Joy of Medina County Magazine December 2021

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Joy of Medina County Magazine | December 2021

HEALTH: OF MIND AND BODY Using Induced Stress To Improve Health by Kelly Bailey Are you comfortable with discomfort? Have you ever noticed that the actions and activities that will make you fit and healthy are often a little, er, painful? The human body is an adaptive-reactive system. That means it needs to be stressed just enough to cause a reaction. This reaction often causes discomfort but also is what forces the body to bounce back better. I can think of three things I do almost every day that are uncomfortable, but also are science-backed ways to improve health. 1. Exercise. Exercise pushes you to your mental and physical limits. You breathe hard, sweat and sometimes get sore. In the gym, I am always trying to get one more rep or go a little heavier. It is hard! But the body needs this kind of stress to build back stronger. If you want to see big improvements in your health in less time, try strength training two to three times per week. 2. Infrared sauna. Short bouts of extreme heat or cold are actually good for the body and force positive biological adaptations. In fact, our genetic code seems to expect this kind of stress (after all, most of our evolutionary history happened outside in extremes of weather). I recommend using it two to five times per week. 3. Fasting. Hunger causes discomfort, but it is good for us. Going for periods without eating gives your digestive system a break and forces your body to utilize stored body fat and old proteins for energy. To make it simple, stop eating by 7 p.m. and do not eat again until about 9 a.m. the next day. This moderate 14-hour daily fast is great for general health. So, the next time you feel uncomfortable and want to quit, remember that it is not laziness! More than likely, it is a fear of the discomfort. Lean into it and know that your body is being forced to adapt and will bounce back better than ever! A certified personal trainer and certified holistic nutrition coach, Kelly Baily owns and operates Kelly Bailey Wellness. Find her blog, visit the Food Freedom page, and contact her at Following any recommendations are solely at your discretion and responsibility. Consult your medical professional prior to undertaking any suggested diet, lifestyle or exercise change or routine.


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