AIESEC in colombia Firefighting guide

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Building up a better service for our customers is not only a strategic initiative, it should be the habit of our 3000 members network!

 Introduction  Bottom Line of Firefighting  Firefighting Levels  Customer Solutions & Innovation – CSI Team  CSI Local Teams  Tools  Fire preventing OGX  Fire preventing ICX  Coming Next!

Within this guide you will find everything regarding Firefighting. Every single team working on Firefighting and the correct procedures to implement it. There a few new rules playing on so please read carefully each one of this pages. This will only happen if it becomes the habit of our entire network. Being a customer centric organization is not an easy thing and for sure, it can’t be the responsibility of a few, in spite of your working area, whether you are a Team Member for Marketing, a Team Leader for Finance or even the LCP – you are supposed to be involved in the resolution of our networks quality issues.

The real question behind customer centricity is not about achieving a high NPS score… its how much we care about any human being’s life. Welcome to a new AIESEC. Welcome to an AIESEC focused on growth while achieving high quality standards. Everywhere, anytime, every day.

The GOLDEN RULE: Treat others the way you want to be treated. That’s what customer centricity is all about. Providing our customers with the experiences we want to live and in order to achieve this, Firefighting plays a huge role.

Firefighting is our clear assistance to our customers’ network. It’s giving the possibility of a 24/7 service in order to ensure the security, wellness and proper experience to each one of our members abroad and to our interns in Colombia. Its caring about any single dissatisfaction manifesto and doing something to fix it as fast as possible within our boundaries and internal policies. Within this pages you will find the proper guide for Firefighting. Please read it carefully!

Within 24 Hours since the Case is Open!

Within 48 hours since the case is open! 7 Days since the case is open! 14 Days since the case is open!

Step 1 Internal Level

Step 2 Local Level

Step 3 National Level

Step 4 International Level

The intern or the TN organization should inform each other and try to solve the issue privately. NOTE: TN manager or EP manager MUST support this process.

If step 1 has been tried and failed, the intern or the TN manager should inform the Home & Hosting Local Entity in order to get the issue solved. NOTE: Hosting & Home entities’ VPs, Local CSI Teams, EP manager and TN manager MUST support this process. If step 2 has been tried and failed, the TN manager or the EP manager should send request to CSI in order to get this case solved. NOTE: Hosting & Home entities’ MC, LCPs and EP/TN manager should support this process. CSI will ONLY accept a case when it’s proved that Step 2 has failed. If step 3 fails at MC to MC level. CSI, together with the MCVP Responsible, is in charge of taking the case to ICB for international arbitrage. NOTE: Let´s try to keep our cases within the previous three levels. Reaching ICB is unacceptable.

Purpose: 1. For OGX EPs: To get direct help from MC which is faster and more effective. 2. For trainees: To handle conflicts with LCs in Colombia. 3. Communications & Updating. 4. Process Improvement & Innovation. 5. For any stakeholder to consult about XPP. 6. Structure and HR: How to make sure everyone’s committed and fast responding? 7. Making sure everyone knows about this tool.

VERY IMPORTANT: The National CSI team will be involved in all your cases once you prove you tried to solve the cases at local level without any success!


Cata Medina

CSI Chair

Edu Florez


Pedro Pabón


Lucho Medina


Sonia Sutta


Cata Medina

Edu Flórez

Lucho Medina

Sonia Sutta

Pedro Pabón

The CSI Local Teams will be in charge of Firefighting at Level 1 and Level 2. They will be tracked by the LCEBs together with the national CSI team. Please follow up the structure proposed according to your entity. This teams will receive constant updates on your entity’s cases status.

Integral Growth Entity

OGX Focused Entity



CSI Chair




ICX Focused Entity


GIP Focused Entity





GCDP Focused Entity







Net Promoter System

CSI Cases Follow Up Link

During the exchange experience, our customer will receive three times our NPS Survey. The first one when they are matched, the second one when they are Realized and finally when they complete their exchange experience. Our customers are asked whether they are up to recommend the AIESEC experience or not within a 1 to 10 scale. They are asked about the issues that support their statements and afterwards they are asked if they need immediate support from AIESEC, YES OR NO – If they say YES the EP just opened a CASE!

The thing with our current NPS platform is that we can only reach our EPs and Trainees in three touch points: Matched, Realized & Completed. What happens then if an EP NEEDS our support anytime between those dates? For that reason we opened a 24/7 link in PODIO! Our customers can reach us whenever they want in order to get their issues solved! PLEASE: Share this link in ALL your EPs/Trainees FB groups, google groups, newsletters and so on!


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Complete & clear JDs: Marketing & Design is NOT a valid Job description. It´s not enough information for us or for our EPs to understand their responsibilities. Company’s Background: Please check EVERYTHING about the company before sending someone. Check the Country’s Chamber of Commerce webpage in order to understand Security of the City: Please check that our customers will be living in extremely safe zones in each one of their cities. Please hold a chat with the TN Taker together with your EP in order to align expectations about the working experience and job descriptions. CHAT WEEKLY with your EPs. Let them tell you EVERYTHING about the experience. What’s okay and what’s not okay at all. Please send your EPs to LCs with proved expertise in servicing. You can check this out in Customer Gauge.


2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Pick ups! Please get informed about the arrivals of your trainees at least 10 days before. Write them about who’s picking them and where they are staying the first nights. NO TRAINEE WILL COME TO COLOMBIA WITHOUT A HOST FOR THE FIRST WEEK. EVERYONE! BEFORE COMING NEEDS TO HAVE AN EXPECTATIONS CHAT! Please double check the quality of the houses offered to our trainees and review the matchability between the profiles of the owners and the trainees. Ask your trainees to do some Personality tests and send them to you all. It´s important to understand them and how to deal with them. Legal Documents: Health Insurance, MEMODEAL, Registration at Migration office and Colombian ID. IPS! The company, AIESEC and the trainees. Two days: EVERYTHING ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE! Meet your trainees once a week in order to get them informed and to review their experiences. It’s communication basics, send a newsletter weekly as well.

Helpdesk for our Customers

Frequently Asked Questions Page

24/7 Online Quality Service

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