Josh's Journey Volume 1 Issue 5

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August 5th, 2015 | Volume I | Issue 5

Division 18 Belleville Bloomfield Clifton Glen Ridge Nutley St. Mary’s

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Table of Contents

Page 3

Introduction & Reminders

Pages 4-5

Featured Article

Page 6

Regional Training Conferences

Page 7

Fall Rally

Pages 8-9

Key Club’s Service & Vision Partners

Page 10-11

Youth Opportunities Fund

Page 12-13

Guide To The District Website

Pages 14

Divisional Event Update

Pages 15-16

Key Leader

Page 17


Page 18-21

Social Media/Final Reminders

Page 22

Important Contacts

Division 18, I hope you are all having a fantastic summer filled with relaxation as well as service! If you have not had any service projects so far, don’t worry! There are plenty of events you can do in the summer, such as car washes, working with your local library and working at homeless shelters. This past month, several events took place at the district level, such as the K-Family picnic, which will be recapped later in the newsletter, as well as the Teen Hunger Institute. This upcoming month, the District Board will be participating in the August Board Meeting, in which we will be working on RTC’s and Fall Rally! Here are some reminders: -RTC’s are September 12 in West Deptford High School, 13th in Phillipsburg High School and 19th in Millburn High School! You must attend at least one to be distinguished at DCON! -CMRF’s must still be handed in by the 9th!!! -The Divisional event idea has been changed, and will be discussed later in the newsletter. Enjoy the rest of this newsletter as well as the summer!

This month, LTG of Division 22 Ciara Clarkin provides our Featured Article piece with a recap on her experiences with the KFamily Picnic! The K-Family Picnic was a splendiferous annual event that took place on June 19th hosted by the NJ Circle K. Numerous people from the New Jersey District of Key Club attended the event. There we participated in about an hour and a half of community service work, cleaning up the beach, afterwards Kiwanis Family members (includes K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis) engaged in multiple competitions and fun activities. Some of these activities included a sand castle building competition, volleyball, a water balloon toss (which ended in a water balloon fight) and the pieing of people on the Circle K District Board.

The NJ District of Key Club made one fantastic Key Club logo sandcastle and several of us were able to pie Circle K members, Governor Josie even managed to be the first one to pie Circle K Governor Rocky Trifari. So I suppose one could say a battle between two Governors emerged. I found this event to be a lot of fun, people from all the K-Family clubs bonded together in one event each spending only $10 for a glorious time. I would most definitely recommend going to next year’s picnic, especially if you want to join Circle K or Kiwanis later in life. Mingling together, you could really see how much everyone in the K-Family values service.

Last May, the Spring RTC’s took place in two schools! As many clubs were in the middle of having elections, not many officers from Division 18 were able to attend. However, this fall, there will be 3 different chances to attend! RTC’s are led by the district board, and they are there to help build stronger leaders at the club level. They provide workshops that range from one for each position— from President to general member—as well one for our Advocacy focus and Service Project Ideas! Meet people from all over the district, and learn from each other on how you all run your clubs! It is all free, and it comes with breakfast and lunch! In order to be distinguished at DCON, you must attend at least one. On September 12th, it will be at West Deptford High School, September 13th will be at Phillipsburg High School and September 19th will be at Millburn High School. I hope to see all of you there!

Fall Rally this year is quickly approaching! On October 11th, the largest gathering of New Jersey Key Clubbers in Six Flags Great Adventure will be occurring! Get ready to be pumped for the upcoming service year, as the district board will be dressing up as your favorite Dr. Suess characters, with the theme being, “Oh, the Service You’ll Do”! Meet over 3,000 Key Clubbers from all over the New Jersey District, and see why New Jersey is the district where the Key Clubs are the best! Prices and more information is forthcoming; however, please make sure to advertise this to all of your clubs at the beginning of the year, as it is a great way for people to get excited for the service year!

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International that provides funds to help Key Clubs execute their service opportunities. The YOF is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships – a fellowship that aims to fund service projects and recognize people who unselfishly contribute their time to the Key Club Program. YOF grants can help your club perform the service project of your dreams; start looking around your school, community, or world for things that need improvement! Applications are due on October 15th at 11:59 EST each year – do not miss the deadline, there is only one funding cycle per year! The Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 1 st, 2016. Clubs may request financial assistance for said service project ranging anywhere from $100-$2000. The YOF committee usually allots the funds to clubs who ask for a portion of the total cost of the project, and to projects that are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. In 2010, Warren Hills Regional High School Key Club in Washington, New Jersey, was awarded $2,000 to organize an association and create a 72-plot organic vegetable and flower garden with two water pumps and a deer fence for the community. Out of this small plot of land, they were able to produce and donate over 1,000 pounds of food from the garden to their local food pantry. Now, the Key Club is working on adding 23 more plots, 4 water pumps, brick walkways and birdhouses…not to mention the wheelchair-accessible plot this spring! I challenge YOU to apply for the YOF grant and make an impact as big as Warren Hills Regional! The current application for the YOF grants can be found on

There has been an update to the Divisional event ideainstead of having a bi-divisional event, we will most likely be having a Volleyball Marathon type event similar to last year’s Eliminathon’s, and will most likely be held in Clifton High School. I would like to thank Clifton’s President Bayanne Waqqad for presenting this idea to me! I will definitely be working with LTG of Division 17 Iskander to possibly have a bi-divisional event alongside this event, but nothing has been planned as of yet. I will update you all on any progress! Thanks!

Imagine a weekend in the woods with about 65 Key Clubbers learning about service, leadership, and having fun while doing it – that is exactly what Key Leader is! This year, from December 4th - December 6th, Kiwanis is sponsoring their annual Key Leader in Camp Cross Roads in Port Murray, NJ! As mentioned, about 65 students join together for a weekend to learn about what it means to be a leader. From ropes courses to informative workshops, Key Leader is an overall amazing experience! At Key Leader you are able to meet teens from all over New Jersey who share a passion for service just like you! The friendships and bonds you form at Key Leader are incredible. The great thing is that not just Key Clubbers attend – students not in Key Club as well as 8th Graders can join in on the fun! If a student has attended a Key Leader prior to this year, they are able to sign up as a Student Facilitator. At Key Leader, students break off into groups called “neighborhoods” and Student Facilitators are in charge of neighborhoods. The neighborhood will have to create their own mascots, posters, and will be taking part in team building activities together. The Student Facilitators will get a discounted price of about $115 of what would be $200 for non Key Clubbers and $175 for Key Clubbers. The money goes towards food, lodging and activities throughout the weekend. It is truly a life changing experience, and you get to meet so many amazing people! If you have any questions about Key Leader, feel free to contact me or our Key Lead-

er subcommittee chair, Josh Mariscal at I hope to see you there!

The Key Leader registration is officially opened! As mentioned in the previous page, Key Leader is a great weekend where you can learn about Service Leadership, as well as meet over 60 Key Clubbers who have the same passion as you! I highly recommend attending this great weekend, as it is truly an amazing experience! Registration can be found at this link: 1434732519668. Speaking from personal experience, I know that it will do nothing but great things for yourself. If you have any questions, feel free to email me, anyone on the District board or Mr. Barrie Werfel at

This is aimed for Club Treasurers and club advisors, but all officers should keep this in mind: Everyone should work on collecting dues at the very beginning of the year. District dues are $5.50 and International dues are $7.00. You are able to charge up to $5.00 for your club treasury. The early bird deadline is November 1st (which you can get an award at DCON for handing dues in at this deadline), and the regular deadline is December 1st. The minimum amount of members a Key Club can have is 15 members, so make sure that you really promote the club at the beginning of the year! Bring a friend who has never been in Key Club, promote it to the freshman, do all you can to make Key Club a household name at your school!

NJ Key Club has various forms of Social Media! From Facebook to Instagram, find out what is going on all around the district! Facebook: New Jersey District of Key Club International Instagram: @njkeyclub Twitter: @njkeyclub YouTube: NJKeyClub Division 18 also has their own Facebook group: Division 18 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

-The next DCM has been pushed to Friday, September 4th at Panera Bread in Montclair -Divisional event will most likely be a Volleyball marathon in mid-December -RTC’s will be in September 12th, 13th and 19th -Fall Rally will be October 11th -Key Leader is December 4th-6th -International and District dues combined are $12.50, and early bird is due on November 1st, while regular deadline is December 1st. Thank you, and have a great rest of the summer!

Governor Josie Suddeth—

Secretary Sarah Park—


David Treasurer Bobbie Boettinger—

Editor David Guirgis—


Webmaster Shannon Peng—


LTG Josh Mariscal—



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