1 minute read


by Bob Arnold

It is really exciting when things come together at a networking event! It brings out the kid in me. Let me explain.

I was at a networking event the other day and met Sandy (alias) and she was explaining to me that she loves to invest in old houses, yet finds the titling process to be quite complicated and troubling. She wished she could find an agent who is well versed in navigating these unique title landscapes.

After a few questions, I learned she likes to buy within certain neighboring communities and likes century homes that have a lot of character left in them.

Sandy laughs because the kind of house she wants to invest in is the kind of house her friends turn their noses up at and tell her she is crazy. She just smiles at them and knows she is on the right track. I was puzzled about something though.

Read the rest of the column at https://bit.ly/31e2R21

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