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foreword preface introduction watchfullness in the citizen social cause posters design ///social justice screen printing workshop all hands on deck passport of human rights thank you typography ///the underground build a box to think out of process///documentation conclusion bibliography colophon

foreword Advanced Graphic Design Fall 2015 Foreword by Stacy Asher Assistant Professor of Art In the Fall of 2015, the Advanced Graphic Design course at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln engaged in research about the role of design in creating social change. This course was an investigation of graphic design driven by research. Projects were socially and civically engaged, and focused on the production of communication systems, investigating history and theory of graphic design for social change, and the publishing of self authored work. Collaborative exercises and activities created an understanding of identity systems, social values and how to promote “justice for all� through visual communications. Deliverables for the course consisted of designed artifacts that documented, reflected, analyzed, and synthesized design research. The first half of the course integrated the series of exhibitions, lectures and presentations relating to the topic of art/ design for social justice that occurred on campus through October. The second half centered around publication and experiential design, and the development of identity systems. The course outcomes provided opportunity for students to be innovative, culturally critical and potentially create social change.

for ewo rd///


preface In order to understand black space you would first need to know what white space is. White space is also referred to as negative space; it is everything that is not filled with any color or content. This is important to designers because white space is a key aspect to great design. On the other side of the spectrum we have something called positives, which surprisingly isn’t called black space but just called positive. For this book my goal is to not use any white at all but instead use all black, grey, and hints of yellow.

introduction The purpose of this book is to convey my process as a graphic designer. My goals I hope to accomplish with producing this book is to end up with a visually appealing product. My concept behind this book is to make it clean and simple. I set conditions in my book that follows a main four color scheme which consists of black, yellow, and two shades of grey. Enjoy!

intr oduc tion

Exercise ///01 Words on the Street / Signs of Equality Assignment includes a group field trip to the Nebraska State Capitol to observe the designed world and hunt for visual communications that express equality, freedom and justice for all. Using ONLY found imagery from the field trip and walking tour, design a visual communication that is in response to the following quotation that is at the main entrance of the capitol.

“The Salvation of the State is Watchfulness in the Citizen” — H.B. Alexander

EX_01 For this exercise the objective was to take the quote from H.B. Alexander and interpret it in our own way. To me, the salvation of our state begins with our protection. When I think of protection I think of law enforcement. In today’s society most citizens view the police as pigs. So my inspiration came from the famous rap group, NWA. I placed the tittle from a famous song they produced on a image that was published by the Black Panther news paper. My concept was to use strong imagery and text to promote police brutality.

workshop w Kemerling/

with Justin ///

social cause posters ///

Assignment_01 For this assignment we had to design a poster that was going to be displayed during the week of the social justice symposium. My concept was very similar to exercise one. My poster consisted of an image from the Rodney King police brutality case which was the spark that caused the LA riots in 1992. The famous quote, “can’t we all just get along?”, Rodney King said. This inspired me to make my social justice poster about police brutality.

design/// social justice

screen printing workshop/// For the design social justice screen printing workshop our advanced graphic design helped setup and assist others who did not know how to screen print. As an active student I helped wash screen and run ink through the screens. Overall the workshop was a success, we had over fifty people attend and make grapics on shirts. My favorite piece from the workshop was the quote, “ Revolution is a process not an event�.

all hands on deck///

human Rights ?!?!?!?!

the rights you have simply because you're human.

applies t all people.

after two world wars... countries united .

the universal declaration of human rights was born.

Target focus

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


James victore


takashi murakami

Ideas /// Inspiration Kawaii

+ Torture


Philatelic Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. phi路lat路e路ly n. The collection and study of postage stamps, postmarks, and related materials; stamp collecting. [French philat茅lie : Greek phil-, philo-, philo- + Greek ateleia, exemption from payment (because a postage stamp indicates prepayment of postage) (a-, without; see telos in Indo-European roots).]

passport of human rights///

Project_01 Brief Design a system of postage stamps to communicate about human rights and civil liberties. The system can be inventive, hypothetical and innovative in its usage or it can be traditional while expressive imagery and typography are explored. The narratives you create with the postage stamp designs can reflect human rights in the past, present and the future.

join the conversation @


typologies ///

postage Stamps///

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

Usa forever 2015

This series of stamps correlates to Article 5 of the Declaration of Human Rights. The Article states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” These limited edition stamps depict torture devices that have been used throughout history and are still even being used today. For more information, each illustration below will have a brief description next to it explaining what kind of torture the device inflicts. Humiliating and painful, this punishment was something of an endurance test where the victim would be hooked into a neck device, either made of metal or wood, which prevented the victim from adjusting into a comfortable position. The cruelty of this punishment lie within the fact that they were unable to lie down, eat, or lower their head for days!

Though women were also subject to many of the torture techniques on this page, this is one that was specifically designed for them. Used to cause major blood loss, the claws, which were often red hot, would be placed on the exposed breasts as the spikes penetrated beneath the skin. It would then be pulled or jerked causing large chunks of flesh to come off with it.

One of the torture devices during the Spanish Inquisition, this is probably one of the most gruesome of them all. The victim is put astride, naked, on a donkey-like apparatus, which is actually a vertical wooden board with a sharp V-wedge on top of it. After that, the torturer would add varying weights to the victim’s feet until finally the wedge sliced through the victim’s body.

Looking like an oversized pair of scissors, it could effortlessly cut the victim’s tongue. Their mouth would be forced opened with a device called a mouth opener, and then the iron tongue tearer would uncomfortably twitch the tongue with its rough grippers. Once a firm hold was maintained, the screw would be firmly tightened and the victim’s tongue would roughly be torn out. The infamous cat o’ nine tails is still used in countries today as judicial punishment, and not all such instruments of torture are simple nine-tailed floggers. Some have barbed wire attached to the tails to inflict further pain and damage. Floggings with ‘the cat’ have even resulted in death.

Though there are many variations of this torture device, the thumbscrew or ‘pilliwinks’ all function the same. They were designed to slowly crush not only the fingers and toes, but larger devices were also used to crush knees and elbows. There is also the Head Crusher, which could do the same for heads. It’s primary intention was to extract confessions from victims and it was first used in medieval times.

This torture device consisted of a metal piece with two opposed bi-pronged forks attached to a belt or strap. One end of the device was pushed under the chin, the other to the sternum, and the strap was used to secure the victim’s neck to the tool while the victim hung from the ceiling or was somehow suspended so that they could not sleep. If their heads dropped, the prongs would pierce their throat and chest. Waterboarding is a vile torture technique that has been in use since pre-colonial times but unfortunately continues to be practiced to this day. It consists of tying a prisoner down on a board or a table made for the purpose. Water is then poured over the victim’s face and nasal passages to recreate the sensation of drowning. By all accounts it is a terrifying experience, and the direct physical effects are as severe as the psychological ones.

thank you///

typo graphy /// the underground

“ It is necessary to remind that the Central Trung Bo Committee of the National Front for Liberation in March 1968 denounced to public opinion at home and abroad this extremely savage and inhuman crime of the U.S. in this massacre. The GI’s, carrying out the “Burn all, destroy all, and kill all” policy, shot dead hundred of persons, burned even babies still sucking milk from their mothers, disemboweled pregnant women and raped to death many women, including teenagers and old women. ”

Assignment_04 This article about the massacre by U.S. troops in Son My village really caught my attention. The imagery that was depicted was photo of a plethora amount of dead bodies stacked on top of each other. The article goes more into depth of how American media tends to censor stories such as these. There have been many other massacres by U.S. troops that had been covered up by our government as the article also explains. This article can relate to my concept of the new project because I plan on making Mister Rodgers Neighborhood but a Son My Village version. I plan on making a miniature landscape inside the box that is the quite opposite of Mister Rodgers ideal neighborhood. To make this an interactive piece, I also want to incorporate a peephole on the outside of the box so that people can look into. The main concept of this idea is to make the audience aware of our history that isn’t in our history books. This project will bring awareness to the audience that America is very censored even though we don’t realize. The issue that I selected is VOL. IV NO. 8 of the Black Panther Party newspaper. The featured story was about the burning of the Black Panther Community News Service building. The article described how the firefighters that came pretty much destroyed everything that the fire couldn’t. It also shows images of fire fighters enjoying the destruction of the building as well. The graphic images that are displayed are mostly black and white with a light overlay of the color red to signify fire.

build a box to think out of

“One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self ” – Fred Rogers

Project_02 Build a box to think out of. Build a 3D box, cube or a symmetrical block to communicate about the ideologies of Mr. Fred Rogers.

process /// documentation

coll abor ation

Project_02 Brief My concept for this box was to convey disaster and mayhem in neighborhoods. This can relate to Fred Rodgers ideologies because he teaches the audience that during harsh times we need to come together as a community in order to fix our neighborhoods. For my box I decided to design the inside and out. For the inside I decided to make a broken city landscape that is currently undergoing a tsunami disaster while the city is burning in flames of chaos. For the outside of the box my concept is the complete opposite. I decided to incorporate text that states, “before I die I want to fix�. I really wanted to make my box interactive as well, so I spray painted a coat of chalkboard paint for the audience to write their viewpoints of what they would like to fix before they die.

conclusion Black Space is a glorified process book specifically designed to be fresh AF. This book can be found online through issuu. Black Space is chronologicallhy orginized from the first excerise in the beginning of the semester to the last project which is this book, Black Space.


This edition of Black Space was done for advanced graphic design class and tributed to the elite group of designers, Huy Dem Boyz. J$ made this dope book to convey his sense of design and express his style. Black space, created in Lincoln, NE. This book was produced using InDesignwith help from Photoshop and Illustrator. The typefaces that were used: Bebas, Helvetica, and Futura. Color Scheme: black, yellow, dark grey, light grey. Font sizes: 10, 15, 25, 50, 100, 200.

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