The Cornerstone Volume 1, Issue 23
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April 19, 2013 Project Update
The project teams focus over the past 2 weeks has been conduc ng the second round of design development mee ngs. In these mee ngs we have been confirming the informa on that was discussed in the first mee ng as well as ge ng sign off from prac ces that can be completed with minimal notes. The design team also conducted the first work group mee ng to review the exam room mock‐up. A group of selected physi‐ cians visited the mock‐up at Walkent Warehouse and proceeded to evalu‐ ate the room based on its day to day opera ons. This was a produc ve mee ng where bed layout, door loca on and casework func onality were all reviewed. There are some tweaks that s ll need to happen during a follow up mee ng but we are moving on the right path to ensure that the providers at the ICC Beltline have a facility that is func onal & efficient. The weather has put a bit of a damper on the site this past week. With the amount of rain that we have had Dykema has had to cut work days short or cancel them all together. However, even with the shortened days Dykema has been able to push forward with the installa on of the storm structures and piping. High Point Electric has also started installing the TIS underground conduits so that Kent Companies can begoin the installa on of the concrete curbs. Lastly, we have been working through the shop drawings & permi ng process the past two weeks. There are several key submi als in right now such as structural steel, which is the most pressing. IA’s team has been working diligently to get these turned around in a short me frame so when we get our building permit we can start produc ve ac vates on day one. I have been in contact with the township and their reviewing party in regards to the building permit’s status but they are s ll working on some of the department reviews that need to take place. We were hoping for a building permit this week but it looks like it is going to carry over into next.
Dus n Kuzee, Project Manager dkuzee@elzinga‐
River Flooding Facts The Grand River could crest at rec‐ ord levels in downtown Grand Rap‐ ids early next week a er heavy downpours and severe weather blow through. Forecasters with the Na onal Weather Service in Grand Rapids said the river could hit 22.4 feet by Monday, nearly a foot high‐ er than the record of 19.5 feet set in 1985. With flood waters surging across the region, authori es are warning everyone to stay away from the Grand River. However, some resi‐ dents have decided to ignore these warnings and break out their sur oards. Officers responded to a report of a man surfing just south of the fish ladder early Thursday a er‐ noon, April 17. His fun didn't last long. Police quick‐ ly ceased the adventurous pursuit.
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Project Photos
Openings & poten al fall hazards marked with orange barrels for safety
Installa on of storm system con nues
Dykema’s crew repairing silt fence a er the storms
Grading the northwest corner of the site
Elzinga & Volkers would like to welcome the following companies to the ICC Beltline team: High Point Electric: We are excited to have High Point Electric on our team once again as our site electrical contrac‐ tor. They were the electrician at 588 E. Lakewood where they brought innovated techniques and a sense of commit‐ ment that was needed to make that project a success. Welcome to the ICC Beltline team guys, Elzinga & Volkers is looking forward to another successful project with your team. Michigan Paving & Material: As one of the major asphalt contractors and suppliers in Michigan we are happy to have Michigan Paving & Materials as one of our team members. MPM works on numerous large project not only in West Michigan but all over the state. They will be another asset to the project.
The Cornerstone Page 3
Track the Project’s Progress as the Forest Grows!
Basis of Design/SD
Design Documents
Construc on Documents
Project Forecast With the design development mee ngs finishing up this week, the design team will be incorpo‐ ra ng all of the details that were discussed. By the me of our next issue the DD documents will be completed and submi ed to the Spectrum Health team for review and comment. While the review process is taking place, Elzinga & Volkers will be confirming that the project is con nuing on budget. Upon comple on of this price check, EV & Concord will have a reconcilia on of each other’s budget. From a buyout stand point, EV will be conduc ng post bid interviews with masonry, metal panels, roofing, exterior glazing, exterior metal studs and elevators next week. Once these post bid inter‐ views are completed, we will be submi ng a recommenda on for each trade. With the recom‐ menda on of these trade the project will be approximately 35% bought out. On‐site work u li es will con nue on the north side of the property in prepara on of the gravel base. In addi on to the storm u li es, High Point will con nue with the underground TIS con‐ duits. These are all cri cal elements to get completed next week so we can proceed with curbs since we are pushing hard to get an asphalt base within the next 30‐45 days. As far as progress on the building itself, we are in the stage where we are dependent on the issuing of the building permit. With the review of key shop drawings completed we will be able to “hit the ground run‐ ning” once we get the building permit from the Township. Elzinga & Volkers will con nue to push the review process to help gain some me in the schedule. There are a lot of items going on right now but we are also making significant progress in design and construc on, which is encouraging to the en re team.