Josh's Journey Volume 1 Issue 10

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January 10th, 2015 | Volume I | Issue 10

Josh’s Journey Division 18 Belleville Bloomfield Clifton Glen Ridge Nutley St. Mary’s

Table of Contents Page 2

Table of Contents

Page 3

Introduction & Reminders

Pages 4-5

Featured Article

Page 6-7

Elections Article

Page 8-9

Scholarships Article/Flyer

Page 10

Golden Member Award Flyer

Page 11

Outside Organizations Flyer

Pages 12-13

March of Dimes/CMN Flyer

Pages 14-15

Key Clubs Vision/Service Partners

Pages 16-19

Social Media/Final Reminders

Page 20

Important Contacts

Introduction & Reminders 2016 is here, I am releasing my 10th newsletter, and LTG Elections are just around the corner. I remember exactly a year ago today being completely nervous for elections, and now, the best year of my life has gone past me. I am forever grateful for what all of you in Division 18 have done for me and for being the best you could be! I still have a few more months with you, until DCON, so make sure to continue to be great! There are a couple of reminders I would like to send to you: -DCON is from April 1st—April 3rd! Make sure to start making plans for registration—the registration was released with the December District Mailing. -Scholarships for seniors from NJ Key Club are now available! Make sure to apply for some! -LTG Elections are January 14th, each club should have 2 delegates for voting! I hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter!

Featured Article This month’s Featured Article section comes from Clifton High School Key Club, with their Vice President, Sharmitha Yerneni, writing an article on the Giggles Theater. Here it is! A tradition that Clifton High School Key Club has held for the past eight years is its contributions to Giggles Theater. Each December, Key Club hosts a performance at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson, NJ, for the pediatric department, presenting skits, jokes, dances, and musical performances. This performance uplifts the patients during difficult times.

Featured Article (cont.) This month, Key Club has won a $2,000 grant from the Youth Opportunities Fund which has been donated to Giggles Theater to continue providing nightly shows for the pediatric patients. In addition, we have raised $100 to support this cause. The Clifton High School Key Club’s contribution to Giggles Theater is truly exemplary of the greatness in Clifton High School and our community. Thank you, Sharmitha, for the great article for a great event! I am planning on making 2 more newsletters—if you would like to write an article for either one of the next 2 ones, feel free to email it to me! Thank you, once again!

Elections Article New Jersey Key Club is searching for dedicated student leaders to serve on the 2016-2017 New Jersey District Board. Each District position, whether a Lieutenant Governor or a District Executive, require great leadership and commitment however each position is beneficial and rewarding. New Jersey Key Club District Officers oversee the District to ensure it runs efficiently. We organize events such as Fall Rally and District Convention for the district to come together annually to share our passion for service. Lieutenant Governors are regional liaisons between the Club and District levels of Key Club International. Lieutenant Governors, or LTG’s, are elected by the Club Officers from their division. LTG’s keep clubs up to date on District affairs and work to strengthen and provide support for their clubs.

Elections Article (cont.) The District Webmaster oversees the district website and helps promote New Jersey Key Club. To become webmaster, you must fill out an application found in the Elections Packet and complete an interview at DCON. The New Jersey District is also looking for qualified student leaders to run for District Executive positions. The District Executive positions are District Governor, District Secretary, District Treasurer, and District Editor. District Executives serve and oversee the Lieutenant Governors and clubs of the New Jersey District. The delegates present at District Convention elect District Executives into office. If you are interested in becoming a District Officer for the 2016-2017 service year you must be elected into office. All Lieutenant Governor Elects and District Executive Candidates must attend Midwinter Training Conference to be trained for their respective positions. Feel free to contact your Lieutenant Governor or Elections Chairperson Zierra Dean ( for more information.

Scholarships Article Hello, New Jersey District Key Clubbers! As hard as it may be to believe, the Key Club service year is quickly ending. For many, this may be your last year and time to say goodbye. However, you have the great opportunity to be rewarded for your dedication to Key Club and your determination to make the world a better place! Each year, the New Jersey District grants different scholarships each ranging from $1,000 - $2,000. This year there are 17 different scholarships. All information regarding these scholarships can be found in the scholarships packet, but here is a brief list of what is required within your application:  An essay detailing your favorite Key Club service project (Maximum: Two pages).  Two letters of recommendation from adults who are familiar with your service, neither of which can be a relative.  Advisor verification of your service, particularly if you must estimate your number of hours/points, in the case that your club does not record hours/points.  Brief description of all your service, inside and outside of Key Club, and your greatest achievement outside of Key Club. All scholarship applications must be postmarked by February 24th, 2016. Any application not postmarked by this date will not be considered. The New Jersey District of Key Club Kiwanis Committee will be reading your applications to determine the winners. The recipients of the scholarships will be announced at District Convention 2016! I greatly look forward to receiving your applications! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Scholarships Flyer

Golden Member Award Flyer

Outside Organizations Flyer

March of Dimes Flyer

Children’s Miracle Network Flyer

Key Club’s Vision Partners

Key Club’s Service Partners

Social Media NJ Key Club has various forms of Social Media! From Facebook to Instagram, find out what is going on all around the district! Facebook: New Jersey District of Key Club International Instagram: @njkeyclub Twitter: @njkeyclub YouTube: NJKeyClub Division 18 also has their own Facebook group: Division 18 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

Social Media (cont.)

Social Media (cont.)

Final Reminders

-LTG Elections are January 14th, make sure to have 2 delegates attend to vote! -DCON is from April 1st-3rd! -Secretaries must continue to submit CMRF’s! -The AARF must be filled out to get awards for DCON! -Scholarships from NJ Key Club are out! Make sure to apply! Thanks for reading!

Important Contacts Governor Josie Suddeth—

Secretary Farwa Shakeel—


David Treasurer Bobbie Boettinger—

Editor David Guirgis—


Webmaster Shannon Peng—


LTG Josh Mariscal—



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