Inside Scoop_Clark at Keller Lake_June 2020

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JUNE, 2020


Safety Days Count:


No Lost Time Injuries

As of 6/2/2020



Greetings all,

Welcome to the June edition of Inside Scoop. This past month has been a very exciting one for us as we are now back to work after the COVID-19 shutdown. Thursday, May 7, was our official re-start date and over the past few weeks we have picked up right where we left off, but that’s not to say there weren’t any challenges along the way. Prior to work starting back up onsite, field managers Dan and EJ (or DE Dewatering as they like to call themselves), were tasked with dewatering the project site following all the rain we received in April. It was estimated that they pumped over 200,000 gallons of water off of the site. Once the water was removed, work was able to begin again and we hit the ground running! During this past month, Kent Companies continued its progress on the concrete foundations and walls in buildings two and three. While concrete continues to progress, the masons, Integrated Exteriors, made quick work of the first few shafts, with stair five (building three) and stair one/trash chute (building one) being completed. Allied Electric has also been busy with the underground electrical work that will service all three buildings. Simultaneously, Connan, Inc. has begun the underground water main work, and Builders Iron has started erecting the structural steel that serves as the framing for the entire first floor of building three. This past month has been a busy one for us, but as progress continues it will only get busier. Until next month, Nick Novakoski, Project Manager


SPOTLIGHT This month’s trade contractor spotlight goes to Driesenga & Associates. They perform all of our special inspections testing including concrete, soil bearing, masonry grout, steel connections and welding to name a few. They are always on call and available when needed, sometimes on short notice and on weekends. Special thanks to Bill and the rest of the team for providing a great service!

Aerial View of Buildings Two and Three.

FIELD MANAGEMENT TEAM E.J. Calloway Field Manager


Dan Jenema Sr. Field Manager

June Project Milestones This coming month we will really be able to see the site take shape. We will be wrapping up concrete foundations and getting the overall site close to finish grade. Most of our efforts this month will be preparing to set the concrete precast structure in early July.

Backfilling Building One Mechanical Room

Concrete Pump Truck

Underground Utility Work

Structural Steel Building Three

It is exciting to see the progress as the building starts to come up out of the ground, and this month we will start to see the steel structure that will make up the first floor of building three.

TRACK THE PROJECT’S PROGRESS Tree Clearing & Sitework Building Concrete & Precast Structural Steel & Wood Framing Building Dried In Drywall Interior Finishes Project Complete

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