24 APRIL 2014
Construction Update Newsletter
New Views Spectrum Health - Gerber Memorial
QUALITY CONTROL Following the completion of the roof membrane at the
Upcoming Milestones
new building addition, the
»» Emergency Addition Metal Panels Complete P »» Emergency Addition Painting Complete »» Emergency Addition Wall Protection Complete
roofing material manufacturer will issue us a warranty certificate. The warranty certifies that the roof is installed correctly and grants the owner a performance guarantee for a certain period of time. Usually, this warranty period is 10, 15 or 20 years, depending on the roof and the owner’s preference.
Executive Summary It’s Coming Together!
With only five weeks left until construction comes to a close inside the new Emergency Addition, the crews are in full swing with finishes. Crews from Elzinga & Volkers are installing high impact wall protection throughout the department, which will help the building last despite the constant abuse from hospital beds and medical equipment. Painting continues on the walls, and doors will be hung soon. High above the nurse station and entry vestibule, glass panels are being installed and the interiors trimmed in either painted drywall or metal. Light fixtures are being installed in the newly completed ceiling grid throughout the unit. Soon, the spring sun and these new lights will shine brightly down on the new department.
of the site in anticipation of the excavating and site work crews, who will start in a few weeks. The roof membrane was completed as well as the metal panels around the building entries. Finally, you will notice that some new signage reading “Emergency” and “Ambulance” now adorns the brick walls of the building.
- John Parker, Project Manager
Outside, crews performed a thorough cleaning
Project Progress Photos
SAFETY SPOTLIGHT Even though it was just installed, the new emergency department
Emergency sign installed on exterior of the addition
signage will be covered until the building is officially opened. This will ensure that a patient or visitor does not inadvertently arrive at our construction site seeking medical attention! When time is critical to the health of a patient, we don’t want any confusion on where he or she should go.
Acoustical ceiling tile “cuts” installed around room perimeter
Preparation for wall protection install
Two Week Look Ahead ED Addition: Finishes are evolving throughout the ED Addition’s interior and will continue to come together in the next two weeks. Elzinga & Volkers’ carpenters will continue installing wall protection, grab bars and bath accessories. Grand Valley Wood Products will deliver cabinets to the site in the next few weeks for carpenters to install. Bouma will mobilize to the site to begin floor prep, leveling out any imperfections in the concrete slab. Since the ED Addition is new construction, floor preparation should be minimal since adhesives have not been applied to the concrete slab, nor has it had heavy foot traffic over the years.
Exposed ceilings painted
On the exterior, HighPoint will rough-in the electrical required in the north and west canopies. This will allow the EIFS and metal flashings to be installed, the last of the exterior finishes on the canopies. With the snow melting away, Thompson Brothers Excavating will return to finish the sitework. They will start by demolishing the old parking lot that has been utilized as a staging area for building construction up until this point.
In this issue, we would like
- Jordan Gougeon, Asst. Project Manager
Dimension Four has been
Project Progress and Major Milestones
to highlight the efforts of the crews bringing color to the new Emergency Department. Dimension Four Painting, headquartered in Muskegon, has been hard at work bringing life to the white walls of the building. a long time partner of Elzinga & Volkers, and we appreciate all the hard work on this project. Thank you, from all of us!!
Lobby Complete ED Complete Endo Pre/Post Complete ED Enclosed ED Groundbreaking North Parking Lot Complete
Lower level CMU walls painted
Endo Pre-Post Start
Grab bars installed in patient toilet room