The Cornerstone Volume 1, Issue 24
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May 10, 2013 Project Update
Another couple of weeks have passed and we con nue to push forward in all aspects of the project. Since our last update, we have reached many major milestones in both design and construc on. From a design standpoint we have completed the design development phase. The design team has met with all prac ces and obtained provider sign‐off from each of them. There were some minor changes throughout the prac ces but nothing that would significantly affect the design or budget of the project. We also conducted our second exam room mock‐up review this past week. This mee ng went well and had great par cipa on from all of the providers. This mock up review helped us establish the proper exam room layout and workflow for providers at the ICC Beltline. While design has pushed forward, the construc on crew has followed suit. Dykema has been grading the gravel on the western most parking lot to prepare for asphalt paving. This will also open areas for Kent’s site crew to pour all the curbs in this space. In addi on to pouring all of the curbs in the west parking lot, Kent had a crew start pouring foo ng and founda on walls, which you can see in some of the photo’s in this report. With the use of their gang forms, they have been able to get all of lower A column line walls poured out and have formed up column line 4. With the amount of produc vity that all of the trades on‐site are showing, there is no doubt that we will be ready for steel by the end of the month.
Dus n Kuzee, Project Manager dkuzee@elzinga‐
It’s Tulip Time! Many of you already know that this week is Tulip Time in Holland. This is a fes val where the City of Holland has over 100,000 blossoming tulips, street performances, and carnival a rac ons for visitors to enjoy. Tulip Time has been held over the past 80 years and the a endance for this a rac on reaches nearly 500,000 people. Here are some interes ng facts about Tulip Time: Nearly 1,400 Holland residents
par cipate as Klompen Dancers. 1975 was the first year in which
male dancers joined as official Klompen Dancers. The average Dutch Costume
costs $150 to make. Wooden shoes are made of
poplar wood. Tulip Time generates $15
million for West Michigan ‐ $10 million in the immediate Holland area. It takes 14 full me and 20 part
me city workers 3,000 hours in October to plant the tulips.
The Cornerstone Page 2
Project Photos
Dykema excava ng founda ons along column line A. Northern most building column line.
Dykema fine grading the west parking lot
Column line A exterior gang wall forms
Column line 4 rebar being ed & prepped for wall pour.
Anchor bolt arrived on‐site (these are some big ones!!)
Elzinga & Volkers would like to welcome the following companies to the ICC Beltline team:
Contractor of the Week Elzinga & Volkers likes to give credit and apprecia on where it is due. Over the past couple of weeks, Kent Companies deserves a pat on the back for their effort on the progression of the site. Their site concrete crew arrived on‐site and hand pulled almost 600‐LF of curb in one day! With a curb machine this would be a typical achievement, but the Kent crew was able to complete this by hand. It all was installed with great a en on to the details too. This goes to show the level of pride they take in their cra . Elzinga & Volkers would like to thank Kent for this effort and look forward to building off this momentum!
The Cornerstone Page 3
Track the Project’s Progress as the Forest Grows!
Basis of Design/SD
Design Documents
Construc on Documents
Project Forecast In the design process the next two weeks will consist of internal reviews of the drawings from Spectrum. Spectrum has an established schedule, and the internal design and construc on departments will have comments ready for the design team to review and incorporate by May 20th. While Spectrum is gathering these comments Elzinga & Volkers will be conduc ng an internal take‐off and evalua on of the design document plans. When the take‐off is completed we will then reconcile with The Concord Group, who is also performing their internal project evalua on. This reconciled budget confirma on will be presented to Spectrum to ensure that we have designed the project to meet the needs of the providers as well as within the approved capital budget. While the design documents are being reviewed, the construc on team con nues to push forward. We will be installing asphalt paving in the western most parking lot next week. Installing the parking lot this early in a project will help us control the amount of debris that is pulled into the facility throughout the interior build‐out. This was a big part of our success at 588 E. Lakewood, and we are looking to have the same results at ICC Beltline. While you will no ce that the parking lots will start to have a finished look to them, you will also be able to see masonry sha s being erected over the next few weeks. TL Masonry will be on‐site next week to begin installa on of the north stair tower, which is cri cal for the steel erec on because of the embedded steel plates in this wall. Kent and Dykema will also be working together to proceed forward with the building founda ons. With steel fabrica on proceeding on schedule, May 30th might sound like a long me away but three weeks will pass by quicker than we think and Builders Iron will be on‐site to start steel erec on. With design and construc on proceeding concurrently there is a lot going on, but this is an exci ng project and before we know it the building will start to physically take shape!