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H E R B E R T B AY E R DOB_04.05.1900 DIED_0 9 . 3 0 . 1 9 8 5 AUSTRIAN & AMERIC AN


< kinda looks

like magneto




BAYER EARLY L I F E At the age of nineteen Herber t Bayer took up an apprenticeship with the architect and designer Georg Schmidthamer in Linz, where he produced his first typographic works.

B AY E R 1 9 2 1 < Kinda Looks L i ke P ro f fe s o r X F r om 1921 Bayer worked at the Darmstadt ar tists' col ony as assistant to the ar chitect J osef Emmanuel Mar gol d.

Jo h a n n e s I t t e n ( B aye r s M e n t o r )

Wa s s i ly K a n d i n s k y ( B aye r s M e n t o r )

I n t h e s a m e ye a r B aye r e n r o l l e d a s a s t u d e n t a t t h e We i m a r B a u h a u s , w h e r e h e i n i t i a l ly a t t e n d e d t h e p r e - c o u r s e u n d e r J o h a n n e s I t t e n fo l l owe d by a wo r k s h o p o n mu r a l p a i n t i n g , l e a d by Wa s s i ly K a n d i n s k y.

BAUHAUS " ho us e of cons truction" A r t s c ho ol in Germany that c o mbine d c ra fts and the fine a r t s , a nd wa s famous for the ap p ro a c h t o des ign

BAY E R 1 9 2 5 I n 1 9 2 5 B aye r c o m p l e t e d h i s training with a final examination.

H e r b e r t B aye r w a s a l s o ap p o i n t e d h e a d o f t h e n ew ly c re a t e d wo r k s h o p fo r p r i n t a n d a d ve r t i s i n g a t t h e Dessau Bauhaus during t h i s s a m e ye a r

BAYER & BAUHAUS Bayer was both a student and a teacher at the Bauhaus and worked in a wide range of fields including painting, sculpture, typography, advertising and architecture.

The education Bayer received at the Bauhaus shaped the rest of his life. Under the influences of Walter Gropius, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, and Wassily Kandinsky, Bayer gave himself over to the school’s philosophy of functional design.

The amount of work that he created before he was 28 was more notable than most designers entire careers of work.

BAYER & BAUHAUS Beginning in 1925, the Bauhaus adopted a fresh graphic design identity to use in all of its correspondence and publications. The Bauhaus graphics incorporated a newly created sans-serif lower-case typeface called Universal that was designed by Herbert Bayer.

BAY E R 1 9 2 8 In 1928 the artist left Bauhaus to focus more on his own artwork and moved to Berlin, where he worked as a graphic designer in advertising and as an artistic director of an advertising agency called "Studio Dorland". Became Art Director of Vogue Magazine

B AY E R 1 9 3 8 Fleeing the repression of Nazi Germany, Bayer moved to New York in 1938.

He established an office below the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), then housed in Rockefeller Center.

BAYER 1944 In 1944 Bayer married Joella Syrara Haweis, the daughter of poet and Dada artist Mina Loy. The same year, he became a U.S. citizen.

BAYER 1946 In 1946 the Bayers relocated. Hired by industrialist and visionary Walter Paepcke, Bayer moved to Aspen, Colorado as Paepcke promoted skiing as a popular sport. Bayer's architectural work in the town included co-designing the Aspen Institute and restoring the Wheeler Opera House, but his production of promotional posters identified skiing with wit, excitement, and glamour.


Utilizes XYZ axis Uses a lot of sans-serif typefaces, Geometric shapes, and negative space

BAYER & Ty p e He designed a universal type that reduced the alphebet to clear, simple, and rationally contructed forms. He omitted capital letters, arguing that the two alphabets are incompatible in design.

D e sig ne d a cover for a journal c a l l ed Simply B a u haus that featured simple feometic solids and e ng ineer’s tools that are funda me ntal to the machine aethetic

Th i s w as a no t he r famous pos ter that w a s d e sig ne d by Bayer. Th e co m postional grid of the poster i s eq u i v a le nt , in its d ynamic a s ymme t r y, t o the overall p l a n o f the ba uhaus build ings

Baye r wa s a lso k nown for his A rc h i t e c t ura l de signs

Here’s Isome tric Rendering of the D i re ct o r ’s Offic e in Bauhaus Weimar, 1923

He rb er t B aye r, Se lf-Por trait, 1932 Bauh a u s - A rc hiv B erlin

Baye r u s e d the e xpres s ive armour y o f Su rrea l i sm for the photomontage . Re a li t y, sym b o l i se d by the body reprod uced w i t h ph o t o g raphic pre cision, merges with t h e drea mworld, whe re a mirror does not simp ly re fle c t the image of an excerp t o f real i t y, b ut lite ra lly makes it pos s ible t o expe ri e nc e the diss olution process es firs t - h a n d. B a c k in reality, this provid e s a n occ a s i o n to re c o g nis e or ques tion the se l f .

B AY E R / AWA R DS C u l t u re Prize of the German Society fo r P h o tog raphy (Cologne , 1969) I n d u ct e d int o the Hall of Fame by th e A r t D i rec tors C lub (1975) A rc h i t ec t ure Fo rum Upper Austria in Li nz Ho n o ra r y do c t o rate from the Techni ca l U n i vers ity o f G ra z (1977) A u s t r i a n C ro ss o f Honour for Scienc e a n d A r t (1977) A mb a s s a do r' s Award for Excellence (L o n d o n )

B AYER / A F TE R D E AT H Bayer made provisions to donate, after his death, a collection of his works which had been housed in ARCO's conference center in Santa Barbara to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The works are currently on loan to the Denver Art Museum.


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