MUSEU DO PÃO Museo del Pan
Museu do Pão Architects: Francisco Fanucci, Marcelo Ferraz, Anselmo Turazzi, Anne Dieterich, Cícero Ferraz Cruz, Luciana Dornellas, Fabiana Fernandes Paiva, João Grinspum Ferraz, Bruno Levy, Carol Silva Moreira, Gabriel Rodrigues Grinspum, Pedro Del Guerra, Victor Gurgel, Vinícius Spira Date of project: 2005 Date of construcMon: 2007 Summary: Dois prédios novos abrigando o Museu do Pão e Escola de Confeiteiros; restauração e adequação do moinho anMgo Gross floor area: área do terreno: 1011m², área construída: 330m² (construção nova), 200m² (restauro) LocaMon: Ilópolis, RS Companies envolved: Estrutura, Hidráulica, Elétrica: Habitare Construtora – Alexandro Zat Consultoria para estrutura: FT Oyamada – Fábio Oyamada Luminotécnica: REKA – Ricardo Heder Suppliers: Construção em madeira: Esquadrias Ferla – Rosano Ferla Pintura de Cerâmica: Márcia FáMma Tomasini ConstrucMon: Habitare Construtora Photos: Nelson Kon
The Colognese Mill dates from the beginning of the last century. It was built by an immigrant family coming from the Veneto region in Northern Italy, employing pine wood (Araucária angusMfolia) from the surrounding forest. When the miller died at the end of the 1990’s, the mill was abandoned. It fell into decay unMl the AssociaMon of the Friends of the Mills of Alto Taquari was founded in 2004, the old mill and the land was bought and the project for the Ilópolis Mill came into being, aided by sponsorship of Nestlé Brasil. It was first extensively restored (organizaMon by IILA -‐ IsMtuto Ítalo LaMno Americano) and put to work again. The two new volumes, housing the small Bread Museum and the ConfecMoners´ School, establish a renewed context for the mill and apest its status as an architectural, technical and cultural document of the past. The old mill served as a serene reference for the new project: its architecture, its materials, its equipments, producMon, transformaMon. With this union of tradiMon and invenMon, museography and architecture emerge simultaneously. The first exhibits of this new museum: the old Colognese Mill, which funcMons again, the museum and the school, “contaminated” by the physical and symbolic presence of the centenary construcMon. Everything contributes to the exhibiMon: the structure of the buildings, the way the light enters, the materials used, the Mmber walkways, the supports for the exhibits, the pieces on exhibiMon (old kitchen utensils, historic documents and photographs from the region). Aser this spontaneous iniMaMve, the project gained new impulse with the aim to valorise the cultural and historic richness of the region and extending its circuit: the neighbouring small towns of Arvorezinha, Anta Gorda, and PuMnga shall be “infected” and in conjuncMon form the “Route of the Mills”.
Ilópolis, Río Grande del Sur, Brasil
Ilópolis, Río Grande del Sur, Brasil
Ilópolis, Río Grande del Sur, Brasil
Restauración del molino Molognese
Estructura del volumen exposiMvo.
2 3
1.Sala de exposiciones 3.Bodega 2.Molino 4.Panadería
Elevación del Sureste
acceso volumen exposición principal (izquierda) de la calle y el molino restaurado Colognese (derecha). Foto: Nelson Kon (2008).
Corte  longitudinal Â
Corte transversal
hpp:// dissertacao_o_museu_do_pao_arquitetura_cultura_lugar_glauco_pachalski.pdf hpp:// hpp://‐ hpp://‐8579/museu-‐do-‐pao-‐moinho-‐colognese-‐brasil-‐arquitetura