nathaniel Saibal

10. Mrs. Neethu Elsa Varghese

11. Mrs. Premeela Suresh

We express our gratitude to them all for their service to our Pastorate. Let us pray to God Almighty to bless them in their endeavors.

Holy Baptism: -

The following children were baptized during the peri od 2019 – 2022 :-

1. Ms. Anaaya Jacob

2. Master Tristan Thomas Mani

3. Master Araan Muthuthottathil Cherian

Holy Matrimony: -

1. Mr. Rony Mathew and Ms. Rincy Mathew were married on 28th November 2019

2. Mr. P. Venkat and Ms. Jessy Thomas were mar ried on 27th August 2020

3. Mr. George T. Cherian and Ms. Mary George were married on 3rd October 2020

4. Mr. Thomas Modayil Jacob and Ms. Jocelin Peter were married on 17th October 2020

5. Mr. Jerome Varghese and Ms. Alenna Ann Thomas were married on 3rd May 2021

6. Mr. Subin V.S. & Ms. Linsa Sam Annie were married on 12th July 2021

Obituary: -

1. Mrs. Mariamma Thomas had left us to heav enly abode on 27th January 2020.

Funeral was held on 31st January.

2. Mrs. Saramma Babu had left us to heavenly abode on 21st July 2020.

Funeral was held on the same day.

3. Mr. T.V. Varghese had left us to heavenly abode on 28th December 2020.

Funeral was held on the same day.

4. Mr. Johannan P.M. had left us to heavenly abode on 2nd February 2022.

Funeral was held on the same day.

We thank God Almighty for all their services to our Church in the past. We remember them with gratitude.

Vidhyarambham: -

First Sunday of June every year was observed as ‘Stu dents Sunday’/ Vidhyarambham Sunday. In 2020 and 2021, we had online Worship services where there was special prayer for the children by Achen, while we had offline service in 2019 where Achen had blessed our children. Let us pray for our children to grow in faith and to excel in their student lives. We believe that our next generations will carry forward the rich values of our ancestors and be able to grow stronger in wisdom for His glory.

Choir: -

Choir Sunday was observed on 1st September 2019. The Choir rendered a special song on the occasion. The participation of our Choir for the Worship Services in 2019 is appreciable. Despite the pandemic situation in 2020, the Choir had done a Virtual song rendition on 20th December. We appreciate the Choir for the services to the Church and thank God for resuming their participation, post the pandemic situation from April 2022.

Youth Fellowship: -

Youth Fellowship Sunday was observed on the first


Sunday of October every year. Mr. Ashish P. Joseph had delivered the sermon on 3rd October 2021. Our Youth have taken the leadership of conducting the National Youth Conference in October 2019, with sup port of our Church members. Prior to the same, there was an auction conducted on 25th August 2019 as a fund raising initiative for the conference. During the pandemic situation, our Youth conducted online Bible study and games. We thank Mr. Mino P. Mathew for conducting online Bible studies for youth. We appre ciate the Youth Fellowship for all the services to our Church.

Sunday School: -

Every year, the first Sunday of November was cele brated as World Sunday School Sunday i.e., on 3rd November 2019, 1st November 2020(online mode) and 7th November 2021, respectively. Our children participated in Worship services and rendered beauti ful songs. In 2020 and 2021 from the month of July, the Sunday School classes were conducted in online mode via Zoom platform (due to the pandemic situation). We praise God for our wonderful children. May God bless them.

Women’s Fellowship: -

Women’s Fellowship Retreat was conducted on 2nd October every year. In 2020 and 2021, the Retreat was conducted in online mode via Zoom platform. Rev. Zachariah Alexander, Rev. Jose Abraham T. and Mr. Ajay Ratnasagar were the guest speakers in 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Fellowship lunch was served after the retreat in 2019. Women’s Fellowship annual sale was conducted on 8th September 2019, 7th March 2021 and 12th September 2021, respectively. The Church members actively participated for the sale and auction.

From July 2020, online Bible study was conducted by Rev. T.T. Santhosh Achen for the Women’s Fellowship members which was a time of learning the word of God. We appreciate and thank the Women’s Fellowship members for the wholehearted support and efforts during the triennium.

Senior Citizen’s Sunday: -

In 2019, we had our Senior Citizen’s Sunday on 29th September. We thank God Almighty for our Senior

citizens. They were felicitated with a rose flower and a small memento on the same day. Their prayers and support have been a source of blessing for us.

Onam Celebrations: -

We had Onam celebrations on 22nd September 2019 after the Church service. Games and programs were followed by a special Kerala feast. In 2021, we had Onam Payasam served after the Worship service on 22nd August.

Vacation Bible School: -

In 2019, VBS was conducted from 3rd October to 6th October. Mr. Dinesh Sailan was the director. Our chil dren had a wonderful time learning the Bible, enjoying the vacation with songs, and participating in different activities. We thank all the members who generously contributed towards the refreshments and lunch on all days and to meet the expenditures.

National Youth Conference – 2019: -

The second National Youth Conference was hosted by our Youth Fellowship from 25th to 27th October 2019 at CHAI training centre at Kompally. The members of Youth Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship and Church Committee have put in tremendous efforts to make it a success. The event was conducted with participation of youths from CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese churches outside Kerala.

Harvest Festival: -

We had our Harvest Festivals on 10th November 2019, 7th February 2021, and 7th November 2021 during the triennium. The Harvest Festival planned for 2020 was moved to early 2021 due to the pandemic situa tion. A thanksgiving service was held on the respective Sundays. In 2019, we had Rt. Rev. Dr. K.G. Daniel, Bishop Emeritus, CSI East Kerala Diocese as our guest speaker. Our Women’s Fellowship and Youth Fellow ship members conducted stalls on the occasion. The pandemic period opened up the possibility for online auction mode as well in 2021 apart from the regular offline auction. There was a good participation in the online mode as well via Zoom platform. Our Church members actively participated in the Harvest Festi val auction and cover collection. The amount raised through the same has been helpful for the Church con


struction phase. I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Cherian T. George for the excellent efforts to conduct the bidding. We pray to God for His blessings on him. The following amount was raised during the follow ing years (which includes auction proceedings, cover offerings and excluding the expenses): -

1. 2019-’20 – Rs. 5,71,857/-

2. 2020-’21 – Rs. 5,12,170/-

3. 2021-’22 – Rs. 6,16,258/-

Family Sunday and Retreat: -

We had our Family Sunday on 1st December 2019 fol lowed by a Retreat which was led by our guest speaker Rev. C.I. David Joy, Principal, Kerala United Theologi cal Seminary at Kannammoola, Thiruvananthapuram. Fellowship lunch was served after the same which was sponsored by the Church Committee members. On 27th December 2020 and 19th December 2021 also, we had observed Family Sundays in Church despite the pandemic challenges. The Family Sunday was a time to come together as family partaking in the Holy Com munion and listening to the word of God. May God bless all our families.

Carol Service:Christmas Carol service was held on 14th December 2019 at 6:30 PM. We had Rev. Fr. John Ansil Vellara as guest speaker on the occasion. The Choir members have put in lot of efforts and weeks of practices to present melodious songs on the day. May we take the opportunity to appreciate and thank each one of them and the leadership for their commendable services. We could not have Carol services in 2020 and 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic situation. Our Choir partici pated in the offline Ecumenical Carol Service held on 5th January 2020 and in the online Ecumenical Carol Service held on 3rd January 2021.

Carol Rounds: -

In 2019, we had a blessed Carol Rounds with whole hearted participation of our Church members on 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, and 19th December. We used our own conveyances to visit every house to share the joy of Jesus Christ’s birth. We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who joined the Carol Rounds for singing and contributed for the collection. We also thank the families for providing snacks and arranging

dinner on the respective days.

In 2020 and 2021 from 17th December onwards, we had Virtual Carol Rounds due to the ongoing pandem ic situation, for six alternate days and three alternate days, respectively. We thank all the Church members who had joined for the practices and for the record ings. The online Carol rounds were held via Zoom platform and all our families joined on-time for the same on respective days. We thank all the families for attending the same and for the contributions for the collection.

Sunday School Children’s Christmas Program: -

Sunday School Christmas program was held on 15th December 2019 in Church, 20th December 2020(on line mode) and 19th December 2021(online mode and in Church) after the Worship Services. Skits and Carols presented by the children were commendable. We thank the Sunday school teachers and students for the efforts in presenting the talents for God’s glory despite the pandemic situation.

Christmas and New Year Service: -

The Christmas Day Service was held on 25th Decem ber at 7:30 AM every year. This was very well attended by our members. Christmas gifts were given to our children towards end of the Worship Service by Santa Claus. Christmas cake and tea was served after the service.

The Watch Night Service was held on 31st December 2019 and 2021 at 11:15 PM, where we waited in prayer for the New Year and took a new covenant with Lord. We had New Year Services on 1st January every year at 9 AM also. Cakes were distributed after all the services.

Church Retreat: -

The Annual Parish Retreat was held on 19th January 2020 after the Sunday Worship Service. Rev. Abraham Kuruvilla K. was the guest speaker. There was a large presence of our members who had a good opportunity to gain experience from the sessions. We had a fellow ship lunch after the Retreat. We thank Mr. Aroop M. Cherian who had conducted the Bible Quiz program following the Retreat.


Lenten Season: -

The Ash Wednesday Worship Services were held in Church with Holy Communion at 7 PM on 26th Feb ruary 2020, 17th February 2021 and 2nd March 2022, respectively. Cottage prayers were held in the follow ing weeks in 2019. In the Passion week, there was daily evening prayers in Church, except in 2020(due to the pandemic situation). In 2019, we had Mr. M.S. Venkitakrishnan as the guest speaker for the Passion week. All these services were well attended. Maundy Thursday Worship Services were held on 9th April 2020(online mode), 1st April 2021 and 14th April 2022 respectively at 7 PM. Good Friday services were held on 10th April 2020(online mode), 2nd April 2021(on line mode) and 15th April 2022 respectively at 9 AM. Kanji was served after Good Friday services in 2021 and 2022.

Women’s Fellowship Sunday: -

Women’s Fellowship Sunday was held on 1st March 2020, 7th March, 2021 and 6th March, 2022 during the triennium. We had games organized by our Youth after the Worship service on 1st March 2020 for the Wom en’s Fellowship. Our Church members Mrs. Jyothi Sara Koshy, Mrs. C. Regy Joseph and Mrs. Premeela Suresh were the speakers for the respective Sundays.

BHEL-Miyapur Satellite Worship: -

Considering the need for a second Worship Service in BHEL-Hitech city area, former CSI Moderator Rt. Rev. Thomas K. Oommen, and CSI Medak Diocese Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. A.C. Solomon Raj approved the Church Committee’s proposal for the same. The first Satellite Worship was held on 26th January 2020, followed by 16th February and 15th March 2020. Post the pandem ic period in 2022 the services are being held in evening on the last Sundays of every month. May the extension Worship centre become an opportunity for growth for the CSI Malayalam community in Hyderabad.

Purchase of ‘Order of Worship’ Books: -

As most of the existing books of Order of Worship were in torn condition, 30 new books were purchased (20 Malayalam and 10 transliterated) in 2019. All the books were sponsored. We express our gratitude to the members and well-wishers who had sponsored the purchase.

Cottage Prayers: -

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15. Cottage prayer meetings are a source of strength for our congregation. Prayer meetings were held in different houses as per their request. Members of those areas attended those meetings. During the pandemic period, online cottage prayer meetings were held via the Zoom platform. We encourage all the members to hold prayer meetings in their houses at least once in a year as it will be a blessing and time of fellowship.

Tithes: -

Tithe offerings were done by our members on 2nd Sunday of every month. Families prayerfully contrib ute their tithes which has been a blessing. Especially during this triennium, considering our Church con struction, families have put extra efforts towards the same. Tithes were considered for the Church building fund. Appreciate the families for the participation and pray that God reward them abundantly according to the riches in Glory.

Social Work: -

We have supported for medical assistance for needy ones based on requests received and as per sugges tions by Achen. Thanks to all the members who have contributed towards the same. May God bless them abundantly.

Lucky Draw: -

As a source of fund raising in conjunction with Church construction, there was a lucky draw initiative which was launched on 25th March 2021. Our Bishop prayed for the initiative on the same day, remembering the construction journey we had ahead. Despite the pan demic period and strict lockdown, the initiative was able to raise around 19 lakhs out of the targeted 30 lakhs. Since there was no capital expenditure due to the generous contribution of Church members who had sponsored the printing and the prizes, the amount raised could be used solely for the construction. We thank all the members for the participation via gener ous contributions, sponsorship of the initiatives and above all commitment to achieve the goal.


Church Construction: -

Our decades’ old dream of an own Church build ing could be realized when the construction started on 16th November 2020 at Yapral. It is with God’s grace; we were able to complete the construction of the Church floor to start worship in a timeframe of 16 months. Though there were multiple challenges during the initial phases right from getting the build ing permission from GHMC, area issues, financial difficulties, lockdowns, pandemic period and much more, it is God’s miracle to achieve this dream of de cades. The Church floor was completed in all respects. We take this opportunity to thank our congregation members, their relatives and friends, our well-wishers for the generous support and contributions financial ly to achieve this goal. Our members have sponsored majority of the Church items and furniture. May God bless the efforts and contributions. Flooring work of the Parish Hall and plastering of the Cellar needs to be completed. Details on the construction will be avail able in the building committee report. We take this opportunity to thank the efforts of our leaders’, Church members, committees in the past and the efforts of the Church and building committees in the triennium. It is not on our merits, but due to His grace, that such a milestone is reached despite the difficulties on the road ahead. May we thank God for His blessings on us to be witnesses for Him in the twin cities.

New Church Building Dedication: -

The new Church Building dedication was held on 9th April 2022 by Rt. Rev. Dr. A.C. Solomon Raj, Bishop in CSI Medak Diocese and by Rt. Rev. Dr. Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian, Bishop in Madhya Kerala Diocese in the presence of Bishopammas, Diocesan officers from both Dioceses. The Parish Hall was inaugurated by Bishopammas in the presence of Bishops on the same day. The dedication day worship service followed by public meeting was attended in large numbers by our congregation members, friends and well-wishers from the twin cities. The program was also livestreamed for viewers across the globe. We take this opportunity to thank all the Church and Building committee mem bers, congregation members and well-wishers who have toiled hard for the dedication day service arrange ments. We praise God for His blessings on our Parish and being able to witness a milestone event in our faith journey.

Monthly Accounts of the Pastorate: -

The monthly accounts of the Pastorate were published as part of the Parish newsletters. From the start of the pandemic period, Parish newsletters were published digitally, and it had included the cumulative monthon-month receipts and payments for the financial year. It was also an initiative to announce the receipts during the week on every Sundays to ensure regular commu nication on the same. I would like to thank Mr. Aroop M. Cherian who had helped to do an internal audit for the Church accounts for the triennium 2019-2022. The receipts and payments accounts for the last three years’ have been attached to this report.

We take this opportunity to thank all our congregation members for the wholehearted co-operation despite the difficult time in our history. We convey our grat itude to the Women’s fellowship, Youth Fellowship, Choir, Sunday School and the Building committee for the hard work and efforts during this triennium. It is our fellowship, efforts and prayers that we could wit ness God’s work during the unique period in history. May God bless them all abundantly. The Covid-19 period services required extra precautions and care to follow the protocols, thanks to all who put efforts especially the committee members in the tough times. Let us pray to God for protecting us and keeping us safe for His glory.

Conclusion: -

Let the name of God be glorified, when we were able to achieve our dream of decades despite the toughest times in history. We have learnt how to be resilient and how to adapt to the situations. It was a time where we have learnt to see His protection and guidance, since we have limitations as humans in this world. May we grow together spiritually, witnessing for Christ and living in fellowship. Our prayers were answered by the God Almighty which gives us hope to strive for ex panding His kingdom. May God bless all our families and all our members. May the years ahead be more fruitful to serve our Lord’s mission in the twin cities.

Thanking you all, The Church Committee



Receipt & Payment Account for the period 1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2019:

Cash In Hand 3,309.50

Choir Fund Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 35,000.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 482,136.05

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 8,500,000.00 9,020,445.55

Subscription 280,920.00

Birthday 116,500.00

Wedding Anniversary 46,400.00

Special Thanks Offering 34,550.00

Sunday Offertory 302,228.00

Cottage Prayer Offering 19,690.00

Baptism 5,600.00

Lenten Cover Offering 42,760.00

Lenten Cottage Prayer 3,880.00 46,640.00

Sunday Auction 100.00

Social Work Support 40096.00

Less: Financial assitance provided 30000.00 10,096.00

Vidhyarambham 12,150.00

Church Building Fund -- Donations Received 582,850.00

Theological Sunday Contribution 11,000.00

Less: Payment to Theological Education (Medak Diocese) 11,000.00 -

Savings Bank Interest 31,609.00

Interest received on Deposits 612,339.00

Less: TDS on FD Interest 61,875.00 550,464.00

Mission Support - Andhra Mission 15,600.00

Mission Support - Parkal Mission 5,000.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Cover collection 194,922.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Auction Proceeds 369,850.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Stall collection - Women’s & Youth League 7,085.00

Less: Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Expenses 40,002.00 531,855.00

Family Sunday Cover Offering 40,250.00

Contributions from Church Committee for Family Sunday Lunch 15,000.00

Less: Family Sunday Expenses 28,000.00 27,250.00

Marriage Banns 9,000.00



Cumulative Particulars Rupees Rupees

Salaries & Benefits to Achen:

Basic Pay 227,960.00

Non Working Wife’s Allowance 54,120.00

Provident Fund Contribution 18,040.00

Deputation Allowance 98,400.00

City Allowance 12,000.00

Children Education Allowance 12,000.00

Guest Allowance 12,000.00

Book Allowance 1,000.00

Conveyance and Vehicle Maintenance 66,367.00

Telephone & Internet charges 9,445.50

Cooking Gas 8,175.00

Electricity and Water 34,950.00 Christmas Gift 5,000.00

Family Medical Insurance 11,091.00

Additional Service Allowance - Satellite Worship 6,000.00 576,548.50

Medical Expenses for Kochamma 6,250.00

Printing & Stationary 65,850.00

Allowance and Reimbursement of Expenses to Guest Speakers 36,500.00

Good Friday Lunch Expenses 11,999.00

Communion Elements 8,430.00

Parsonage Repair and Maintenance 29,115.00

Washing Machine purchased for Parsonage 13,850.00 42,965.00

Chapel Repair and Maintenance 109,390.00

Chapel Maintenance :Salary--Helper 21,800.00

Assets Purchased for Chapel (Kadai) 2,350.00

Less: Donations received 11,750.00 121,790.00

Bank Charges 738.00

Funeral Expenses 5,500.00

Sunday Tea & Snacks / Other Misc Expenses 18,697.00

Election Expenses 10,000.00

Bibles purchased for Gifting 3,390.00 Honorarium to Organist 9,000.00

Expenses for Onam celebrations 33,770.00


Carol rounds 150,800.00

Less: Expenses for Carol rounds 6862.00 143,938.00

New Year Thanks Offering 32,201.00

Sponsorships for Satellite Worship Service 11,750.00

Less: Satellite Worship - Hall Rent 9,000.00 2,750.00

Choir Participation Fess - Funeral Service 3,000.00

Wedding Fees 8,000.00

TOTAL 11,838,836.55 12

Less: Donations from Box Collection 11,480.00 22,290.00

Loan to Vijay 14,000.00

Expenses Senior Citizen Sunday 2,910.00

Registration Fees for Town DCC Meetings 7,000.00

Church contribution towards NYC [2nd National Youth Confer ence] 23,000.00

VBS Expenses 30,473.00

Less: Donations received 20,600.00 9,873.00

Book of Knowledge - Publishing Expenses 4,000.00

Contribution to the Seminary 10,000.00

Purchase of Bible reading cards, Calendars and Almanac 10,420.00

Contribution to Diocesan Ministries 800,000.00

Less:Basic Pay 227,960.00

Less:Non Working Wife’s Allowance 54,120.00

Less: Provident Fund Contribution 18,040.00 499,880.00

Carol Service Expenses 6,000.00

Sunday school - Christmas program expenses 7,200.00

Less: Donation received 2,000.00 5,200.00

Church Decoration Expenses 1,560.00

Chirstmas Gift for member’s children 11,040.00 Christmas Service Expenses 4,297.00

Purchase of 30 Hymn Books/Marriage & Service Register 14,210.00

Less: Donations received 12,000.00 2,210.00

Expenses for Church Retreat 21,550.00

Closing Balance as on 31st March 2020 : Cash In Hand 6,608.50

Choir Fund Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 38,000.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 570,876.55

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 9,650,464.00 10,265,949.05

TOTAL 11,838,836.55



Receipt & Payment Account for the period 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2020:

Cash In Hand 6,608.50

Choir Fund Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 38,000.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 570,876.55

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 9,650,464.00 10,265,949.05

Subscription 233,850.00

Birthday 106,432.00

Wedding Anniversary 49,550.00

Special Thanks Offering 47,600.00

Sunday Offertory 135,980.00

Cottage Prayer Offering 12,000.00

Lenten Cottage Prayer Offering 2,000.00

Lenten Cover Offering 5,800.00

Social Work Support 150,000.00

Less: Financial assitance provided 146,000.00 4,000.00

Vidhyarambham 1,500.00

Church Building Fund -- Donations Received 4,490,665.00

Savings Bank Interest 34,254.00

Mission Support 8,600.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Cover collection 199,430.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Auction Proceeds 311,900.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival stall collecion - Women’s League 840.00

Less: Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Expenses 21,884.00 490,286.00

Wedding Banns and Marriage Fees 13,000.00

Sanitization Fees 2,000.00 Sponsorship for Monthly Newsletter 700.00

Fees received towards Tender Document submission - Church Construc tion 3,000.00

Interest earned on closure of Fixed Deposits


Less: Tax Deducted at source on Fixed Deposit Interest 20,924.00 687,997.00

Womens League Annual Subscription/ Auction / Cover Offering 8,300.00

Less: Amount handed over to the Womens League 8,300.00Sponsorship for Lucky Draw - Consolation Prizes 10,000.00 Sponsorship for Benches at New Church 100,000.00




Particulars Rupees Rupees

Salaries & Benefits to Achen:

Basic Pay 217,600.00

Non Working Wife’s Allowance 60,240.00

Provident Fund Contribution 20,080.00

Deputation Allowance 100,800.00

City Allowance 12,000.00

Children Education Allowance 12,000.00

Book Allowance 1,000.00

Guest Allowance 12,000.00

Interim Allowance 30,120.00

Chrismas Gift - Diocese 5,040.00

Chrismas Gift - Church 5,000.00

Conveyance and Vehicle Maintenance 23,520.00

Telephone & Internet charges 10,194.00

Cooking Gas 10,560.00

Electricity and Water 44,711.25

Family Medical Insurance 11,091.00 575,956.25

Medical Expenses for Kochamma’s Treatment 15,569.00

Printing & Stationary 11,678.00

Parsonage Repair and Maintenance 31,353.00

Aircooler purchased for Parsonage 8,950.00 40,303.00

Chapel Repair and Maintenance 17,337.50

Chapel Maintenance :Salary--Helper 46,100.00 63,437.50

Bank Charges 1,740.00

Funeral Expenses 3,600.00

Contribution to Diocesan Ministries 800,000.00

Less: Basic Pay 217,600.00

Less: Non Working Wife’s Allowance 60,240.00

Less: Provident Fund Contribution 20,080.00

Less: Interim Allowance 30,120.00

Less: Chrismas Gift by Diocese 5,040.00 466,920.00

Cemetry Maintenance 12,000.00

Audit Fees paid to Diocese 14,160.00


New Year Thanks Offering

Family Sunday Cover Offering 28,400.00

Contribution received towards construction of parsonage (St. Paul’s CSI Church, Vayalathala) 20,000.00

Less: Amount transferred to the Church account (St. Paul’s CSI Church, Vayalathala) 20,000.00 -

Carol Rounds 103,000.00

Less: Carol Practice Expenses 3,334.00 99,666.00

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons 130,000.00

Sunday Auction

700.00 TOTAL 17,003,330.05 16

Communion Elements 1,120.00

Contribution towards the Consecration Expenses of New Bishop - Madhya Kerala 10,000.00

Lucky Draw Coupon Printing charges 21,100.00

Less: Sponsorship received for printing 20,000.00 1,100.00

Purchase of Medak Calenders 4,900.00

Honorarium to Organist 14,000.00

Internet charges (Purchase of WIFI Router + Monthly Charges) 4,192.00

New Year Service Expenses 1,185.00

Monthly Subscription for Zoom Account 7,670.00

Sundries 15,533.00

Christmas Service Expenses 2,894.00

Church Decoration Expenses 1,386.00

Church Building Construction Expenses

Civil Works 12,564,076.00

Building Insurance Premium 46,146.00

Electricity Connection charges 12,150.00

Legal Fees for Ceveat 140,000.00

Structural Engineer 120,000.00

Liasoning and Paper Work 54,970.00

Borewell drilling, Pump and electrical fittings 108,244.00

TDS Deducted and Remitted 127,254.00 13,172,840.00

Closing Balance as on 31st March 2021 :

Cash In Hand 11,774.75

Choir Fund Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 38,000.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Se cunderabad 2,511,371.55 2,561,146.30

TOTAL 17,003,330.05



Receipt & Payment Account for the period 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2021:

Cash In Hand 11,774.75

Choir Fund Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Se cunderabad 38,000.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 2,511,371.55 2,561,146.30

Subscription 330,500.00

Birthday 125,951.00

Wedding Anniversary 50,550.00

Special Thanks Offering 104,120.00

Sunday Offertory 244,887.00

Family Sunday Thanks Offering 36,400.00

Lenten Cover Offering 20,250.00

Social Work Support 7,000.00

Vidhyarambham 7,800.00

Church Building Fund -- Donations Received 13,895,832.75

Savings Bank Interest 26,486.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Cover collection 205,807.72

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Auction Proceeds 408,250.00

Church Building Fund - Harvest Festival Games 2,200.00

Less: Harvest Festival Expenses 30,737.00 585,520.72

Sponsorship for Lucky Draw - Consolation Prizes 10,000.00

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons 1,749,100.00

Sponsorship for Church Furniture 1,254,520.00

Sponsorship for HVLS Fan 200,600.00

Sponsorship for Stainglass 122,000.00

Sponsorship for Lightning 19,000.00 Sponsorship for PA System 121,000.00

Baptism Offering 2,000.00

Interest received from Fixed Deposit 1,147.00

Cottage Prayer 6,000.00

Mission Sunday 9,550.00

Sponsorship for Doors and Windows 257,000.00

Sunday auction 3,450.00

Collection received from Women’s League 37,950.00




Particulars Rupees Rupees

Salaries & Benefits to Achen:

Basic Pay 240,400.00

Non Working Wife’s Allowance 66,960.00

Provident Fund Contribution 20,600.00

Deputation Allowance 102,800.00

City Allowance 12,000.00

Children Education Allowance 12,000.00

Interim Allowance 30,900.00

Conveyance and Vehicle Maintenance 59,118.00 Cooking Gas 8,600.00 Christmas Gift 5,000.00

Electricity and Water 34,198.00

Family Medical Insurance 16,296.00 Book Allowance 1,000.00

Guest Allowance 12,000.00 621,872.00

Printing & Stationary 13,836.00

Parsonage Repair and Maintenance 24,121.00

Telephone Allowance 15,827.00

Chapel Repair and Maintenance 2,683.00 Chapel Maintenance :Salary--Helper 50,100.00 52,783.00

Soft Loan to Vijay 20,000.00

Less: Loan Recovered 20,000.00Bank Charges 3,891.00

Christmas - Church Decoration 1,314.00 Contribution to Diocesan Ministries 819,000.00

Less: Basic Pay 240,400.00

Less: Non Working Wife’s Allowance 66,960.00

Less: Provident Fund Contribution 20,600.00

Less: Interim Allowance 30,900.00 460,140.00

Communion Elements 2,500.00

Monthly Internet charges at Chapel 9,912.00 Monthly Subscription for Zoom Account 18,408.00


Less: Amount handed over to Women’s League 37,950.00 -

Collection received for Carol Rounds 84,400.00

Less: Virtual Carol Rounds - Recording Charges 6,000.00 78,400.00

Contribution towards plantation in New Church 10,000.00

New Year Thanks Offering 29,651.00

Missionary Support 9,400.00

Vellore Mission Centre support 14,000.00

Souvenir Advertisement 84,000.00

Contribution from Committee members towards Church Dedication 10,000.00

TOTAL 21,987,261.77


Sundries 26,053.00

Guest Speaker Allowance 7,000.00

Purchase of Bible Reading cards 600.00

Purchase of Christmas Gifts 9,660.00

Purchase of Calender 4,400.00

Church Building Construction Expenses

Civil Works 17,694,626.91

Electricity charges 46,798.00

Legal Fees for Ceveat 304,000.00

Payment to Structural Engineer 50,000.00

Advance paid to CMS Industrial School - Church Furniture 1,200,000.00

Advance paid for HVLS Fan 100,000.00

Advance paid for Glass works 180,000.00

TDS deducted and remitted 282,454.00

Advance paid for Church Dedication Stone 5,000.00

Rain Harvesting Pit and Plantation Charges 64,300.00

Lighting charges 33,835.00

PA System 144,600.00 20,105,613.91

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2022 :

Cash In Hand 24,413.75

Choir Fund Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Se cunderabad 38,000.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, SD Road, Secunderabad 546,917.11 609,330.86

TOTAL 21,987,261.77



To the Church Committee

C.S.I. Malayalam Pastorate

Secunderabad, Telangana, India

I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the C.S.I. Malayalam Pastorate , which comprise the statements of receipts and payments on a cash basis as of March 31, 2020, and the related statements of support for revenue and expenses on a cash basis for the year then ended.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the cash basis of accounting; this includes determining that the cash basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statements in the circumstances. Management is also responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, I express no such opinion on the design or functioning of the internal control systems of the entity.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.


In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the receipts and payments and closing cash and cash equivalent balances of the C.S.I. Malayalam Pastorate as of March 31, 2020, and its support, revenue, and expenses for the years then ended in accordance with the cash basis of accounting.

Aroop M Cherian

Digitally signed by Aroop M Cherian

Date: 2020.06.26


Aroop M Cherian, Principal Cherian Advisors Secunderabad, Telangana June 26, 2020



To the Church Committee

C.S.I. Malayalam Pastorate

Secunderabad, Telangana, India

I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the C.S.I. Malayalam Pastorate, which comprise the statements of receipts and payments on a cash basis as of March 31, 2021, and the related statements of support for revenue and expenses on a cash basis for the year then ended.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the cash basis of accounting; this includes determini ng that the cash basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statements in the circumstances. Management is also responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due t o fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, I express no such opinion on the design or functioning of the internal control systems of the entity.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.


In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the receipts and payments and closing cash and cash equivalent balances of the C.S.I. Malayalam Pastorate as of March 31, 2021, and its support, revenue, and expenses for the years then ended in accordance with the cash basis of accounting.

Aroop M Cherian

Digitally signed by Aroop M


Date: 2021.04.30

11:04:11 +05'30'

Aroop M Cherian, Principal Cherian Advisors

Secunderabad, Telangana

April 30, 2021



To the Church Committee

Immanuel CSI Malayalam Church Hyderabad Secunderabad Yapral, Telangana, India

I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Immanuel CSI Malayalam Church Hyderabad Secunderabad, which comprise the statements of receipts and payments on a cash basis as of March 31, 2022, and the related statements of support for revenue and expenses on a cash basis for the year then ended.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the cash basis of accounting; this includes determini ng that the cash basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statements in the circumstances. Management is also responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due t o fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, I express no such opinion on the design or functioning of the internal control systems of the entity.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.


In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the receipts and payments and closing cash and cash equivalent balances of the Immanuel CSI Malayalam Church Hyderabad Secunderabad as of March 31, 2022, and its support, revenue, and expenses for the years then ended in accordance with the cash basis of accounting.

Aroop M Cherian

Digitally signed by Aroop M Cherian

Date: 2022.10.11 10:07:51 +05'30'

Aroop M Cherian, Principal Cherian Advisors

Secunderabad, Telangana

October 11, 2022


Individual Statement 2019-2020

Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Rev. Santhosh TT 600 500 500 11,000 500 1,500

Leena Santhosh 600 300

Aaron Lestly Santhosh

Abraham V C 500 1,000 500 5,000 500 Ancy Abraham 250 Shebin Abraham 1,000 Sherin Abraham 300

Abraham Varkey 1,200 500 500 500 3,200

Jolly Abraham 600

Aleyamma David 1,200

Anil Kumar K 200 2,500 Sonia Anil Kumar 500 Adiran Ben Joshua Evelina Jane 500 2,000

Chandy Abraham 1,200 1,000 1,000 5,000

Leela Chandy 1,200

Pradeep Abraham 12,000 500 20,000

Anina Pradeep Abraham 12,000

Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Individual Statement

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Contribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing


New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total

500 500 17,100 900 100 1001,000 8,500 250 1,000 200 5002,000 500 1,000 9,400 6001,2002,000 500 5,200 500 500 500 2,500 -

2,000 2,000 13,800 1,2002,000 34,500 12,000


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Annamma John 200 500 500 12,000 1,000 Manu Sam John 200

Nikhil C Jacob 500 Anu Thomas 500

Ashish P Joseph 1,500 500 500 3,000 2,000 2,876 13,400 Mary Ashish Joseph 1,500 1,000 2,000 2,876

Avish John Thomas 200 100 700

Babu Mathew 250 150 500 Sonya Mathew 300 4,100

Babu P John 1,200 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 5,000 Prathiba Babu 1,200 500 Jithun John 500 500 Reshma Elizabeth John 500 Ayush P John 500

Babu Varghese 1,200 500 500 500 34,200 1,300 4,600 Rachel Babu 1,200 1,200 Elizabeth Varghese 500 Jerome Varghese 500

Varghese T V 1,000 200 200 Thomas Varghese 1,000 1,000 5,800 Betty Thomas 1,000 Joel Varghese Thomas Biju T.O 12,000 500 1,000 1,000 6,500 3,200 Anitha Biju 2,400 500 750


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing


sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total -

1,000 500 500 16,200 200500 5002,000 1,000 1,000 1,930 29,706 7,3761,000 400 2,4004,000 500 300 2,500 8,200 4,4002,000 1,000 1,000 4,000 17,700 1,700 1,000 500 5002,000 500 500 45,800 1,000 3,400 500 5001,000 2,400 1,000 8,800 1,000 300 300 -

5,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 32,200 3,650


Member Name Subscrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Aju Oommen 500 Aaron T Thomas 500

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Biju Thomas 500 500 500 100 1,000 8,400

Suja Biju 300 300

Sibin Tom Koshy 500 Silva Koshy 200

Jobin Joy 250 Blessy Mariam Paul 250

Saramma Mathew Kurian 1,200 500 300 700 Bobby Kurian Mathew 1,200 500 1,000 1,000 5,000

Susan Abraham 1,200 500 Melvin Kurian Mathew 300 500

Sharon M Kurain 200

Brig. E J George 3,600 500 2,000 5,100 Usha George 2,400

Chacko Chacko 500 500 500 500 25,500 500 7,000 Rachel Chacko 500 500

Subin V S 500 200 Sebin VS 500

Cheri Bob Luke 2,400 1,000 1,000 500 22,400 100 2,000 4,000 Sally C Bob 2,400 500 1,000 Naveen Cherian 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 5,000 9,800

Tina Naveen Cherian 2,000 1,000 15,000 1,500

Amit Luke Cherian 500


Social Work Sup port

Marriage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wedding Fees

Sponsor ship Choir Fees Total


1,000 -

1,000 300 100 14,400 600


300250 250 -

300 3,200 2,000 1,000 11,700 1,700


400 -

500 500 7,250 22,450 2,4002,000 500 200 37,700 1,000 700 5001,000 500 1,000 35,900 3,900 1,000 1,000 1,000 32,800 19,500



Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Cherian K O 500 11,500 7,500

Leeja Ann Cherian 500 7,500 2,500

Achamma Oomman 500

Thomas George Cherian 500

Jacob Thomas Cherian 500

Cherian T George 1,600 500 500 500 2,210 5,500 Alice Cherian 1,600 1,500 500 2,210

George T Cherian 6,000 1,500 1,000 5,000 5,500 Jeena Rachel Cherian 500

Col. Varghese S J 500 500 2,000 4,000

Sobi J Varghese 500 Alan John Varghese 300 Ann Elza Varghese 500

Mariamma Abraham 1,000

Cyrus Abraham 1,000 1,000 500

Jyothsna Cyrus Abraham 500

Leanna Abraham Malayil

500 Celin Abraham 500

David D 1,000


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total -

2,000 21,500 10,500 500 500 100 600 -

8,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 800 25,610

14,500 20,310 5,000 1,000 800 25,800 1,000 500 2,0007,000 500 300 250 7501,000 1,500 1,000 5,000 500 500 500 1,0001,000 -


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Joshua Joseph 300 150 3,000 500

Saramma Joshua 500 200 2,000

Denisen Joshua 300 200

Dona Joshua 200 200

Harvest Festival Auction

Philip P P 600 1,000 200 4,200 1,600 8,300

Chachyamma Philip 600 500

Doni Philip 600 500 500 500 16,000 2,000 7,400

Rebecca Doni Philip 600 500

Grace Doni Philip 500

Faith Doni Philip 500

Dr. Pushpa Cherian 6,000 1,000 1,500 1,500

Dr. R M Cherian 6,000 500 500 2,000 7,500

Aroop Cherian 6,000 1,000 1,500 500 2,000 61,500

Mary Cherian 6,000 1,000

Alisha Elizabeth Cherian 1,000

Jacob M Oommen 6,000

Susan Rachel Jacob 6,000

Thomas M Jacob 6,000 2,000

Mathew Oommen 1,000 500 500 1,500 500

Molly Mathew 500

Rony Mathew 200 2,000

Rincy Mathew 500

Molly George 1,200


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total

1,300 500 500 6,250 2,700 500 4002,000 200 18,100 1,100 2,000 29,500 1,100 500 1,000 500 1,00010,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 21,500 2,000 1,000 75,500 7,000 1,000 2,0006,000 6,000 8,0001,500 1,000 500 7,000 500 5,000 7,200 500 3,000 4,0001,200 -


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Annamma Oommen 600 300 500 200 1,000

George Oommen 1,000 200 200 200 500

Jaisamma George 200

Justeen George Oommen 100

Jaison George Joseph 200

Harvest Festival Auction


George Thomas 300 500 200 1,500 1,000 3,700 Lucy George 300 200 Aleena Annamma George

Issac George 1,200 500 Susan Issac 1,200 Yohan George Issac 1,200 300

Zarina Sara Yohan 1,200

Reuben Jacob Issac 1,200

Rhea Mathew Reuben 1,200

Jacob C I 600 500 500 500 12,000 1,000 4,500 Annamma Jacob 500 500

Ivan Jacob 500 500 500 500 200 12,900 600

Mary Mini 300 500 11,100 300

Jacob Punnoose 600 1,500 500 55,000 5,000 3,600 Susan Jacob 600 500 Justin P Jacob 600 500 500 Jaison M Jacob 600 500


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total

1,000 3,6001,000 500 3,600 500 700 100 200 100 3001,500 300 9,000 500 200 5005,000 6,700 1,200 500 2,000 1,200 1,200 1,2001,500 500 500 22,100 1,000 300 300 16,300 12,2002,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 700 72,400 1,100

1,800 200 1,300 -


Member Name Subscrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Jacob Varghese 1,000 500 500 2,000 Varghese Jacob 600 100 200 6,500 500 Sheeja Varghese 600 Aaron Varghese 100

Alenna Ann Varghese 100

Varsha Ammu Varghese 100 Philip Jacob 100 Dr. John Jacob 100 Grace John 100 Joshua John 100 Dr. Sherin John 100

Harvest Festival Auction

Jarin T Jacob 2,500 1,000 1,000 500 2,000 3,000 6,500 Annie Susan Jose W/o Jarin 1,500 1,000

Tanya Elsa Thomas 500

Jelson Mathew 300 100 200 100 3,050 Liza Varghese 300 100 Mariamma Mathew 300 500

Jisa Mathew 200

Susha Thomas Mani 500 500 1,000 5,000 19,000

Jeswin Thomas 500 500 1,000 Minu Jeswin Mani 500

Tristan Thomas Mani Jeweline Thomas Mani 500

Jikku M Joseph 1,000 500 3,500 Jeeva Joseph 1,000


Social Work Sup port

Marriage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wedding Fees

Sponsor ship Choir Fees Total 4,000

1,000 500 9,400 600 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 100 100 100 1002,500 1,000 20,000 2,500 5001,000 200 4,950 400 800 2001,000 500 27,500

1,000 3,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,000 5002,000 500 7,500 1,000


Member Name Subscrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Kevin Chacko Joseph 500

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

John P M 500 500 200 34,000 1,000 9,300

Usha Kumari T L (John) 500

Joemol John

Vipin Jacob 500 500 500

Lacitha Vipin 500 Jonathan Jacob Vipin 500

Jake Vipin Paul 500 Paulose D 1,000

Joseph C S 100 500 Neethu Liza Jose 250 500

Joy Mathew 1,200 500 500 1,000 5,000 Rosamma Mathew 700 1,000

Justus John 500 7,000 2,000 Geethanjali John 200 Emmanuel John 200 300

Koshy P Thomas 3,600 500 500 6,200 6,000 6,600

Jyothi Sara Koshy 1,200 500

Davia Miriam Koshy 500

Dania Jay Koshy 500

Kuruvila T 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Lily Kuruvila 1,200 1,000

Sally Alex 500 500 1,000 500


Social Work Sup port

Marriage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wedding Fees

Sponsor ship Choir Fees Total

100 600 -

1,500 500 500 48,000 500 100 1002,000 500 500 3,000 7,500 500 500 1,000 500 1,0001,000 200 200 2,000 7508,200 1,700 -

1,500 1,000 500 12,500 200 5003,000 5,000 500 500 3,320 35,720 1,700 500 1,000 5001,000 1,000 1,000 8,200 2,2001,000 300 300 4,100


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Biji Cherian Alex 500 500

Binu Abraham Alex 500 1,000

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Synu Alex 200 500

Leandra Sarah Alex 200

Luke Alex Abraham 500

Manas Cherian Alex 500

Shimona Alex 500 Ronak John Alex 200

P D Thampi 1,000 Leelamma Thampi 500

Lijo Thampi 500 1,000 500 1,000 4,700 Niji Lijo Thampi 500 Jairus Lijo 2,000 250

Abraham A.C 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 7,000

Lissy Abraham 1,000 1,000 500 2,000 Robin Abraham 1,000 Rini Abraham 1,000 1,000 1,000

SamuelKutty A 300

Lissy Samuel 300 Sandeep Samuel 300 300 2,000 10,500 1,000 Reena Sandeep 300 1,500 1,400 Kevin S Samuel 500

Mariyam Jacob 6,000 500 500 2,900 500 7,600 George V Mathew 500 Jacob V Mathew 500


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total 1,000

1,000 2,500 700 100 300 500 500 100 600 2002,000 3,000 500 7,700 500 2,250 -

3,000 1,000 1,000 18,500 4,500 1,000 3,000 -

1,000 1,300 300 500 14,600 3,200 5003,000 1,000 500 1,750 24,250 500 500


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Mary John 1,000 500 1,000

Mino P Mathew 1,000 1,000 500 200 11,500 3,000 7,750 Josna Mino 1,000

Mohan Mathew 1,200 500 1,000 500 6,000 1,000 3,300 Saramma Mohan 1,000 500

Ashwin Thomas Mohan 1,200 500 5,500 1,500

Ashish Mathew Mohan 2,000 1,000 500 2,000

Varghese Abraham 600 100 200 200 12,000 1,000

Mony Varghese 600 100 1,000 Sneha Sara Varghese 100 Sachin Abraham Varghese 600 100 1,000

Saibal C 1,500 1,000 1,000 500 30,000 5,000 23,100 Neena Saibal 1,500 500 500 20,000 2,000 Nathaniel Saibal 500

Nithin Koshy

Rachel Issac 3,800 1,000 500 1,000 4,000 Issac K Issac 500

Rajan John 2,000 100 500 500 500 Alice Rajan 500 100

Amel John Abel John 100

Ranjith Mathew 500 500 Dr. Sushil Mathew 500


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total -

1,500 4,000 -

2,500 500 500 28,450 1,000 -

2,000 1,000 500 500 17,500 1,500 8,700 5,5001,200 200 100 15,600 1,700 100 200 1,700 -

3,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 72,100 5,000 29,500 500 1,0005,000 5,000 -

2,000 100 200 500 13,100 5001,500 150 100 5,350 600 100 100 1001,000 500 3,000 5,500 500


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Shiji Kumar P.S 1,000 4,000 Renu Mathew 2,000

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Mary Jacob 1,200 500 500 6,100 1,000 10,800

Sujith Jacob 500 Reuba Elizabeth Jacob

Aiden Jacob 500 Anaaya Jacob 1,000

Susan Anna Jacob 1,000 1,000 3,000

Thankam Edwin 600 1,000

Rijith Edwin 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 49,000 8,000 6,200 Lynnet Alice Edwin 1,200 1,000 500 11,000 3,500

Riya Grace Edwin 1,000 500 Joel Edwin 300

Sabu M Mathew 2,000 1,500


Koshy 500 500 1,000 500 1,000

Tharian Koshy 750 500 500 1,000 5,000

Shibi Tharian 750 500 Shalaka Sara Tharian 300

Sanjit Koshy Tharian 300

Saramma Babu 2,500 500 500 12,000 1,000

Shajimon Thomas 1,000 400 250 200 2,500 300 7,100

Reni Shajimon Thomas 1,000


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total5,000 2,000 -

2,000 500 22,600 500 500 500 500 1,000 500 1,500 3,000 8,0001,600

2,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 75,900 17,200 1,500

6003,500500 500 4,500 1,000 8,750 1,250

600 300 6001,000 17,5001,000 200 2,500 3,000 18,450



Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Mariamma Thomas 500

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Varghese Thomas 500 500 200 1,200 500

Sici Thomas 500

Nithin Varghese 200

Stephen C Koshy 600 200 500 500 1,000 1,000

Sophy Koshy 500 300

Adeline C Koshy 600 300 Evelyn C Koshy 600 300

Sujith Philip 1,200 1,000 1,000 500 17,500 5,000 5,300 Anu Anna Abraham 1,200 500 3,000 15,000 3,000

Alvin Philip Sujith 500 Evin Abraham Sujith 1,000 Abraham Eapen & Lissy Abraham


Thomas A J 500 200 500 200 1,300 1,000 3,000 Alice Thomas 500 200 Jessy Thomas 500 200

Thomas John 1,500 500 1,000 500 500 Mariamma Thomas 1,500 500 John Thomas 3,000

Thomas Koshy 700 500 500 500 1,000 5,300 Jessy Thomas Koshy 500 500 Nithin Koshy Thomas 500 500 500


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total 500 -

1,500 200 200 4,800 500 200500 500 4,800 800 3,000 3,900 9002,000 2,000 1,000 36,500 22,700 500 1,000 1,000 5001,000 300 8,000 700 7001,000 500 300 5,800 2,000

1,500 4,5001,000 500 300 10,300 1,000 500 2,000


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Neha Sarah Thomas 500 500

Namitha Annie Koshy

Lini Rajan Koshy 500

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Thomas P V 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 7,000

Regy Joseph 2,000 1,000 3,000 2,000

Thomas Paul 200

Chacko George 300 200 400 Amminni George 200 200

Biju George 2,000 1,000 Anugraha Anna Biju 1,000

Ratna PJ 300 Ann Oommen 25,000

Mithun G Koshy 600 200 500 2,000 1,000

Sabitha Mithun 600 Amy Ann Mithun 250

Shaju V Joseph

Dr. Reena Grace Shaju 500

Achamma Varghese 2,000 1,000

Rajeev 200 Sherin 300

K C Cherian 2,040 500 2,000 500

Vinod Cherian 2,040 500 500


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns

Vidhyarambam Carol Rounds

VBS Con tribu tion

Family Thanks Offer ing

Bap tism

New Year Offer ing

Mis sion Sup port

Wed ding Fees

Spon sor ship Choir Fees Total 1,000

3,000 3,000 5002,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 23,000 2,500 10,5002001,000 1,900 400 1,000 4,000 1,000500 8002,500 27,5001,500 500 300 6,600 600 250 5001,500 1,500 5002,000 5,000 200 3002,000

11,040 4,000 7,040


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birthday Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer inf

Dona tion Church Build ing Fund

Sunday Auc tion

Harvest Festival Cover

Pramod Cherian 2,040 500 500

Harvest Festival Auction

Ashley John Varghese 1,200 500 5,000 12,500

Reshmi Ashley 1,000

Serene Susan John 500

Lullu John 6,000 2,500 2,000

Jerry Alias Jacob

Mathew Vipin 2,500 10,000 5,000 Shruthi Susan Moncy 2,500

Daya Alice 1,000

Nidhin Itty 500 1,000 700 Rinu Itty 500 500 Debirah Nidhin Itty 500

Yohanan P M 1,000

Preeti Gabriel 1,000 1,000

Anjay Mathew 1,200 600 500 2,000 2,500 Nisha Mathew 1,200 500

Senson Philip Cherian 1,200 2,000

Jessy Thomas George 1,200 1,300

John G Chandy Sunand


Social Work Sup port

Mar riage Banns




Year Offer

ding Fees





7,040 -

3,000 24,500 1,000 500 -

5,000 18,0001,000 1,0001,000 18,500 2,500 1,000 -

4,200 1,000 500 -

1,5002,000 -

1,000 8,300 1,7003,200 -

3,900 -

501 -


VBS Con tribu
Offer ing Bap tism New
ing Mis sion Sup
Spon sor
Total 4,000
1,200 200


Shiji C Nainan

Thomas John (Benny)



500 500 500 10 500 Naveen Varghese (Parel) 300
Abraham Total 281,420 116,500 46,400 34,550 42,760 582,850 100 194,922 369,850 54
600 600 500 500 4,550 4,550 2,696 50 500 600 100 5,956 300 2,000 2,000 40,096 9,000 12,150 150,800 20,600 40,250 5,600 32,201 20,600 8,000 52,500 3,000 2,046,149 55

Member Name Sub scrip tion

Individual Statement 2020-2021

Birth day

Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

Sun day Offer tory

Cot tage Prayer

Lenten Cot tage Offer ing

Lent en Cover Of fering

Social Work Sup port

Vidh yaram bam

Dona tionChurch Build ing Fund

Mis sion Sup port

Har vest Fes tival Cover

Harvest Festival Auc tion

Rev. Santhosh TT 600 1,500 1,000 11,000 500 2,600

Leena Santhosh 600 500

Abraham V C 600 50,000 500 4,600

Ancy Abraham 600

Abraham Varkey 1,200 1,000 1,000 500 2,700

Jolly Abraham 600 1,000

Anil Kumar K 1,500 3,000 Sonia Anil Kumar 1,500

Pradeep Abraham 12,000 1,500 3,000

Anina Pradeep Abraham 12,000 1,500

Annamma John 600 200 500 106,000 1,500 10,200

Manu Sam John 9,500

Ashish P Joseph 1,500 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 2,000 63,000 3,375 9,300

Mary Ashish Joseph 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,375

Babu Mathew 500 250 2,000 Jessy Mathew 500

Babu P John 1,200 500 6,000

Prathiba Babu 1,200 500

Babu Varghese 1,500 500 1,000 33,000 1,500

Rachel Babu 1,500 500 1,500

Jerome Varghese 1,000 500

Mar riage Banns

Wed ding Fees

Saniti zation Fees

Individual Statement

News Letter Sponsor ship

Ten der Fees

Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts

Spon sorship for Benches

New Year Of fering

Family Thanks Offering

Carol rounds

Contribution towards con struction of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total

500 500 1,000 10,000 29,200 1,100

1,000 10,000 67,200 600 1,000 7,400 1,600

2,000 7,500 1,500 16,500 13,500

200 10,000 129,700 9,500

2,000 20,000 109,175 10,875

500 10,000 13,750 500

2,000 10,200 1,700

500 2,000 700 41,200 3,500 1,500


Elizabeth Varghese 1,000 500 1,000

Thomas Varghese 500 25,000

Biju T.O 13,000 500 1,000 10,000 6,000 3,000

Anitha Biju 2,600 500

Aju Oommen 1,000 500

Aaron T Thomas 1,000 500

Biju Thomas 500 500 45,500 1,000 3,000

Suja Biju 500

Sibin Tom Koshy 500

Saramma Mathew Kurian

1,200 500

Bobby Kurian Mathew 1,200 500 1,000 1,500 6,000

Susan Abraham 1,200 500 Melvin Kurian Mathew

300 Sharon M Kurian 300

Brig. E J George 3,600 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 80,000 3,000 4,500

Usha George 1,200 500

Chacko Chacko 53,000 1,000

Cheri Bob Luke 1,500 1,000 1,000 157,230 2,400 12,100

Sally C Bob 1,500 1,000

Naveen Cherian 1,000 25,000 5,000 5,000

Tina Naveen Cherian 2,000 23,000

Amit Luke Cherian 2,000

Cherian K O 7,500 2,000

Leeja Ann Cherian 2,500

Cherian T George 1,600 580 500 1,000 1,500 200,000 1,600 2,240 5,000

Member Name Sub scrip tion Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offer ing Sun day Offer tory Cot tage Prayer Lenten Cot tage Offer ing Lent en Cover Of fering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Dona tionChurch Build ing Fund Mis sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion Mar riage Banns Wed ding Fees


der Fees

ship for Lucky Draw Gifts

Spon sorship for Benches

Of fering

Thanks Offering


Contribution towards con struction of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 2,500

1,000 1,000 1,000 28,500

2,000 2,000 2,000 39,500 3,100 1,500 1,500 1,000 51,500 500 500 1,700

1,500 600 2,000 14,300 1,700 300 300 104,100 1,700 500 2,500 57,000

1,000 1,000 1,000 178,230 2,500

1,000 2,000 20,000 59,000 25,000 2,000

2,000 2,000 2,500 16,000 2,500

1,000 1,000 3,000 219,020

zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten
New Year

Name Sub scrip tion



ding Anni

Special Thanks Offer ing

day Offer tory

Alice Cherian 1,600 1,000 11,000 2,240

George T Cherian 6,000 1,000 12,000 9,000 5,000 7,400 3,000

Jeena Rachel Cherian 1,000 1,600 2,000

Mary George 1,200 2,000 3,000

Mariamma Abraham 1,000 500 1,500 50,000

Cyrus Abraham 1,000 500 1,000 3,000

Jyothsna Cyrus Abraham

Leanna Abraham Malayil

1,000 500


Celine Abraham Malayil

500 Collins Abraham 1,000 Mini Abraham 1,000

Joshua Joseph 1,500 1,000 4,300 Saramma Joshua 500

Philip P P 500 1,000 1,000 300 207,200 1,100 7,750 Chachyamma Philip 500 500

Doni Philip 500 1,000 500 54,000 2,000 7,750 Rebecca Doni Philip 500 500

Grace Doni Philip 500

Faith Doni Philip 500

Dr. R M Cherian 1,500 2,000 1,500 18,000 500,000

Dr. Pushpa Cherian 1,500

Alisha Elizabeth Cherian


Aroop Cherian 1,500 1,500 1,500 Mary Cherian 1,000

Jacob M Oommen 6,000

Susan Rachel Jacob 6,000

tage Prayer
Lenten Cot
tage Offer ing
Cover Of
Work Sup port
Vidh yaram bam Dona
tionChurch Build ing Fund
sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion Mar riage Banns Wed ding Fees

con struction of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 15,840 10,000 53,400 4,600 6,200


6,500 1,500 500 500 1,000 1,000 6,800 500

300 2,000 10,000 231,350 1,000

500 2,000 68,750 1,000 500 500

2,500 2,000 530,000 1,500 1,500 4,500 1,000 6,000 6,000

Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds Contribution towards

Thomas M Jacob 6,000

Mathew Oommen 1,000 500 1,000 500 500

Molly Mathew 1,000

Rony Mathew 1,000 3,000 1,500 3,600

Rincy Mathew 1,000 25,000

Annamma Oommen 600 500 15,000 1,000

George Oommen 500 1,000

Jaisamma George 500

Justin George Joseph 1,000

Jaison George Joseph 500

George Thomas 300 500 500 1,400

Lucy George 300

Aleena Annamma George


Issac George 1,200 22,000

Susan Issac 1,200

Yohan George Issac 1,200

Zarina Sara Yohan 1,200

Reuben Jacob Issac 1,200

Rhea Mathew Reuben 1,200

Jacob C I 600 500 500 1,000 33,000 1,300 2,000

Annamma Jacob 500 500

Ivan Jacob 600 500 500 8,000 500 800

Mary Mini 500 500 12,000 300

Jacob Punnoose 500 1,000 2,500 1,000 1,500 60,000 3,500

Susan Jacob 500 500

Justin P Jacob 500 1,000

Jaison M Jacob 1,000 1,000

Member Name Sub scrip tion Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offer
Offer tory Cot tage
Lenten Cot
tage Offer ing
en Cover Of fering Social Work Sup port
Vidh yaram bam Dona
tionChurch Build ing Fund
sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion Mar riage Banns
ding Fees


of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for

of Lucky draw coupons

of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 6,000

6,000 1,000 9,100


18,600 1,500 500 1,000 500

3,700 300 500 23,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

41,400 1,000

11,400 13,300

82,500 1,000 1,500 2,000

Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds Contribution towards
500 2,000
500 1,000
500 500 1,500
10,000 500 1,000 1,000


Sub scrip tion

Jacob Varghese 600


Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

day Offer tory



Offer ing



tionChurch Build ing Fund

Mis sion Sup port

Har vest Fes tival Cover

Harvest Festival Auc tion

Mar riage Banns

Wed ding Fees


Varghese Jacob 600 4,000 Sheeja Varghese 600 Aaron Varghese 100 Varsha Ammu Varghese

Jarin T Jacob 2,500 1,000 1,000 4,000 Annie Susan Jose 1,500 1,000

Jelson Mathew 200 300 Susha Thomas Mani 500 100,000 Jeswin Thomas 500 1,000 2,000 Minu Jeswin Mani 500

Jeweline Thomas Mani 1,000 Tristan Thomas Mani 1,000

Jikku M Joseph 4,000 17,000 6,400

John P M 500 30,000 500

Vipin Jacob 5,000 10,000 100,000 11,700

Joseph C S 1,200 500 1,200 Neethu Liza Jose 500

Joy Mathew 1,200 500 500 25,000 1,000 Rosamma Mathew 700 500 1,000

Justus John 5,000 Koshy P Thomas 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 186,735 6,500 10,400

Jyothi Sara Koshy 1,000

Cot tage
Lenten Cot tage
Lent en
Vidh yaram bam Dona


of Parsonage

ship for

of Lucky draw coupons

of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 600 4,600 600 100 100

2,000 11,500 2,500

1,000 1,600

101,500 3,500 500 1,000 1,000



5,000 132,200

4,400 500

29,300 2,200 5,000

238,635 1,000

Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds Contribution towards
500 1,000
600 500
1,000 1,000 5,000 10,000


Sub scrip tion



Davia Miriam Koshy 500

Dania Jay Koshy 500

Kuruvila T 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,100 1,000 500 Lily Kuruvila 1,200 1,000

Abraham A.C 1,600 1,000 2,000 15,000 2,000

Lissy Abraham 1,200 1,000 2,000

Robin Abraham 1,000

Rini Abraham 1,200 1,000 1,000

Samuel Kutty A 600 1,000

Sandeep Samuel 600 500 1,000 1,000 7,200

Reena Sandeep 600 500 1,000 Kevin S Samuel 500

Mariyam Jacob 6,000 500 3,000 6,000 500 1,500

George V Mathew 500 Jacob V Mathew 500

Mino P Mathew 1,000 1,000 7,500 2,000 3,000

Josna Mino 1,000

Mohan Mathew 1,200 500 500 2,000 106,000 1,000 4,900

Saramma Mohan 1,000 500

Ashwin Thomas Mohan

Ashish Mathew Mohan

1,200 500 6,500 1,500

2,000 1,000 1,500

Varghese Abraham 600 100 250 750 4,000 62,000 1,000 6,600

Mony Varghese 600 100 1,000

Sneha Sara Varghese 100

Anni versary Special Thanks Offer ing Sun day Offer tory Cot
tage Prayer
Lenten Cot
tage Offer ing
en Cover
fering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam
tionChurch Build ing Fund Mis sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion Mar riage Banns
ding Fees

con struction of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 500 500

1,000 7,800 2,200 21,600 4,200 1,000 3,200 1,600

11,300 2,100 500

500 2,500 21,000 500 500

15,500 1,000

500 2,000 10,000 129,100 1,500 9,700 4,500

1,500 77,200 1,700

Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds Contribution towards
200 200
100 67

Sachin Abraham Varghese

600 100 500

Saibal C 1,500 1,000 2,000 1,000 500 5,000 103,500 5,000 22,100

Neena Saibal 1,500 500 10,500 2,000

Nathaniel Saibal 500 500

Nithin Koshy 150,000

Rajan John 1,200 2,600

Alice Rajan 250 100 200

Amal John 100

Abel John 100

Ranjith Mathew 1,200

Mary Jacob 1,200 500 500 3,500 55,500 1,000 12,500

Sujith Jacob 1,200 500 2,000 3,000 500 4,500 30,000

Reuba Elizabeth Jacob

1,200 500 4,500 Anaaya Jacob 500

Thankam Edwin 600 1,000

Rijith Edwin 1,200 1,000 1,000 102,000 5,000 20,400

Lynnet Alice Edwin 1,200 1,000 62,000 5,000

Riya Grace Edwin 1,000

Sabu M Mathew 2,000

Thankamma Koshy 500 500 500 500

Tharian Koshy 750 300 500 1,000 3,000

Shibi Tharian 750 300

Shalaka Sara Tharian 300

Sanjit Koshy Tharian 300

Shajimon Thomas

Stephen C Koshy



2,600 3,000

Member Name Sub scrip tion Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offer ing Sun day Offer tory Cot tage Prayer Lenten Cot tage Offer ing Lent en Cover Of fering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Dona tionChurch Build ing Fund Mis sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion Mar riage Banns Wed ding Fees




of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 1,200

149,600 10,000 24,500 1,000 150,000

5,500 550 100 100 1,200


42,200 6,200 500 1,600

10,000 144,600 69,200 1,000

3,000 2,000 5,550 1,050 300 300


Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds
2,000 2,000 4,000
200 500 1,000
500 500 1,000
1,000 2,000
7,000 69


Sub scrip tion


Sophy Koshy 600 300 2,600

Adeline C Koshy 600 500 1,200

Evelyn C Koshy 600 300

Sujith Philip 1,200 1,000 1,000 3,250 3,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 5,500

Anu Anna Abraham 1,200 500 3,250 15,000 5,000

Alvin Philip Sujith 1,000 200

Evin Abraham Sujith


Mar riage Banns

Wed ding Fees

Thomas A J 500 11,000 1,000 5,000

Jessy Thomas 300 P Venkat 500 5,000

Thomas John 1,500 500

Mariamma Thomas 1,500

Thomas Koshy 500

Jessy Thomas Koshy 500

Nithin Koshy Thomas 500

Neha Sarah Thomas 500

Thomas P V 2,400 1,000 2,000 6,000 302,500 3,000 7,500

Regy Joseph 2,400 1,000 5,000 5,000 500 3,000

Chacko George 300 Biju George

Binu George 1,000

Ann Oommen 25,000 100,000 8,200

Mithun G Koshy 600 300 500 4,000 1,000

Sabitha Mithun 600 300

Amy Ann Mithun 400

Achamma Varghese 2,500 30,000

Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offer ing Sun day Offer tory Cot tage Prayer Lenten Cot tage Offer ing Lent en Cover Of fering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Dona tionChurch Build ing Fund Mis sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion



con struction of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total 3,500 2,300 900

2,000 1,000 2,000 44,950 24,950 1,200 1,000

2,000 19,500 300 5,500 2,000 1,500 500 500 500 500

1,000 4,000 10,000 339,400 16,900 300 1,500 1,500 1,000 2,000


7,900 900 400 32,500

Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship
Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds
500 1,000

Name Sub scrip tion


Birth day

Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offer ing

day Offer tory

tage Offer ing


tionChurch Build ing Fund

Mis sion Sup port

K C Cherian 3,000 1,000

Aleyamma Cherian 4,000 1,000

Vinod Cherian 4,000 1,000

Promod Cherian 4,000 1,000

Har vest Fes tival Cover

Harvest Festival Auc tion

Mar riage Banns

Wed ding Fees

Ashley John Varghese 1,000 2,000 8,000 5,000 12,000

Serene Susan John 1,000

Reshmi Ashley 1,000

Lullu John 1,500 400,000

Mathew Vipin 10,000 50,000 20,000

Nidhin Itty 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

Rinu Itty 1,000 1,000 2,000 Debirah Nidhin Itty 1,000

Anjay Mathew 1,200 1,000 1,200 2,000 2,000 3,000 Nisha Mathew 1,200 500

Senson Philip Cherian

Jessy Thomas George 1,200 300 1,500

A Joseph Koshy 200,000

Ebin Paulose 7,000

John G Chandy 2,400 1,002 600

Bindu Oommen C/O T O Biju

Sheela Mathew C/O P V Thomas



Cot tage Prayer Lenten Cot
Lent en
Work Sup port
Vidh yaram


der Fees

ship for Lucky Draw Gifts

Spon sorship for Benches

Of fering



Contribution towards con struction of Parsonage

Sponsor ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons

Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons

Sunday Auction Total

5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 28,000 1,000 1,000

1,000 403,000

1,000 1,000 82,000

2,000 2,000 2,000 15,000 4,000 1,000 10,400 1,700

20,000 20,000

1,200 1,500 5,700 200,000 7,000

4,000 8,503 10,000 5,000

zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten
New Year
Family Thanks

Shiny Mathew D/O Mathew Oommen

Israel Pramod Mathew 8,000 Suresh Kumar

Annie & Bobby C/O Saibal

Ashita Parekh C/O Saibal

Shaji Verghese C/O Saibal

Vinod C Abraham C/O Saibal


Aju John C/O PP Philip 20,000 Anoop

Cyril Thomas C/O Koshy P Thomas

Dr. Koshy Abraham C/O Cherian T George

Eapen Joseph C/O Cherian T George

Francis Ezra C/O Rijith Edwin





5,000 Jaison

Issac John C/O Prof. Cheri Bob Luke

Jibi John C/O Koshy P Thomas

10,000 V K Jose; Divine Enterprises Zion Design & Construction Unkown

Member Name Sub scrip tion Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offer ing Sun day Offer tory Cot tage Prayer Lenten Cot tage Offer ing Lent en Cover Of fering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Dona tionChurch Build ing Fund Mis sion Sup port Har vest Fes tival Cover Harvest Festival Auc tion Mar riage Banns Wed ding Fees
600 Total 233,850 106,432 49,550 47,600 68,250 12,000 2,000 5,800 150,000 1,500 4,490,665 8,600 199,430 311,900 3,000 10,000 74







50,000 20,000

1,000 200,000 25,000 10,000 100,000 5,000

1,000 10,000



Saniti zation Fees News Letter Sponsor ship Ten der Fees Sponsor ship for Lucky Draw Gifts Spon sorship for Benches New Year Of fering Family Thanks Offering Carol rounds Contribution towards con struction of Parsonage
ship for Printing of Lucky draw coupons Sale of Lucky Draw Coupons Sunday Auction Total 25,000
600 2,000 700 3,000 10,000 100,000 39,401 28,400 103,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 700 6,157,778 75

Individual Statement

Member Name Sub scription Birth day

Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offering

Sunday Offer tory

Family Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offering

Social Work Sup port

Vidh yaram bam

Donation - Church Building Fund

Harvest Festival Cover

Rev. Santhosh TT 500 500 500 500 10,000 500

Leena Santhosh 500 500

Aaron Lesty Santosh 500

Abraham V C 600 500 28,000 500

Ancy Abraham 600 500 Sherin Abraham 300 Shebin Abraham 300

Abraham Varkey 1,200 1,000 1,000 200,000 3,200

Jolly Abraham 600 1,000

Anil Kumar K 1,200 100,000

Sonia Anil Kumar 1,200 Adrian Ben Joshua 600

Pradeep Abraham 12,000 2,000 2,000 300,000

Anina Pradeep Abraham 12,000 2,000

Annamma John 600 200 1,000 1,500 500 500 66,500 1,000

Manu Sam John 200

Ashish P Joseph 1,500 2,000 132,000 3,861

2021-2022 76

Harvest Festival Auction

Individual Statement

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


73,100 1,000 1,920 2,420



32,100 1,100 300 300

1,000 208,400 1,600

103,200 1,200 600 316,000 14,000


10,000 245,161

500 1,000 500
1,000 1,000 500
20,000 500 1,000 200 1,000
200 5,500 33,000 50,000 300 1,000 1,000 5,000
2021-2022 77

Member Name Sub scription


ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offering


Work Sup port

- Church Building Fund

Harvest Festival Cover

Mary Ashish Joseph 1,500 2,500 7,000 3,862

Babu Mathew 500 500 500 25,000

Jessy Mathew 500 500

Sonya Mathew 500 500 1,000

Babu P John 1,200 1,000 650,000 2,000

Prathiba Babu 1,200 500

Jithun John 750 1,000 50,000

Reshma John 750

Ayush P John 500 Julie John 100,000

Babu Varghese 1,000 500 500 71,200 1,500

Rachel Joseph 1,000 500 2,000 1,500

Jerome Varghese 300 20,000

Elizabeth Varghese 1,000 500 1,000 Geo George 2,000

Thomas Varghese 500 500 500 25,000 500 Abraham Varghese 25,000

Biju T.O 12,000 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 104,500 3,000

Anitha Biju 2,400 500

Aju Oommen 500 500

Aaron T Thomas 500 500

Biju Thomas 500 500 500 1,000

Suja Biju 500 500 10,000

Sibin Tom Koshy 500

Silviya Koshy 200 1,001

Saramma Mathew Kurian 1,200 500

Bobby Kurian Mathew 1,200 500 1,500 2,500 1,000 1,500 200,000 6,000

tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social
Vidh yaram bam Donation

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing


Offer tory


Auc tion

Contri bution towards planta tion


Offer ing


Sup port

- Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 14,862

2,400 150 150 100 29,300 1,000 2,000

210,600 60,000

10,000 1,000 945,900 1,700 51,750 750 500 100,000

30,800 500 5,000 155,800 5,000 20,300 10,000 12,500 2,000 50,000 300 200 77,500 25,000

3,000 10,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 140,000 2,900 1,000 1,000

2,000 10,000 150 14,650 11,000 500 1,201

11,700 10,000

1,500 228,100

Harvest Festival Auction Spon sor ships
Sunday Sunday
Carol Rounds

Member Name Sub scription Birth day

Susan Abraham 1,200 500 Melvin Kurian Mathew 500

Sharon M Kurain 500

Wed ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offering

Offer tory

Thanks Offer ing

Cover Offering

Work Sup port

yaram bam

Donation - Church Building Fund

Harvest Festival Cover

Brig. E J George 3,600 1,000 320,000 3,000 Usha George 2,400 500

Chacko Chacko 400 500 500 500 45,000 1,000 Rachel Chacko 400 Subin VS 400 1,000

Linsa Annie Sam 400 Sebin VS 400 200

Cheri Bob Luke 2,400 2,000 2,000 7,000 1,000 1,000 53,000 3,000 Sally C Bob 2,400 1,000 Naveen Cherian 2,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 37,000 5,000 Tina Naveen Cherian 2,000 5,000 4,500 32,500 5,000

Amit Luke Cherian 1,000 1,000 Neena Elizabeth 50,000

Cherian K O 1,200 208,500

Leeja Ann Cherian 1,200 5,000 6,000

Thomas George Cherian 1,200

Jacob Thomas Cherian 1,200

Cherian T George 2,400 500 1,000 3,200 30,000 500 Alice Cherian 2,400 1,000 3,500 5,000 40,000 500

George T Cherian 6,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 70,000 5,000

Jeena Rachel Cherian 2,000 1,000 7,000 60,000 2,100

Mary George 1,200 1,000 1,000 3,000

Mariamma Abraham 1,000 500 1,500 300,000



Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 1,700 500 500

3,600 20,000 500 3,000 500 355,200 2,900 10,000 200 2,000 60,100 400 1,400 400 600

10,200 40,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 134,600 3,400

28,600 147,500 10,000 1,000 1,000 241,100 49,000 2,000 50,000 209,700 12,200 1,200 1,200

4,200 10,000 1,000 1,200 54,000 52,400 8,900 1,200 95,100 10,000 82,100 6,200 303,000

Festival Auction

Member Name Sub scription



Cyrus Abraham 1,000 500 1,000

Jyothsna Cyrus Abraham 1,000 500

Leanna Abraham Malayil 500

Celine Abraham Malayil 500

Collins Abraham 1,000 Mini Abraham 1,000

Joshua Joseph 500 400 1,000 500 14,200 500 Saramma Joshua 500

Denisen Joshua 500 200 Dona Joshua

Philip P P 500 500 1,000 200 6,000 1,500 Chachyamma Philip 500 500

Doni Philip 500 500 1,000 500 41,200 3,000 Rebecca Doni Philip 500 500

Faith Doni Philip 500

Dr. R M Cherian 2,500 1,000 1,500 3,500 12,250 2,000 500 250,000 1,500

Dr. Pushpa Cherian 2,500 1,500 3,000 1,500

Alisha Elizabeth Cherian 1,500 1,000

Aroop Cherian 2,500 1,000 1,000 2,000 7,750 1,000 500 250,000 1,500 Mary Cherian 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,500

Araan M Cherian

Jacob M Oommen 6,000 1,000 420,000

Susan Rachel Jacob 6,000

Thomas M Jacob 6,000

Mathew Oommen 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 20,000 500 Molly Mathew 500

Rony Mathew 1,200 1,000 2,500 2,000 50,000 2,000

Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup
Vidh yaram bam Donation -
Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


9,000 1,000 12,500 1,500 500 500 1,000 1,000

10,600 10,000 37,700 500 700 10,000 10,000

11,150 2,000 500 10,000 33,350 1,000

11,050 15,000 2,000 500 75,250 1,000 500 10,000 284,750 8,500 2,500 267,250 6,000 2,000 2,000 427,000 6,000 6,000 500 24,500 500

2,000 15,000 20,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 101,700




Rincy Mathew 1,200 1,000 2,000 1,000

Molly George 1,200 700 300 1,000

Togy George 200 50,000

Annamma Oommen 600 500 500 1,000

George Oommen 600 500 300 500 25,000 500

Jaisamma George 300 1,000

Justin George Joseph 500 200

Jaison George Joseph 200

George Thomas 300 500 500 400 7,000

Lucy George 300 500 Aleena Annamma George 500

Issac George 1,200 600,000 Susan Issac 1,200

Yohan George Issac 1,200

Zarina Sara Yohan 1,200

Reuben Jacob Issac 1,200

Jacob C I 600 1,000 1,000 500 500 35,000 3,000

Annamma Jacob 500 2,000

Ivan Jacob 500 300 500 300 17,000 500 Mary Mini 500 500 17,000 300

Jacob Punnoose 500 500 1,000 1,000 160,000 5,000 Susan Jacob 500 500 1,500

Justin P Jacob 500 1,000 2,000 1,000 Jaison M Jacob 500 500

Jacob Varghese 1,000 300,000 1,000

Name Sub
Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing




Contri bution towards planta tion


Offer ing


Sup port

- Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion



13,200 50,200



3,300 700 200

10,200 800 500 601,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200

90,600 2,500

40,690 18,300



70,500 23,000 24,000


Harvest Festival Auction Spon sor ships
tory Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion Carol Rounds
500 500
4,000 33,000 0,000 500 1,000 500
21,240 350
1,000 500

Varghese Jacob 600 Sheeja Varghese 600

Jarin T Jacob 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 125,000 3,000

Annie Susan Jose 1,000 1,000

Jelson Mathew 500 500 300 15,500 500 Liza Varghese 250 200 Mariamma Mathew 250

Susha Thomas Mani 500 500

Jeswin Thomas 500 500 2,000 15,000 Minu Jeswin Mani 500 1,000 Jeweline Thomas Mani 500

Tristan Thomas Mani 2,000

Jikku M Joseph 1,000 1,500 64,700 Jeeva Jikku 1,000 1,000

John P M 600 23,500 TL Usha Kumari 600

Vipin Jacob 500 4,000

Lacitha Vipin 500 1,000 Jake Paul Vipin 1,000

Joseph C S 2,000 200,000 1,000

Neethu Liza Jose 1,000

Joy Mathew 1,200 500 1,000 500 25,000 1,000 Rosamma Mathew 800 500 Jinu M Joy 100,000

Member Name Sub scription Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover


Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 30,000 30,600 600 2,000 135,000 2,000 17,300 450 250 200,000 201,000

5,000 20,000 43,000 1,500 500 2,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 73,200 2,000

3,000 27,100 600

4,600 16,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 65,100 1,500 1,000 1,000 204,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 31,200 1,300 100,000

Festival Auction

Member Name Sub scription


ding Anni versary

Special Thanks Offering


Offer tory


Cover Offering

Work Sup port

- Church Building Fund

Harvest Festival Cover

Koshy P Thomas 7,200 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,500 1,000 500 177,745 7,680

Jyothi Sara Koshy 2,400 1,000 3,200

Davia Miriam

Koshy 1,000 1,000

Dania Jay Koshy 500 500

Kuruvila T 1,200 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 100,000 1,600

Lily Kuruvila 1,200 500 1,000

Abraham A.C 2,000 1,000 2,000 500 1,000 20,000 3,004.72

Lissy Abraham 500 1,000 500 1,000 30,000 3,000

Rini Abraham 500 1,000 500 1,000 20,000 2,000

Samuel Kutty A 500

Lissy Samuel 500 Sandeep Samuel 500 500 25,000

Reena Sandeep 500 Kevin S Samuel 1,000

Mariyam Jacob 6,000 500 1,000 500 500 56,000 500

George V Mathew 500 Jacob V Mathew 500

Mino P Mathew 900 200 1,000 22,500 5,000

Jyosna Mino 900 Milana Sosa Mino 900

Mohan Mathew 1,200 500 1,000 500 500 2,000 136,000 1,000 Saramma Mohan 1,000 500

Ashwin Thomas Mohan 1,200 500 6,000 2,000

Ashish Mathew Mohan 2,000 1,000 1,500

Anisha Mary Kurian 55,000

Varghese Abraham 600 150 250 200 250 195,600 1,000

Vidh yaram bam Donation

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


13,100 125,100 45,000 500 5,000 1,000 390,325 6,600 2,000 1,000

1,000 1,000 108,300 2,700 1,000 3,000 33,504.72 36,000 25,000 500 500 6,000 10,000 42,000 500 1,000

4,500 10,000 200 2,000 500 82,200 500 500

18,650 30,000 30,000 200 1,000 109,450 900 900

3,400 500 2,000 1,000 2,000 10,000 161,600 1,500 9,700 4,500 55,000 20,000 150 1,500 200 1,000 5,000 225,900


Member Name Sub scription





- Church Building Fund

Harvest Festival Cover

Mony Varghese 600 150 200 1,000

Sneha Sara Varghese 600 200 500 150 1,000

Sachin Abraham Varghese 600 150 500 150 1,000

Saibal C 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 283,000 6,000

Neena Saibal 1,000 500 3,000 2,000 Nathaniel Saibal 500 1,000

Nithin Koshy 50,000

Rajan John 1,000 100 300 200 500 Alice Rajan 200

Amal John 100 Abel John 100

Ranjith Mathew 1,800 Dr. Sushil Mathew 600 1,500

Mary Jacob 1,200 1,000 1,300 500 500 78,500 1,000 Sujith Jacob 1,200 1,000 1,000 600 500 100,000 4,500

Reuba Elizabeth Jacob 1,200 500 4,500

Aiden Jacob 1,000 500 Sandeep Jacob

Thankam Edwin 600 1,000

Rijith Edwin 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 255,400 6,000 Lynnet Alice Edwin 1,200 1,000 13,600 2,000

Riya Grace Edwin 1,000 1,000 1,000 Kavitha 500

Sabu M Mathew 25,000 2,000

Thankamma Koshy 600 500 153,420 500

Tharian Koshy 750 500 500

Shibi Tharian 750 500

Special Thanks
Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation




Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 1,950 2,450 2,400

8,700 424,000 24,000 1,000 2,000 500 752,700 500 7,000 1,500 50,000 17,000 1,000 20,100 200 100 100 1,800 2,100

5,200 10,000 2,000 500 101,700 10,000 1,000 119,800 6,200 1,500 10,000 10,000 1,600

18,700 64,560 10,000 500 2,000 1,000 362,860 10,000 27,800 3,000 500 27,000

4,300 500 159,820 7,300 9,050 1,250

Festival Auction

Member Name Sub scription


Shalaka Sara Tharian 300 300

Sanjit Koshy Tharian 300

ding Anni versary

Thanks Offering

Shajimon Thomas 1,200 500 199,200

Reni Shajimon 1,200

Stephen C Koshy 6,000 500 1,500

Sophy Koshy 3,000 500 1,000

Adeline C Koshy 1,000

Evelyn C Koshy 1,200 500 10,000

Betty Mary Koshy 1,000 1,000

Sujith Philip 600 1,000 1,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 47,750 6,000

Anu Anna Abraham 600 1,000 47,750 6,000

Alvin Philip Sujith 500 1,000 Evin Abraham Sujith 500

Thomas A J 500 500 6,200 1,000

Alice Thomas 500 500

Jessy Thomas 500 10,000 P Venkat 500

Thomas John 750 1,000 50,000 1,000 Mariamma Thomas 750 500

Thomas Koshy 1,000 500 500 500 500 1,000

Jessy Thomas Koshy 600 500

Nithin Koshy Thomas 600 500

Lini Rajan Koshy 600 500

Neha Sarah Thomas 600 500 500 1,000

Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover
Work Sup port
Vidh yaram bam Donation
- Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover


Sale of Lucky Draw


Offer ing

8,900 65,000 30,000

Contri bution towards planta tion


Offer ing



- Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 600 300

208,600 1,200

15,500 4,500

11,000 11,700


5,000 175,750 55,350 1,500 500 8,200 1,000 10,500 500 52,750 1,250

17,100 1,100

1,600 1,100

3,200 10,000 15,800

Harvest Festival Auction Spon sor ships
Bap tism
Cot tage Prayer Offer tory Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion Carol Rounds
ary Sup
6,500 500 500
1,000 1,500
12,600 500

Member Name Sub scription Birth day

ding Anni versary

Thanks Offering

Offer tory

Work Sup


- Church Building Fund

Harvest Festival Cover

Thomas P V 2,400 1,000 1,000 3,500 5,000 1,000 1,000 324,500 3,000

Regy Joseph 2,400 1,000 6,200 3,000

Rachel Thomas

Chacko George 300 30,000 1,000

Ammini George 200

Biju George 10,000

Binu George 20,000

Ann Oommen 25,000 200,000

Amit Oommen

Mithun G Koshy 600 500 500 500 32,500 1,200

Sabitha Mithun 600 500

Achamma Varghese 2,500 500 10,000 1,000

K C Cherian 3,500 12,500

Aleyamma Cherian 3,500 12,500

Vinod Cherian 3,500 37,500

Pramod Cherian 3,500 12,500

Ashley John Varghese 1,000 1,500 252,000

Reshmi Ashley 1,000 1,000

Lullu John 1,500 150,000

Mathew Vipin 1,200 1,000 90,000

Shruthi Moncy 800

Nidhin Itty 1,000 1,000 1,000 100,000

Rinu Itty 1,000

Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover
port Vidh yaram bam Donation

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


5,700 10,000 2,000 2,000 372,100 12,600 20,000 20,000 1,000 32,300 200 10,000 1,200 21,200 20,000 10,000 235,000 10,000 10,000

6,400 50,000 1,000 500 93,700 1,100 1,000 500 15,500 1,500 17,500 1,500 17,500 1,500 42,500 1,500 17,500

47,300 70,000 4,000 5,000 380,800 2,000 23,000 174,500 20,000 1,000 113,200 800

10,400 37,000 40,000 2,000 1,600 5,000 3,000 202,000 1,000


Debirah Nidhin Itty 1,000

Senson Philip Cherian 1,000

Jessy Thomas George 100,000

A Joseph Koshy 1,200 2,000 1,000 950,000 Susan Joseph 1,000 Nohan Koshy 500

Ebin Paulose 2,400 100,000

John G Chandy 1,200 501 300

Preethi Gabriel 15,000 1,000 2,000 150,000 Bonnie Gabriel 1,000 Devison Gabriel 1,000

Chandy Abraham 1,500 1,500 Leela Chandy 100,000

Lexey Tharian Oommen 1,250 1,000 30,000 1,000

Neethu Elsa Varghese 1,250 500

Suresh Kumar 3,000 2,000 1,000 25,000 2,000

Prameela Suresh 3,000 1,000 2,000 Ninad P Suresh 1,000 1,000

Anoob CI 1,000 1,000 1,000 20,000 1,500

Swetha P Suresh 1,000 1,000 Naithen S Anoah 1,000 500

Rachel Issac 317,760

Ratna PJ 500

Delcy Leya Philipose 600 500



30,000 31,000 100,000

29,400 983,600 1,000 500 30,000 132,400

501 4,502 168,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 100,000

15,000 20,000 2,000 5,000 75,250 1,750

8,000 45,000 20,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 113,000 6,000

33,000 35,000 10,000 1,000 35,500 2,000 1,500

10,000 327,760 500 1,100


Member Name Sub scription Birth day

Wed ding Anni versary


Social Work

Donation - Church Building Fund

Skariah Thomas 500 500 1,000 1,500

Nisha Thomas 500

Nishanth KV 500 500

Sally Alex 1,000

D David 500

Mercy David 500

Justin David 500

Jessy Justin 500

Jithin David 500

Mary John 1,000

Capt. Thomas Mathew 100,000

Aaron C/O Saibal C

Abdul Rahman Waheed C/O Babu Mathew

Abin Thomas C/O Babu P John

Abraham Mathew C/O Rijith Edwin

Aby Alex & Mary Alex C/o Cherian T George

Ajay Oommen C/O Neena Saibal

Ajith Abraham Jacob C/O Cherian T George

Ajo Mathen Mathew C/O Rev TT Santhosh

Harvest Festival Cover





Special Thanks
Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering
Sup port Vidh yaram bam

4,400 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 1,000

5,000 1,000





Harvest Festival Auction Spon sor ships Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons Bap tism Offer ing Cot tage Prayer Offer tory Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion Carol Rounds Contri bution towards planta tion New Year Thanks Offer ing Mis sion ary Sup port Vellore - Mis sion Sup port Sou venir Adver tise ment Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion Total 3,400 6,900 500 2,400 1,000
100,000 5,000
10,000 1,000

Aju John C/O PP Philip 20,000

Akash Mathew C/O Thomas P V 5,000

Alexander K Thomas C/O Neena Saibal

Aleyamma Koshy C/O Cherian T George

Allen Varghese C/O Koshy P Thomas

Anil C/O Neena Saibal

Anil Mathews C/O Cherian T George

Anil Thomas C/O Neena Saibal

Anish TC Kunnappily C/O Rev TT Santhosh



Annie Oommen

C/O Mary Jacob 5,000

Anto C/O Babu Mathew 2,000

Anu Rachel Paul C/O Koshy P Thomas

Anu Rohit

Abraham C/O Cheri Bob Luke

Arun John C/O Koshy P Thomas Arun Mathew Thomas & Sneha C/O Koshy P Thomas

Ashish Inamdar C/O Babu P John



ding Anni versary
Thanks Offering
Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 20,000 5,000

2,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 25,000

10,000 100,000



Ashish John C/O Rony Mathew

Ashish Paul C/O Ashish Joseph

Baben Varghese 25,000 Baptist Charitable & Educational Trust C/O Mohan Mathew

25,000 Bebin Easow Thomas C/O Koshy P Thomas


Benian Abraham C/O Jessy Thomas George Benny Anthony C/O Rev TT Santhosh

2,000 Beppscy Thampi C/O Neena Saibal

Biji Alex 60,000 Bipin Thomas C/O Koshy P Thomas

Birosh & Divya C/O Rijith Edwin Bobby Johnson Issac Vellasery C/O Rev TT Santhosh

Byju Kuzhipparambil C/O Rev. T T Santhosh

Cherian T Paul & Santha Cherian C/O Cherian T George

Cherian Thomas C/O Koshy P Thomas



Member Name
ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 10,000 10,000 2,000

30,000 30,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 20,000


Member Name Sub scrip tion Birth day

Cijy Jimmy

George C/O Koshy

P Thomas

Wed ding Anni versa ry

Special Thanks Offer ing

Sun day Offer tory

Family Thanks Offer ing

Lenten Cover Offer ing

Social Work Sup port

Vidh yaram bam

Dona tionChurch Building Fund

Har vest Festival Cover



C/O Cherian T George

3,000 Col. Chacko C/O Molly George

CS Nair C/O A Joseph Koshy 25,000 CSI Congregation of Dallas C/O Rev TT Santhosh 72,573.28

CSI EAST Parade Church Bangalore C/O Rev TT Santhosh

CSI Parish (Malayalam) Dubai



D Moses Yesu Krupa, C/O Cherian T George


10,000 Daniel & Sherly C/O Cherian T George

Dasarathi C/O Neena Saibal 2,500

David Lukose Mynagapally C/O Rev TT Santhosh Delhi Malayalam Pastorate

Dr. Abraham Mathew C/O Cherian T George



Har vest Fes tival Auc tion

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Of fer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sun day

Sun day Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Con tribu tion to wards plan tation

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vel loreMis sion Sup port

Sou venir Ad ver tise ment

Con tribu tion to wards Church Dedi cation


10,000 3,000

2,000 25,000 72,573.28 20,000 100,000 10,000 5,000 2,500


11,000 5,000


Dr. Abraham Punnose & Dr. Mary Abraham C/O Tina Naveen Cherian

Dr. P M. Yohan C/O Rijith Edwin Dr. Prathap Reddy C/O Annamma John

Easow Mohan C/O Saibal C Elizabeth Oommen C/O Mary Jacob



5,000 Francis Ezra C/O Rijith Edwin George Abraham C/O Cherian T George


Gracy Thomas C/O Tina 15,000 Holy Trinity Church, Chennai C/O Rev TT Santhosh


Israel Pramod Mathew 10,000

Itty Jacob C/O Nidhin Itty Jacob George C/O Cherian T George 10,000 Jacob Punnose & Rachel Jacob C/O Tina Naveen Cherian

25,000 Jacob Thomas C/O Rincy Mathew

Jacob VL C/O Saibal C


Member Name Sub scription Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total - 10,000

10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 - 15,000 15,000

20,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 25,000 5,000



James Daniel Odanavattom C/O Rev TT Santhosh

Janet Fernandez C/O Rijith Edwin 100,000

Janet Fernandez C/O Rijith Edwin Jayamma C/O Jacob Punnoose Jaysen Thomas C/O Sandeep Samuel

Jerry Mammen C/O Koshy P Thomas


Jithin John C/O Tina Naveen Cherian

10,000 Jobi Chakalamattam C/O Babu Mathew

7,500 Jobin

Jobin George C/O Thomas P V

Joe Ipe C/O Sujith Philip

Joe P Varghese C/O Thomas P V 10,000

John C George & Ramani C/O Cherian T George

Joj Jake Cherian C/O Koshy P Thomas


Jose Kalkunnath C/O Babu Mathew 5,000 Joseph Varghese C/O Babu P John 10,000

Joy & Beena K Prabha C/O Cherian T George 5,000

Member Name
ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover




Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


5,000 100,000



10,000 50,000 10,000 7,500

2,000 2,000


10,000 5,000 15,000 4,000

10,000 5,000


76,800 5,000

Festival Auction

Kamala Heldad C/O Rijith Edwin Kevin Joseph & Benitha 41,001.47 Koshy Ninan C/O Cherian T George 5,000 Kurian P Thomas C/O Koshy P Thomas

Kurian T Mathew C/O Koshy P Thomas

Kurien Thomas C/O Jessy Thomas George

L T Alexander C/O Cherian T George





Latha Thampi 5,000 Leelamma Thomas C/O Babu P John

Leemol C Wilson

C/O Rijith Edwin Leetha Thampi 5,000 Lijo Thampi 10,000 Lloyd Jacob C/O Koshy P Thomas M Francis & Reena Francis C/O Rijith Edwin Mamman Philip C/O Cherian T George


50,000 Mammen Philippose C/O Rev. TT Santhosh

Mani Oommen C/O Joseph Koshy 25,000 Manjula C/O Saibal C

Member Name Sub scription Birth
ding Anni versary
Offering Sunday
Offer tory
Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering
Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


10,000 10,000 41,001.47 5,000 100,000 25,000 37,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 10,000

10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 25,000



Manoj Francis

C/O Rijith Edwin Mariamma

Yohannan/Subi Yohannan C/O

Rev. TT Santhosh

2,000 Mary Joseph C/O Cherian T George 2,000

Mathew Joseph, C/O Cherian T George


Mathew P Daniel

C/O Babu P John

2,500 Mathew P Thomas C/O Koshy P Thomas


Moin Khan C/O Babu Mathew 5,000 Molly Shoba C/O Rijith Edwin

Mr. Ashish Abraham & Mrs. Madhavi Ashish C/O Tina Naveen Cherian

Mrs & Mr. Jacob Cherian C/O Koshy P Thomas

Mrs. Ancy Job C/O Mohan Mathew

Mrs. Keerthy Jacob C/O Mohan Mathew



Murthy Yadav C/O Babu Mathew

5,000 Neeraja C/O Saibal C Nelson FrancisC/O Rijith Edwin

ding Anni versary
Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


10,000 2,000 2,000 30,000 2,500 50,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 25,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 3,000



Ninan Mathai

C/O Babu P John P D Thampi 10,000 Paul Sudhakar C/O Cherian T George

5,000 PC Thomas C/O Thomas P V 10,000

Pramila Jobby C/O Babu P John Pramila Sriram C/O Neena Saibal

Prasad Oommen C/O Neena Saibal Preetha Thomas Varkey C/O Koshy P Thomas

Prof. K G Kurien C/O Babu P John 100,000

Rachel C/O A C Abraham 10,000 Rachel Oommen C/O Mary Jacob 5,000 Rahul Mathew C/O Rev. Santhosh TT

Ranjan C/O Neena Saibal


Reji Verghese C/O Babu P John 10,000

Reny Mathew C/O Saibal C

Reuben C/O Neena Saibal 5,000

Rev. Viji Varghese Eapen & Susan George C/O Rev. T T Santhosh

Rev. William Abraham C/O Rachel Joseph


Member Name Sub scription Birth
ding Anni versary
Thanks Offering
Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering
Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 20,000



Riya Abraham

C/O Nidhin Itty Robin Koshy C/O Cherian T George 10,000 Rohan Mathew H/O Rachel Thomas

Ronnie Kurian C/O Cherian T George

Rosamma Attachakkal C/O Rev TT Santhosh Rosamma Mathew C/O Rev. T T Santhosh


Roy Thomas C/O Babu Mathew 1,000 Sabu Oommen C/O Koshy P Thomas


Sachin Joseph Roy C/O Stephen Koshy

Santha Peter C/O Rijith Edwin Santhosh Koshy Alexy C/O Cherian T George


10,000 Sarah Varghese C/O Cherian T George

Saramma A John C/O Cheri Bob Luke



10,000 Shaila

Sathish Varghese C/O Cherian T George

Thankachan Vellor C/O Rev TT Santhosh

ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover

Harvest Festival Auction

Spon sor ships

Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion


2,000 10,000

23,000 20,000

7,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 25,000 10,000

10,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 10,000



Shajan Adolph

C/O Rijith Edwin Shalin Jose 40,000

Sheela J Mathew C/O Ashish Joseph Sheri Eapen C/O Nidhin Itty

Sherin Elizabeth Varghese C/O Babu P John

40,000 Shibu & Jasmine Xavier C/O Rijith Edwin

Shiji Ninan

Sijin Abraham C/O Babu P John Smitha Samuel C/O Sandeep Samuel

Sreehari C/O Saibal C

Srinivas Raghavan C/O Tina Naveen Cherian

St Peter’s CSI Church, Kuwait C/O Rev TT Santhosh

St. James CSI Church Bhopal C/O Ashish Joseph St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston C/O Rev TT Santhosh




Subhash John C/O A Joseph Koshy 5,000

Sugu Mathews Philip C/O Cherian T George


Member Name Sub
ding Anni versary
Thanks Offering
Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover




Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

Cot tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion

Carol Rounds

Contri bution towards planta tion

New Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion



50,000 5,000 5,000

2,500 40,000





500 5,000 50,000

20,000 100,030 5,000 10,000

Festival Auction

Sunil Varghese C/O Babu Varghese

Sunny Abraham & Anu C/O Cherian T George

Suno Chacko C/O Neena Saibal



Susamma Thomas C/O Cherian T George

1,000 Susan Anna Jacob D/O Mary Jacob

Susan John C/O Brig. E J George 100,000

Sweta Thomas C/O Babu Varghese

5,000 Syro Malabar Church

Tanup Thomas and Linu Thomas C/OTina Naveen Cherian

Thomas C/O Jessy Thomas George

Thomas Joseph C/O Cherian T George

Thomas Kutty, Trinity School C/O Rev T T Santhosh




Thomas Mathew 100,000

Thomas P Mathew C/O Koshy P Thomas


3,000 Thomas Varghese C/O Babu Varghese

Thomas T Thomas C/O Babu Varghese


ding Anni versary
Thanks Offering
Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover


Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons

Bap tism Offer ing

tage Prayer Offer tory

Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion


Contri bution towards planta tion

Year Thanks Offer ing

Mis sion ary Sup port

Vellore - Mis sion Sup port

Sou venir Adver tise ment

Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion

Total 10,000 10,001

5,000 1,000


102,100 5,000

5,200 5,000

10,000 20,000 25,000 100,000 10,000 3,000 35,000

Harvest Festival Auction
sor ships

Unis Harikumar



Rijith Edwin

Varghese Thomas

Cherian T

Verghese Kurien

Bob Luke



Member Name Sub scription Birth day Wed ding Anni versary Special Thanks Offering Sunday Offer tory Family Thanks Offer ing Lenten Cover Offering Social Work Sup port Vidh yaram bam Donation - Church Building Fund Harvest Festival Cover
Mathew 1,000 Unknown 500 220 500
George 10,000
Vanchikal C/O Cheri
25,001 Yeshwanth
Total 330,500 125,951 50,550 104,120 45,100 36,400 20,250 7,000 7,800 13,895,832.75 205,807.72 122
Harvest Festival Auction Spon sor ships Sale of Lucky Draw Cou pons Bap tism Offer ing Cot tage Prayer Offer tory Mis sion Sunday Sunday Auc tion Carol Rounds Contri bution towards planta tion New Year Thanks Offer ing Mis sion ary Sup port Vellore - Mis sion Sup port Sou venir Adver tise ment Contri bution towards Church Dedica tion Total 1,000 1,220 2,000 2,000 10,000 25,001 10,000 10,000 408,250 1,984,120 1,749,100 2,000 6,000 9,550 3,450 84,400 10,000 29,651 9,400 14,000 84,000 10,000 19,233,232 123

Women’s Fellowship Triennial Report for 2019-2022

On behalf of the Women’s Fellowship, I present this report thanking the Lord for His continuous blessings and guidance during the past three years’.

2019 – 2020

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”.

The following members of the present committee were elected for a period of 3 years i.e., 2019-2022 in the Gen eral body meeting held on 11th August, 2019 after the Church service: -

Secretary – Mrs. Saramma Mohan Treasurer – Mrs. Rachel Babu Committee Members: Mrs Annamma Jacob Mrs. Annamma Oommen Mrs. Rosamma Mathew Mrs. Neena Saibal Mrs. Sonia Anilkumar Mrs. Sindhu Justus

We are grateful to our Achen Rev. T. T. Santhosh and Women’s Fellowship President Mrs. Leena Santhosh Ko chamma for giving us their valuable guidance to conduct the activities effectively. The following programmes were conducted during the year: -

Women’s Fellowship Sale

The Annual sale was conducted 8th September 2019 after the Church service. The sale started with a prayer by our Achen. We thank the support of our Achen, Kochamma, for the cooperation of our Church members and the sincere work of the Women’s Fellowship committee members. Our members brought different items for the sale like, Appam, Chicken stew, Kappa and Fish curry, Fried rice, Chicken curry, and other homemade items. Rs. 44,225 were collected from the sale proceeds and Rs. 21,700 were collected in the form of donations. The expense of the sale was Rs. 7,180. I wish to express my sincere thanks to all for their cooperation and support.


Retreat was conducted on 2nd October 2019 in our Church. About 42people attended the retreat. The retreat started with a prayer by our Achen. Mrs. Leena Santhosh Kochamma welcomed the guest speaker, Achen and all the members who attended the retreat. Rev. Zacharia Alexander from Ascension Marthoma Church conduct ed an excellent Bible Study based on 15 important Women from the Bible including his own testimony. It was informative and interesting. Tea and snacks were served during the interval. Lunch prepared by the Women’s Fellowship members was served to all the participants. The retreat concluded with a prayer by Mrs. Rachel Issac and vote of thanks by Mrs. Saramma Mohan.

Ecumenical Women’s Fellowship Retreat

About 13 Women’s Fellowship members and our Achen attended the Ecumenical Women’s Fellowship retreat,

Thessalonians 5:18

which was held at Ascension Marthoma Church, Hyderabad on 28th September 2019. Achen from Henry Mar tin Institute was the guest speaker. The members of Marthoma, CSI, and Jacobite Women’s Fellowship attended the retreat.

South Zone Women’s Fellowship Conference

The South Zone conference was held at Impact International Coimbatore from 7th to 9th February under the leadership of Dr. Susan Thomas Kochamma. The conference was sponsored by All Saints CSI Church Coim batore. The theme of the conference was “Encourage, Empower and Ensure”. Dr. Mrs. Laila Vijayan and Mrs. Athulya Sam took the Bible study based on the theme. Delegates from Chennai, Bengaluru, Parkal Mission, My sore Mission and Kerala also attended the conference. Eight members attended the conference from Hyderabad. Our Women’s Fellowship members presented a beautiful skit. We thank Mr. Babu P John and Mr. Ebin Paulose for preparing the voice track.

Women’s Fellowship Sunday

The Women’s Fellowship Day was celebrated on 1-3-2020 at our chapel. The worship service was attended by a large number of our members. The Women’s Fellowship members participated in the service such as reading Bi ble lessons, Intercessory prayer etc. Mrs. Jyothi Sara Koshy gave an inspiring message. The theme of the message was “Women as Change makers”. The cover offertory on the Women’s Fellowship Sunday was Rs. 28,400 and the Church offertory on that day was Rs. 6,600. After the worship service bread, stew and cake were served to all the members.

Women’s Fellowship provided tea and cake for the members who attended the Watch night service on 31st De cember.

A few members from the Women’s Fellowship visited the elderly members of our Church in the month of Febru ary 2020.

Social Work

As part of our social work an amount of Rs.20,000 was collected and donated to the wives of the Evangelist of the Parkal Mission.

We raised an amount of Rs. 20,000 for the Christmas Utsav through sale of donation tickets given by Dr. Mrs. Susan Thomas Kochamma.


Buttermilk was served to all the members after the Sunday worship service during the month of April and May. We thank all the sponsors. We distributed the collection boxes to the Women’s Fellowship members. We received an amount of Rs.13,035 from the Collection boxes. Those who did not receive the boxes paid cash.


“Hitherto has the Lord helped us.” 1 Samuel 7: 21

By the grace of God, we were able to conduct the Women’s Fellowship activities under the leadership of our Achen Rev. T.T. Santhosh and Leena Kochamma despite the pandemic season.


During the year regular Bible study was conducted by our Achen Rev. T.T. Santhosh on every Sunday via the Zoom platform. It was a great blessing to everyone who attended. It gave us the opportunity to read and study the Bible regularly. Our sincere thanks for Achen’s effort.

We were able to conduct the Women’s Fellowship retreat on 2nd October 2020 at 2 PM via the Zoom platform. The retreat started with a prayer by Mrs. Molly Paulose. The singing session was led by Mr. Vipin Jacob and Mrs. Lacitha Vipin. Rev. Jose Abraham from Neredmet Marthoma Church was the guest speaker. Our Kochamma, Mrs. Leena Santhosh welcomed Jose Achen and Santhosh Achen and all the members who participated in the re treat. Jose Achen gave an inspiring message from the book of 1 King 17. He taught us how a believer should face the uncertainties of life during the pandemic season. About 31 members attended the Zoom meeting. I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Vipin Jacob for leading the singing session. I would also like to thank Mr. Koshy P. Thomas for his help in facilitating the Zoom meeting and all those who participated in the retreat. Women’s Fellowship Secretary, Mrs. Saramma Mohan gave the vote of thanks. The retreat concluded with a prayer by our Achen.

Women’s Fellowship Sunday was conducted on 7th March 2021. About 50 members attended the Church service. Mrs. Regy Thomas gave a thought-provoking message. Dr. Mrs. Pushpa Cherian sponsored tea and snacks for all the members. The collection received through cover and offertory amounted to Rs. 25,580.

We could not conduct the last year Annual sale of the Women’s Fellowship due to the pandemic season. So, we conducted the sale after the Church service on Women’s Fellowship Sunday itself. Our Women’s Fellowship members brought different home-made food items and it was auctioned. I thank Mr. Babu Mathew for conduct ing the auction. A collection of Rs. 30,450 was received. I thank all the Women’s Fellowship members and the Church committee members for their cooperation and sup port on the Women’s Fellowship Day and the sale.

Mrs. Sindhu Justus and family have been transferred to Thiruvananthapuram in July 2020. She was a Women’s Fellowship committee member. The Women’s Fellowship committee along with Church committee gave a sendoff to their family via Zoom platform. We wish to thank their good services to the Church.

Social Work

An amount of Rs. 10,000 was donated towards the marriage expenses of a person in Kerala.


“Bless the Lord O my Soul and Forget not all His benefits”. Psalms 103:2

The Women’s Fellowship under the able guidance of our Achen and Kochamma could continue its activities in a highly effective manner.

Achen conducted the Bible study via Zoom platform in spite of his busy schedule during the past year. These Bible studies were extremely beneficial to one and all who attended the same.


The Women’s Fellowship retreat was conducted via the Zoom platform at 2:30 PM on 2nd October 2021. About 31 members attended the retreat. The retreat started with a prayer by Mrs. Chachyamma Philip. Psalms was read


by Mrs. Alice Cherian. The singing session was led by Mr. Vipin Jacob and Mrs. Lacitha Vipin. Mr. Ajay Rat nasagar from Kerala was the guest speaker. Our Kochamma, Mrs Leena Santhosh welcomed the guest speaker, Santhosh Achen and all the members who participated in the retreat. Mrs. Jyothi Sara Koshy led the Intercesso ry prayer. Mr. Ajay Ratnasagar preached about the Women empowerment and that we should have a change in our lives. I would like to thank our Achen and Kochamma for arranging the retreat. I thank Mr. & Mrs. Vipin Jacob for leading the singing session and all those who were assigned various roles. I would also like to thank Mr. Koshy P. Thomas for facilitating the Zoom meeting, Master Aaron Lesty Santhosh for designing the retreat poster and all the members who attended the retreat. Mrs. Saramma Mohan gave the vote of thanks. The retreat concluded with a prayer by our Achen Rev. T.T. Santhosh.

Women’s Fellowship Auction

Women’s Fellowship Auction was conducted on 12th September 2021 in our Church after the Church service. Our members brought different homemade food items. An amount of Rs.77,900 was received from the auction. Our special thanks to Mr. Cherian T. George for conducting the bidding. I thank our Achen, Kochamma and all the members who participated in the auction.

Women’s Fellowship Sunday

Women’s Fellowship Sunday was conducted on 6th March 2022. The worship service was attended by a sizeable number of members despite the pandemic period. Mrs. Prameela Suresh gave an inspiring message during the service. She spoke about the responsibilities of the women in the family. The members of the Women’s Fellow ship took part in various roles of the service. Tea and snacks were served to all the members. The collection received through covers and offertory amounted to Rs. 29,980.


Once again, I wish to thank our Achen for his wholehearted support and cooperation. I extend my sincere thanks to Leena Kochamma for her leadership and active participation in all our activities. Our sincere thanks to the Church treasurer Mr. Rijith Edwin for helping us in managing our accounts. I would like to thank the com mittee members and the treasurer Mrs. Rachel Babu and all the Women’s Fellowship members for their cooper ation in all the activities. I wish to express my thanks to the Pastorate committee, Youth Fellowship and all the members of our Congregation for the fullest cooperation. Let us praise Almighty God for His abundant blessings which we have received throughout the years’ and pray that His guidance be with us continuously.

Mrs. Saramma Mohan Secretary, Women’s Fellowship



Women’s Fellowship



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2019:

Cash In Hand 8,669.00

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 246,468.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 602,933.62 858,070.62

Subscription 14,950.00

Women’s fellowship Day Cover Offertory 28,400.00

Women’s fellowship Day Offertory 6,600.00 35,000.00

Box Collection 7,635.00

Women’s Fellowship Sale Proceeds 44,225.00

Women’s Fellowship Sale - Donations 21,700.00 65,925.00

Interest on Savings Account 27,445.00

TOTAL 1,009,025.62


Women’s Fellowship



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2020:

Cash In Hand 77,050.00

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 246,468.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 630,378.62 953,896.62

Subscription 15,600.00

Women’s fellowship Day Cover Offertory 25,580.00

Box Collection 10,900.00

Women’s Fellowship Sale Proceeds 28,600.00

Interest on Term Deposits 17,584.00

Interest on Savings Account 19,168.00




Particulars Rupees Rupees

Gift to Guest Speaker on Women’s Fellowship Retreat 3,000.00

Women’s Fellowship Sunday Expenses 2,420.00

Women’s Fellowship Sale Expenses 7,180.00

Women’s Fellowship Conference 2019 - 2020 -- Train Fares 16,929.00

Farewell Gift 1,100.00

Expenses incurred for Watchnight service - Snacks 2,000.00 Expenses incurred for House Visits by Women’s Fellowship Members 2,500.00

Contribution to Youth Conference 10,000.00

Contribution to Charkari Mission 10,000.00

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2020 :

Cash In Hand 77,050.00

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 246,468.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 630,378.62 953,896.62

TOTAL 1,009,025.62



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Contribution towards marriage 10,000.00


TOTAL 1,071,328.62




Particulars Rupees Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2021:

Cash In Hand 147,730.00

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 264,052.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 649,546.62 1,061,328.62

Subscription 13,650.00

Women’s fellowship Day Cover Offertory 25,500.00

Women’s fellowship Day Offertory 4,480.00 29,980.00

Box Collection 13,900.00

Women’s Fellowship Auction 77,900.00

Interest on Term Deposits (Net off TDS) ** 31,319.00

Interest on Savings Account 20,001.00

TOTAL 1,248,078.62

** Interest on Term Deposits updated basis the value credited to the SB Account at the time of redemption

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2021 :

Cash In Hand 147,730.00

Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 264,052.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 649,546.62 1,061,328.62

TOTAL 1,071,328.62 -



Particulars Rupees Rupees

Gift to Guest Speaker on Women’s Fellowship Retreat 3,000.00 Contribution to Medak Diocese 5,000.00 Women’s Fellowship Sunday Expenses 2,750.00

Contribution to Souvenir 5,000.00 Bank Charges 1,382.00 Paid to CMS Industrial School 300,000.00 Advance paid for Procurement of Lift for New Church 650,000.00

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2022 :

Cash In Hand 63,780.00

Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 217,166.62 280,946.62

TOTAL 1,248,078.62 -


Triennial Choir Report


Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

It gives me great pleasure in presenting this Triennial report for the period 2019 – 2022.

I thank God Almighty for safeguarding all the Choir members and their families during the pandemic period.

Choir Sunday was held on 1st September 2019. Various responsibilities during the worship service were taken up by the Choir members. The message was delivered by our Achen, Rev. T.T. Santhosh. I would like to thank the entire congregation for the financial support provided through cover collection.

Christmas Carol Service: The Choir practices for Carol Service started in August 2019 on Sundays after the worship service. The Christmas Carol Service was held on December 14th, 2019, at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. The message for the Carol service, was delivered by Father Thomas (Ansil) Maippan, from Syro Malabar Church. The Choir presented a collection of eight carols of which all the Malayalam carols were written and composed by our Choir director & organist Mr. Stephen C. Koshy. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Stephen C. Koshy (Organist) for the instrumental support provided.

Ecumenical Carol Service: Our Choir has participated in the Ecumenical Carol Service which was held at St. Andrews Orthodox Church on January 5th, 2020. We presented two Malayalam carols which were well appreci ated by the congregation. Our Choir also participated in the online Ecumenical Carol service which was held in January 2021.

Virtual Choir: During the pandemic period in 2020, our Church Choir presented a Virtual Choir song, Hymn 241 “Samaadhaanam Puurna Samaadhaanam” which was hosted on YouTube on December 20th, 2020. I would like to thank Mr. Stephen C. Koshy for recording the music wave files for all the parts which have helped the Choir members to practice their respective parts. In addition, I would like to extend my thanks to Mr. Vipin Jacob for coordinating with all the Choir members in collating the recorded wave files and Mr. Koshy P. Thomas for Video Editing followed by hosting on YouTube.

Soprano: Mrs. Leeja Cherian Mrs. Tina Naveen Cherian Mrs. Sonia Anil Kumar Mrs. Leena Santhosh

Alto: Mr. Vipin Jacob Mr. Senson Philip Cherian


Mr. Cheri Bob Luke Mr. Naveen Cherian Mr. Senson Philip Cherian


Mr. Thomas John Mr. Koshy P. Thomas Mr. Rijith Edwin

“Sing to him, Sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts”

Choir participation during the pandemic period:

Post Covid pandemic hit the world in March 2020, the Choir members were not able to come together and sing during the worship services. However, a few of the Choir members Mr. Stephen Koshy, Mr. Cheri Bob Luke, Mr. Naveen Cherian, and Mrs. Tina Naveen Cherian started the initiative of recording the songs required for the Sunday worship services and these wave files were being played during the online and offline worship services. From the Church Dedication service day on 9th April 2022 Choir singing had resumed in Church and new members also inducted a week before.

Note of appreciation:

A note of thanks to our Vicar. Rev. T.T. Santhosh for his guidance and support.

A special note of appreciation to Mr. Stephen C. Koshy our Choir Director and organist for his valuable con tribution to the Church Choir. I would also like to thank the Pastorate committee members for their support provided.

We express our gratitude for the dedicated services as mentioned here under:

• Special thanks to Mr. Thomas John (Choir Master) and Mr. Cheri Bob Luke (Assistant Choir Master) for their coordination, guidance, and dedication to the Church Choir.

• Also wanted to thank, Mrs. Mariamma Thomas, Mrs. Rachel Issac, Mrs. Sophy Koshy, and Mrs. Sally C. Bob for planning and arranging refreshments for all the Choir members during Choir practice sessions.

• Last but not the least, a special note of appreciation to all the Choir members for their valuable contri bution.

I conclude this report by giving thanks to God Almighty for his ever-abundant blessings.




Particulars Rupees Particulars Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2019: Purchase of Birthday Cake 750.00

Cash In Hand 15,937.50 Expenses on Choir Sunday 3,500.00

Choir Sunday Cover Offer tory 22,200.00

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2020 : Cash In Hand 33,887.50 TOTAL 38,137.50 TOTAL 38,137.50



Particulars Rupees Particulars Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2020: Expenses incurred for Virtual Song mixing and editing 6,036.00

Cash In Hand 33,887.50

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2021 : Cash In Hand 27,851.50

TOTAL 33,887.50 TOTAL 33,887.50




Particulars Rupees Particulars Rupees

Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2021: Cash In Hand 27,851.50

Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2022 : Cash In Hand 27,851.50 TOTAL 27,851.50 TOTAL 27,851.50


Triennial Youth Fellowship Report 2019-2022

Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am glad in presenting this triennial report for the year 2019 – 2022. I thank God Almighty for all the blessings and guidance provided through out last three years. The Church youth has done well in playing a main role during all the services. A special word of appreciation to the Youth committee for their efforts.

National Youth Conference 2019:

We have conducted National Youth Conference NYC – 2019 from 25th to 27th of October 2019 at CHAI training center which was a phenomenal success. The conference Sunday at CHAI training center on 27th October was well attended and the response was encouraging.

It was a great chance for all our youths from across the country to unite in the name of Christ, spend time together, build a fellowship, and bond with each other. The NYC journey was a huge challenge. There were concerns regarding finance, availability of volunteers, and many others. But God’s purpose has prevailed above all. I praise God Almighty for the blessing and guidance throughout our preparation and conducting of NYC. We were always encouraged by the words of Apostle St. Paul to the Philippians; “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

After a lot of deliberation and prayers, we narrowed down on ‘FAITH’ as the overarching theme for National Youth Conference. By considering the popular demand, we integrated it with one of the trending online games called ‘PUBG’ – Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds and titled the theme as “FUBG – Faith’s Unknown Battlegrounds”.

It was fortunate to be backed by an amazing and talented team who planned everything well and took care of each and everything. The sincerity and commitment were beyond expectations in spite of being less in number.

We would like to I extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped us throughout the preparation. Especially, I would like to extend my thanks to Rev. T.T. Santhosh for helping and guiding us all the time, and Rev. John K. Mathew and Rev. Biju Kunjummen for helping us in coordinating the event. A big thank you to our Church committee who helped us in all the possible ways. I also express my sincere gratitude to all the Achens and Youth secretaries and their team for their positive responses and help. I would like to thank each and every one of our Youth and National Youth Conference team, without whom this would not be possible, who worked restlessly for this day and night to make the event a success.

I praise our God Almighty, for His love, grace, and faithfulness, and divine providence in planning and conducting NYC.

Online Bible study:

Youth have conducted online Bible studies every day during the Covid-19 lockdown time through Zoom

“Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you”
Ezekiel 16:60

meeting led by Mr. Nikil C. Jacob and Mr. Mino P. Mathew. It was a great success and average 10-15 people were joining every day for the meeting. It was a great opportunity to unite and learn the word of God even when we were not able to meet each other due to pandemic situation.

Online Bible quiz:

Youth have conducted online Bible Quiz every day during the Covid-19 lockdown time. It was also conducted through Zoom meeting.

Online Bible games:

Youth have conducted online Bible games every day during the Covid-19 lockdown time through Zoom meeting. It was a great time of joy and learning about God together through games. We had a great refreshing time in the difficult pandemic situation.

Account recovery:

Youth Fellowship account was moved to dormant status due to inactivity and was restored to active status because of the timely intervention by the Youth treasurer Mr. Mino P. Mathew.



Receipts & Payment A/c

For the Year Ended 31st March 2020

Receipts Rupees Payments Rupees Rupees

Opening Bank Balance ₹ 89,892.76 National Youth Conferrance Expenses

SB Interest ₹ 3,102.00 Chai Center ₹ 110,700.00

FD Interest ₹ 2,048.00 Food-Catering ₹ 144,000.00

Auction ₹ 64,700.00 Sound System ₹ 85,000.00

Church Contributions from 9 churches ₹ 115,000.00 Transport ₹ 38,000.00

Registration ₹ 82,500.00 Speaker ₹ 10,000.00

Souviner Contribution ₹ 276,500.00 Bishop Ta ₹ 10,000.00

Donation ₹ 76,501.00 TA- Achen-Kottayam-2 ₹ 15,000.00

Tea & Snacks ₹ 8,159.00

Souviner Priniting ₹ 132,103.00


₹ 13,962.00

Meals expens ₹ 10,630.00

Stay-6 Achens on Sunday night ₹ 4,000.00

Auction Exp

₹ 16,410.00

Printing,postal ₹ 19,136.00 ₹ 617,100.00

Closing Bank Balance ₹ 93,143.76

Cash In Hand ₹710,243.76 710,243.76



Receipts & Payment A/c

For the Year Ended 31st March 2021

Receipts Rupees Payments Rupees

Opening Bank Balance ₹ 93,143.76 Printer for Parson age ₹ 11,564.00

SB Interest ₹ 2,840.00

FD Interest ₹ 2,048.00 Donation ₹ 11,564.00

Closing Bank Bal ance ₹ 98,031.76 Cash In Hand ₹109,595.76 109,595.76



Receipts & Payment A/c

For the Year Ended 31st March 2022

Receipts Rupees Payments Rupees

Opening Bank Balance ₹ 98,031.76

SB Interest ₹ 2,887.00

FD Interest ₹ 1,889.00

Closing Bank Balance ₹ 102,807.76

Cash In Hand ₹102,807.76 102,807.76

Fixed Deposit held at Canara Bank, S.D. Road, bearing a/c number: 0845303000179/4 is valued at Rs. 33,000. This Fixed Deposit has matured on 26 September 2021.


Triennial Sunday School Report 2019-2022


Though hard to fathom, a microscopic virus ravaged through the entire world during the period of this report. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted normal religion in various ways, including the cancellation of congregation and Sunday school. As the Church turned around and responded to this challenge by virtual sessions, the Sunday School followed with the leadership of the motivation of the children, the Sunday school Superintendent, the true dedication of all the teachers. We moved forward with the firm belief that just as God instructed Moses and Aaron and the Israelite people in Egypt to mark their houses with the blood of the lamb so that the Lord will “pass over” their house, more so we will move forward in our faith growing stronger during the period of the pandemic.

Registered Sunday school student have ranged between 25 to 30 children during this tenure with an average of approximately 20 children being part of the online classes every Saturday. Children typically join the Sunday School when they are in their kindergarten (around 5 years) and continue with us till they are in their preteens (around 16-18 years). We are thankful to God for giving us as teachers this responsibility of contributing to the spiritual growth of these children. We continued to engage with children through a holistic program of faith-based break out classes, a system that has allowed us to provide age-based attention in various phases of development, focusing on nurturing our children as they were forced to stay indoors during the pandemic. Our focus continued to be on the development of children and motivating them towards a purpose driven God centered life.

World Sunday School Sunday

The first Sunday in November has been celebrated as World Sunday School Sunday. It is a matter of pride as our children take on roles related to the conduct of the main service. While the youngest group of children presented memory verses at the start of the service, the more senior children have shown their understanding of various roles and responsibilities of the order of worship. Our children have boldly shared the Word of God on all these occasions on relevant topics reaching to the congregation with the depth of knowledge in the subject. We are thankful to God for the wisdom showered on our children who shared the word – in 2020 Master Aaron Biju and in 2021 Master Nathaniel Saibal.

Sunday School Christmas Celebrations

Our Sunday School children kickstart the season for celebration each year during the tenure. Our children have joyfully participated in activities displaying their singing and acting talents. In keeping with the times, we conducted an online Christmas program in 2020 and a hybrid Christmas program in 2021 which had children participate both via online and offline platforms. We have had an overwhelming response from parents and volunteers who have helped immensely in decorating the stage, creating, and setting up props and also preparing the children. We are grateful to them for their contributions.

Sunday School Examinations

The Sunday school curriculum involves class time where students and teachers interact, involving in meditating on crucial topics relevant to the life phase that each of the students are at. As the pandemic hit, we switch swiftly to an online platform and continued our outreach to help the children continue on their faith path. Affirmation of understanding is sought by means of continuous feedback during the year and at the end of the year by formal


examinations. Younger children face oral examinations which include memory verses and classroom responses to questions asked by their teacher. As the age group matures, examinations are conducted similar to the exams conducted at their academic schools. The senior classes have discussion topics that need to be related to life lessons, Biblical theory, and philosophy, for which an open book system has been adopted with good success. The aim of these efforts is to create and add to the faith base of the children. Our children are continuously strengthened and encouraged to respond to life challenges they are encountered, through the Word.

Thank You and Gratitude

We would like to thank our Santhosh Achen, honorable members of the Church committee for all the support they have given the Sunday school during this tenure. We would also like to commend the parents and family of our children, volunteers for their wholehearted participation in events – preparing children and making these events a success. Also thank all the Sunday school Superintendent – Mrs. Lulu John and each of the teachers at the Sunday School for their selfless service to the betterment of the children. Most of all to all our children who have continued to surprise each and every one of us with their skills and capacity. We would like to thank all our teachers who managed a crucial and challenging period and selflessly devoted time to ensuring that children continued to grow in their wisdom of God. As the risks related to the pandemic recede, we are all excited to begin our in-person Sunday school at our blessed church.

May God Bless you all!






Balance brought forward 32,487.00

Offertory 9,655.00

Donation 10,000.00

Total 52,142.00



Exp World Sunday School 1,950.00

Expenses Christmas program 3,969.00

Exp print out 200.00

New Guitar with cover 10,700.00

Balance Carried Forward 35,323.00

Total 52,142.00

Sd/ Sd/ Mrs. Sheeja Varghese

Ms. Lullu John TREASURER





Balance brought forward 35,323.00

Total 35,323.00


Sunday School sponsored on Harvest Festival 3,000.00

Prizes for Exams 5,507.00

SS books from Kerala For Beginners class 445.00

Balance Carried Forward 26,371.00

Total 35,323.00

Sd/ Sd/ Mrs. Sheeja Varghese Ms. Lullu John TREASURER







Balance brought forward 26,371.00

Total 26,371.00

Balance Carried Forward 26,371.00

Total 26,371.00

Sd/ Sd/ Mrs. Sheeja Varghese

Ms. Lullu John TREASURER



Triennial Report Church Building Committee 2019-2022

Our new Church at Yapral had almost completed and dedication day on 9th April 2022, was the day we were all eagerly waiting for. When the day of inauguration of our new Church in Yapral was announced to be 9th April 2022, the members of CSI Malayalee congregation living in Hyderabad – Secunderabad were extremely happy. A dream of six decades came true by the Grace of God through hard work, struggles, difficulties and sometimes disappointments. This Church also is a symbol of cooperation, encouragements, and generosity of present and past members of the Church and exceptional leadership amid the scare caused by the pandemic. It is apt to remember some glimpses of the background of evolution of this magnificent Church building.

I remember, it was a rainy day in the 1994, when we had laid the foundation stone for a Church in a land near Secunderabad court, allotted by the Medak Diocese. Unfortunately, we could not proceed further due to land litigation issues. We made another attempt in a land near All Saints’ Church, Tirumalgerry. There also we couldn’t succeed. During the subsequent years, we continued with our efforts to get a suitable land for a Church in Hyderabad.

Finally it was in the year 2014, when Rev. William Abraham was our Presbyter-in-charge, that a land was allotted by the Medak Diocese in Yapral where this beautiful Church has now been built. The foundation stone was laid at a ceremony held on 20th February 2014 by the former CSI Moderator Most Rev. Dr. G. Dyvasirvadam and the former CSI Deputy Moderator Rt. Rev. Thomas K. Oommen. The function was graced by the presence of many personalities, most notably Rt. Rev. Dr. A.C. Solomon Raj (Vice-Chairman, Medak Diocese in 2014), other officials of Medak Diocese and our Church members. We thankfully remember with gratitude the then Moderator, Deputy Moderator, and officials of Medak Diocese who all favorably supported to get this land allotted for CSI Malayalam Church.

Subsequently, we had applied for the building permission in December 2015. As we are all aware, construction of a religious structure goes through multiple and strict scrutiny more so, being a sensitive issue. Obtaining NOC from the District Collector was a massive challenge. The NOC includes clearance and favorable reports from many Government departments – Electrical, Revenue, Tahsildar, Roads, and Building, Local GHMC, many Police departments, General city police, Traffic police, Special Police etc. It was a trying time for the Committee members. Difficulties were compounded by the spread of the pandemic.

Out of six departmental site reports 4 reports had already been obtained during the previous year. Two departmental reports were yet to be received by the District Collector, the “Police” and “Local GHMC”. Follow up continued on daily basis for many months. We could manage to get the favorable report from “Special Police department” and final reports from Commissioner of Police to the District Collector on 12th February 2020. Thankfully acknowledge the help rendered by Mr. Issac George for getting a favorable report.

We followed up the District Collector office immediately to get the NOC prepared and forwarded to GHMC Head office. We received NOC and submitted to GHMC office on 20th February 2020. It was the time of Covid pandemic at its peak. Restrictions and lockdowns continued during this time, so it was difficult for us to approach the GHMC office to follow up. Still we were in contact with them through phone calls and messages and conveyed our concern. We made relentless pursuit at every stage of clearance which included as many as 22 Government offices and Police stations. The painstaking building permission process dragged on for many years. Finally, we succeeded in getting the building permission on 8th October 2020.

After getting the permission, we could not afford to waste any more time. We swiftly identified a good contractor, Zion constructions, who had rich experience of constructing around 40 Churches. The work was awarded to


them after fulfilling all tender formalities. The work finally commenced on 16th November 2020 and continued un-interrupted despite of many issues like local issues, pandemic, lockdowns, and shortage of funds, the most common for any Church construction. The Church and building committees under the leadership of our Rev. T.T. Santosh Achen have jointly managed each and every issues successfully without losing a single working day. We could complete the Church construction within a period of 16.5 months surpassing our expectation. Following are the pending works:-

1. Flooring, Electrical, Doors and windows – Parish Hall

2. Electrical, Parking tiles – Cellar

On behalf of the committee, I believe that we have done our job with utmost sense of responsibility in the best possible way with full involvement, focusing on our target and taking the collective decisions at the right time in our joint committee meetings of 37 sittings. The efforts and commitment of Mr. Mino P. Mathew, Mr. Rijith Edwin, Mr. Koshy P. Thomas, Mr. Babu Mathew, and Mr. Ashish P. Joseph are exceptionally praiseworthy. Brig. E.J. George, a civil engineer, has been our Advisor. His expertise on technical and administrative proceedings has helped a lot in the project.

The role of Rev. T. T. Santhosh was inevitable in making the project possible. He is the 19th priest of our Parish. His conviction, hard work, and uncompromising stand had helped to achieve the goal. This Pastorate will always remember Santhosh Achen, Leena Kochamma and young Aaron who made his contribution in his own way.

Again, I would say that this project wouldn’t have been possible without the support and generous contributions of our beloved Church members. Though they are in limited numbers, their contributions are beyond their capacity. We thank our friends and well-wishers from outside who supported us generously in this project.

I would like to acknowledge the commitment of our Contractor Mr. K.C. Saji, and Mr. Manu Mathew, who have done their job sincerely without compromising with the quality of the work. The architect, Mr. Kartik, the structural engineer, Mr. Bharani Kumar, site engineers, notably the supervisor, Mr. Venkateswarlu, and the workers, who all have given their priceless contribution to the building of this edifice.

Foremost, we thank our Lord who gave us spiritual, mental, and physical strength to overcome all obstacles and difficulties at every stage of construction and took care of every individual involved in the construction activities. Our respected Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. A.C. Solomon Raj has been a pillar of strength on many occasions. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge each and every one whose encouragement and blessings made it possible this project and let’s be proud as the members of CSI Malayalam Pastorate to have our own a beautiful Church in Hyderabad city.

Mr. Babu P. John Secretary, Church Building Committee


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