The Cornerstone Volume 1, Issue 25
Created By:
May 24, 2013
Project Update Design and construc on progress con nues on the ICC Beltline. The design team has been working closely with Spectrum Health on the review of our Design Development drawings. We had a mee ng with the facili es departments within Spectrum and took note of the revisions they would like to have done to the documents proceeding forward into the Construc on Document phase. IA has noted all of the changes and will proceed forward with these notes. With Design Development drawings there is s ll some mechanical and electrical drawings being developed. In order to confirm that the project remains on track it was determined that there be a 50% CD review mee ng in early June. In addi on to the documents proceeding into CD, Elzinga & Volkers and Concord have been working together to review the overall project budget to be sure that we con nue to stay within our approved budget and look for cost savings anywhere we can while we s ll have the interior bid packages to bid out. On the construc on side of the project we con nue to proceed forward. Kent companies and Dykema have been working closely together on the founda ons and have been doing a great job, even with all of the wet weather we have been experiencing. The building founda ons have made their way down the west eleva on and will be making the turn to the south eleva on next week. While concrete founda ons press forward, TL Masonry has joined the team on‐site and has started laying block on the north stairwell and double elevator pit. Each one of these tasks is extremely cri cal because Builders Iron will be on‐site to start steel erec on next week. While the building is star ng to take shape, the site is already well on its way. Dykema and Kent have been able to get the en re west parking lot ready for asphalt paving. Once the subgrade was ready for the paving, EV contacted Michigan Paving and had a site walk through inspec on of all the curb and gravel to make sure there were not any so spots or high/low spots in the gravel. All quality aspects checked out and we were “blacked out” within a few days. The progress has not proceeded without its share of challenges. With the phase drawings we are asking quick answers to ques ons on interior bearing embed loca ons, placement of elevator sumps and u lity loca ons within the building. All of these have direct rela on with the interior packages that are s ll under design, but EV, IA, JDH, NEDERVELD and all of the trade contractors have been working closely to make sure we maintain our overall schedule. We truly have a great design build team on this project.
Dus n Kuzee, Project Manager dkuzee@elzinga‐
Contractor of the Week In this issue Elzinga & Volkers would like to acknowledge the effort that Michigan Paving put forth to get the asphalt installed. As men oned in the project update, EV conducted a quality inspec on and scheduled the paving with Michigan Paving. At this mee ng we determined that the paving of the west parking lots would take two days. The two days that this work would be performed on would be Friday and Monday but the one thing that neither one could predict is that on Friday the heavens would let loose and it would rain all day. It was then determined that the schedule would have to be pushed back to Monday and Tuesday of the following week. Michigan Paving arrived on‐site Monday morning at 7:00am and did not leave the job‐site un l the en re lot and entry drive was paved. They were on‐site un l 10:00pm that night comple ng the base asphalt. This was a great accomplishment and speaks to the quality of contractor Michigan Paving is, they took the me to meet their original schedule even when the reason they were behind had nothing to do with their ac on. Thank you for the hard work and we look forward to the rest of the parking lot being paved out soon!
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Project Photos
Interior pads forms ge ng prepped for concrete
Dykema backfilling the north wall
We are star ng to go ver cal with the building. TL con nues with the north stair well
Dykema excava ng the west founda on wall
TL Masonry has started laying block on‐site
Kent’s crane se ng up gang forms for Phase 3 west founda on wall
Builders Iron started delivering steel this week
Kent didn’t waste any me se ng up forms along the west founda on wall
Forms being setup along the south wall and interior pads being excavated
The Cornerstone Page 3
Track the Project’s Progress as the Forest Grows!
Basis of Design/SD
Design Documents
Construc on Documents
Project Forecast The next few weeks of the project will be exci ng and require a large amount of coordina on on‐ site. Next week, Builders Iron will have their steel erec on crews start standing steel. To help speed up the process, Elzinga & Volkers is going to have all the anchor bolts surveyed by a 3rd party. This will ensure that all of the anchor bolts are in the proper loca on and Builders Iron can start erec on of the steel as soon as they arrive. In addi on to the steel star ng, we will con nue with the founda ons in phase 2 and 3 and start working our way out of the building. To throw another twist in the coordina on, TL Masonry will be working on the double elevator sha while steel erec on is ongoing. This will take proper planning and coordina on with Builders and TL in order to ensure that everyone on‐site is working safely and does not have poten al hazards swinging over their head. Design of the building will be an internal task of IA’s in the next two weeks. They will be incorpora ng all of the comments heard at the DD mee ngs as well as developing the construc on documents further. We will also be moving into a cri cal phase of shop drawing review with exterior metal studs, exterior glazing, metal panels and masonry. These are going to be what everyone see’s once the building is finished and we need to make sure Spectrum is ge ng the greatest quality as possible.