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How COVID killed healthy common sense

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killed healthy common sense

The pandemic has turned the logical approach to health on its head with devastating consequences. Have we lost track of common sense in blindly following the ‘COVID rules’, asks Jason Vale?

Ithink it's safe to say that nearly two years of lockdown after lockdown has had a negative impact, for most, on our health and weight.

Gyms, parks and leisure centres were forced to close while fastfood outlets such as

McDonald’s, Burger

King and Pizza Hut were allowed to open.

The madness of it all is hard to wrap your head around. It’s been reported that the average person has gained 10lbs during the

‘health’ crisis, and many a great deal more.

The incredible irony is that governments around the world had a golden opportunity to hit a global health reset button and address the real reason why so many people have been taken down by the virus. The elephant in the room that no politician, health professional or influential person has been willing to talk about is that 78 per cent of those who have required medical intervention or sadly died from COVID were overweight or obese.

Numerous studies have repeatedly shown that obesity – which brings with it many lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, to name just a few, seems to be a major factor with which COVID affects different people. The shocking truth when you think about it is that if you remove that statistic, then there is no pandemic!

Much has been reported about the impact of COVID on the economy, employment and education, but for two whole years not one health minister has mentioned health in their response to the pandemic. ‘Jason, what are you talking about?’, I hear you say, but those who are responsible for ensuring the NHS is protected and patients receive the appropriate care and treatment have missed the point entirely. We should call them ‘disease ministers’ instead as they are completely focused on managing disease rather than preventing and addressing a critical health issue that would go a long way to averting the pandemic.

Neither a single politician nor any of the Government’s senior medical advisers have focused on how we can help ourselves reduce our risk of getting seriously ill with COVID. Even with a clear link between obesity, hospitalisation, death and COVID, I would never dream of mandating a person's BMI, or what they eat or drink.

“The elephant in the room that no politician, health professional or influential person has been willing to talk about is that 78 per cent of those who have required medical intervention or sadly died from COVID were overweight or obese”

I would, of course, run the biggest health camp the country has ever seen to show how there's a huge part we can play to give ourselves a fi ghting chance. However, it appears the Government has no problem with issuing mandates, just not of the BMI or salad kind! No, the solution, we are told, is vaccination.

Freedom of choice

Around the world, people are instructed that their civil liberties must be impinged if they do not comply with having at least two doses of vaccine plus, it would now appear, endless boosters for years to come. No vaccine? Can’t travel internationally, go to concerts or work in a care home or the NHS in the UK, and in some countries they are even making it illegal not to be vaccinated. This isn't an argument about whether someone should or shouldn't be vaccinated. I have and always will champion personal choice regarding our bodies. If you choose to have a vaccination, that's your decision or if you choose not to, that's your choice too. Yet we are creating a two-tier society where the vaccinated are free,

and those who exercise freedom of choice are penalised and made into social pariahs.

Think about it another way, if someone is morbidly obese with asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, they smoke and drink heavily, and they stand next to a 28-yearold unvaccinated footballer who is in peak physical condition with optimal muscle and body mass index (BMI). If the morbidly obese individual is double vaccinated, the Government tells us the 28-year-old footballer

is more dangerous to society. That’s bonkers, at any level!

“Why not take a radical approach and look at a person’s body-fat percentage as a starting point to tackle the current health crisis? Can you imagine the outcry if we suggested making weight a prerequisite to personal freedom”

Equally illogical is that people believe someone in a white coat who stands up and says a drug which has been developed in less than a year is perfectly safe for ANYONE, including kids, to be injected with. Yet if someone challenges this thinking or voices an opinion which questions their authority, they are immediately slammed as a conspiracy theorist. Now, when I was a teenager if you took drugs at a nightclub you got kicked out, but now you have to take them to get in!

Considering that under normal circumstances a vaccine can take up to 15 years to develop and even then usually comes with a compendium of side-eff ects, it seems strange that the COVID vaccine is seemingly a ‘miracle cure’.

The NHS website states: ‘The COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the UK have met strict standards of safety, quality and eff ectiveness. They can cause some side-eff ects, but not everyone gets them. Any side-eff ects are usually mild and should not last longer than a week, such as a sore arm from the injection, feeling tired, a headache, feeling achy, feeling or being sick. More serious sideeff ects, such as allergic reactions or blood clotting, are very rare’.

The Netfl ix eff ect

Now, I know this might be controversial, but why not take a radical approach and look at a person’s body-fat percentage as a starting point to tackle the current health crisis?

Can you imagine the outcry if we suggested making weight a prerequisite to personal freedom – ‘outrageous’, I can hear them chime.

We’ve had restrictions for more than 22 months now and during that time there have been long periods when gyms, parks and health retreats – including Juicy Oasis and Juicy Mountain – have been forced to close. This has undoubtedly impacted many people’s physical AND mental health with devastating consequences.

By contrast, the Government permitted major chains to deliver junk food by the bucketload during lockdowns and enable the newly ‘housebound’ to put their feet up and tuck in as they bingewatched the latest instalment on Netfl ix. The net eff ect – or shall we call it the ‘Netfl ix eff ect’? – is we’ve ended up with a much sicker society where people have a weaker immune system, ironically at precisely the moment that it needs to cope with this never-ending, mutating virus.

I don’t believe for one second that the Government would mandate a person’s BMI or weight as a pre-requisite of freedom, but equally we can’t mandate that people must take a drug to be allowed to live without restrictions.

Now is a pivotal moment where we have the chance to put health at the top of the agenda and do what it would truly take to protect the NHS. It's not like they don't have the money after all, as the UK Government spent £37bn on a failed NHS Test and Trace App. Just think how much free fruit and vegetables we could have delivered to households around the country for that amount of money?

Along with a loss of personal freedom which those who choose not to be vaccinated are now subject to, anyone who speaks out against the ‘regime’ is silenced and we’re seemingly not allowed an open debate about the best way to navigate ourselves out of the pandemic. At briefi ng after briefi ng, we are told that the science must lead us, but the latest research shows us yet again that obesity is a major factor in fi ghting the virus (read more on page 70).

Never-ending story

I often talk about the control Big Pharma has on so much of the medical industry, but over the past two years it has tightened its grip on the health system and Pharmageddon has well and truly arrived with Pfi zer and AstraZeneca the kingpins in this neverending story.

You could argue that the vaccines have given us options, but what concerns me is that freedom of choice seems to have gone out of the window and there’s now a climate of fear which seeks to divide and conquer.

Call me cynical, but politicians tend to do well in wartime and the current ‘war’ on the virus shows no sign of slowing or stopping any time soon. There are many ‘experts’ who are in demand for their scientifi c knowledge and medical advice, and the perpetual media focus on COVID means we are in danger of never moving forwards.

If the current climate of fear continues, I can honestly foresee a time when we end

up locking up healthy, unvaccinated people, ‘For the greater good’.

I mean, if we’re really worried about the nation’s health, why not ban smoking? The reality is, just like the old Yes Minister sketch, there’s all that lost revenue from taxation to consider. I do wonder if those profi ting from the vaccine programme

have a vested interest in leading the cry for endless jabs?

Whatever your view, surely we should be entitled to make a personal choice – get vaccinated, get healthy or get both! It’s still possible to get COVID, pass it on and even die from the virus when you are vaccinated, and, even if it is a small number, some have died from the side-eff ects of the vaccine, so how can you mandate that everyone has to be jabbed when there is a chance they could die?

As I write, the media is reporting the case of an Italian man who turned up for his vaccination with a fake, silicone arm because he had been suspended from his job as he had not been jabbed. How have we got to a point where a person is so petrifi ed

to make a personal decision that they risk prosecution for going against the ‘rules’?

In my experience, the majority of people are choosing the vaccine in exchange for their freedom, rather than a genuine fear of the disease. I hope common sense is soon restored and we can start to address global obesity – the unspoken issue surrounding COVID – and get our health back on track.

"In my experience, the majority of people are choosing the vaccine in exchange for their freedom, rather than a genuine fear of the disease. I hope common sense is soon restored and we can start to address global obesity"

To hear more of Jason’s thoughts on looking after the NHS and other juice-related issues, head over to his Juice Tube channel on YouTube and subscribe to make sure you catch the latest videos from the Juice Master.

Scientists discover fat is key factor in fi ghting COVID-19

New research by the Stanford University School of Medicine may explain why people who are overweight and obese are at a higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID.

Published in October, the study shows that coronavirus infects fat cells and immune cells within body fat, causing an immune response that may contribute to overweight people experiencing the disease more severely.

Once considered inert, scientists have established that body fat is biologically active, producing hormones and immune-system proteins that act on other cells, promoting low-grade infl ammation, even without infection. Coronavirus appears to evade the body fat’s immune defences, which are incapable of fi ghting it eff ectively, and in obese patients fat can be the dominant organ in the body. Scientists have speculated that infected fat may even contribute to ‘long COVID’ where fatigue and symptoms continue for weeks or months after the initial infection.

“The more fat mass, and in particular visceral fat mass, the worse your infl ammatory response,” says Dr McLaughlin, one of the study’s lead authors.

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