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Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Zhuohui (Joyce) Huang 870604 Alison Fairley + 08



Education: 2018 - 2020 2017


Bachelor of Design Glen Waverley Secondary College

Precedent Study Work Experience: 2017 -


Melbourne University Chinese Theatre Group

Generating Design Through Digital Processes Awards / Exhibition: 2017


FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery

Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion Skills: Rhino Grasshopper

I am really interested in exploring architecture within the digital realm. Doing Digital Design this year has really opened my eyes to the new frontier that I would really love to explore. Throughout the semester, all the exercises help me discover what we can do and what the technology can achieve and how we could find the intersection to make it architecture intervention. The aspect I enjoyed the most in this subject was part 1 of module 2, because I am extremely interested in paper model making. During this process, I designed series of paper structure, including both developable and non-developable structure in order to push my modelling skills and conceptual ideas. In this semester, I learned the most about the transition from architecture idea to physical construction. In my model making process, I very often overlook the constrain of technology and therefore neglect the buildability of an architecture. Architectural engineering is the link between digital project and real building. In the future, I wish to involve more structure analysis beforehand to ensure the quality of physics output. I wish to explore more architectural ideas through generative techniques in the future, even beyond physical construct.

Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication

email: zhuohui@student.unimelb.edu.au


Diagramming Design Precedent

It is conceived as a series of undulating lines constituting bands and forming part of the structure that is reminiscent of a contour drawing. The new Summer House is organized as four bands of structure beginning with a bench level attached to the ground, a second band of three C-shaped walls crowned by a third and fourth level which forms a roof that cantilevers a tree-like canopy over the smaller footprint.



Circulation Diagram Threshold (Permibility)

Threshold (Permibility)

The middle level shows the circulation range which is radially outwards.

The threshold is defined by how much of the user are in contact with

The lower level shows the overlapping circulation paths which are

the building illustrated by the gradient of color. Absolute boundary

majorly coming from one direction.

and implicit boudary are also taking into account.


Generating Ideas Through Process


Design Matrix

Surface, base grid and reference panels are my main parameter. The surface transformed from a pair of parallels to a vortex-like self-intersecting surfaces, this problem was later resolved by reducing the length of line segment on the upper part. Various base grid pattern and referenced panel were tested out as mentioned before, turned out the diamond grid is more adaptable. Complexity is also challenged to a degree that cannot be hand manufactured.


Surface and Waffle

This laser cut model mimics the dynamic form of the tongue of flame. Its porosity and velocity are translated into spatial language using the representation of paper panelling. Two surfaces which were initially intersecting still appear to be intertwined after modification with the aids of flowing top panels and the protruding waffles. Moreover, each flat panels remains well-sitting on the surface with custom opening to indicate porosity while the vortex-like rotating solid panel adds dynamics to the surface.


Computation Workflow

The two surfaces are then

Subdivion through

Apply based grometry

created by lofting lines picked from box.

diamond grid.

to each panel.

Constructing vertical waffle and horizontal waffle through picking edge.




Learnt from the experience in module 3 Fodr, thick and long tabs are very unpleasant when folding the pointy edge. Therefore I did not use the system “Unroll� command to create the tabs, instead, I manually picked out the middle 50% part on the selective side and offset them using divide and offset. Joining the flat panel and solid panel was uneasy, identical data structure have to be matched and the order on the list has to be examined to ensure they are connected in the right manner. The cut out is achieved by finding the intersection and use pipe geometry to Boolean Difference out.


After couple time of iterations, I found that with such stacking crystalline effects, shapes with obvious angle, ideally 45-135 degrees are the best reference geometries, as they give unambiguous definition of the formality of the solid when stacking. Forms that are as closed to 1:1 ratio are better for the result as they do not lose their iconic feature during shearing and scaling. Also, I use the reference geometry itself as the Boolean mother to achieve uniformity. The first one use platonic octahedron gives me the image of a cliff with two caves and one intermediate platform. The second one reminds me of condense urban housing and heavy traffic in Hong Kong, it also includes an interesting footpath sheltered by the suspended housing area. Both are well tool to connect huge height difference drop as well.


Boolean different parts from the main model



The recessing nature of the platonic octahedron, it allows the additive layer to sit perfectly on the bottom one without needing to place redundant supporting material. This nature also grands accessible footpath connecting the flatform and the upper open field. Also, the triangulated surface creates an organic crystallisation effect, once again source from the nature. The partially sheltered and fully sheltered caves contrast with the fully pubic area. This configuration also gives a sense of formidability and formality, it could be used as an monumental space.


Design Matrix

Location of satellite, the attraction force, number of grid and shapes are the main four parameters in this design. Although the locations of satellite are relatively chaotic, it is found that more interesting results could be generated when number of satellite and size of grid are matching and large. The complexity of this geometry is shown through the undulating terrains.


Computational Process

It initially generates a system of Box3dGrid and employ a system of orbit revolting satellite around the box to attract/repull the grid.

The location, quantity and size of the satellite are parameterised as well as the exact range of attraction force to affect the spatial quality and arrangement of the box grid. Other shapes can also be incorporate into the design, by replacing the CentreBox component to a defined brep object then scale it with respect to the factor mentioned above. Note that, scaling object takes into account of the relative distance between the defined object and the target grid.


M2 Task 2 3D Printing

3D model print 01

This 3D printed model was not the best digital model but the printed result is the best due to the recessing nature of the platonic octahedron, it allows the additive layer to sit perfectly on the bottom one without needing to place redundant supporting material.


3D model print 02

My concept is based on man made nature. From my module 3, I realised momentary combination of formal geometry could somehow reflect the nature element found in daily life. In this design, I wish to capture the moment of a vivid leaf with water drops siting on top in the morning. As a leaf in the summer breeze, it interacts with the environment. To capture this moment is very much based on representation, to allow the visit too, to engage in this very precious moment. The leaf then slightly touches the ground, producing a reacting wave, as shown by the loops of ripples. The gentle sunken landscape attract attention to the pavilion. Also, I wish to use this opportunity to evoke the notion that, if we continue in our current industry trajectory, we will one day no longer that landscape to build our pavilion in.



Isometric Roof glass - provides main shelter

Frame - supporting

the bottom part is covered by the glass panel to ensure a flat surface

structure for pavilion

The panels make up the shape of the leaf

Three levels of threshold


Design Iteration

Landscape 01

Landscape 02

Landscape 03

It looks at the negative space in each panel and represent it in a much larger scale. Although it is the right approach it overtakes the pavilion and seems not matching the design either.

It bases on the idea of man-made plant and extends the pavilion through its roots. The language is very literal here but again it overtakes the pavilion and definitely not looking like the extension of pavilion.

The pattern is a direct extension from the low poly mesh surface of the pavilion, it provides a sense of lightness and broken images. It was chosen to be my final design.


Realistic Render


Dreamy Render




Computational Process

based geometry modelled by

Use hexagon grid to construct main


stem In each cell, regenerate a new pattern by connecting all the vertices in a defined manner.


Use the network to build a surface.

Computational Process

Scale each cell to prepare for future modification.

Redesign each curve through control points, scale, blend and fillet commands. Lofting each curve accordingly.

Final outcome.


Fabrication process

Test print

Landscpae model

Test print 2

frame of the structure, it fails because of each member is too thin

Landscape model constructed from paper folding

Frame of the structure with details from the panels, it fails again because of lack of infiltration.


Other implication of parametric design

360 Image Output

Digital Design Semester 1, 2018 27

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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