Book s and Bytes ontheBayou A Laf ourche Parish Publ ic Library Publ icat ion
January 2016
he et t e M
in 2016 Pag e 5
Pag e 6
Ex p r ess Yo u r Dr eam i n Ho n o r o f
St ar t Fr esh @ y our L i b r ar y ! Pag e 3
Pag e 5
W hat 's New
Feat ured Event s
Early Lit eracy: Reading and St oryt ime
Book Reviews
Children: Classes and Event s
Teens & Tweens: Classes and Event s
Family Fun: Event s for All Ages
Adult s: Classes and Event s
Lifest yle: Classes and Event s
M ont hly Insight s
St aff Spot light
Did You Know: Informat ion Spot light
16-17 December Phot o Highlight s
A ll LPPL locations w ill be closed: N ew Y ear's H oliday January 1st - 3rd M ar tin Luther K ing Jr. D ay January 19th
Got a New Year's Resol uti on? We can h el p! Your library offers programs and resources for health and fitness, tech and computers, hobbies and crafting, and lots more! Call or visit to ask us how we can help you achieve your new year goals!
*Blood Drive availability is pending 25 participants at each location
President Bennie Smith Vice-President Lonnie Granier Judy Bazare Lonnie Granier Selma Malcombe Angelique Torres Suzanne Troxclair Boar d of Control L iaison John Arnold
The Lockport, Thibodaux, and South Lafourche Branches are coordinating blood drives through the Blood Center during National Blood Donor Month. Those interested in making a blood donation can sign up at a main branch near you. Bl ood Drive t imes wil l be: (pending 25 sign-ups) -
Lockport Branch: January 13, 2:00 PM t o 6:00 PM Thibodaux Branch: January 21, 2:00 PM t o 6:00 PM Sout h Laf ourche Branch: January 25, 2:00 PM t o 6:30 PM Call your local branch for more info. Contact numbers can be found on back cover. 2
W h at 's New ...
The l ibrary has added cool new educat ional kit s f or STEAM programming. We have:
Start the year off with a clean slate if you owe fines for overdue books, movies, magazines, or music! January is Fine Forgiveness Month at all Lafourche Library locations. From January 1st through the 30th, libraries will be accepting non-perishable food items including pet food in place of fines. All donations will be given to local food banks to help the community.
Magna Tiles
LittleBits Electronics
Lego Chain Reactions Kits
Science Whiz Cool Circuits
Gear Building Kit
Magnetic Kit
Electronic Snap Circuits kit
Makerbot 3D Printer
Expired food items will not be accepted. Laptop, Launchpad, Nook, and Playaway Book Pack fines are not included in this program.
Li b r a r y Ci r cu l a t i o n Po l i cy Audio CDs Check out limit: 5 Check out period: 21 days Books and Magazines Check out limit: 15 Check out period: 21 days DVDs Check out limit: 5 Check out period: 14 days Pl ayaway: Check out limit: 5 Check out period: 21 days Launchpad: Check out limit: 1 Check out period: 7 days
Al l it ems can be renewed one t ime onl y.
3D Doodle Pen Kit
Check out our STEAM pr ogr ams t his mont h! Bayou Bl ue Branch - LEGO Robot ics: Tuesday, January 26, 4:00 PM Choct aw Branch - Magna Til e Buil ding: Ages: 4-9. Thursday, January 14, 5:00 PM - Gear Buil ding: Ages: 4-9 Tuesday, January 26, 4:30 PM Larose Branch - Gear Buil ding Pl ayt ime: Tuesday, January 19, 5:00 PM Lockport Branch - STEM Learning: Wednesday, January 27, 4:00 PM - Video Game Design Camp: *Saturday, January 23, 2:00 PM Racel and Branch - Doodl e Pens 3D Drawing: Tuesday, January 12, 5:00 PM - Magnet ic Scul pt ures & Magnet iic Fiel ds: Tuesday, January 19, 5:00 PM - LEGO Chain React ion Gaming: Tuesday, January 12, 5:00 PM
Lapt op Check out limit: 1 Check out period: 3 days
Thibodaux Branch - LEGO Robot ics: Saturday, January 30, 10:00 AM
eReader: Check out limit: 1 Check out period: 21 days
Sout h Laf ourche Branch - LEGO Robot ics: Saturday, January 9, 2 PM ? 4:00 PM
W h at 's New ... Nat ional Hobby Mont h Research has shown that people who have hobbies are generally healthier, and have a lower risk of depression and dementia. Michael Brickey, author of ?Defy Aging,? says that an ideal hobby would be one that serves three purposes: a diversion (escape from daily life), a passion (engage in something you love) and a creation of a sense of purpose. Many hobbies also provide a social outlet for us if we join teams or interact with others (a sewing group, book club). These social interactions can provide a degree of social support we may need. Hobbies can also bring pleasure to our life. Choct aw Branch - Gl it t er Candl e Hol der Craf t : Tuesday, January 26, 1 PM Bayou Bl ue Branch - Wine Gl ass Paint ing: Thursday, January 28, 1:30 PM Thibodaux Branch - Paint ing Cl ass: Fleur de lis Wednesday, January 20, 5:15 PM
- Finger Knit t ing: Cl ass: Saturday, January 9, 1:00 PM Racel and Branch - Mardi Gras wreat h Craf t : Monday, January 25, 10:30 AM
- Hobby Share: Share your hobby in our display case. Monday, January 4, All Day - Couponing 101: Wednesday, January 6, 5:00 PM
New Magazines Added on Fl ipst er! Through the library, you get free and instant access to the most popular magazines. Checkout and read the latest issues however you like - in the browser, on your phone, or on a tablet. Flipster is easy to use and super convenient. Use the Flipster app, available through the iTunes store for the iPhone, iPad , iPad Mini at Google Play store for Android phones and tablets to download magazines for offline reading. You can access Flipster from any computer, laptop, or mobile device, as long as you are connected to the Internet. Use your library card number to access.
New Tit l es: - Gl amour - Gl obe
Larose Branch - Scrapbooking: Tuesday, January 19, 1:00 PM to 6:45 PM
- iPhone Lif e
- Trading Tit l es book cl ub: Wednesday, January 27, 10:30 AM
- OK! - Prevent ion
- Bird Feeder Craf t : Monday, January 11, 10:30 AM
Sout h Laf ourche Branch - La Tabl e Francaise: Converse with others in Cajun French. Tuesday, January 19, 3:00 PM
Gheens Branch - Mardi Gras Mask Craf t : Tuesday, January 26, 4:30 PM
- Beaded Charger Pl at e Craf t : Wednesday, January 13, 10:30 AM
Lockport Branch - Foreign Fil m Fest : Au Revoir Les Enfants Wednesday, January 20, 5:00 PM
Gol den Meadow Branch - Col oring f or Adul t s: Monday, January 11, 1:00 PM 4
- Nat ional Enquirer
- Sel f - St ar - Vanit y Fair
Fe a t u r e d Ev e n t s Technology Classes and Tech Support Bayou Bl ue Branch New Device Cl ass: Thursday, January 21, 3:00 PM
Gheens Branch eReaders & Smart Phone Workshop: Wednesday, January 6, 4:00 PM
Comput er Basics Cl ass: Monday, January 25, 3:00 PM
Gol den Meadow New Device Cl ass: Monday, January 4, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM
Choct aw Branch New Device Cl ass: Monday, January 4, 11:00 AM Thursday, January 28, 4:00 PM
Ch r i st m as j u st p assed an d l ef t m an y w i t h n ew g ad g et s t o p l ay w i t h . L u ck i l y , y o u r l i b r ar y o f f er s t ech cl asses an d d em o s t o h el p y o u b eco m e t ech - sav v y i n n o t i m e!
Beginner?s Int ernet Cl ass: Wednesday, January 20, 1:00 PM
Did you receive a new tablet, laptop or phone for the holidays? Join us and we will walk you through using your new device. You can also learn all about the fun and free resources your library has to offer! We provide eBooks, digital audiobooks, popular magazines that you can download and read or listen to for FREE. Call or visit us to schedule a free one-on-one appointment with one of our librarians today.
Thibodaux Branch Teen Onl ine Gaming Tips & Tricks: Wednesday, January 13, 4:30 PM Racel and Branch Phone Apps Cl ass: Friday, January 15, 2:00 PM
Lockport Branch Video Game Design Camp: Saturday, January 23, 2:00 PM New Device Cl ass: Wednesday, January 6, All Day Larose Branch New Device Cl ass: Wednesday, January 6, 4:00 PM Sout h Laf ourche New Device Cl ass: Wednesday, January 6, 3 PM
Lear n Mor e @ Your Libr ar y
Mar t in Lut h er King Day His most famous address was the "I Have A Dream" speech. He was an advocate of non-violent protest and became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was assassinated in 1968. Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday held on
the third Monday of January. It celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., an influential American civil rights leader. He is most well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for racial equality in the United States.
The Martin Luther King, Jr, Encyclopedia By Clayborne Carson
Martin Luther King I Have a Dream (DVD)
Upcoming Events Thibodaux Branch - MLK Movie: American Moments: Martin Luther King.& the Civil Rights Movement Saturday, January 16, 1:00 PM Bayou Bl ue Branch - MLK Peace Flower Craft -Ages 4-7 Friday, January 22, 3:00 PM
Gol den Meadow Branch - MLK St oryt ime: Wednesday, January 6, 4:00 PM Lockport Branch - Peace Doves Craf t : Thursday, January 28, 4:00 PM
Racel and Branch - I Have a Dream Craf t (kids) Wednesday, January 13, 4:00 PM Sout h Laf ourche Branch - Peace Dove Craf t : Wednesday, January 20, 4:30 PM 5
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King By Jean Marzollo
Selma (DVD)
St o r y t i m e s Storytimes also usually include a short craft. Bayou Blue Branch (10:30 AM) - Jan. 11. "Bath Time" - Jan. 25. "Soup-er Storytime"
Raceland Branch (11:30 AM) - Jan. 7. "Snow & Winter" - Jan. 14. "Rhymin' Time" - Jan. 21. "Crawfish Time" - Jan. 28. "Bedtime"
Choctaw Branch (11:15 AM) - Jan. 5. "Winter Fun" - Jan. 21. "All Aboard"
South Lafourche Branch (10:30 AM unless noted) - Jan. 5. "Community People" - Jan. 12. "Jungle" - Jan. 19. "Once Upon a Time"
Gheens Branch (5:00 PM) - Jan. 5. "Let It Snow" - Jan. 19. "Bear with Me" Golden Meadow Branch (5:00 PM) *Register to receive a free copy of a book read at Storytime. One per household, while supplies last. (Indicated with an asterisk *)
- *Jan. 5, 5:00 PM "Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere" - Jan. 6, 4:00 PM "Martin Luther King Jr." - *Jan. 12, 5:00 PM "Mascotas Amigas" (bilingual)
Thibodaux Branch (10:30 AM unless noted) - Jan. 6. "Going on a Road Trip with Ms. Allison" - Jan. 13. "Policeman Storytime with Officer Melancon" - Jan. 20. "Winnie the Pooh" - Jan. 27. "Let's Make Soup"
St or y t i mes
- Jan. 7. Rock 'n' Roll" - Jan. 14. "Winter Waddle" - Jan. 21. "Cold Colors" - Jan. 28. "Alice in Wonderland"
by Eric Lit win and Scot t Magoon It's bedtime at the Nut House, but little Wally and Hazel Nut aren't ready to go to sleep. "We're Nuts! We're Nuts! We're Nuts!" Why go to bed when you could be singing and howling at the moon?
In an unforgettably catchy bedtime adventure, Eric Litwin, author of the best-selling and beloved Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, and artist Scott Magoon invite readers to chime in and join the nutty fun!
Lockport Branch (10:30 AM) - Jan. 7. "Bear with Me" - Jan. 14. "Dinosaur Stomp" - Jan. 28. "Sneezes"
Thibodaux Branch Lapt ime St oryt ime 0-24 months 10:30 a.m.
The Nut s: Bedt ime at t he Nut House
But Mama Nut insists... "All little Nuts need to go up to bed!" Who will win this bedtime tug-of-war?
Larose Branch (11:00 AM) - Jan. 7. "Strange Weather" - Jan. 14. "Wild in the Jungle" - Jan. 21. "Who's in the Forest?" - Jan. 28. "Oh, What a Pet!"
Toddl er
Children's Book of the M onth
South Lafourche Branch Babyt ime 0-24 months 10:30 a.m. - Jan. 6 & 26
A p p Co r n e r Flare Kids Safe Entertainment Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android Price: Free Age 4+
Lockport Branch We READ St oryt ime 0-18 months 10:30 a.m. - Jan. 21.
Flare Kids is a tool that lets kids view clips and full episodes of popular videos from kid-friendly TV channels (think Sprout and PBS Kids) and websites (think Khan Academy). Parents can fine-tune the settings for up to three kids' accounts on the device. You'll need a steady Internet connection to use the app. 6
Bo o k Re v i e w s
A Fine Romance: Falling in Love with the English Countryside By Susan Branch I knew nothing about Susan Branch a few weeks ago; now I envy her, but in a good way. To celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, Susan and her husband boarded the Queen Mary 2, bound for two months in England. That two months involved stays in old stone cottages; visiting the homes and the lush, beautiful English gardens of some of her favorite literary figures ? Beatrix Potter, Rudyard Kipling, James Herriot, and many more; and ambling through the English countryside to familiarize herself with the England that most tourists never see. In what is essentially her trip diary, replete with
handwritten entries, sprinkled with English recipes, watercolor paintings, pressed flowers, and more, Branch takes the reader beyond the tourist trail. You won?t read about Big Ben or the changing of the Queen?s guard in A Fine Romance: Falling in Love with the English Countryside. You?ll be witness to Branch?s enthusiasm for out-of-the-way England and for her admiration to the nation for its dedication to preserving historical treasures. Branch?s diary is a labor of love, the product of much thought and creative effort. It?s not for everyone, but if you have a love for or an interest in the British Isles, and want to explore beyond the usual travel
Area Librarian
guides, pick it up and give a shot. You won't be disappointed.
Al so by Su san Br an ch Handwritten and water-colored by Susan Branch in her unique and charming style, this bestselling cook book celebrates the wonderfulness of Autumn, with delicious easy-to-make family recipe favorites such as Cinnamon Ice Cream, Touchdown Chili, Corn Pudding, and Pumpkin Cheesecake. You'll feel the leaves falling across the pages as Susan shares her special insights and stories for Entertaining, Decorating, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Afternoon Tea, and much more. As one reader said, "Put on your coziest sweater, make yourself a cup of tea and dive into the creative world of Susan Branch." This book is available from your local library. Request it today! 7
Fo r K i d s
Bayou Blue Branch
- *LEGO Robotics: Jan. 5 & 26, 4:00 PM. Build and program machines with LEGO Robotics. Ages 8 - 12. - Coloring Adventures: Jan. 14, 3:00 PM. Ages 4 - 7. Pick up a beautiful winter-themed coloring page to work on. - *MLK Peace Flower Craft: Jan. 22, 3:00 PM. Ages 4 - 7. Choctaw Branch - *No Sew Pillow Craft: Jan. 5, 5:00 PM. Ages 4 - 9. - Just Play: Jan. 12, 3:00-6:00 PM & Jan. 28, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. An unstructured playtime for children. - Magna Tile Building: Jan. 14, 5:00 PM. Ages 4- 9. Children will develop math, science, spatial and tactile skills while using Magna tiles. - Rainbow Loom Workshop: Jan. 19, 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Ages 5 and up. - *LEGO Robotics: Jan. 19, 2:00 PM Build and program machines with LEGO Robotics. Ages 7 - 12. - *Painting Party: Jan. 21, 4:30 PM Ages 5-9. - Gear Building Activity: Jan. 26, 4:30 PM. Ages 4 - 9. - Alice in Wonderland Tea Party: Jan. 27, 4:00 PM. Enjoy games, crafts, and yummy food. Ages 4-9. Gheens Branch - *Paper Plate Jester Craft: Jan. 7, 5:00 PM Ages 2-4. - *Mardi Gras Mask Craft: Jan. 12, 5:00 PM. Ages 5 - 10. Golden Meadow Branch - Penguin Finger Puppet Craft: Jan. 5, 5:00 PM Ages 4 - 12. - Dog Craft: Jan. 12, 5:00 PM. Ages 4 - 12. - Wii Game Time: Jan. 19, 4:00-6:00 PM - LEGO Time: Jan. 20, during library hours.
An * indicat es regist rat ion is required t o at t end. - Tinker Toy Fun: Jan. 27, during library hours. Larose Branch - Gear Builders Activity: Jan. 19, 5:00 PM - LEGO Builders: Jan. 26, 5:00 PM Lockport Branch - *Winter Wonderland Craft: Jan. 5, 4:00 PM - *Peace Doves Craft: Jan. 28, 4:00 PM - Royal Tea Party: Jan. 21, 5:00 PM All princesses and princes are cordially invited to our seasonal tea party. Raceland Branch - K'nex: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM. Building with K'nex. - I Have a Dream Martin Luther King Jr. Craft: Jan. 13, 4 PM - Wii Play: Jan. 20, 4 PM - Rainbow Loom Craft: Jan. 27, 4 PM - South Lafourche Branch - Kids' Art: Jan. 9, 1 PM - Just Play: Jan. 9, 2 PM. An unstructured playtime for children. - LEGO Robotics: Jan. 9, 2:00 PM Build and program machines with LEGO Robotics. Ages 8 - 18. - Play-Doh Day: Jan. 16, 11:00 AM - LEGO Club: Jan. 16, 2:00 PM - Kids' Bingo: Jan. 16, 2:00 PM and Jan. 21, 4:30 PM - *Children's Beaded Mosaic Craft: Jan. 26, 5:30 PM
Want to paint? Sign up for our Painting Party and get creative!
Choct aw Branch January 21, 4:30 PM For ages 5 - 9
Thibodaux Branch - *Kids' Craft: Jan. 11, 4:00 PM. Create scenic images with yarn. - Mommy & Me Zumba: Jan. 22, 11:00 AM - Movie Madness: Jan. 30, 1:00 PM Watch a family-friendly movie. Refreshments served. - *LEGO Robotics: Jan. 30, 10:00 AM Build and program machines with LEGO Robotics. Ages 8 - 18.
We're hosting programs to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this month. See Page 5 for program details.
Looking for Disney eBooks? Check out Hoopla and download the app for your digital device today. It's free through your library. 8
Te e n s a n d Tw e e n s Bayou Bl ue Branch (Ages 13 - 17) - *DIY Lava Lamps Craf t : Jan. 7, 5 PM
- *Edgar Al l an Poe Book Art : Jan. 19, 5:00 PM. Celebrate Edgar Allan Poe's birthday by creating artwork using stencils and upcycled books. - *Marbl e Jewel ry Craf t : Jan. 27, 4:00 PM Choct aw Branch (Ages 13 & up) - Junk Food Bingo: Jan. 7, 5 PM Ages 10 - 17. - Advisory Meet ing: Jan. 13, 4:30 PM. Ages 10 - 17. We want to know what programs you would like to do at your library. Tell us. - *Paint ing Part y: Jan. 21, 4:30 PM. Ages 10 - 17. - Phase 10 Chal l enge: Jan. 15, 3:45 PM. Kick off the weekend with snacks and a fund card game. Gheens Branch - *Beaded Mardi Gras Masks: Jan. 14, 4:30 PM Gol den Meadow Branch - *Bil ingual Bingo: Jan. 14, 5:00 PM
- LEGO Time: Jan. 20, during library hours. - Tinker Toy Fun: Jan. 27, during library hours. - Wii Game Time: Jan. 19, 4:006:00 PM - Rainbow Loom Craf t : Jan. 13,
4:00 PM - *3D Art Craf t : Jan. 28, 4:00 6:00 PM
An * indicat es regist rat ion is required t o at t end.
Larose Branch - Tech Toy Box: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM. got a new gadget? Learn how you can use the library's digital resources. - Gear Buil ders Act ivit y: Jan. 19, 5:00 PM - Cut t in' Up Scrapbooking: Jan. 19, 1:00 PM - 6:45 PM - LEGO Buil ders: Jan. 26, 5:00 PM Lockport Branch - Tech Toy Box: Jan. 6, during library hours. Got a new gadget? Learn what you can do with it. - Cool Gear Act ivit y: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM
- *Gl obal Art Takes: Jan. 12, 4:00 PM
- Cool Circuit s Act ivit y: Jan. 13, 4:00 PM - Kawaii Draw: Jan. 14, 5:00 PM - Freedom March Essays: Jan. 19, 5:00 PM. Write and submit essays about Martin Luther King Jr. throughout the month and then hear a reading of some of these on Jan. 19. - Cool Til es Act ivit y: Jan. 20, 4:00 PM - Foreign Fil m Fest : Jan. 20, 5:00 PM. Join us for these monthly showings of international / foreign language films. - LEGO Robot ics: Jan. 23, 10:30 AM. Ages 8 - 18. - *Video Game Design Camp: January 23, 2:00 PM. Create a single-person, role-playing game that will be designed using RPG Maker VX ace. - *St uck at Prom Workshop 2: Jan 25, 4:00 PM. Make cool duct tape prom-wear. - STEM Learning: Jan. 27, 4:00 PM Create DIY lava lamps.
Racel and Branch - Lit t l e Bit s El ect ronic Act ivit y: Jan. 5, 5:00 PM. Play with light, sound, sensing and buttons. - Make 3D Art : Jan. 12, 5:00 PM Magnet ic Act ivit y: Jan. 19, 5:00 PM. Build shapes with rods and spheres, and view give magnetic fields with field viewing cards. - Science Whiz Cool Circuit s Act ivit y: Jan. 26, 5:00 PM. Solve circuit challenges of increasing difficulty. Sout h Laf ourche Branch - *Beaded Monogram Craf t : Jan. 7, 4:00 PM - *LEGO Robot ics: Jan. 9, 2:00 4:00 PM Ages 8 - 18. Thibodaux Branch - Anime Cl ub: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM - LEGO Chain React ion Game Night : Jan. 12, 5:00 PM - *Onl ine Game Tips & Tricks: Jan. 13, 4:30 PM Learn how to better play online games, upkeep digital pets, and safely use social medial. Ages 12 - 18. - Pokemon League: Jan. 27, 4:00 PM. Ages 10 and up. Play Pokemon and learn new tips and tricks to better play the game.
Check out t hese new and excit ing programs at your l ibrary. See Page 3 f or det ail s. 9
Fa m i l y Fu n ( A l l A g e s)
An * indicat es regist rat ion is required t o at t end.
Bayou Bl ue Branch Lockport Branch - J.R.R. Tol kien Movie Marat hon: - Hobby Share: Jan. 4, during Jan. 4, 12:00 PM library hours - Bingo Night : Jan. 6 & 20, 4:00 - Couponing 101: Jan. 6, 5:00 PM PM - Movie Mat inee: Jan. 7, 4:00 PM - Game Night : Jan. 12, 4:00 PM & Jan. 16, 10:30 AM - Lockport I Spy: Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29, during library hours. Choct aw Branch - Ret ro Sat urday Morning - LEGO Buil ders Want ed: Jan. 11 - Cart oons: Jan. 9, 10:30 AM Jan. 14, during library hours. Aut hor Meet & Greet : Jan. 9, 2:00 - Tinker Toys Toy Box Fun: Jan. 19 PM. Meet local fantasy and science - 21, during library hours. fiction short story author Angel - Cookies & Col oring: Jan. 25, Dawn and learn about her works 4:30 PM and writing process. - Local Soundings: Jan. 11, 2:00 Gheens Branch PM. Drop in to hear the musical - Trivia Day: Jan. 4, 2:00 - 6 :00 recordings of Louisiana Hall of PM Famer and local musician Les - Famil y Movie Night : Jan. 21, Domangue. 4:30 PM. Enjoy popcorn and a My Money Expl orat ions: Jan. 13, treat. during library hours. Learn more about financial wellness with Gol den Meadow Branch info, games, and challenges. - Famil y Bingo: Jan. 7 & 21, 5 PM - Bingo Bat t l e: Jan. 16, 2:00 PM & - Pl ay Pokeno: Jan. 8 & 22, 11:30 Jan. 26, 5:00 PM PM - LEGO Xpl orers: Jan. 27, 3:00 PM - Cinema at t he Library: Jan. 26, - Trivia Pursuit "St ar Wars": Jan. 4:00 PM 30, 10:30 AM Larose Branch - Googl e Eart h iPad Journey: Jan. 7, 5:00 PM
Racel and Branch - K'nex: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM - I Have a Dream Craf t : Jan. 13, 4:00 PM - Wii Pl ay: Jan. 20, 4:00 PM - Rainbow Loom Craf t : Jan. 27, 4:00 PM
Sout h Laf ourche Branch - Tech Toy Box: Jan. 6, 3:00 PM - Mart in Lut her King Jr. Peace Dove Craf t : Jan. 20, 4:30 PM - *St orage Basket Craf t : Jan. 27, 4:30 PM Thibodaux Branch - *Finger Knit t ing Craf t : Jan. 9, 1:00 PM - Mart in Lut her King Jr. Movie Madness: Jan. 16, 1:00 PM In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the library will show Wonderscape Entertainment's American Moments: Martin Luther King Jr., & the Civil Rights Movement. - Bingo: Jan. 5, 12, 19, & 26, 10:00 AM - Board Game Night : Jan. 5, 12, 19 & 26, 5:00 PM
Got a Hobby?
It's National Hobby Month. Pick up a new hobby at the library.
It 's a big eart h... Explore global landmarks & more with the Google Earth iPad app. Learn how at the Larose Branch. January 7, 5:00 PM 10
A d u l t s a n d Se n i o r s
An * indicat es regist rat ion is required t o at t end.
See Page 12 for exercise programs & computer classes. Bayou Bl ue Branch - Zumba: Jan. 8, 3:00 PM - Couponing Seminar: Jan. 13, 11:00 AM. Learn about how to save money by using coupons, stacking coupons, searching for the best deals, and more with special guest Linda Griffin. - *Wine Gl ass Paint ing Craf t : Jan. 28, 1:30 PM. Create a one-of-a-kind Mardi Gras themed drinking glass. Choct aw Branch - New Device Cl ass: Jan. 4, 11:00 AM & Jan. 28, 4:00 PM. Got a new device for the holidays? Learn some of the things your library has to offer for it. - *Memo Board: Jan. 6, 10:30 AM Learn how old picture frames can be re-purposed as memo boards. - *Beginner's Int ernet Cl ass: Jan. 20, 1:00 PM - *Gl it t ered Candl e Jar Craf t : Jan. 26, 1:00 PM Gheens Branch - eReaders & Smart Phone Workshop: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM - Comput er Cl ass: Jan. 11, 4:00 PM - *Beaded Mardi Gras Drama Mask Craf t : Jan. 26, 4:30 PM Gol den Meadow Branch - Tech Toy Box: Jan. 4, 11:00 AM Learn about library resources and more to use with your laptop or digital device. - Wal k Away t he Pounds: Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10:00 AM - Col oring f or Adul t s: Jan. 11, 1:00 PM - Comput er Workshop: Jan. 25, 11:00 AM. New to computers? Learn the basics. Larose Branch - Tech Toy Box: Jan. 6, 4:00 PM Learn about library resources to use with your laptop or digital device. - Senior St rikers: Jan. 11 & 25, 10:00 AM - Bingo: Jan. 13, 1:30 PM. - Adul t Col oring Therapy: Jan. 15, 10:00 AM. Color intricate pictures and designs for relaxation. - Cuttin' Up Scrapbooking: Jan. 19, 1:00 - 6:45 PM Work on your own layout. Some supplies provided. - Comput er Cl ass: Jan. 22, 10:00 AM Learn computer basics.
- Trading Tit l es Book Cl ub: Jan. 27, 10:30 AM. Talk about books you've enjoyed with other book lovers. Lockport Branch
- Sweat in' Hour: Jan. 4, 5:00 PM & Jan. 30, 3 PM - Knit t ing Korner: Jan. 5 & 19, 10:30 AM. Learn to finger knit. - Tech Toy Box: Jan. 6, during library hours. Got a new gadget? Learn what you can do with it. - Gol den Ol dies: Jan. 11, 1:00 PM. Watch long-forgotten Golden Oldies films. - Adul t Col oring: Jan. 12 & 26, during library hours. Relax and engage in self expression. - *Gl obal Art Takes: Jan. 12, 4:00 PM - Freedom March Essays: Jan. 19, 5:00 PM. Write and submit essays about Martin Luther King Jr. throughout the month and then hear a reading of some of these on Jan. 19. - Foreign Fil m Fest : Jan. 20, 5:00 PM. Join us for these monthly showings of international / foreign language films. - *Video Game Design Camp: January 23, 2:00 PM. Create a single-person, role-playing game that will be designed using RPG Maker VX ace. - *Mason Jar Luminaries Craf t : Jan. 25, 10:30 AM Racel and Branch - Bird Feeder Fl ower Pot Craf t : Jan. 11, 10:30 AM - Mardi Gras Wreat hs Craf t : Jan. 25, 10:30 AM - Zumba Gold for Seniors: Jan. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 25 & 29, at 10:15 AM - Cardio Crew: Jan. 7, 14, 21 & 28, 5:30 PM
Sout h Laf ourche Branch
- Book Cl ub: Jan. 7, 2:00 PM. Discuss Tina DeSalvo's book Ell: A Second Chance Novel. - Bingo: Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10 AM - *DIY Beaded Charger Pl at e Craf t : Jan. 13, 10:30 AM - Comput er Basics Cl ass: Jan. 13, 4:30 PM - Line Dancing: Jan. 14 & 28, 2:00 PM - Pl ay Pokeno: Jan. 19, 2:00 PM - La Tabl e Francaise: Jan. 19, 3:00 PM - Wii Bowl ing: Jan. 20, 10:30 AM Thibodaux Branch
- Scrapbooking Social : Jan. 4, 5:15 PM - LIBLUV Book Cl ub: Jan. 8, 1:00 PM - *Fl eur-de-Lis Paint ing Cl ass: Jan. 20, 5:15 PM - *No Sew Mardi Gras Mask: Jan. 25, 5 PM
Free Couponing Seminar t o be hel d at Bayou Bl ue Branch Learn how to save with coupons, stack coupons, and more with special guest Linda Griffin. January 13, 11:00 AM
Aut hor Meet and Greet : Meet l ocal f ant asy and science f ict ion short st ory aut hor, Angel Dawn, and l earn about her works and writ ing process. Sat urday, January 9, 2:00 PM Lockport Branch
Li f e st y l e Healt h and Fit ness Classes. Exercise w it h ot hers @t he library.
Cardio Crew Racel and Branch (5:30 PM) - Jan. 7, 14, 21 & 28 Hip Hop Abs Thibodaux Branch (11:00 AM) - Jan. 15 & 29 Line Dancing Sout h Laf ourche Branch - Jan. 14 & 28, 2:00 PM
Wii Bowl ing Larose Branch (10:00 AM) - Jan. 11 & 25 Sout h Laf ourche Branch - Jan. 20, 10:30 AM Zumba Thibodaux Branch (11:00 AM) - Jan. 8 Bayou Bl ue Branch (3:00 PM) - Jan. 8
Sweat in' Hour Lockport Branch - Jan. 4, 5 PM & Jan. 30, 3:00 PM
Zumba f or Seniors Racel and Branch (10:15 AM.) - Jan. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29
Wal k Away t he Pounds Gol den Meadow Branch (10:00 AM) - Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10 AM
Mommy & Me Zumba Thibodaux Branch - Jan. 22, 11:00 AM
Bayou Blue Branch
Larose Branch
Tech Talk - Jan. 21, 3 p.m. *Computer Basics - Jan. 25, 3 p.m.
Tech Toy Box - Jan. 6, 4 p.m. Intro to Computers - Jan. 22, 10 a.m.
Choctaw Branch
Lockport Branch
New Device Classes - Jan. 4, 11 a.m. & Jan. 28, 4 p.m. *Beginners' Internet - Jan. 20, 1 p.m.
My PC Tutorials - Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10:30 a.m.
Gheens Branch eReader / Smartphone Class - Jan. 6, 4 p.m. Intro to Computers - Jan. 11, 4 p.m.
Golden Meadow Branch Tech Toy Box - Jan. 4, 11 a.m. Computer Workshop - Jan. 25, 11 a.m.
Raceland Branch Dat abase Training - Jan. 8, 2 p.m. Phone Apps - Jan. 15, 2 p.m. Comput er Basics - Jan. 22, 2 p.m. Gadget Training - Jan. 29, 2 p.m.
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Call the library for more info.
Ask at your l ibrary branch t o schedul e a one-on-one comput er cl ass. iPad cl asses & more are al so avail abl e.
South Lafourche Branch Tech Toy Box - Jan. 6, 3 p.m. Comput er Basics - Jan. 13, 4:30 p.m.
Thibodaux Branch Intro to Computers - Jan. 7, 2 p.m. Int ro t o Using Your Tabl et - Jan. 14, 2 p.m. Int ro t o Using Your eReader - Jan. 21, 2 p.m. Int ro t o Novel ist Pl us - Jan. 28, 2 p.m.
In si g h t s Pl ayaway Read-Al ong BookPacks are Here! Find t hem at your Library!
Launchpad Tabl et s are Avail abl e. Check one out t oday f rom your l ibrary!
Now every child has the opportunity to experience a tablet, for free, from the library. The tablets come with a set pack of themed science, math and reading apps aimed at Playaway速 Bookpacks bring together the simplicity of our different age groups as well as multiple themes, all-in-one audiobooks and their print versions to deliver a such as outer space, and a super-easy interface fun and educational read-along experience to children of that kids and their parents can easily grasp.
all ages. Bookpacks include best sellers, award-winning titles, and Common Core State Standard selections for various ages and reading levels.
- 100% secure ensuring no risk of exposure to unintended content - Pre-loaded with popular characters and awardwinning apps
A powerf ul l it eracy t ool f or chil dren at every reading l evel .
- Easy to use and ready to play
Bookpacks are an easy way for emerging and struggling readers, auditory and special education learners, and ESL patrons to develop literacy skills.
Subject Area Packs
Hel p young readers:
Princesses, Animals, Transportation, Dinosaurs, Space, Fantasy and more
English Language Arts, math, science, language learning, critical thinking, creativity, STEAM
Themed Learning Packs
- Improve reading comprehension and retention - Expand vocabulary skills - Build phonemic awareness and fluency
Hours of int eract ive l earning and pl ay Choose a Launchpad tablet with a subject or theme you love. Then, start exploring!
LPPL St a f f
Staff Profile The Five Peopl e You Meet in Heaven (Book & Movie)
Marie Cal l ais
by Mitch Albom
Technical Services Assistant You may not see Mrs. Marie on your next visit to your local library, but she is doing a lot of behind the scenes work at LPPL headquarters. Marie processes new items that have been ordered for the library system. Processing books gets them ready to be sent to library branches and checked out. Labels and bar codes must be placed on each item and they must be entered into our computer systems. When asked about the favorite part of her job, Marie replied that, "seeing all the new items as soon as they come in is exciting, especially with the new DVD movies". Marie started part-time as a helper and after five years she began working with technical services. This month marks her twenty-five year anniversary working full-time for Lafourche Parish Library. She said that she feels very lucky to have found a job that she enjoys so much, that she would not have thought of when she was younger. When she isn't at work, Marie enjoys traveling with her husband and enjoys visiting the Gulf Shores area. She also spends time with family, including grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Marie's Pick
In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom gives us an astoundingly original story that will change everything you've ever thought about the afterlife -- and the meaning of our lives here on earth. With a timeless tale, appealing to all, this is a book that readers of fine fiction, and those who loved Tuesdays with Morrie, will treasure.
Hollow Earth by John Barrowman Katie's Pick
Possessing extraordinary powers, including the ability to bring artwork to life, twelve-year-old twins Matt and Emily are sought by villains trying to access the terrors of Hollow Earth, a place where demons and mythological beasts lie trapped for eternity.
In Your Prime: Older, Wiser, Happier By India Knight Charlotte's Pick
India Knight's guide to aging is the book every woman has been waiting for. Our mother's fifty is not our fifty. We have no map, no blueprint, no nothing. We have no sense of what is and isn't age-appropriate, or even of whether age-appropriateness is still relevant. We're supposed to be grown-up, but we seldom feel it. Part guide, part memoir, part manual, In Your Prime by India Knight seeks to provide proper, weighty answers to the questions women are asking themselves now. 14
D i d Yo u K n o w ?
The Lafourche Parish Library offers homebound customers "Homebound Delivery Service," a free program designed to get library materials to those patrons who are unable to visit the library due to medical or mobility issues. Homebound residents can receive materials they select themselves or let our professional library staff choose based on interests. Books, audiobooks, magazines, DVDs, and music CDs are just some of the items that can be delivered to patrons at their homes. A family member or friend can pick up the library materials at any of
our nine branches, or you can arrange for a library staff member to deliver items to you at your home. Guidel ines: Any Lafourche Parish Public Library cardholder who is either temporarily or permanently homebound can register with the Lafourche Parish Public Library?s Homebound Delivery service. -
All participants must have a library card in good standing. Residents must complete an application for
What 's inside t he app? The Lafourche Parish Library app provides patrons with a way to utilize all of our digital content at the touch of a button. Customers are now able to check their library account, search databases, stream movies,
download music, eBooks, and Audio- Books all from one convenient location. Some online content will require a Library Card and PIN. To obtain either of these please stop by one of our nine branches. 15
Homebound Services form and return it to their local Lafourche Parish Public Library branch or have a library staff member complete their application over the phone. -
Staff will generally select materials for each patron by using the information supplied on the Homebound Service Application if no specific materials are requested.
For more information, or to sign up for the service, customers should contact their local branch library.
If you have your phone, you have the Library! It is now easier to access the Library catalog, your account and great online resources. Scan the QR to download now!
Ph o t o H i g h l i g h t s Racel and Branch Brooch Craf t
Mrs. Cl aus @ Sout h Laf ourche Branch
Craf t ing @ Thibodaux Branch
Ph o t o H i g h l i g h t s
Racel and Branch Hol iday Craf t s
S outh L afourche B ranch
T hibodaux B ranch
Aut hor Brenda Hunt @ Lockport Branch
Bayou Bl ue Branch M & W: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tu & Th: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed (Telephone/ Fax): 985-580-0634 Bibl iot eca Hispana (Telephone/ Fax): 985-475-5660 M & W: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tu & Th: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed Choct aw (Telephone/ Fax): 985-633-6453 M & W: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tu & Th: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed Gheens (Telephone/ Fax): 985-532-2288 Mon - Thurs: 2-6 F: 1-5 Sat - Sun: Closed Gol den Meadow (Telephone/ Fax): 985-475-5660 M & W: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tu & Th: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed
What can a librarian help you do? -
Get started on using a computer Learn how to download free music, books, and digital audio books Study for the GRE, ACT, SAT, or other tests Start a research paper Discover new reading materials that suit your fancy Create a resume or start a job search Learn how to use new gadgets such as an iPad, Nook, or Kindle Show you how to make a birthday card, business cards, flyers, etc. Create a Twitter, Facebook, or email account Start a blog Learn iPhone Photography And much more!
Give us a call and schedule to meet with an information professional, your local librarian!
Larose (Telephone/ Fax): 985-693-3336 M & W: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tu & Th: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed Lockport (Telephone): 985-532-3158 (Fax): 985-532-0270 M - Th: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fri & Sat: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: Closed Racel and (Telephone/ Fax): 985-537-6875 M & W: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tu & Th: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed Sout h Laf ourche (Telephone): 985-632-7140 (Fax): 985-632-4963 M - Th: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fri & Sat: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: Closed Thibodaux (Telephone): 985-447-4119 (Fax): 985-449-4128 M - Th: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fri & Sat: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday: Closed Headquart ers (Telephone): 985-446-1163 (Fax): 985-446-3848 M-F: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat - Sun: Closed