STHS Library Annual Report, June 2012

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Springfield Township High School Library Annual Report—June 2012 Celebrating our library!

Highlights of 2011/2012 • Migrated all library pathfinders to LibGuides platform • Planned and hosted two OneBook,OneSpringfield programs and co-hosted Community Film Night • Hosted two student teachers • Introduced curation as research strategy • Introduced infographics as a research product • Launched statewide digital collection curation initiative with LSTA funding • Launched #swvbc (Somewhat Virtual Book Club) • Hosted live and virtual author visits • Added inspirational word wall, computer chairs, and cozy group space • Planned and launched our new Creative Commons media production space with students • Forged new connections with ESL and Special Education classes • Selected as EduBlogs’ Lifetime Achievement Award recipient • Presented at TEDxPhillyed, as well as international keynotes at IFLA and ECIS

This report is meant to be viewed online. Please visit our Virtual Library (http:// springfieldlibrary.wikispaces .com) for easy access to


• Selected as a Library Media Connection Leading Visionary of the Learning Commons Concept • Published Reading Remixed in April Educational Leadership • Continued integration of Web 2.0 tools and digital storytelling into curriculum and introduced new research tools and learning strategies • Library functioned as hub for research, production, and presentation: a learning commons 2011/2012 was a year focused on new partnerships, reading promotion, curation, and rethinking our library as a hybrid learning commons. Students visit our library both formally and informally to engage in inquiry projects, work in groups, write traditional research papers, tell digital stories, explore new books, borrow ereaders, search scholarly journal databases, discover real-time search tools, document sources with online citation generators, present the results of their research, describe their newly installed art work, build research wikis, participate with experts and authors in online teleconferences, produce media, and collaborate using cloud-based applications. Our collection continues to grow in new directions, evidenced by the continual circulation of cameras, headsets, and e-readers. Our virtual presence is robust and dynamic. Students know that their library is always open and our impressive Virtual Library statistics reflect serious and ubiquitous use by learners.

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