Virtual Library: http://springfieldlibrary.wikispaces.com
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Feb. 2012
Volume 12 Issue 2
Books and book clubs!
Big, Big Library News! Coming soon, a media production space! A generous grant from an anonymous donor will allow us to set up a fabulous multimedia production lab in the reference area of our library. The lab will feature new Mac desktops, a green screen, drawing tablets, café-‐style seating, and a laptop charging/using counter, and more. It will be available for independent student use as well as class bookings. We’ll be looking for student volunteers (with study halls) to help staff the area. Our Library is an app. (well, actually a mobile site) Our new practicum student, Kathie Jackson, and I have been working on creating a library mobile app. Students should be able to easily access library resources easily on their iPads, iPhones, and others mobile platforms.
Coming soon: a community-‐wide One-‐ Book-‐One SpringQield (OBOS) discussion featuring author Len Miller. The discussion of Silent Thunder: Breaking Through Cultural, Racial, and Class Barriers in Motorsports takes place on Wednesday, March 14 at 7:00 PM and will be led by Voices of Excellence students. In collaboration with the Retina, OBOS is planning a spring Family Film Night at the Ambler Theater. Proceeds will beneQit Retina and the James Taylor Scholarship. The event is scheduled for Monday night, March 26th. The title of the Qilm will be announced shortly. Andy Dippell and BethAnn Olesen have volunteered to lead the May 16th discussion of Dave Eggers bestseller Zeitoun: the true story of one family, caught between America’s two biggest policy disasters: the war on terror and the response to Hurricane Katrina. Join us on the evening of May 16th for this community-‐wide OBOS discussion. This year our student Book Club has become somewhat virtual. Yes, we continue to host face-‐to-‐face meetings, but we also connect with Qive other high school book clubs around the country via Skype and Google Hangouts. Our last discussion was a comparison of The Invention of Hugo Cabret with the new Qilm Hugo with clubs from California, Connecticut and Oregon. Our next discussion is John Green’s new novel, The Fault in our Stars.
We’re still working out a few bugs, but for now, just visit: http://sdst.libguides.com/mobile/1552 to
open the mobile site.
Springfield Township HS Library, 1801 East Paper Mill Road | 215-233-6030 X. 2502 | http://springfieldlibrary.wikispaces.com
Author James Kennedy The Order of the Odd-‐Fish, will be visiting with our Book Club and our Creative Writing class face-‐to-‐face on April 11th. (A big thanks to our PTA for the mini-‐grant!) We also look forward to a virtual visit from really popular YA author Libba Bray, who has promised to join us through Skype when we discuss her latest book, Beauty Queens.
Kindles to go! Thanks to last year’s PTA Mini-‐Grant, we have three Kindles, packed with most of the titles on our reading and lit circle lists, as well as lots of classics and popular titles. Your students are welcome to borrow them. We also have a little money left on our PTA-‐ funded Amazon gift card so we can add titles you suggest. (See the current list of titles on the last page of this report.)
Build your own Personal Learning Network (PLN) and attend our workshop!
Over the couple of years, I’ve learned about some great new ways to learn and grow thanks largely to social networking. I recently built a LibGuide for our District Professional Development Committee. You can Qind it easily as a tab on our Guide for Teachers. The new PLN Guide includes: lists of educational hashtags for quickly accessing relevant Twitter discussions and regularly scheduled chats, and a list of online communities of practice for educators. But if you want a more personal PLN building experience . . . Ken Rodoff and I will present an after-‐school workshop on PLNs. What: Building a Professional Learning Network - A how-to hands-on experience When: Monday, February 27, 3:00PM - 4:00PM Where: High School Library Details: Build a powerful network of colleagues without leaving your laptop. Learn how to leverage Twitter (Yes, Twitter!), Skype, curation tools, webinars, & online professional networks to inform and inspire your practice. Bring your laptop to this heavily hands-on opportunity.
Need help guiding your students with a papers or projects? Remember that our Research Guide (http://sdst.libguides.com/researchtools) offers support for documentation, thesis development, communication strategies, and much more. If your students are in a Google rut, please remind him or her that our subscription Database Guide (http://sdst.libguides.com/ databases) is the online portal to a rich collection of curricular/academic resources and media. These resources represent the type of content students will be expected to reference at the university level. Also check out our recently revised Current Events Guide(http://sdst.libguides.com/currentevents) with its links to major news feeds and news sources from around the world. If you need help developing any instruction or supporting student inquiry and communication, we can plan together. I am so happy to help you develop lessons and to work with you to create new guides. Some guides of interest for teachers include: Rubrics, Teacher Tools, Teaching Portals, and e-‐Curricula and Texts.
Springfield Township HS Library, 1801 East Paper Mill Road | 215-233-6030 X. 2502 | http://springfieldlibrary.wikispaces.com
New Titles We just received Gale’s Critical Companion: Feminism in Literature, a six-volume set, exploring the history of women and feminism throughout literature, from classical antiquity to modern times.
Databases update: When EBSCO and Wilson merged recently, we experienced a bit of database shift. I am currently updating the links, but here is a list of the current EBSCO titles: • EBSCOhost • Business Abstracts with FullText • Education Fulltext
Information Plus!
• General Science Fulltext • GreenFile (Environmental resources) • Humanities Fulltext • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts • OmniFile Fulltext Mega • OmniFile Fulltext Select • Readers' Guide Fulltext Mega • Readers' Guide Fulltext Select • Social Science Fulltext • Teacher Reference Center
Just in are the 2011 volumes of Gale’s Information Plus series, jam-packed with statistics about important social issues, featuring such titles as: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The American Economy Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Electronic America Energy Gambling Gun Control The Health Care System National Security Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Drugs Animal Rights Crime, Prisons, and Jails Genetics and Genetic Engineering Growing Up Immigration and Illegal Aliens Social Welfare Water
Springfield Township HS Library, 1801 East Paper Mill Road | 215-233-6030 X. 2502 | http://springfieldlibrary.wikispaces.com
LIBRARY REPORT! Tech News you May Have Missed Wolfram Alpha (http://www.wolframalpha.com/) the computational search tool we already love, recently launched i t s Wo l f r a m E d u c a t i o n Po r t a l ( h t t p : / / education.wolfram.com/) with highly interactive texts for the high school classroom. The site now offers algebra and calculus, but there’s more to come. For more e-texts, see our e-Curriculum Pathfinder (http://www.only2clicks.com/pages/ joycevalenza/350887) which includes Wolfram’s multidisciplinary source, CK-12 (http://www.ck12.org/ flexbook/).
instaGrok (http://instagrok.com) still in beta, is a
search tool designed for students. It is a useful place to begin a search and to gather context and new vocabulary. It offers users the following features: retrieves materials in multiple formats filters out non-educational content determines difficulty levels incorporates a rating system identifies important concepts generates interactive visual concept maps similar to Google’s now defunct WonderWheel • Defines terminology with examples of use in context • • • • • •
Quixey (http://www.quixey.com/) is a search tool designed to help people easily find apps simply by function-by describing what they want to do.
APPitic (http://appitic.com/) is a collection of 1300+ apps for education organized by theme, Bloom’s taxonomy, multiple intelligences and special ed needs. Apps are selected by Apple Distinguished Educators.
iWitness http://iwitness.usc.edu/SFI/ Imagine that you could have 1,000 survivors in your classroom . . . The University of Southern California Shoah Foundation recently launched the BETA version of a truly important gift– a searchable, interactive archive of more than 1000 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors and other witnesses.It is a creatively designed, Common Core standards-aligned portal for instruction. And if they register, students and educators have permission to make derivative works using the editing tools provided on the site. The King Center in Atlanta recently launched the King Center Archive, (http://www.thekingcenter.org/archive) making available thousands of neverbefore-seen documents and images connected to Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement. This year, the JFK Presidential Library http://www.jfklibrary.org/ released a great number of primary source documents including the final White House recordings secretly taped during President Kennedy’s time in office.
This one is not new, but it is cool. Looking for a secure social learning environment for your classes? Give Edmodo (http://www.edmodo.com/) a try. The tool features: • A safe environment for differentiating instruction with oneto-one or whole group communication. • An anytime, anywhere mobile learning environment with smartphone apps and mobile site. • Easy access to projects, classwork and school events through assignments, quiz builder, calendar and gradebook features.
Springfield Township HS Library, 1801 East Paper Mill Road | 215-233-6030 X. 2502 | http://springfieldlibrary.wikispaces.com
Scenes from the library:
Remember, your laptops can travel. I’d love to work more closely with laptop classrooms. We welcome your learners and your laptops into the Library to use our services, our wireless, our books, and our lovely learning spaces!
Hope to see you and your classes soon! joyce
Springfield Township HS Library, 1801 East Paper Mill Road | 215-233-6030 X. 2502 | http://springfieldlibrary.wikispaces.com
Complete Works of William Shakespeare: 197 Plays, Poems & Sonnets Shakespeare, William Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Dracula Stoker, Bram Edgar Allan Poe's Complete Poetical Works Poe, Edgar Allan Emma Austen, Jane Essays - First Series Emerson, Ralph Waldo Ethics Aristotle Familiar Quotations Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel Frankenstein Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft FREE Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements (Mendeleev's Table) in the Trial Version FREE Weights and Measures Study Guide: Conversion of over 1,000 units including Length, Area, Volume, Speed, Force, Energy, Electricity, Viscosity, Temperature, & more Great Expectations Dickens, Charles Grimm's Fairy Stories Grimm, Jacob, Grimm, Wilhelm Gulliver's Travels Swift, Jonathan Hamlet (mobi) Shakespeare, William I Am the Messenger Zusak, Markus I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya Inheritance (Inheritance Cycle) Paolini, Christopher Julius Caesar [with Biographical Introduction] Shakespeare, William King Lear (mobi) Shakespeare, William King Richard III Shakespeare, William Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas
Alcott, Louisa May Golding, William Dickens, Charles Shakespeare, William Austen, Jane Shakespeare, William Austen, Jane Hesse, Hermann Xingjian, Gao MobileReference Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Sunzi Zusak, Markus
Little Women (Sterling Classics) Lord of the Flies Oliver Twist Othello Pride and Prejudice Romeo and Juliet (mobi) Sense and Sensibility Siddhartha Soul Mountain Sudoku The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Art of War The Book Thief The Comedy of Errors The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] The Diary of a Young Girl The Glass Castle The House of the Scorpion The Iliad The Invisible Man The Jungle Book The Kite Runner The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights The Man in the Iron Mask The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood The Odyssey The Orestia The Phantom of the Opera The Plague The Prince The Republic The Sayings Of Confucius The Scarlet Letter The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Things They Carried The Time Machine The Ultimate Play Collection (50+ Plays) The War of the Worlds The Winter's Tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Things Fall Apart: A Novel (African Trilogy) Thirteen Reasons Why Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea Uncle Tom's Cabin Uncle Tom's Cabin Walden War and Peace Word Morph Volume 1: transform the starting word one letter at a time until you spell the ending word
Braginsky, Leonid
Wells, H. G. Shakespeare, William Baum, L. Frank Achebe, Chinua Thirteen Reasons Why Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm Verne, Jules Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Beeche Thoreau, Henry David Tolstoy, Leo
Shakespeare, William Frank, Ann Walls, Jeannette Farmer, Nancy Homer Wells, H. G. Kipling, Rudyard Hosseini, Khaled Knowles, Sir James Dumas, Alexandre Pyle, Howard Homer Aeschylus Leroux, Gaston Camus, Albert Machiavelli, Niccolo Plato Confucius Hawthorne, Nathaniel Stevenson, Robert Louis O'Brien, Tim Wells, H. G.
STHS Library: Kindle Book List
title author 25 Language Phrasebook: German, French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, ... Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, and Thai A Christmas Carol Dickens, Charles A Journey to the Centre of the Earth Verne, Jules A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Beah, Ishmael A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare, William A Thousand Splendid Suns: 1 Hosseini, Khaled Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis Anna Karenina Tolstoy, Leo Around the World in 80 Days Verne, Jules As You Like It Shakespeare, William Beauty Queens Bray, Libba Blindness Saramago, Jose Bulfinch's Mythology Bulfinch, Thomas Civil Disobedience Thoreau, Henry David CK-12 Advanced Probability and Statistics CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Biology I - Honors CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Calculus CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Chemistry CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Earth Science Honors For Middle School CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Geometry CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Life Science Honors For Middle School CK-12 Foundation CK-12 People's Physics Book Version 2 CK-12 Foundation CK-12 Trigonometry CK-12 Foundation Common Sense Paine, Thomas