The Cornerstone Volume 1, Issue 27 June 28, 2013
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Project Update
The design phase of the ICC Beltline project is quickly coming to a close. Integrated Architecture (IA) is working on the construc on documents and will have them completed the week a er Independence Day. While the design progresses, the PDG team has approved a few items that will be incorporated. These addi ons include: motorized window shades in the lobby for the west facing curtain wall, structural e down points for window washing and the elimina on of one row of exterior sunshades for cleaning purposes. All of these addi ons will be incorporated into the drawings. Furthermore, E&V and IA have performed internal audits of the drawings to ensure that the different scopes have been coordinated with one another. With all of the different systems and the project being on a quick pace to wrap up, the internal audit is at cri cal stage in the design. It is cri cal because it allows E&V and IA to confirm the drawings are clear and understandable for the owner and trade contractors. Onsite, the progression of the structural steel has been exci ng to watch. In the photograph sec on of this newsle er you will see the evolu on of steel that has taken place over the last few weeks. Builder’s Iron’s produc on has been nothing short of impressive. They have responded to E&V’s requests in a mely manner and have stepped up as needed. Currently, they are wrapping up the southern third of the building. In addi on to the steel moving forward, the masonry sha walls have been completed since our last update. TL Masonry has had two crews working onsite since they started
the project. This crew size was not an cipated by TL Masonry, but we needed this commitment to maintain our schedule. While the masonry was wrapping up and the steel was progressing along, Kent Companies’ completed the building founda on and finished most of the retaining walls. Soon, Kent Companies’ presence onsite will be minimal. Lastly, even with the rain this week, Kent Companies is about to get their first floor pour in and will be proceeding forward over the next couple of weeks. Dus n Kuzee, Project Manager dkuzee@elzinga‐
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Project Photos
First Columns Being Set
InstallaƟon of Beams in Phase 1
Phase 2 ConƟnuaƟon
The Start of Phase 2
Phase 1
Masonry ShaŌs are Wrapping Up
Independence Day Fun Facts
Moving into Phase 3 Steel
Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the na onal animal but was outvoted when John Adams and Thomas Jefferson chose the bald eagle.
Over an es mated 150 million hot dogs will be consumed on this day. That’s roughly one dog for every two people in the US
Over $211 million has been spent on the importa on of fireworks from China.
The first Fourth of July party held at the White House was in 1801.
More than 74 million Americans will BBQ on the Fourth of July.
The Fourth of July was not declared a na onal holiday un l 1941.
The stars on the original American flag were arranged in a circle to ensure that all colonies were equal.
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Special Event MIOSHA SIGNING: We held an exci ng event onsite this week for the signing of the MIOSHA partnership between Elzinga & Volkers, MIOSHA, LARA and all the trade contractors. This partnership focuses around one of E&V’s goals of zero injuries on the jobsite. As a company, Elzinga & Volkers has gone over 2,225 days without a lost me incident. This inspires us to reach out to all of our trade contractors and governing bodies to help promote a culture of safety. Not only do we want to provide our owner with an outstanding facility, but we want to ensure that we are building it in a safe manner. To read more about this partnership, please visit the following link:,4601,7-154--307110--,00.html
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Track the Project’s Progress as the Forest Grows!
Basis of Design/SD
Design Documents
ConstrucƟon Documents
Project Forecast In the next couple of weeks, we will be comple ng the construc on documents, which is a major milestone. Once the drawings are 100% complete, the design team will be submi ng them to Spectrum Health for review. At this me, Spectrum’s team will conduct an internal review of the drawings to ensure they are happy with the details and their overall completeness. A er this review, we will have a page turn session to address any items that come from Spectrum’s review. Then, IA will incorporate the changes into the bid documents. Once these comments are incorporated, E&V will send the drawings out for bid to all the remaining subcontractors. In an effort to conserve me, E&V will submit a permit set of drawings to Grand Rapids Township at the same me Spectrum is conduc ng their internal review. By the me the review and bid process is completed we will have a full building permit in our hands and can hit the ground running with the interior package. From a construc on standpoint, the major element that will be completed in the next two weeks is the steel erec on. Builder’s Iron will have the en re structural steel in place and will be finishing up all of the detailing required to pour the concrete decks. With the steel detailing completed in phases one and two, Kent Companies will now be allowed to con nue with concrete deck pours. The pours will be phased similar to the steel erec on; the building will be cut into thirds on all four floors. The sequence of phase one will go as follows: first floor, second floor and then third floor. This order will be repeated for phases two and three to remain consistent. We will not be able to pour the Garden Level or western part of the first floor with the other sequences because these slabs are on grade and there is under the floor plumbing that needs to be installed beforehand. On the exterior of the building, Dykema will begin grading and graveling the remaining parking lots that have been used as a laydown area. Once these areas are graded and the u li es are in place we can begin to pave the rest of the parking lots. Our goal is to have the base course of asphalt installed before Labor Day.