African American Almanac.11th Ed. Christopher A. Brooks, ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2011. 978-1-4144-4547-2. 1601p. $297.00. Gr. 9+. This fat, comprehensive volume has been around since I first became a librarian and it remains an important, go-to work. Written by subject experts and academics, the volume is packed with: a detailed chronology (from 1492 through 2009); a chapter on African American Firsts (from 1619 to 2010); nearly 100 pages of Significant Documents in African American History; a fifty-page list of African American Landmarks arranged geographically; and a chapter on Africa and the African Diaspora, offering both a history/overview and country-by-country specifics. The bulk of the volume attractively and engagingly covers African American contributions to all areas of American life, for instance: politics; religion; art, popular and classical music, and blues and jazz; the military; law; sports; literature; media; education; film and television. This one belongs in every high school collection. Buy if you don’t have or if it’s time for an update. Also available as an ebook. Joyce Valenza – Springfield Township High School African American Eras: Segregation to Civil Rights Times. 1-4144-3596-7. 960p. African American Eras: Contemporary Times. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning (UXL), 2010/2011. 1-4144-3596-7. $278.00 each set. Gr. 7+. Volume 1: Activism and Reform, The Arts, Business and Industry Volume 2: Communication and Media, Demographics, Education Volume 3: Government and Politics, Health and Medicine, Law and Justice Volume 4: Military, Popular Culture, Religion, Science and Technology Each set provides a broad overview of African American history and culture—one from 1865 to 1965, and the other from 1965 through 2010. Chapters address broad subject areas and begin with chronologies, era overview essays, biographies of prominent African Americans, topical entries relating to major events, primary sources, research and activity ideas that will be extremely popular with classroom teachers and librarians. Unfamiliar terms are conveniently explained in sidebar glossaries. These two sets are exceptionally well organized and provide fascinating material not available in other sources. Content, images, and primary sources have been carefully selected for their curricular relevance. These sets would be a wise purchase for nearly every middle school and high school reference collection! Joyce Valenza – Springfield Township High School Alabaster, Carol. Developing an Outstanding Core Collection: A Guide for Libraries, 2nd ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 2010. 978-0-8389-1040-5. 200 p. $59.96. Though certainly intended as a guide for public libraries, the advice and suggested selection policies could easily be applied to a high school library. Beginning with the philosophy of a core collection, Alabaster addresses the key elements of developing a balanced and quality library collection. In addition to the helpful tips on selecting titles, there is a useful chapter on how to write a core collection policy statement. A great reference for both new and seasoned librarians! Mary Schwander - New Hope-Solebury High School Bonhomme. Brian, ed. Milestone Documents in World History: Exploring the Primary Sources That Shaped the World. Dallas, TX: Schlager Group, 2010. 978-0-9797758-6-4. 4vols. 1900p. $395.00. Gr. 9+. This four volume set is modeled after the Schlager group’s award winning Milestone Documents in American History series. It provides key documents from ancient civilization to today featuring all world cultures, including ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, Greek and Roman empires, medieval Islam, Renaissance Europe, and modern Africa and Asia. The documents feature speeches, letters, constitutions, acts, treaties, and legal cases. This set is very useful for teachers and gives lots of resources to extend lessons, such as questions for further study, essential quotes, further reading, document texts, many pictures and teacher activity guides that are aligned with the national history standards. Each set purchased also gives a free, unlimited subscription to the online Salem History database. Very useful for AP World History students. Melissa Daugherty – Sharon Middle High School Balliett, James Fargo. Environmental Issues: Global Perspectives. Global Perspectives Series. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference, 2010. 5 vols. 0-7656-8097-1. $249.00. Gr. 8+. This valuable reference set consists of five volumes: Forests, Freshwater, Mountains, Oceans, and Wetlands, and offers a muchneeded international perspective. The goal is to share how human population growth and behavior have changed the world’s natural areas, especially in negative ways, and how modern society has responded to the challenges the changes present. Each title is divided into three parts: an introduction to the ecosystem, in-depth case studies of seven geographically diverse locations, and the impact of cumulative levels of pollution and aggressive resource consumption on each biome on a global scale. Though each volume covers a different system, it is clear that they face common human-induced pressures. Each attractive and clearly written volume contains selected websites, a glossary, suggestions for further reading, charts, maps, and black and white illustrations. This set makes a perfect addition to the high school collection and will be welcomed by science and social studies teachers. The case studies are perfect fodder for classroom reading and discussion. Joyce Valenza – Springfield Township High School Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century. Ciment, James, ed. Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 2010. 3 vols. 978-0765682246. $339.00 Gr. 9+ This set provides rich accessable informationabout economic history and the importance and relevance of economics now and in the past. It also examines the various world economies and provides brief historical information. Material is presented in an organized, 1